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Sunday, May 30, 2010

RAN, the Voice & Refeeding Syndrome

Yesturday was a real tough day. No wonder why I have Always reverted back to restriction. I had been missing some solid food times for the past week or so. I kept up with the LIMU & LEAN daily and am up to a full 2 scoop shake with a glass of whole milk once daily plus another 1 scoop shake in the evening.

However, I made a real effort and point to ingest Solid food yestuday at my self imposed appointed times. Because I had been fudging on my Refeeding process, the Syndrome really hit hard every time i ate the solids.
I had to lie down each time - even after just a piece of Swiss cheese for my snack. The lying down part doesn't really bother me because I come from a long line of napers and the frenzied pace of AN is lessened & i am able to rest. Actually "forced" to rest which could bring on a lot of anxiety as it did before I knew about the Refeeding Syndrome.

I found out from a Friend in an ED treatment facility that the lying down part is what she is being taught. After each Meal, lie down for 1 hour, after every snack, lie quietly for 20 minutes. This way the Body can have ALL the energy it can muster for the sole purpose of digestion & rebuilding healthy cells.
This is also a Very important step for the Mind as well. During this time-out I do my deep non-continuous breathing (from my abdomen NOT my chest) which cuts through the Physical part of the AN cycle where anxiety gets its 1st stronghold.
Then I actively do something Constructive with My Mind to keep the Voice at bay. Personally, this is my quiet time with the Lord. I have found when I use This time as my special prayer & conversation time with Him the anxiety surrounding the Syndrome is almost None. I am simply too busy praising & worshipping Him to even notice whatever anxiety AN is trying to put into My head.
Sure enough, after some time I reenter This world where my body & mind are ready to get up & start moving.

This is where my 'problem' was yesturday. It seemed every time i "came to" it was "time" to robot feed again. Which as we know starts the cycle all over again. Being Aware of what is happening in my body/brain systems is Extremely Important to continue this process. So i was not too hard on myself about all the down time during the day & the fact that NO chores got done due to my Needing to Eat AND Rest.

All was fine & dandy until dinner time. I laid out about 3/4 cup of blueberries for my food time. Then made my Husband a plate of leftover roast. So i decided to do the "right thing" and make me a plate too. I added mashed potato to mine. This, by the way, was the 1st piece of Solid meat that i had consumed in weeks as meat is a real terror on my system - hence My Need for the LEAN protein shake.

It did not take long after finishing my plate & berries before i could no longer keep my eyes open (they are just so Heavy) and my head was too heavy to hold up. So I laid on the sofa instead of going to bed. Deep Breathing excercises. Calm down.
"This is The Worst feeling." the Voice said to Me in my head. I countered back with, "THIS is NOT the worst feeling. This too shall pass. Everyday i eat it WILL get better. So Shut up!"

Then it (Syndrome) really started. My limbs went all tingly as they became heavy as a stack of bricks. It took all my energy to turn over on my left side to help my heart pump easier. All i could do was open my eyes every now and then to look at my Husband as he sat across from me in his chair. About 15 minutes passed and i was strong enough to keep my eyes barely open for a few minutes at a time.
All was quiet in my mind. Almost too quiet as i had Not the energy to even pray. As far as opening my mouth to Ask him to sit with me & hold me, to lessen the Physical anxiety that was welling up to flooding proportions, was too daunting a task. All i could do was look at him and Hope he could read my eyes.
I was completely trapped inside My own Body and unable to get in touch with my mind. As i lie there lifeless and breathing for my life my Husband had great concern whether or not to bring me to hospital as i could barely motion that i was indeed allright - Physically. I could Not for the life of Me think of the words that I Need to say to him so that he could help Me.

