LIMU 2K10 is coming!
Are You ready for Your Future?
Thursday January 14, 2010
(712) 432-8952
code: 40334#
Join me & Gary Raser, CEO The Limu Company, on this 1st Corporate call of 2010 to hear information and news stright from the top!
Gary will talk about where TLC has been, is now and will be in the future. He will also talk about some sensational projects we have been working on over the past few months as well as a preview of the electrifying surprizes just around the corner for 2010.
It's Big. Way BIG and You Don't want to miss it!
Blessings of Peace & Health to YOU in 2010!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu

I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Thursday, January 14, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
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Good news is that I’m not the only with internet connection problems – and that means it is Not in My computer. Bad news is no internet connection.
I got 4.1 #kudos yd. 1 (juice) so far 2d.
School is out for the second day on account of snow so took my Daughter to do errands in town. Was very busy already today and now taking a break in between watching a PBS show on depression.
Did You know that a study was done to see if depression affected the Physical part of the brain? She (the Dr. & author of the study) found that the hippocampus area of the brain was actually shrunk in female patients who had a personal history of depression. Seems the longer the depression lasted, the smaller this region became. Of course I’ll have to study up on what this particular physical function of the brain does. J
I was very intrigued by this new knowledge I gained. I have always said: “Feed the Body and the Mind WILL Follow”. This of course was wishful & faithful thinking on my part because I had always learned that once brain cells are dead, they cannot regenerate. Here, in a separate study, they tested the physical side affects of Depression Rx on the actual brain, not the mind part. Here it clearly showed new cell generation in the hippocampus region of the brain in patients receiving Depression medication vs. a declining or shrinkage of this area of the brain in patients receiving No treatment.
This is the Best news I’ve heard in a long time! My depression 1st became noticeable to my family in 2nd grade – although in 1979-80 there was little if any mental health awareness and I was labeled “just a Sensitive child”. My depression left unrecognized & untreated allowed it manifest itself into an even more restricted lifestyle – Anorexia by the time I was 12.
It wasn’t until after my Son was about 2 & suffering terribly with asthma & my catching pneumonia that my Dad stepped in & talked to the Dr. about getting me on antidepressants due to family history. That was 15 years ago.
Since realizing I had a problem with Anorexia almost 3 years ago, I have been quite worried about the physical state of my brain. With 30 years of severe depression and 25+ of those in a food/nutrient restricted state of existence, I was sure my brain had suffered irreparable damage to my cells; which would ultimately hinder my ability to Be RecoverED from Eating Disorders & Depression.
Now, I really have No worries about my Physical state of being. Now I know that the brain Can and Will repair itself Physically IF properly nourished which will in turn allow my Cognitive abilities and processes to be stronger and sharper.
This is why Original Limu works so well for people who suffer anxiety & depression. One of the “side – effects” of drinking this product is something called “Increased feelings of well-being”.
That was a real hard concept for me to explain to people – especially if the never suffered depression. Now it makes perfectly clear sense. The feeling of well-being come from the fact that the Brain is (quite possibly – only My opinion based on the knowledge I’ve gained through research and due-diligence) actually regenerating itself. All the old, dead cells are being flushed out through the blood to be cleaned out of the body through the various organs & exit routes. As this is happening, the brain is actually making New brain Cells to replace the ones being rejected as no longer good – degenerated.
So as simply as I understand it, when the brain is starving or under dire stress induced hormones that attack & kill the cells the become weak & sluggish without energy for even the simplest task of deciding between a Big Mac or McChicken, let alone the energy to learn anything new, have the ability to recall information stored in the faulty system and left untreated causes a physical weakening of the body and loss of all desire for any happiness.
When the brain makes new cells, they are like babies – healthy, full of life & energy to grow and multiply their perfect DNA. Remember grade school and all the energy we had back then? That was due in large part because our brains were still growing, developing, generating new healthy cells to carry out the neurotransmissions needed to stay physically & mentally active. As we grew older, our system automatically starts to slow and gets clogged with toxins, destructive cell mutations etc all of which the body cannot evacuate on its own due to our malnourished food system.
