Speaking of mind roads, my daughter asked a very good question just the other night.
“Mom, when you breathe does your tummy go in or out with each breath you take in?”
I had to really think about the answer. “Well, the Proper way is to have the belly push out a little on inhale and then go down on the exhale.”
“Good. Then I’m doing it right.” She said with a smile.
“I’m really proud of You,” I told her. “Did You know that I was in my late 30’s before I learned that my breathing was all wrong? This is cool that Your brain already has been taught the Right way. This will come in handy in Your adult life when stress gets too high. Just do Your breathing the right way and the body will tell the mind that You are relaxed.”
“Well, I used to watch Papa breathing all the time when we sat on the sofa together. That’s how he breathes.”
“I’m glad that You were paying attention and learned this very important tool so now that You are a teenager, that road will be paved into a super highway and You will never have to Think about breathing again.”
Yes, something seemingly “simple” as breathing is actually a complex network of roads to be mapped out & paved into the weaving of the mind.
As babies, this mechanism of life is automatic; just watch one sleep. Their bellies rise up when the inhale deeply, then lower as the exhale and then they hold their breath for a few moments to start the process all over again.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome occurs when the brain or body “forgets” to start the process over again.
The forgetting is due to that particular road not being cleared out all the way. For some reason it gets hung up the debris littering the way (unformed brain cells & functions) and simply stops where it’s at.
As we grow older we learn to adjust and adapt to our surrounding environments. Our brains get more materials to work with ~ cells & mass capable of carrying, forwarding and retrieving the myriad of information taken in everyday.
Nutrition, of course, plays a Huge part in this.
In my case, i had altered my breathing pattern by an early age.
When I was 10-12 years old we went to Park Point Beach right across the street from Grampa’s house at the foot of the Arial Lift Bridge in Duluth, MN. All I can remember about that day is being at home with a decent size piece of glass lodged deep into my heel.
As I laid on Mom and Dad’s bed while he dug it out with tweezers and a needle, and she was holding me in a half cuddle, half straddled so I couldn’t move, i started my “new” breathing technique that i taught Myself sometime earlier but it all came back.
I would suck the air deep in my lungs until they hurt, then I would hold the breath for as long as I possibly could before letting it out to start this backwards process over and over again as my hands drew up in fists.
For how long did this go on? I have no idea.
The piece of glass out, a splash of some antiseptic and they turned me over to find a severely hyperventilated child whose hands were balled up so tight, not even my “motor head” Dad could loosen when locked up nuts & bolts posed no problem.
We came out, sat on the sofa and i got to have Oreo’s ™ and milk as my parents each had a hand to massage while they spoke softly to me – i don’t think I responded for I cannot remember what they said.
So, this was the beginning of my adolescence and the way i trained my mind to respond to adversity – and teenagers always have a problem. LOL
Soon though because this was the road I was laying down to take for breathing, it became the dominate one, then the Only one. In effect I retrained my brain to do exactly the Opposite of what it new how to do and was Supposed to do.
It wasn’t until 3 years into my journey 2BRecoverED that I found out i was doing it all wrong. It took me months and months of practice everyday, in all sorts of situations especially around feeding times to even be able to do it well.
It was a few more months when in the middle of dinner I looked down at my self to see my belly rising as I felt the breath go in. Sure enough, the breath left without a fuss as my tummy went back down. I was amazed!
“I’m doing it!” I shouted then waited for it to happen again. “I’m really doing it!”
“Doing what?” Husband & Daughter asked.
“My breathing, look it’s working right,” and demonstrated for them too.
“Oh.” They both said kind of perplexed. “That’s good!” they responded cheerily.
The neuropathways in the brain are already started in the womb and start to be sown & hewn with plenty of nutrients and good information coming in.
The fact that my daughter has Mastered the “art of breathing” by age 14 fills me with a Certainty beyond Hope that she will indeed excel faster & farther to achieve her dreams and goals.
She fills me with Hope for my tomorrows. In her I see just how important LIMU is for the development of the brain which allows the mind to expand and reach new heights as it pushes the limits of body and very thoughts.
The roads of the mind are not forgotten or lost, just overgrown and covered with sticks & moss, easily cleared away with a clean and healthy supply of blood rushing in daily to flood all the debris out and away from the body.
Old roads retrieved, new building permits received, the work begins anew right where it left off when LIMU shots are taken.
Blessings of peace and health enlightenment and prosperity to You alway!
I'm Barbara A Thornton, I Am LIMU and I'd be honored to sponsor You!

I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Monday, March 21, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Mind Roads
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When we are born, our minds are as a vast, pristine forest uncut and waiting for new pathways to be cleared for the future super highway to go through. We have so much to learn in the short 5 years before we are put on the big yellow bus and sent to school for the next 13. After that, it’s out of the nest to wrestle our way through this life. Either we fly or nose dive.
Anyways, back to the forest… In the beginning our parents fed us food full of nutrients to build strong, healthy bodies & minds to be ready, willing and able to comprehend the information they would spend the next 18 years filtering into us. Hopefully we would make the connections between their good teaching & our behaviors to develop a greater sense of self-esteem, compassion and work ethics that would carry us to be successful in our adult lives.
Now by the time we reach the teen years that vast forest has now become a network of cleared roads, rough paths, all intertwined. It is in adolescence that these roads are paved & widened into 4 or more lanes (depending on the traffic usage of each destination). Take breathing for example. Unfortunately babies die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS everyday. We know not why other than they ‘seemingly’ “forgot to breathe”.