Here i thought being trapped by Restrictive AN (RAN) was bad, but trying to get away from it is turning out to be even More debilitating. It is even more so when Loved Ones are around for it is the RAN lifestyle that They are used to. You know, the always up & doing part. The RAN makes me keep the house in tip top shape (to avoid eating times); makes me dote on Them incessantly to keep Me from taking care of Myself; it keeps me on an even keel where my emotions are mostly stone - never too angry and certainly Never too happy. Of course ALL these things are NOT Healthy for Me, but the Family seems to enjoy all the special attention given them in the form of Their Needs & Wants met.

Now in the beginning of this syndrome, My RAN lifestyle is under attack. My energy levels - Both physical & mental are completely depleted as My Body/Mind re-learn how to Eat.
Next up is the Fun World of Emotions. 1st to Experience or 'feel' them. Then to actually Understand what the heck they are, what caused them, is it a "rational" emotion, if it is Destructive, then I need to find a different way of coping with them - NOT letting RAN shut them all off by using restriction to get rid of them.

I feel this is going to be a major issue with My Family. I won't be the Happy Barb that is Willing to take on ALL the responsibility of tidying up after them and putting Them in from of Me. After almost 30 years of this lifestyle, it is Extremely Hard to actually Think about taking care of ME, let alone actually Doing it.
RAN has made me put Myself last when the needs & wants of Others come near. RAN and the Voice had Me convinced that Every single person i come in contact with are More Important than Me. Their needs are the Only needs that matter - Not Mine.

The Voice says to Me:

'You Have to be nice All the time because You would be a Horrible person if You made anyone "feel bad".'

'You canNot show any 'negative' emotion on the Outside because this will offend others.'

'You should make Them Happy 1st so that They will Want to reciprocate that To You.'

'If They don't, then You must work harder to Make Them Happy & Content.'

'If They still don't give back as much as You Give, then that Means there is something Wrong With You.'

'You must NOT ask for any assistance for This shows Weakness.'

'Besides, do They HAVE to Ask You to do the things You do to keep them Healthy, Happy & Safe?'

'They should be able to Know what You Need without You asking - isn't that how You take such good care of them?'

'When You show weakness, People will take advantage of You.'

Nice huh? This is just a sampling of what I've lived through most of My Life.

This is also why Early Recognition & Treatment with Nutrients for the Refeeding Syndrome is The Vital KEY 2BRecoverED.

This "disease", if You will, may or may Not start in the Mind. Other factors are associated with AN like Cancer, Poverty, AIDS and such all Create AN. But the "illness" for The Body is the Same.

If the RAN behavior is left to fester in the body, it WILL affect the Mind simply due to Nutrient Depletion. So whether it started as self imposed or due to extenuating circumstances, the longer left untreated, the deeper the RAN ruts are embedded in the Brain & Mind.
THIS is what makes the Refeeding Syndrome a maker or Breaker.

The Body IS in pure shock when Nutrients are finally given to it. On top of that, the Brain is in complete disarray so the Mind is completely affected. Those ruts? Yeah...they turn to quicksand as they fight to retain their shape against the tide of new neurons & transmitters blazing a New Trail in the Mind - a Healthy trail.

I could not tell You how many times i have started this Refeeding Syndrome looking with hindsight. I can say for certain that THIS was the reason why i stopped it Every Time. I did Not understand My Body or Brain & the role Nutrients play, so when i started to 'feel bad' "because" of the food, i let the old ruts navigate the way.

Change IS scary...believe Me 30 yrs of a destructive habit plays a toll on the Body/Mind and that toll is a huge amount to pay when You Finally decide to get off That Road onto a New Healthier one.
Change in the case of RAN Is hard on the Body & Mind. But the "hard & scary" is really the Fact that All System Parts are Finally Allowed to Be and Do what They were intended, which Will Make the Whole Self Happy, Healthy & Safe. -- Exactly what the Voice had been projecting onto Others to do for You.

Without My Own Emotions, Thoughts and especially My Own Actions, I have Allowed RAN to Dictate & Run MY Life. The change from It being in charge to Me is scary but at least now (with knowledge and tools to use) it is within My Control and within sight.

