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Friday, April 30, 2010

To drink a Protein Shake or not to...

What Body Type benefits from drinking a Protein Shake?

EVER BODY BENEFITS & that's means YOU!

Did You know that:
protein is used for the production of muscles?
Proteins are also used to manufacture hormones, enzymes, cellular messengers, nuleic acids and immune system components.

Without adequate protein, Our Bodies can't put together the structures that make up every cell, tissue and organ, nor can it generate the biochemical substances needed for cardiovascular function, muscle contraction, growth & healing.

Without an adequate amount of protein Our muscles wouldn't heal up as quickly and could therefore lead to overstraining Your muscle which could lead to injury.

Were You aware that 3/4 of all the solids in Our Bodies are made up of Proteins?

Regardless of YOUR goals, protein needs to be understood as it IS a foundational nutrient of Any nutrition program.

It Is an essential ingredient for achieving optimal Progress in Physique Enhancement and Optimal Performance.

The minimum daily requirements for Building Muscle is 1 gram Protein for every pound of Body weight. So, to Build Muscle and You were say 200 pounds, You would Need 200 grams of Protein every day. Any extra protein You ingest just helps to speed up the healing healing process and strengthen Your Immune system; create new, healthier cells to replace the worn out ones Your Body is getting rid of Naturally.

It is recommended that if ingesting large amounts of Protein that You also suppliment with Calcium & Magnesium as proteins are known to rob these nutrients from Our Bodies.

To drink or Not to drink a Protein Shake is the question.

"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the slings and arrows"
- imposed on Our Bodies by the "HealthCare System" with all Their drugs
and the FDA rulings that ONLY Drugs can prevent, alleviate
or cure illnesses caused by MalNutrition
now deemed as classified diseases?

"Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
and by Opposing end them.

"Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of Action."

Hamlet 3:1

There is NO dispute: Since the beginning of time this planet Earth has provided the adequate & proper Nutrient for ALL forms of life to survive & thrive.
Human Beings have Always been Charge of their Health Choices and Habits, good or bad.

Why now in the 21st Century have so many of Us have forgotten these 2 Basic principles of life? Is it because the Government Mandates Our HealCare choices, options and even Our food supply? Is it because We think that just because a Dr. has a degree, that they Automatically know the Intricrite Workings of Our Specific Bodies & Minds? Have we been brainwashed into believing that Drugs are good simply because Our Government allows Our media to inundate Us with advertisements for this pill or that to solve All Our Problems?

Hamlet was right. Our Thinking got in the way of Our Inherent Understanding of what We Need to be Healthy for Us and Our Families.

Will You consider adding LIMU LEAN to Your Normal daily routine?

We Can take up Our arms against this deady sea of MalNutrition & Drugs Imposed on Us
by Opposing these policies and choosing to take care of Our Own Families Health
which would put an end to The Troubling Sea.

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to YOU & Your's from mine & Me!

Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
MLM Consultant
LIMU -Use ID 8536438

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Autism Frustration

I was watching Frontline last night on PBS about Autism and the theory of vaccinations being the cause of it.

We all know by now that yes due to toxins in the bloodstream our children are experiencing a higher rate of this disease. However, I am in agreement with the scientific studies concluding that the vaccines were NOT the cause or effect. Both of my children got all their shots on schedule, and yes there were as many as 6 different at 1 visit. One was 1993, the other '96 and they both are perfectly fine and even exceptional in their mentality & maturity.

It is Very unfortunate that Autism has struck so many families around the world. I can understand the anguish that Parents would feel over this devastating illness that takes their child away and replaces him/her with someone totally different. I can even agree, to Some extent, that for some genetically pre-disposed children the amount of these shots in one day day would overload their already weakened system to the point of toxification.

What I cannot understand is how a Parent would just sit back and allow their child to remain a victim to an illness as they file for class action lawsuits to gain a profit from the HealthCare System that has Proven itself in this arena as actually doing More Good than harm.

As long as the children suffer with the illness, then the Parents stand to gain money from the "apparent" 'harm & neglect' from the medical proffession, drug makers, even Our Gov't who is in charge of the research & manufacture of these shots.

These Parents are spending their time, energy & dollars on smear campaigns that are Unfounded in truth - scientific facts and asking for more of the same to fund further research about how to stop this from happening in the future. The future starts Today!