Now, with Original Limu – the premier Fucoidan blend our bodies are supplied the nutrients to evacuate and regenerate. The brain sends out “feelings” of well-being because it is regenerating Not dying any longer. When any part of the body is degenerating and dying, You are Not going to “feel” very “well” especially when the part is the brain and it knows it’s dying.
This is why when You introduce Original Limu, after about 120 days (some feel it before, but most take the full 3 months) the body has had time to successfully manufacture new Tissue. Making new tissue is just 1 of the many functions that cells do and without healthy cells, how can we ever hope to make healthy (brain) tissue?
So with our brain once again able to function & manufacture like when we were kids, it is no wonder why we “feel” like we are kids again. Feelings of Being Well – That my Friends, is what it’s All about: Not only feeling well but Being Well!
It’s a new year, a time to learn & grow, understand & allow ourselves to become enlightened so that life can truly begin anew in a whole New Body & Mind.
I have found No easier way – and believe Me & my ana, we tried – to get Nutrition into the body than Original Limu. It tastes great, so neither of us reject it.
I like it because I know within just an hour or two my Body will Let me eat which in turn puts #kudos on my chart and reinforces my good behavior on The Recovery Road – meaning one day I will reach the end of This Road and Be RecoverED. I know my ana cannot fight back against the nutrients because it is just 2-4oz a pop, so my stomach doesn’t get filled up and uncomfortable. Plus the fact that the nutrients just flow right into my bloodstream without any thought or works on the part of my body or brain. EZ. EZ.
My ana likes it because she thinks that She is outwitting Me. It’s only just a sip or gulp and gone, then I will leave her alone about the whole food thing. I won’t bother or pester her with thoughts of eating all the different kinds of foods we have in the house that we could eat. So, she wins. Just drink some stupid juice and I’ll shut up and let her be (the one “in control”).
By the time my body wakes up to smell the food and become hungry enough to eat, the nutrients have been absorbed (she can’t control that ;) and I’m the strong one in control of the fork. My stomach is the strong one as it fights back against her to open up and allow the food in (she can’t control that anymore eitherJ)
Oh sure, once it’s in there, she gets riled up and makes My stomach real full real fast which causes me pain sometimes & discomfort if I force too much in – it’s still a delicate balance.
My body is taking back its Life and Functions from my ana. With every month that passes on This Road and every accumulated #kudo I can and do claim daily, assures me that my steps are true. My thoughts & faith have prevailed in the long run to show & prove that if I continue to feed my body (Properly), my mind Will follow and allow Me to finally Feel and Be Well.
I pray for YOUR Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID# 8536438
I got 4.1 #kudos yd. 1 (juice) so far 2d.
School is out for the second day on account of snow so took my Daughter to do errands in town. Was very busy already today and now taking a break in between watching a PBS show on depression.
Did You know that a study was done to see if depression affected the Physical part of the brain? She (the Dr. & author of the study) found that the hippocampus area of the brain was actually shrunk in female patients who had a personal history of depression. Seems the longer the depression lasted, the smaller this region became. Of course I’ll have to study up on what this particular physical function of the brain does. J
I was very intrigued by this new knowledge I gained. I have always said: “Feed the Body and the Mind WILL Follow”. This of course was wishful & faithful thinking on my part because I had always learned that once brain cells are dead, they cannot regenerate. Here, in a separate study, they tested the physical side affects of Depression Rx on the actual brain, not the mind part. Here it clearly showed new cell generation in the hippocampus region of the brain in patients receiving Depression medication vs. a declining or shrinkage of this area of the brain in patients receiving No treatment.
This is the Best news I’ve heard in a long time! My depression 1st became noticeable to my family in 2nd grade – although in 1979-80 there was little if any mental health awareness and I was labeled “just a Sensitive child”. My depression left unrecognized & untreated allowed it manifest itself into an even more restricted lifestyle – Anorexia by the time I was 12.
It wasn’t until after my Son was about 2 & suffering terribly with asthma & my catching pneumonia that my Dad stepped in & talked to the Dr. about getting me on antidepressants due to family history. That was 15 years ago.
Since realizing I had a problem with Anorexia almost 3 years ago, I have been quite worried about the physical state of my brain. With 30 years of severe depression and 25+ of those in a food/nutrient restricted state of existence, I was sure my brain had suffered irreparable damage to my cells; which would ultimately hinder my ability to Be RecoverED from Eating Disorders & Depression.