Do I like what i'm going through now or looking forward to what is next? Not really, No.
I am determined however to Feed My Body Healthy so My Mind WILL follow.
I am steadfast in My resolve 2BRecoverED with LIMU & LEAN for the simple fact that the Nutrients DO Work.
I understand that the worst is yet to come. There is one last battle to be won and it will be a raging one between Me & RAN do decide WHO Ultimately is In Control of This Body & Mind. For it truely Is darkest just before the dawn.

Change is Not easy, but it Is Very Effective!
All it took was a Decision on My part to Choose a different path that was Unknown to Me. Once i decided to change, although not easy by any stretch of the word, I am surprized how well all the pices started to come in view and be put together. Just like building blocks.

Building blocks of Nutrition that Every Body Needs to Survive & Thrive that I had been systematically tearing out for decades had begun filling in with my 1st case of LIMU and 3yrs later My Body/Mind are Healthy enough to go through this Syndrome without complete shutdown like all those other times i tried 2BRecoverED.

Vitamins, Minerals and now 6 different kinds of Protein are stabilizing, renovating & rejuvinating my Whole System parts which make it Easier & Desireable to eat Solid foods again.

That "weird" feeling/emotion in between eating 'time'? I really think that is called "Hungry".
It is a strange feeling that starts in My stomach then radiates out to limbs and mind is a bit agitated. I am starting to 'feel' better when i eat. Mind is not so agitated and that weird feeling is replaced with New Familiar feeling of the Syndrome. Which in it's own sense creates Less anxiety than that "Hungry" feeling.

Speaking of "hungry", i better let You go so I can have my double scoop and rest time.

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!

Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu ID# 8536438

Friday, May 28, 2010

Drugs For Children

FDA Recalls Children's Drugs

Does this seem an oxymoron to anyone else - Drugs for Children?

I understand the Want and need to alleviate the Symptoms of common Childhood complaints as a mother of 2 myself. My children suffered terribly whith asthma on one & chronic ear infections leading to chronic strep on the other.

With No knowledge or understanding of How the Body works, I continued to perpetuate the same deeds as my parents did with me back in the 70's. I fed my kids Drugs re: baby aspirin, then Tylenol & Motrin (tms).

The same thing was happening to them as did me - the Drugs were robbing their bodies of Nutritients which Only Weakened their immature immune system. Sure the fever was down & pain subsided to be able to sleep, but it was the Drugs that did all that, NOT their Immune System which was Designed to take care of all this business.
In turn leaving the Body defenseless against another attack of virus or other illness.
The outcome of this perpetual treatment of every ache/pain & small fever, childhood with Drugs is chronically sick child who seems to never get over one illness before the next takes hold.

Having AN is turning out to be a Blessing after all. It has brought Me a greater understanding of how My Body works - which is just like every other Human, a machine. The Mental side is a whole 'nother issue not for this time.

In 3 yrs with LIMU I have experienced for Myself, Husband & My Daughter what a difference simple Nutrients make in the Body System parts.

I am so Proud & Happy to announce my Daughter's Perfect Attendance Award for the 2nd year in a row!
This is testament to Her Determination, Hard Work and Desire to overcome her sickened childhood and Reach for her Dream Come True.
This is also testament to: My Determination to find a way to make her Dream come True; my Hard Work to Study & Understand the workings of the Human Body; my Desire 2BRecoverED is magnified in the Recovery of My Daughter's Life back.
I am also Overjoyed to be able to say that my Daughter has been Drug FREE for 3 years.

There IS a serious Drug Problem among the Youth of this Nation.
This statement canNOT be denied.

What IS in Denial is the Fact that it IS the Parents Own Choosing to Make their children Drug Addicts from birth or certainly by the time the 1st tooth comes in. I am NO exception.

No wonder Our Children are Using more Drugs than any other generation in the past. When they are "programmed" by their upbringing to "just pop a pill" and "everything will be allright."

