I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Thursday, June 5, 2008
Cymbalta's Anorexic Side Effect
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Good Maorning America and Friends around the Globe!
I did not weigh today, as yesturday i was down 2 pounds to 117. I just did not want to deal with todays weight as i know i lost another pound.
Yesturday, after leaving you, i had a cup of tapioca pudding and a small granola bar. I tried to nap, but to no avail. I just could not fall asleep and everytime i did i was awakened. So i gave that up.
Then i took my Cymbalta. Seeings how i had some extra time on my hands, i decided to be pro-active about My own health and Not take a stranger's (the shrink) word.
Unfortunately i had already taken the stupid pill. Thank Goodness i have only had 8 pills and more Original Limu by Saturday to finish flushing this junk out of my system.
So here's the story: So i meet with this "certified" "medical" shrink for the 1st time ever. I tell her that i am in various counseling and in Church so i have plenty support groups. My biggest problem, i told her, was my anorexia. Without Limu, i really do not eat much. "I was 96 pounds last year" "whatever you put me on CANNOT decrease my appetite one-i-ota. I won't survive it". She gives me 3 weeks worth of samples for Cymbalta based on my previous rounds with medication. Tells me that the are only 30mg and to come back in 6 weeks to see her again when she will more than likely increase it to 60mg based on my "state of mind' at this meeting.
The Nurse brings the samples. On my way out, the nurse weighs me and checks my blood pressure. I ask HER if this Cymbalta will decrease my appetite. She says it should not. That she's never seen that happen. Again i am Very Expressive of the fact of my Anorexia. No problems is what she expressed to me.
Well, this past week has been horrendous if you read my entry yesturday, you will see a complete state of Anorexia. Even though I - ME - wanted to eat, the anorexic inside me would not allow me to. After a few days, i became the classic "lack of hunger" that is the meaning of Anorexia. Irritable and 'w'ithchy around my family. My anger level quickly rose to a point that i have not been for years.
So, i open the sample box and get out the long thin paper that is written in ALL Fine Print.
The 1st thing i lookes at was the charts showing the studies of Cymbalta vs Placebo. Both charts showed a MARKED Decrease in appetite with Cymbalta and an irrifutible Large coincidence of Anorexia with Cymbalta vs placebo. In fact, the placebo barely regestered Anorexia, while Cymbalta showed Anorexia as an Actual side effect!!
This paper plainly states:
"In placebo-controlledclinical trials, MDD and GAD patients treated with Cymbalta for up to 10-weeks experienced a mean weight loss of approximately 0.5kg, compared with a mean weight gain of approximately 0.2kg in placebo-treated patients. In DPN placebo-controlled clinical trials, patients treated with Cymbalta for up to 13 weeks experienced a mean weight loss of approximately 1.1kg, compared to a mean weight gain of approximately 0.2 kg in placebo-treated patients."
I have no idea what the difference between a kilogram and a pound. However, all i need to know is that Cymbalta causes weight loss, loss of appetite and Anorexia.
See, this is what i mean about You being pro-active in Your own Life and with Your own Health. This woman is a Medical Doctor. She went to college and got her degree. Yet, she still could not read the fine print to actually see for herself what she was giving me. She heard somewhere i am sure that Cymbalta is the "New Wonder Drug" for depression. So her degree tells her that is all she needs to know and goes around writing prescriptions because of the kick backs that the pharmecutical company gives her. She obviously is Not concerned with Me, my health, or my future. She just wants to pass off drugs to unwitting patients that are trusting her and putting their lives in her hands. That is what i did. I blindly Trusted that because she has a degree in her office, then she would know better than i how to help Myself. If i were to stay on Cymbalta for the 6 weeks at a wight loss of 1 pound a day, i would lose 42 pounds! That would put me at 75 pounds! Ok, lets give them the benefit of the doubt and only lose 21 pounds in that time (half a pound a day) i would be back where i started 1 year ago at 96 pounds! Shoot, i'd be on my way to Dead if i kept taking that drug.
