Greetings Friends & Neighbors!
In America we are trapped in a place where the quality of the air we breathe, the food available for us to eat and the very water we drink are toxic and lack Nutrients.
The Medical Profession is Magnifying the problem because they won't heal or fix the problems with our bodies, because it is Not profitable to heal the sick or make everyone Healthy.
We have given up our whole humanity for the all-mighty dollar. If we continue, this path will lead to extinction. (Common Sense)
Not only do our Children inherit a poor/failing Health"Care" system, They are losing the knowlege to heal themselves and Their Children because apparently the lay of this Land is Rx Drugs and NOT Nutrition as the cure and the cause of these diseases.
Just sit in front of Network television for an hour on any one day or evening and count how many commercials are rammed into Your eyes and brain touting this Drug or that Drug all claiming to help alleviate the Symptoms of something, but Not correcting & curing the problem and OH! by the way, listen to ALL the side effects of each pill. The side effects are generally worse than the condition the Drug is supposed to alleviate.
Now, how much information is out there about Nutrition and the role it plays in Preventing Disease? Any commercials. A few stating a miriad of certain main ingredients to help correct a problem.
There is Nothing out there informing the average American Citizen, watching American television or reading an American newspaper, about basic Health issues.
So what does Joe the Plumber do when his stomach is upset. Grab a pill for that because the information available to him says so. Meanwhile the ulcer gets worse and starts to bleed, those antacids didn't help matters and now his medical bills skyrocket.
Suzie Homemaker has problems with bowels, headaches and fatigue all the time and the Dr has generously prescribed 3 different Drugs to help only to find they have caused cancer in her sytem.
Dick and Jane go to school where sick kids wipe the snot from there noses on their hand to rub on the pants or even just all along the sleeve. Their parents are having to take time off work to care for them, take them to Dr. for a co-pay, more Drugs this time in Our Childrens bodies, not to mention all the money spent on OTC cold/flu remedy.
Can we start to see the paper trail of where our money is going?
Are they Any better off this year? Not if they continue to invest their time and hard earned money into the belief that More Drugs will make everything all right.
Whatever is Easiest is what American's always go for. It's Easier to sit in front of television and be Told what to do than it is to actually get up and physically/mentally do the work that is required of You to maintain the Health of Your Body. What could be easier than pouring a 2oz shot of juice in the morning and another one in the afternoon?
The Basic Simple Truth about between the Drug Companies and Nutrition is this:
NUTRITION is interested in YOUR HEALTH.
Rx DRUG inventors and manufactures ONLY care about Your Money.
Rx Drugs and the Dr's that push them exclude NUTRITION from their Health "CARE" provisions - because there is NO profit for them if the Human Body is actually Healthy.
Simple Math.
Americans must be arrogant to think and expect that only 1 small group of people on this whole planet have All the answers for their health. That's just ridiculous.
That small group is the inventors, manufacturers and pushers of America's booming Drug business who only make money when they Diagnose and Treat illnesses but not cure. Or maybe they do cure this but in so by doing, they caused worse damage to that.
Government Run Health "Care" vs. Nutrition? The answer is obvious!
Choosing NUTRITION Is The Only Logical, Only Practacle Choice.
Don't depend on the Gov't to feed You Nourishing Nutrition. Take control of and for Your Body and the Bodies of Your Spouce and Children!
Feed You Bodies. Nourish You Bodies. Maintain Your Bodies.
Healthy Body equals Healthy Community. Healthy Community equals Healthy Country.
Don't just let Your CongressPerson know You are Against Gov't run Health "Care" without doing Something to make Yourself Healthy without their Drugs and "Health Plans".
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The HealthCare system is just fine.
It's the Care of Our Own Personal Health that is lacking in this Great Nation!
John F Kennedy said, "Take time to repair the roof when the sun is shining."
Well, my Fellow American's, the sun is shining over Our Nation Right Now.
Now is the time to make the sacrifices and repairs necessary to keep our house (body) built up and ready for a storm.
Instead of spending Your Hard Earned dollars on movies, music, fast food-all the things that take us away from thinking about our declining health and subsequent inheritance left to our children, take that money and add it to the money You will save and earn just by being healthy and on the job and buy that 1 case (of 4 1 litre bottles) of Original Limu Every Month.
There is No gimmick or hype and No strings attatched here. Just simple, pure, whole, Nature Made Nutrients in every bottle.
For around a total of $160 (on autoship) a month - isn't YOUR Family's Health Worth It?
Mine Sure IS! I'm feeding it to my Parents so that they can be here to watch My Grandchildren grow. I'm feeding it to my 12 year old Daughter to give her a mental and physical edge over her classmates now and in the future at University. I feed it to my Husband to keep his body strong and mind sharp so he can spend the Next 50 years with me. I feed it to my dogs to kill and prevent heart & stomach worms. I feed it to Me because without the pure liquid nutrients EveryDay i would still be in the battle for my life as Anorexia forced me into malnutrition and starvation. I am a better Me because now i am a Healthy Me which allowes Me to be the best Wife, Mom and Citizen of this Great Nation, Land i was born - the Good Ol' U. S. of A.
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity To YOU!
Lady Limu
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