We see in Our Bodies that a Resistance & Tolerance to Drugs builds up - that's why what Used to take only 2 pills of pain reliever a day has shot up to 6. Same thing happens to ANY Human Body. Only Our Children are experiencing this at a much earlier & faster rate.

An Increase in Drugs Always = Decrease in Nutrients available to build the Natural Immune System.

Parent, are YOU Willing to Be Educated for Your Child's sake?

Are YOU Determined to Give Your Child a Drug Free Start in Life?

Do You Desire to give YOUR child a Better Life than YOU were taught?

The Best Parents make the Right Choices for their Children.
Those Right Choices are hardly ever Easy for Us to make.
Those Right Choices require Sacrifice on OUR part.
OUR Right Choices WILL far outweigh any 'wrong' ones.

Our Children's Lives Depend on US to make
The Right Choice concerning Their Health.

Let's NOT start them down the road to Drug Addiction.
We CAN change the tide of Our Nation's Youth & Future,
Simply being Best Parents and Feed Our Children
the Building Blocks of LIFE - Nutrients.
Their Minds & Sound Teachings from Us WILL
carry them the rest of the way!

Feed Their Body Healthy & Their Mind Will follow!

Contact me and You will see just how easy it can be
to give Your Child The Best start on Their Life's Journey!

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You & Your Family!

Barbara A Thornton

Lady Limu - ID 8536438

Thursday, May 20, 2010

LIMU LEAN Ingredients

LIMU LEAN Ingredients:

Proprietary LimuPro (tm) Complex
(Whey Protein Concentrate, Non-Fat Dry Milk, Whey Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate, Egg Albumin, L-Glutamine),

Proprietary Dutch Chocolate LimuFlav (tm) Complex
(Dutch Process Cocoa Chocolate, Natural & Artificial Flavors),

Proprietary Fucoidan-Rich Limu (tm) extract (Sphaerotrichia divaricata)

Proprietary LimuEFA (tm) Complex
(Natural High Oleic Sunflower oil Complex),

Proprietary LimuVita (tm) Complex
(Calcium Carbonate, Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin E Acetate, Chromium Amino Acid Chelate, Niacin, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin A Palmitate, Copper Gluconate, Calcium d-Pantothenate, Manganese Sulfate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Thiamin Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Biotin, Potassium Iodide, Cyanocobalamin, Vitamin D, Vitamin K),



Allergen Warning:

Manufactured on equipment which processes products containing:
milk, eggs, soybeans, wheat, shellfish, fish oil,
tree nuts and/or peanut flavor.

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!

Barbara A Thornton

Lady Limu - ID# 8536438

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ode to LIMU

My Ode to LIMU
comes from the bottom of my heart
and our humble abode
I experience Health for my Family
as well as Myself, in astounding ways
only This golden nectar can do.

With one look and faith to start
I turned the page to a new chapter in
Our Life's Book.

From that 1st day to this
I would be remiss to ignore
all the blessings LIMU has afforded
My Husband can stand up straight,
My Daughter hasn't been sick at all,
My Life is NOT sealed
in the Anorexic fate.

Again I must give pause
for just another moment
to give Thanks to God above
makes the laws, who opens
a window when the door closes
out of His merciful love.

The Body is Ours only to rent
with Us tucked safely inside
going along for the ride.
IS How we fuel it that depends
where Our Life path will end.

Free will is ours to take and
choices we must make,
Be it tragedy & sorrow or
joy & roses on the 'morrow.

Thank You Lord for Your mercy & grace
to provide All a Body needs to survive
in just 2oz LIMU twice a day
this new Life more abundant
in every way, affording me the strength
to face myself & my fears
walk The Road 2BRecoverED -
to come out the other side, at length,
For to honor and to glory in You
this New Life of my Family
and mine, takes flight under Your
Healthy way
Hallowed truely be Your Name.

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to YOU!

Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu - ID# 8536438
1.888.869.5468 (888.8MY.LIMU)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

White Nose Bat Syndrome

As if Tennesse weren't already in a dire Health Crisis with low birthweight babies and extreme obesity of it's residents from young to old. Now we just saw the worst flooding in decades with thousands left homeless and billions of dollars needed to repair.

What could possibly be added to this equation to turn This situation from bad to Worse?

White Nose Bat Syndrome (WNS)

This is an infectious fungus which has killed over 1 million bats in the North Eastern U.S. since it was 1st observed in 2006.

There has been NO human illnesses due to this and there is NO evidence to suggest that it is harmful to any species other than bats.

6 caves in TN alone have been confirmed & documented with the syndrome, with the first case in March, 2010. Also confirmed in Missouri, Ontario, Canada, New England, West Virginia and Virginia.

Eating up to 2/3 of their body weight in insects in one night. By keeping the insects under control it ultimately reduces the quantities of insecticides used on crops as well as play a role in pollination.

In April the U.S. Forestry Service issued an emergency order to close caves and mines in 33 states for up to one year.

How does This affect Tennessee's Health?

The 2010 Farmer's Almanac predicts that June, July & August will be The Hottest and Dryest that have been recorded in decades in TN.

With only roughly 5-10% of bats surviving this WNS, and the continued abundant rains & flooding makes for a perfect storm of record high mosquito & other insect counts.

Mosquitos carry And transmit to infect: H1N1 - Bird Flu, the "new" Swine Flu, Malaria & Cholera just to name a few.

The other insects will attack the food crops & the (animal) meat supply which will cause Farmers & Ranchers to depend on enormous amounts of pesticides & insectesides - Poisons to do what the bats Would have done Naturally.
All of those toxins come down the food chain to Your dinner table.

Now, add to the equation:

Hundreds of Thousands of people left homeless through NO fault of their own.
(People who were already in an unhealthy state - Both personally and geographically.)

In about a month we will see the temperature rise as always - only This time (predicted) to have little relief in the form of cooling rain and certainly NO air conditioning.

Where will all these people go to get out of the heat? I spent a summer in N. Florida living totally outside with NO a/c and let me tell You, in hindsight, by the end of 3 months I was literally going insane from the 24 hour heat; and that was with the Blessing of all the hurricanes the summer of Katrina to give us a cool respite.

I'm sorry to be the messenger or the one to see the handwriting on the wall, but I have to tell it like I see it.

So we have:

100s of 1,000's with an already compromised immune system due to a lifetime of poor diet practices
90% Decrease in the Bat population
100% Increase in Toxin use
Standing water in most of TN's Counties
100-fold Increase in Disease transmitting mosquitos
100-fold Increase in other insects
50+% Decrease in pollination


A (TN) State of Health Disaster of epic proportions.

We are moving quickly from "Crisis" mode into "Survival" mode here in Tennessee.

If changes are Not made Immediately - on the State And Personal level - we will see the death toll and the cost of infectious disease "treatment" & "cure" skyrocket beyond exponentially.


THERE Is NO Snooze Button!


The Only thing that Will Protect YOU under these dire circumstances is YOUR Own Body and it's ability to Maintain a Fully Functioning Immune System to fight off all these outside forces attacking not only Your Body & Brain, but Your Family as well.

Your Family's Health Recovery depends on Your Efforts!

Relief & Recovery efforts have been underway and accessible to YOU for some years now in the form of the LIMU family of products.

I urge You to take a moment to evaluate Your Family's Health situation. Look around at all Your "Things" and realize that it all can be washed away in the blink of an eye through NO fault of Your own. Think now about all those Families whose every "things" are now piled high on the near the street in front of their shattered homes.
Look at the pictures of Your Loved Ones. Now look at Your stuff.
Which is Truely More Important?

When tragedy & disaster hits, at the end of the day which are You more Thankful for...that the new wall HDTV survived the hit along with Your favorite easy chair, Your child's favorite stuffed animal or Your Spouse's most prized possession made it OR do You cling to Your Living Family Members because THEY made it?