We all know that Immunity is Genetic. If Your Parents were healthy, chances are Your Immune System will be too. This is the whole basis of vaccines. Small Pox & Polio are an excellent example. How often do You hear of those illnesses anymore? That's because of vaccination.

I am NOT Completely satisfied with the amounts & time frame given of the shots - don't get me wrong. But there is more to this puzzle than apparently seems to be misplaced and I feel the Blame is being put on the Wrong culprit.

The resounding Frustration of Mother's & Father's is that in America we do Not have the choice about Our Children's Health where these shots are concerned. In the interviews, these Parents kept saying that They wanted More Control over Their Childrens Health Care.

Great! It's about time My Gen X understands that Our Children's Health REALLY Is in Our hands. Wait a minute! Isn't this the whole reason for the Gov'ts decision to vaccinate - because Parents were NOT taking care of the Health of Their Children through proper Nutrition, Diet & Excercise?

How is Autism Prevented?
A Properly Functioning Immune System.

How do Our Children get That?
Starts with a Healthy Mother & Father.
Add breast milk for More Proven Immunity boosters.
Feed Proper Nutrients that come from whole foods.
Vaccinate against disease to ensure Herd Immunity.

What if Our child has Autism? What Now?
Build the Immune System.

1) Feed Proper Nutrients from whole foods to let the body feed & to excrete the toxins running rampant in the system. Remember the bloodstrem goes straight to the brain too.

2) Excercise, Sun & Rest

What is the Easiest, scientifically proven way to get proper nutrients into their bodies? The LIMU family of products with Pure Fucoidan Extract from whole Tongan Limu Moui sea plant which Naturally contains over 70 other Vital Nutrients to help the body repair, detox and maintain a healthy functioning Immune System.

Search for Fucoidan and ease Your mind about this 'mysterious' Nutrient and how a single product can do so much.

Yes, I agree Our "HealthCare System" is flawed.
But Do You agree that Our Parenting System is flawed?

Working Together instead of blaming one side or the other for all the problems is The Only Way that OUR Children will Ever regain Their Health back. Care of One's Health begins at conception and At Home. We can no longer afford to ignore this Fact.

Without Healthy Children to grow into healthy Adults, where do YOU think Your Country is headed?

Blessings of Peace & health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You & Yours!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu - Use ID# 8536438

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Limu juice scam?

Surfing the net today I decided to open one of the links about LIMU juice scam. I never have before as I know this Company & it's product are all on the up & up; but today I was intrigued to see waht is being said on this topic.

Let me preface this claim with original post persons own admission:

"I had a great time writing that one, but I must admit that I know nothing about this company or product." Of course this admonition came way down the list of posts.

So this person is telling people that LIMU juice is made from some bird's extracted pancreas that is mixed with seaweed juice & left to ferment for weeks, then it is placed in discarded champaign bottles. This is where the good taste comes from & the juice has the healing properties.

WOW! Really?!? I cannot believe this garbage is still listed on 1st page Google search for LIMU juice scam. I guess it really goes to show that YOU must have due diligence when making an Informed decision concerning Your Health.

Here is a person with NO Experience or Knowlege of the topic, Company or product they chose to write about. They just made something up - as seen by their own admission of ignorance.

I don't know about other so-called "Limu" type juices, but I have become very familiar with LIMU. The Original Tongan Limu Moui seaweed juice.

1) There are absolutely NO birds involved in the making of Their products.

2) Their products are made in FDA Inspected and Approved facilities. Which means the FDA Does know about LIMU the company & LIMU products and approves the manufacture of These products.

3) The FDA does not approve the use of this juice just like it does Not approve the use of apples and lettuce. These are raw food products that the FDA has Never put a seal of approval on.

4) LIMU does NOT claim to "cure" anything. As the word "cure" is a product of Government & The American Medical Association's mandates to ensure ONLY the use of toxic Drugs in the disquise of Prescription Medication. According to these 2 agencies Only Drugs have the Right to be called "cures" thereby enabling Only these parties to Profit from YOUR sickness.
Case in point: Scurvey we all know is a "Disease" - another Agency mandated word - that is caused by lack of Vitamin C causing bleeding, weakness & swelling of skin.
If I told You to eat an orange a day to cure Your Disease called Scurvey, the Feds would be all ove me because I am promoting a natural remedy as a "cure", and remember that Oranges are NOT on the FDA approved list.

