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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Declare Independence

Happy Independence Day America!

I had an interesting experience earlier this afternoon when we went over to a Friend’s house for BBQ rib lunch. Not wanting to go through the Refeeding syndrome “bad” side-effects, I opted Not to eat. Plus the smells of that meat was actually not appetizing to me. At one time, ribs were my favorite, but that was over 20 years ago. Now all i smell is the meat part and that sickens me. I have to “be in the mood” and have my “timing” right in order to even “think” about attempting to eat.

So I was explaining the comatose state one goes through with the syndrome, which mine is getting easier, but given the type of food, it would lay me flat out cold & i did not want to have to go through that at a gathering. I was able to sit in the same area where they were all eating – which Was a plus because usually i have to run away from seeing & smelling other people eat.

What happened next was completely unexpected and utterly unforeseeable to Me. One by one, everyone that had eaten started to make their way to their cars to go home and…Take a Nap!
These were “healthy” people with good appetites & eating portions. These people were not fat but they were more healthier than I. These are the kind of people i would consider “normal eaters” and They were being taken down flat by the food – the Same reaction that I would have and that I did Not want to have because that would make me “different” and my AN more noticeable.

Guess that was just another example of the Voice convincing Me that Only an anorexic gets “sick” off food. It's Not "sick" at all. There is nothing out of the ordinary either. That sleepy happens to all people when they eat "a lot" of good food.

Well, I'm off. I figured that since i was having such a reaction to seeing this event transpire, that i would write it down before the Voice had a chance to intervene & cause me to not fully assess the situation Properly.

I'm finding that the longer i stay away from using the written word, the harder is for Me to use. Without the ability to write, it seem i really have no clue what is going on in the inside of me. Does that make sense?
It's as if AN is trying to keep me away from expressing My Own thoughts & feelings. If she can keep me scared of the computer keyboard or even my beloved journal with pen & paper, then i will have to rely on her for direction. Seems she knows me inside & out - better than i do.

So with the restriction from food & drink comes the restriction of of My thoughts & My feelings because they are "stuck" in my mind & only accessible by her & the only time i get to know is what she allows Me to know.

Just keep walking....just keep walking....just keep walking down the path 2BRecoverED. So we stumble a bit - or a lot at times. The only thing to do when that happens id get up, dust off and keep right on walking.

I have no idea how much longer this path is, it did not come with a map & has no road markers. there are only 2 ways to go - Forward onto the Land of RecoverED or back to where I fought so hard to get out of.

My only compass & constant companions are the Lord Jesus and the LIMU Brand with the only premier, worldwide, lifetime rights to an amazing plant called the Limu Moui - better known as 'seaweed' - that is packed with 70+ Nutrients Plus a polysaccharide called Fucoidan.
Together they provide Me the strength & healing daily to continue my long pilgrimage to a Land that i have never seen, only heard about. He continues to reward my Faith in Him & His healing ways by ensuring the LIMU continues to come in each month. When I see & feel the difference LIMU makes, I know i made the right choice to step out on faith & the strength I gain helps me get back up and walk again.

I hope You are having or did have a Great 4th of July Holiday!

This is a day of celebration for Our Independence from an oppressive force (at the time). a people of Courage & Conviction, determined to give to their decendents a better way of Life. One in which they could be free to choose the best health & education for their families. A life where they could be free to Dream bigger than their stature and the ability to pursue the truest sense of the words... Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Because those strong men & women and even children sacrificed everything they had to stand on Morals & Principles of peaceful life, We have the freedom today to Be & Do better than they had.

It's time to honor this Country: one Nation Under God, Indivisible with Liberty & Justice for All, by Being all that Our Ancestors fought for Us - Our Lives in Our Hands.

I Declare Independence from Anorexia this 4th of July - for Myself, My Family & My Country.
A Healthy Country starts with Healthy Communities.
Healthy Communities start with Healthy Families.
Healthy Families start with Healthy People.

Will You Declare Your Independence from an oppressive force in Your Life?

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!

Barbara A Thornton
LIMU Consultant
Lady Limu ID# 8536438

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