Shame on me. Shame on You too if you are just putting stuff into your system blindly without researching the facts and side effects. That is exactly what i did before signing up for membership benefits with The Limu Company. I spent literally hours and days online researching this nutrient called Fucoidan. I was going to make absolutely sure that if i were to take a liquid suppliment, that it had to be the right One. I compared Original Limu with Noni, Monavee, Limu Plus; also comparing the effacy of pill and powder forms of nutrition suppliments. I found hands down that Original Limu offered a FAR Superior product. So i joined for the savings of it.
Now i blindly go in and take some dugs that some drug pusher (the medical community coupled with the pharmecutical industry) gave me. I might as well have gone to shady side of town, in some run down shack and got some drugs from that dealer to make me feel better. What is the difference between them and the suit and office and receptionist to make my appointments? None in my book. Both are just out to make their money selling their kind of drugs. Prescription or illegal - it's all drugs.
I knew Original Limu had saved my life. Still is. I guess until this incident, i really didn't fully appreciate the All Natural ingredients & Fucoidan that Original Limu offers me.
Even without medication and "just juice" my mind was healthier and active in a positive and constructive way. Original Limu actually HELPED me to eat. With Limu i Can eat. Without, i cannot.
I really believe and am living my idealogy: Feed The Body, The Mind and Spirit will Follow! It is happening to me. Praise God!
I will go to my medical Dr, who i can have constant medical attention, and find some other 'drug' to help me get through this wall. My brain is lacking the chemicals to function properly. I feel only because i've been anorexic for over 25 years. Feed the body, the brain will follow. Right now i just need the right kind of brain chemical boost until i can train my brain, and feed my brain back into functioning properly - just like my bowels and periods.
I want to send a special Hello and prayers of Strength and Peace to Elora, TN. I invite you to comment on anything you have read in my blog. You can go to www.DiscoverLimu.com/LadyLimu and sign my guest book if you would like me to contact you.
Anorexia is a Silent and Deadly Disease.
Silent because nobody talks about it in the open. Silent because it is all in our Head. Silent because we keep to ourselves to keep away all the questions and concerns of our family and loved ones about our weight or lack of portions on our plate.
Deadly because if you don't eat - You Will Die. That is the way God set up our bodies. This physical being needs food.
I use Original Limu as a cruth sometimes. Just drinkin' the juice and not eating. I do Not recommend that. Original Limu is a suppliment. By the very term suppliment it referrs to supplimenting your food intake. When i drink my juice, i am also eating. Please do not misunderstand this point. Original Limu has sustained my life, it has fed my body, it has made me physically healthier than i ever have been in my entire life. I also eat Food. I have a hard time mentally with food, byt Original Limu makes the Physical act of eating much easier.
I want to swing the door wide open and let the sun shine in on this silent disease! By keeping this disease silent, we are perpetuating this Anorexia to snowball into an uncontrollable epidemic - not only in the U.S. but also all over the globe.
By the simple act of me not keeping silent over this disease in my life, i am forcing the evil one out of my life. Silence keeps us locked up in shame and guilt. It keeps us from our family and friends. Silence has kept me from God and His healing grace in my life. Not any more. I am exposing the Lies of satan in my life and hopefully exposing his lies in yours as well.
There is Real Hope and Health out there for us Anorexans!
Anorexia is a Completely Treatable disease! IF caught early enough - meaning before you DIE. Original Limu can and will give your body the nutrition it need so that your mind and spirit can work together to reverse this dysfunctional thinking.
Please join me here by shedding light on Anorexia. Please leave your comments or questions about Your own battle or that of a loved one's
Just like years ago Cancer and Fibromayalgia, acid reflux disease, arthritis were all unknown before people started bring their symptoms and struggles into the light so they could find support, advise, help and healing.
Now Anorexia needs to be HEARD. It needs to be Understood. It needs to be Treated.
Let's stand together in the light fellow Anorexans! Together we Can change the Future of this disease, it's treatment, and share in the wonderful Blessing from God above that is found only in Origianl limu.
Together we can affect our Children and Grandchildren's future health for the Better!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Prosperity & Enlightenment!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
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