5) LIMU The Original Juice is made from 83% sea plant which is made into a liquid form then they add papaya & mango puree and apple & pear juice makes up the other 17%.

6) Why does LIMU work? Simple high octane liquid Nutrients. Just like Scurvey, when the Body gets what it Needs Every Day it can begin to repair the damage caused by a unhealthy eating habits & lifestyle. This is no Cure or Miracle, just plain common sense as You are What You eat. Eat garbage everyday and that is what Your Body WILL turn into. Feed it Nutrients and it is Healthy. It's a No brainer.

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to YOU!
I'm Barb Thornton, I Am LIMU and it's my honor to sponsor You!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Nutrient Depleting Drugs

I was looking for a particular article to share with You today when instead I stumbled across this one: http://health:// titled Nutrient Depleting Drugs.

This find is in great interest to me personally, as I continue my work 2BRecoverED from Anorexia, as well understanding just How America has gotten so Unhealthy in just a few decades.

Here's the list of Drugs proven to rob Your Body of the basic Nutrients Your Body needs to function properly.

1) Oral Contraceptives
2) Cholesterol lowering statin drugs
3) Hormone Replacement Therapy
4) Blood pressure & Diuretics
5) Antibiotics
6) Anti Convulsants
7) Oral hypoglycemic drugs for type 2 Diabetes
8) Acid Reflux drugs
9) Chemotherapy drugs
10) Anti-Inflammatory drugs
11) Tricyclic Antidepressant drugs
12) Acetaminophen
13) Beta-Blockers are Blood Pressure drugs used to regulate the heart

You can see the full article and see exactly what Your Body starts to miss out on while the Dr. is Supposed to be getting YOU Healthy from all their Drugs. The longer Your system is poisoned by drugs - of ANY kind - the harder it is to maintain it's Health, Vitality & Vigor that only comes through Nutrition.

Being anorexic since early childhood this list is putting my Recovery efforts in a different light. I am better able to see just How this "Diet" could have gotten so far out of control. You see, I was always a sickly child with low weight to begin with. So I was given Tylenol at an early age for days and weeks on end every year. Not to forget all the antibiotics I was on to fight off all the infections & viruses my poor immune system could not handle.

When I was 15 I went on birth control pills as that was "the thing to do at that age" which continued through at least age 30 with the time off for 2 children. In my mid 20's I started taking antidepressant drugs as it was becoming apparent that Our Family history of mental illness was coming out in Me. Of course, no one ever thought I had an Eating Disorder, including Me.

No wonder this 'disease' was allowed to flourish throughout my entire system - Body & Mind! I had been poisoned by my well intentioned & Loving parents since infancy with pain/fever reducers, then brought to Dr's for Drugs to make me better but they actually were robbing Nutrients which helped further facilitate my Anorexic Mind to believe that it could actually Live without Food or Nutrients; and why Not, it had survived that way for at least 25 yrs before I caught on to ANs trickery.

Take into account Just the oral contraceptives, they deplete the Body of: Vitamins B-1, B-2,
B-3, B-6, B-12, C, Folic Acid, Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc.

Without the proper building blocks of Nutrition the Body & Mind are both on a very shaky foundation. Which in my case only helped to exasperate my already anorexic tendencies.

Do You or someone You Love take Any of these Drugs on a regular basis? If so, You need to be supplimenting Your diet with multivitamins & multiminerals. LIMU is just that. Over 70 Liquid Nutrients delivered straight to Your bloodstream in only 1 ounce! Plus the power of Fucoidan - Nature's own Immune Booster in every serving of every Product LIMU has to offer.

The Health of Our Great Nation has suffered Greatly at the hands of the Professional Doctors, the American Medical Association and even Our Health'Care' system which has taught America that Drugs are the answer to all All Your problems as they are the only things that can "Cure" 'Diseases'. However Most of the diseases we are seeing today stem from a lack of Proper Nutrient intake which is The Leading Cause of Disease - Both Mental and Physical.

LIMU products are Not magical or something that can't be understood. The results we All are experiencing while drinking the juice, shake & energy drink are not mysterious and Every Body Will improve it's overall Health simply by ingesting Nutrients.

Our experiences only seem amazing to You because You have not changed You mind yet and ordered Your 1st case. Feeling IS Believing and what a feeling a Healthy Body & Mind are!