Now, I really have No worries about my Physical state of being. Now I know that the brain Can and Will repair itself Physically IF properly nourished which will in turn allow my Cognitive abilities and processes to be stronger and sharper.
This is why Original Limu works so well for people who suffer anxiety & depression. One of the “side – effects” of drinking this product is something called “Increased feelings of well-being”.
That was a real hard concept for me to explain to people – especially if the never suffered depression. Now it makes perfectly clear sense. The feeling of well-being come from the fact that the Brain is (quite possibly – only My opinion based on the knowledge I’ve gained through research and due-diligence) actually regenerating itself. All the old, dead cells are being flushed out through the blood to be cleaned out of the body through the various organs & exit routes. As this is happening, the brain is actually making New brain Cells to replace the ones being rejected as no longer good – degenerated.
So as simply as I understand it, when the brain is starving or under dire stress induced hormones that attack & kill the cells the become weak & sluggish without energy for even the simplest task of deciding between a Big Mac or McChicken, let alone the energy to learn anything new, have the ability to recall information stored in the faulty system and left untreated causes a physical weakening of the body and loss of all desire for any happiness.
When the brain makes new cells, they are like babies – healthy, full of life & energy to grow and multiply their perfect DNA. Remember grade school and all the energy we had back then? That was due in large part because our brains were still growing, developing, generating new healthy cells to carry out the neurotransmissions needed to stay physically & mentally active. As we grew older, our system automatically starts to slow and gets clogged with toxins, destructive cell mutations etc all of which the body cannot evacuate on its own due to our malnourished food system.
Now, with Original Limu – the premier Fucoidan blend our bodies are supplied the nutrients to evacuate and regenerate. The brain sends out “feelings” of well-being because it is regenerating Not dying any longer. When any part of the body is degenerating and dying, You are Not going to “feel” very “well” especially when the part is the brain and it knows it’s dying.
This is why when You introduce Original Limu, after about 120 days (some feel it before, but most take the full 3 months) the body has had time to successfully manufacture new Tissue. Making new tissue is just 1 of the many functions that cells do and without healthy cells, how can we ever hope to make healthy (brain) tissue?
So with our brain once again able to function & manufacture like when we were kids, it is no wonder why we “feel” like we are kids again. Feelings of Being Well – That my Friends, is what it’s All about: Not only feeling well but Being Well!
It’s a new year, a time to learn & grow, understand & allow ourselves to become enlightened so that life can truly begin anew in a whole New Body & Mind.
I have found No easier way – and believe Me & my ana, we tried – to get Nutrition into the body than Original Limu. It tastes great, so neither of us reject it.
I like it because I know within just an hour or two my Body will Let me eat which in turn puts #kudos on my chart and reinforces my good behavior on The Recovery Road – meaning one day I will reach the end of This Road and Be RecoverED. I know my ana cannot fight back against the nutrients because it is just 2-4oz a pop, so my stomach doesn’t get filled up and uncomfortable. Plus the fact that the nutrients just flow right into my bloodstream without any thought or works on the part of my body or brain. EZ. EZ.
My ana likes it because she thinks that She is outwitting Me. It’s only just a sip or gulp and gone, then I will leave her alone about the whole food thing. I won’t bother or pester her with thoughts of eating all the different kinds of foods we have in the house that we could eat. So, she wins. Just drink some stupid juice and I’ll shut up and let her be (the one “in control”).
By the time my body wakes up to smell the food and become hungry enough to eat, the nutrients have been absorbed (she can’t control that ;) and I’m the strong one in control of the fork. My stomach is the strong one as it fights back against her to open up and allow the food in (she can’t control that anymore eitherJ)
Oh sure, once it’s in there, she gets riled up and makes My stomach real full real fast which causes me pain sometimes & discomfort if I force too much in – it’s still a delicate balance.
My body is taking back its Life and Functions from my ana. With every month that passes on This Road and every accumulated #kudo I can and do claim daily, assures me that my steps are true. My thoughts & faith have prevailed in the long run to show & prove that if I continue to feed my body (Properly), my mind Will follow and allow Me to finally Feel and Be Well.
I pray for YOUR Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID# 8536438
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