Relief & Recovery made easy for YOUR Health!

2-4 oz of LIMU (the original juice) Everyday
WILL provide over 70 Nutrients in Each 1oz serving.

120 days is the time it takes the Body to regenerate New Cells.

Isn't it time You Allowed Your Body to make Strong, Vibrant, Healthy cells
that will fight For YOUR Health?

Instead of allowing Your Body to succumb to the attacks
of outside forces because YOU refuse to arm it?

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Courage, Joy & Prosperity to YOU!

Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu - ID: 8536438

Monday, May 10, 2010

A word with AN

Today's focus: Preparing to Refeed & suffer the Syndrome

For the past week I've allowed my AN to have the upper hand. After extenuating circumstances and months of anxiety, depression & stress my AN has been out in full force. In fact I sit here now taking a quick break inbetween staying busy from 1 chore to the next. (I have been been ingesting My LIMU juice about 4oz a day with about 300 cals. a day)

This is why I am Here.
To have a few words with the AN and the Voice.

I have known for a week that I Will be back on the LIMU LEAN. I've also learned in that time about the Refeeding Syndrome so I now know what to expect so it won't be such a shocker to Me.

So, I'm here to say:

I Will allow Myself to feel bad when the Refeeding Syndrome process hits.

I have prepared the house and the Family for this event.

I will take the down time that the Syndrome forces on My Body & Mind to use constructively & actively to learn how to Better take care of Me.

I will NOT stop the Syndrome or Refeeding process half way through.

I will continue to ingest the LIMU Nutrients & Protein a couple of times Everyday.

I will consume My safe foods in addition to drinking My Nutrients.

I will NOT let the Voice make Me feel guilty for laying down and allowing My Body AND Mind the rest it Needs to repair & regenerate My Health.

I will actively speak out aginst the Voice with my mouth and writings.

I will share My experiences, thoughts, feeling & emotions with My Support Team of Family, Therapists & Friends.

I will NOT let AN get the upper hand again.

I Have learned tools to help Me in My fight against AN & The Voice.

I Know the triggers.

I know their tricks.

I know what is safe for Me.

I am going 2BRecoverED!

Thanks for being a witness to my conversation with RAN! (Restrictive Anorexic)

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to YOU & Yours!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu - ID: 8536438

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Refeeding Syndrome

Refeeding Syndrome is a Real biological response to the introduction of Nutrients into the body of a person suffering starvation or severe malnutrition. As in the case of the Eating Disordered patient, the reintroduction of nutrients can place a heavy toll on the Body and Mind of the person in the beginning stages of Recovery.

The "feelings" Are Real. The complete lack of energy after ingesting food accompanied with the pain in the stomach followed by the bloat and gas and even the hard stools as the body starts the Recovery process.

These feelings are what trigger most people to Stop the current "New" way of life and go back to restriction or binge/purge because the ED coping mechanism actually Does "feel" Better than the experience of the Refeeding Syndrome.

When the Body and Brain start to "feel bad" as many cannot fully explain or articulate just Exactly What it is they are feeling, then the anxiety rushes in and the only way known to "alleviate" this new anxiety is to replace it with the tried and true ED coping mechanisms that Never make them feel bad like the food is 'apparently' doing.

For a detailed description of the Refeeding Syndrome & how LIMU can help please visit my facepage @

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to YOU & Yours!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu - Consultant ID: 8536438

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Beyond My Control

Thanks to circumstances which were way Beyond My control, I have been taken off my LIMU LEAN Meal Replacement Shake. It has been almost 2 weeks now without. I was up to 3 weeks with and feeling wonderful, the refeeding process was just starting to settle down with physical & emotional anxieties surrounding food and the Actual Act of eating food was lessening dramatically to the point of my choosing to snack during the daylight hours.
Then it was gone. No more for Me or me.