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You & Yours!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
Use my ID 8536438

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I feel hungry?

Hello Again!

I've been "out of sorts" lately, this is my 3rd day. I've continued on course with my LIMU 2 shots a day (2oz) and 2 shakes a day. I have been using 1 scoop of mix to about 1 1/2c whole milk. The directions call for 2 scoops a serving, but i found that to be too heavy for my AN stomach at this point.

My food intake is increasing daily by small incriments and including during the sunlight hours.

So what is happening to me? For starters my mind seems to not be able to stay focused especially when it comes to writing. There just aren't any waves to spare for writing. I am slowly getting my chores done, however they are taking longer and i seem to want to go from one to the next but never really completing one all the way through.

This is very frustrating because this is how I was before Recovery started. The last 6 months of high stress kicked my AN into high gear which was allowing me to be very physically active (to escape the food) & productive which i guess I was Assuming that meant my brain was functioning at top notch also.

On top of the whole brain/mind...fog is the strange sensations i have feeling from my Body parts as well as my System parts. These are harder to describe as they are vague feelings that i have no knowlege of experience or words to associate them.

My stomach has been harder to ignore these 3 days. Before when it would "feel" like that- all kinda crampy, it would go away within a few minutes 10 maybe and even faster when i thought of Something I could be doing. Now the crampy yuck doesn't go away, just intensifies. So i get something to eat, a few chips, some avocado, a pudding cup.

Of course this action causes the "other yuck". Not so much pain now as before, but i am still very aware of just how full that stomach is. This new yuck seems to come from inside a system part and no so much from the actual organ itself -as before. It's like my stomach is Happy to have the bulk & Nutrients in it, but somehow the AN inside is trying to make it upset like before, maybe so I will go back to the old way?

So last night my yuck stomach I figured was telling Me "I'm Hungry" and instead of me ignoring it, I got Something to put in there. Of course i can't hold a lot right now as i get full real quick, but it seemed with 1/2 hour i was able to eat a bit more. By dinner I had my 2nd LEAN shake with salad & chips for the carbs. I spent the rest of the evening snacking on small things until bed.

I've been thinking about these strange feelings (and i didn't even mention the weird tingly i get in my arms & legs) in My Body & Mind....

Hunger. That's the physical feeling - Hunger. This is a feeling that i have supressed for so long now that I don't even recognize it. With my Body & my AN (in essence) being "forced" to ingest high octane Nutrients AND now Protein, my physical body is starting to override my Anorexic mind. My body was made to function properly & it did up until i got this crazy idea of anorexia stuck inside my head. Through years of starvation, the AN system part had effectually shut Me off from My Physical Self and then started paving the road to Take Over My Body parts.

Which was working just fine until...LIMU the original Fucoidan juice blend. That was a big blow to my AN system. Not only was I actively ingesting Nutrients, but now she was out of the closet and i was fighting her head on. ANs are smart though. They will just lie and wait until some "catastrophe" happens and they are once again in the driver's seat because the AN has US trained to use IT to get through, instead of real skills of the mind, heart & soul.

That's just what she did for 2+ years. Oh sure, we would go back & forth for a short while, but I just kept drinkin' the juice and trying harder each day. Until the holidays '09 and Dutchess' sickness & death. She found my weakest point and completely exploited it especially because now she can talk & move faster than I can hear & catch her. By then of 6 months, I was completely at her control again, back to restricting most all food, but she couldn't get me to stop the LIMU. Until the death, then I was taken off that too.

Now with a pantry of LIMU and introduction of LEAN, i think my AN System is starting to freak out because My Body System is finally able to stand up for itself and Fight for Me against this enemy invader from within.

Could this be why my mind is foggier than usual, because AN has no clue what to think of this new "diet" I have found to combat her attacks? Is she backed up in the pit trying to come up with a strategy to overcome Me & My Body once again? Is she mad at me for doing This to Her and My punishment is cluttered thinking and scattered doing?

All I know for sure is that I can NOT stop doing what I'm doing. I did her way for a quarter of a century and I saw what and where That got Me.

Next month is my 3 year anniversary of my 1st steps on The Road 2BRecoverED with LIMU and with Only the juice I have seen the proof of what This product had done to my emaciated anorexic body & mind to bring Health where there was absolutely None. Now I get to have my cake & eat it too with the Protein in LEAN.

The definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over & over, but expecting a Different outcome Each Time.

Eating Disorders Are a Mental Illness - a form of Insanity if You will. No matter which end of the ED spectrum You are on, If You DON'T Change Your thinking and Your ways, how can You ever Be RecoverED to lead a Healy more abundant life?

Get the Body Healthy and the Mind Will Follow.

For YOU and for the One's who Love YOU, won't You order Your 1st case today on Autoship - get $50 instant savings, qualify for Reward Rebates to get Your products for free and Start Your journey on The Road to Recovered Health?

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to YOU!

Barbara A Thornton

Lady Limu

TLC Consultant

Use ID # 8536438


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

Today is my 3rd day on LIMU LEAN. Monday night I had a double scoop before bed (the easiest time for me to eat) with whole milk. Tuesday I had a single scoop around 10am followed by a treat out to McDonald's & a cheap chicken without bottom bun add lettuce & tomato & 3/4 of medium fry's. Today, I had the last cheap shake around 9am with a single scoop chocolate LIMU LEAN around 11. The last 2 days was mixed with water.

Well! By last night my legs & arms were killing me! It was like i ran a marathon the day before. I did do some physical activity on Monday, but Nothing to warrant the amount of pain I am still experiencing.

The NO PAIN = NO GAIN lesson has really hit home this time.
I am quite surprized to see the LEAN working on my cells & deep muscle tissue so Fast! It would be scary to experience for the 1st time or any for that matter without an understanding of How the Body functions.

To Build muscle the body must 1st exercise ex: weight lifting, running, yoga, karate etc...
During this process, the Body actually Tears the muscle tissues.

The Most Important part to Building Muscle Tone & Strength is what Your Body has available to it to use as fuel in the rebuilding stage that comes next.
There are 2 options for You to choose from at This point, which Will ultimately determine Your Physical outcome on the next step.

Option 1: Negative Thinking
Refuel & rehydrate after activities of any kind with the Western Diet: soda pop, coffee, energy drinks and some sort of fast, easy, high calorie, salt & sugar content foods to satisfy the empty stomach like, chips, donuts, cheeseburgers & pizza. Or worse yet - Nothing.

Option 2: Positive Thinking
Give Your Body the Nutrient boost it Needs by drinking LIMU.

The Results obtained with Option 1 are all Negative & Non Productive for Your Body & consist of Your Body robbing from Peter to pay Paul if You will. Because You used energy to perform the activity, there is little left over to create new cells that will heal the tears, which will ultimately leave Your muscles lacking in strength & durability. Which will cause You to lead a less active life which lessens the likelyhood of Step 1 being reached which is to tear down the old tissue to remake new, stronger, healthier ones. This will be the destructive or Negative Cycle or commonly known as Rut by choosing Option 1.

With Option 2 the whole dynamics of Your body System will be affected as well - in a Positive, Productive way, conducive of creating a strong healthy frame for which Your mind can expand Your Potential.
By drinking 1-4 oz of LIMU juice 2x daily, Your Body gets all the Nutrients it needs to perform it's Normal daily activities. When You add LIMU LEAN to Your daily excercise schedule, You Allow Your Body the Option to use 6 different kinds of Protein (the building blocks of strong muscle) in a form that is liquid which the Body does NOT have to work at digesting.
Those Nutrients go straight to work on the tissues that You just tore, plus all the other cells used for energy & stamina. Your Body takes those small particles of extra vitamins, minerals & proteins and Feeds them Directly to the tissues & cells causing these to repair themselves in a faster more efficient way that does NOT rob or zap Your energy to function the rest of the day.
Once fed proper Nutrients - NOT just Bulk & Calories, Your body will learn that You Can be more active and so is. This will create a Positive Cycle of use, tear down, replenish to refurbish to continue on a more productive life.

With my AN out in full force these past few months, my weight has dipped back down to 107 as of Monday. This (I know) has caused me to lose muscle mass as well as all the Healthy body fat I was able to gain the 1st 2.5 yrs on LIMU juice. I was a healthy 120 just about 8 or 9 months ago now. I continued drinking my juice, which led into me Only drinking my LIMU juice most of the weeks, which turned into my AN rejecting my use of the juice.

So this week started out full force restricting Anorexic. When I introduced the LIMU LEAN And the juice into My Body, my AN could NOT stop it from rebuilding the muscle that she so desperately was trying to tear down again. Back to twice a day on the juice and now Real Protein that My Mind can handle and My Body can digest easily, no wonder why I am in so much pain! It is rebuilding Everything that my "self imposed" starvation was tearing down. Starting with my cells, and quickly going on to the muscle i so desperately need as the ones I'm sporting around are very thin and soft.

Does This pain worry ME? No. I understand what is happening to My Body. It's All Normal. It's just like growing pains i had as a kid. Only this time, i'm old enough to remember them as I'm going through them.
This pain is NOT an indication that LIMU LEAN is doing something Wrong in My Body. It certainly is NO warrant for me to freak out & stop using This product. On the contrary - the pain only makes Me want MORE because I can Feel the results before I can even see them. I can Feel my very muscles getting Healthier every day and it's only been 3 days!

I look forward 2BRecoverED with new Hope & Vigor restored. LIMU the original juice brought Me up out of the pit of death at 96 pounds to reverse the damage of 25+ yrs of restricting Anorexia, to place Me firmly in a Healthy Body for the 1st time in My Life. Now LIMU LEAN will give Me the extra leg up on the battle with myself & my AN.
Physically I'm in a place where once again solid food is hard for me to deal with mentally & physically. With LIMU I get All my daily Nutrients, add LEAN & I get extra Fucoidan, Nutrients and much Needed Protein all in a form that I can ingest with little preparation, effort & best of all - no thinking on My part. I know it is good, wholesome Food, my AN is satisfied that it is liquid, My Body is Finally getting Everything it Needs - all this lessens my anxiety around food & eating in general. Without the anxiety to fuel my AN she is Not triggered to react by restricting my food/drink intake to get rid of the anxiety which we know by now Only Causes more and the Negative Cycle begins anew.

With LIMU LEAN You too can have amazing results!
Your Body will amaze You with what It Can Do when You feed it the Nutrients it Needs, Wants and Deserves!

LIMU LEAN not just for weight loss but for Healthy Weight Management.

Call Me or stop by to get The Blessing and receive the Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity that LIMU has to offer.

Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu ID# 8536438
LIMU Consultant
(931) 796-3688

Monday, April 5, 2010

AN & Ripples

It's time for me to start climbing up out of this hollow and get back on The Road 2BRecoverED. It seems i started sliding down that slippery slope towards the black pit around November; here it is April already and I know that come the end of May is another steep ditch with a very narrow road filled with potholes ready tp trip me up and send me falling headlong off This Road.

I couldn't be more excited...I ordered my case of LIMU and a LIMU LEAN Meal (Addition) Shake on Friday & just checked my shipping info to find that it will all be delivered Today! Good thing as there was only a couple of shots left, so i stopped drinking it for my Daughter to have it.

AN started creeping back up on me 6 months ago. Normal trigger: Holidays. No Big deal as I knew they would come to an end. Then my 10 yr old dog could not get up starting at the beginning of Jan which coincided with yet another trigger: my birthday which is bookended by the death of my Gram & the death of my 19yr old Tonka puppy dog.
So i was being nursemaid for Dutchess for 2 months, always having to "be happy" & productive as she could tell my moods & I did not want to upset her more. March 5th we found out that her spinal bones were fusing together from her neck to her tail, causing her to never walk again; which brought me to the final decision to let my wolf mix go on the next day so she could once again run & roam the hills of TN.

All while this was happening, my LIMU intake was steadily increasing as The Blessing of more cases arrived for both me & her to stay healthy. When she went down, i think that was AN finally won the war. With Dutchess gone & not needing the juice, there was no need to get the extra cases (AN reasoned for Me), we could use the money on much needed house supplies. As my pantry stock LIMU started to dwindle, so did my intake. Just one of those AN things: not enough food to go around, so i will abstain so the rest of my Family can have it. Besides, i can go for days without the food, They can NOT. (another AN reasoning)

It was around this time that i started to dink Walmart brand meal replacement shakes because I knew I had to put Something in there even though by now AN was already starting to gain firm control of my body too.