Now my muscles are killing me. Screaming out in pain with the slightest of movements which by the way has increased Steadily since the decline in my Nutrient consumption. You know that An...she'll stay busy because there is Always Something more to be done as Mom, Wife & Person - which actually there is NO time left over for Personal Self as this is considered selfish & lazy in my Distorted AN Mind as well as to the outside people around Me.

So by now my mind & body are close to being back to square 1 before the LEAN And even before the LIMU. Rest assured...because I am....LIMU is NOT the culprit or reason for any relapses.

The fact that as soon as my Body & Mind start to get fed proper, they expect it Everyday. After a few weeks or months it becomes to Rely on the Nutrients that are In the product. This is NOT a bad thing - but quite the opposite. This is the way the Body & Mind are Supposed to function properly - by Ingesting Nutrients...Not just Calories or a certain amount of Bulk food.

After 25+ yrs of being a restrictive Anorexic, i have effectively taught My Body & Mind to NOT rely on ME for nutrition. Time & again I have personally failed to ingest food no matter what form. Oh sure i would feed the body for a while, then quit. Feed & quit and the cycle has perpetuated a quarter of a century to the point of this ana being able to function independently of My wishes or wants. Always falling back on the old "I told You so______" fill in the blank about how i cannot eat because it hurts, because i "feel bad" because i am no good and don't deserve the food. And lets not forget the infamous, "You are a failure. See You can't even stick to a simple diet of "easy foods". So No, YOU canNOT be the one in control because YOU don't know how to." my AN screams at me.

And so once again I did it. I started probably The Best choice for Food Nutrition I have Ever had in my life. I was actively fighting back against ana in thought and deed. My Body was fighting back too as it WAS gaining strength for the ensueing battle to be Won...and My intention was for ME to win the war.
I continued on the new even healthier course for about 21 days - which is the amount of time it takes the average Human to pick up a new habit. Just as I was getting my feet back on The Road 2BRecoverED, up from the dark depths of the hollow to which I had fallen into yet again, the decision was made on "my behalf" by My Family to get rid of the LEAN shakes from my house & diet "because it obviously was Not working" for My Recovery.

So, I write this very personal experience today in hopes that if You or someone You know is desperately Trying & Working 2BRecoverED be Supportive of their "Safe Foods".
As Restricting Foods from a person whose mindset is to Restrict food, in one way or another, WILL ONLY Backfire on You and worse yet - THEM.

Recovery from an Eating Disorder has Got to start with Feeding the Body Nutrients. With a depleted Nutrient Supply in the Body there is NO possible way for Recovery of the Mind to begin. Without the Mental Energy or Ability to use "Mindful Thinking" during the Recovery process those who Suffer are only doomed to repeat the same "Habits" of Disordered Eating that got them to that point in the 1st place.

This is why LIMU & LEAN are an Integral part of MY fight 2BRecoverED from Anorexia. Yes, they ARE "only" Liquid food, but they are Safe as they are unobtrusive in the mouth & throat and Especially in the stomach and intestines as well as Safe for my Mind to handle ingesting. No big deal My Mind says to the shake when I am running from the steak dinner I'm serving the rest of My Family.

Safe? Very. Effective? ABSOLUTELY!

Get the BODY Healthy and the MIND Will Follow.

I believe this more today than i did 3 years ago when I got that 1st case of Golden Nectar; for today i can look back and see the progress, the slips & falls, the triggers and safe's and actually See, Feel and Think differently - for the Positive - simply because I refuse to waver from My Decision to Drink LIMU for My Health.

Sure, my Recovery has Not happened as fast as I originally hoped it would, but after tearing my Body & Mind down for all those years, it only stands to reason it would take at least few to fix Me and my An.

Here's to better days on The Road 2BRecoverED with LIMU and (soon to be again) LEAN!

Order Yours Today and start Your way to the Easiest Healthy Habit You Will see results from!

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to YOU & Yours!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu - Consultant ID 8536438