At this point, I am AN. The sun is up, so i cannot eat. I was able to drink that 2oz of LIMU which is a Great step and a feat i've been unable to get AN to let Me do.
In fact I was surprized this weekend, we went to a Friend's house & they had ribs which Wayne loves and sat next to me to eat, when the smell of That Meat hit my nose i became instantly anxious followed by my quick removal of my body from the situation before i would throw up from that aweful smell. Being a Completely Restricting Anorexic, purging is not something I personally care to do under any circumstances so i just remove my body so my mind can stop being so anxious causing a nervous stomach.
Next day we had fir pit chicken out back and the same thing happened. Only this time i was able to choke down about 5 bites before removal of self.

I cannot wait to start my climb up out of the hollow with LIMU LEAN. Not only will I be able to ingest 2-4oz of LIMU juice, but every serving of LIMU LEAN comes with the same Premium Fucoidan Blend so I get double PLUS 6 different forms of protein which my body desperately needs.

Best of all? I get to share The Blessing of LIMU with YOU!

Every one of Our LIMU Family Members has an experience to share. This is My experience with using their products to help Me acheive Goals: 2BRecoverED with a healthy body, healthy mind so I can obtain Our Dreams to be financially healthy as well.

LIMU is The Company with 3 great product lines to help any BODY to achieve it's maximum potential through simple, easy Health.

Like I always say, "Get the Body Healthy and The Mind WILL Follow."
A Healthy Body & A Healthy Mind make the foundation of Healthy Finances to build Healthy communities to build Healthy Nations to make a Healthy Planet.

It's all in the ripples.

Are You the rock in Your Family making changes happen or are You the water being forced to move upon the choices and actions of others?

All it takes for YOU to make ripples is Your choice to pick up Your Rock - Your Life - and throw it in this pond called Life.

You Are YOUR Own Boss!
YOU Are in Charge of Your Own Future!
YOU GET To Make Ripples!
LIMU & I are here to help You make The Healthy one.

You Can change Your Future by investing in Your Health now. The decision is up to YOU, like it was for Me; Choose a Healthier way or continue to do nothing to change My "habits" of feeding MySelf & My Future was over.

I threw my rock in the pond of Life.
Won't You?

"For I know the plans I have for You," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper You and not to harm You, plans to give You Hope and a Future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You & Yours!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID: 8536438

Thursday, April 1, 2010

LIMU LEAN Weight Management System

Change YOUR Life with LIMU LEAN.

LIMU LEAN is a Complete Weight Management System
featuring the natural power of Fucoidan.

A Healthy Lifestyle Starts with Healthy Habits.
The LIMU LEAN products are
specifically formulated to Help You
unleash And Maintain Your lean potential.

In addition to Your daily intake of LIMU the original juice
simply add LIMU LEAN Meal Replacement shake
to Your diet to give Your body the nutrition
to meet Your Healthy weight goals.

If losing weight is Your goal,
simply replace 2 meals a day with the shake.
Add the LIMU LEAN Appetite Controller complex
which reduces diet fatigue to see results now & stay motivated later.

In my case with Anorexia, I am going to using this product as a Meal Equilivant or a Meal Addition (I like to call it) to offset my mental & physical restriction of food & liquids. Also, I would not use the appetite suppressant in My case.

LIMU LEAN Meal Replacement Shake gives You 6 different protein sources
to help burn fat & increase lean tissue.
Fucoidan-rich limu moui extract. Essential fatty acids.
With 2 different flavors & 225 calories of powerful and
Balanced Nutrition
there simply is NO equilivant!

Follow this daily routine and follow up with
LIMU LEAN Digestive Health Cleanse
once a month to maximize Your Body's normal digestive system
with a smooth, non-aggressive,
fusion of 5 proprietary LIMU nutritional complexes.
This 7 day boost is the perfect monthly tune-up for
the world's finest precision machine: YOUR BODY.

Personally, I couldn't be happier about the new direction LIMU is taking to ensure Complete Health for All. Sure it's concept was intended for Weight Loss and works great for that purpose. However, being afflicted with the other side of the spectrum for unhealthy weight & giving our money to Walmart to buy Ensure(tm) to suppliment MY Unhealthy Eating Habits, LIMU has given me yet another way to get Proper Nutrition in a form that my Body & Mind can tolerate.

You know YOUR Body better than any Dr.
You replace the oil in Your Car - to keep IT running smoothly.

Isn't it about time YOU replaced the old, worn out & dead cells in YOUR BODY to ensure Maximum Performance & Potential Physically and Mentally?

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You & Yours!

Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
LIMU Consultant
ID: 8536438