As teenagers, we are allowed to make more choices in our lives than ever. This includes our choice of foods to eat. Most parents of this generation (me included) are so happy the kids can feed themselves, that we let them do it without supervision more often; leading to a breakdown in the machine – their bodies are being deprived of the nutrients so lovingly given in youth. When the body is deprived of nutrients the building of those super highways slows down. The work simply cannot be kept up to speed on an empty tank of cells.
What was once a breakneck speed to thrive and succeed has been replaced with the need to survive.
This is where & why Eating Disorders turn deadly. In my case Restrictive Anorexia was my way of life by teen years. Binge on food then restrict.
Oh yeah…the mind roads. LOL
So given malnutrition at a time when the brain is “growing” (if You will) into a Mind, it is likely that the pathways would get stuck somewhere in the building process due to lack of materials to build with.
Add this onto any developmental difficulties of the mental health variety and there it is set in Un-motion and the formula for a difficult transition from basic survival to soaring above personal expectations.
It can only stand to reason that if a child is given a healthy dose of natural, liquid nutrients from Birth to Graduation their formula will dramatically be changed and geared for success in all areas of their Adult Lives.
Their minds would have the fuel to think better, clearer, faster and the ability to expand on their knowledge base would be astounding! They could learn more so they could Do and Be more.
Their bodies would heal faster, eliminate the harmful chemicals released by stress and their immune system would be near impervious against the attacks of the yearly, seasonally “common cold & flu”.
I understand this building blockade of the mind because i have lived it my entire adult life. I am realizing just how important simple Nutrients really are and can only imagine where this information would have taken me if only I had known all those years ago.
My daughter is now 14 and been a LIMU Kid for almost 4 years. Her 1st dream & goal in her life was to get the Perfect Attendance Award in school. An impossible wishful thinking was the mood until LIMU came knocking on our door. She has always been straight A but from that 1st day to this, Not one sick day from school has she missed!
A secret dream spoken LIMU did hear and only because I received it into my home is my daughter now free to grow!
The forest of the mind is vast and often treacherous as we grow, we need all the fuel for energy that this machine takes and there simply is No way to replace the nutrients except to ingest them.
Imagine what a difference LIMU Brand will make in Your Life’s time. It’s never too late or early to start a shot or 2 a day can only improve the quality of Your heart, set Your mind at ease and for that much needed after school energy… Pass the Blu Frog if You would, please.
I’ve got a lot of catch up to do, but the trails were never lost, only overgrown in some patches…well, quite a few. Every day I see my daughter blossom & grow in the knowledge of her Self and what she is capable of, always stretching the limits of her mind to see what else she can find to improve her life and those around her.
Someday, when my mind is fully replenished and the road work can once again begin, I can’t wait to “grow up” to be just like her!
Dreams really Do come True, I’ve seen 1st hand, and when they are realized the repercussions are grand! They reverberate throughout the fabric of that Life to strengthen the mold and set in motion further victories to win.
I owe my children their first 18 years of life. This is the price I gladly pay & would again for their presence every day.
Even as teenagers, given the choice both girl and boy reach for the LIMU, ORIGINAL juice or Blu Frog. Either one is fine with me so I keep plenty on hand. Give them Their choice but I control what comes in or stays out. Sure wish I had this choice back then!
Are You ready to take Your parenting to the next level and watch Your child succeed?
When You invest in Your child’s nutrition with LIMU, the payoff is endless and too numerous to conceive.
When You feed the organ of the brain the Mind is able to build, maintain and make new & improved neuropath ways & connections to ensure when they leap out of the nest they Will Soar.
I have a LIMU Kid and would be glad to help You and Yours have a Happy New Year & New You with LIMU.
Blessings of Protection & Strength with Joy & Peace alway!
I’m Barb Thornton & I Am LIMU ~ MemberID: 8536438
Anyways, back to the forest… In the beginning our parents fed us food full of nutrients to build strong, healthy bodies & minds to be ready, willing and able to comprehend the information they would spend the next 18 years filtering into us. Hopefully we would make the connections between their good teaching & our behaviors to develop a greater sense of self-esteem, compassion and work ethics that would carry us to be successful in our adult lives.
Now by the time we reach the teen years that vast forest has now become a network of cleared roads, rough paths, all intertwined. It is in adolescence that these roads are paved & widened into 4 or more lanes (depending on the traffic usage of each destination). Take breathing for example. Unfortunately babies die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS everyday. We know not why other than they ‘seemingly’ “forgot to breathe”.
As teenagers, we are allowed to make more choices in our lives than ever. This includes our choice of foods to eat. Most parents of this generation (me included) are so happy the kids can feed themselves, that we let them do it without supervision more often; leading to a breakdown in the machine – their bodies are being deprived of the nutrients so lovingly given in youth. When the body is deprived of nutrients the building of those super highways slows down. The work simply cannot be kept up to speed on an empty tank of cells.
What was once a breakneck speed to thrive and succeed has been replaced with the need to survive.
This is where & why Eating Disorders turn deadly. In my case Restrictive Anorexia was my way of life by teen years. Binge on food then restrict.
Oh yeah…the mind roads. LOL
So given malnutrition at a time when the brain is “growing” (if You will) into a Mind, it is likely that the pathways would get stuck somewhere in the building process due to lack of materials to build with.
Add this onto any developmental difficulties of the mental health variety and there it is set in Un-motion and the formula for a difficult transition from basic survival to soaring above personal expectations.
It can only stand to reason that if a child is given a healthy dose of natural, liquid nutrients from Birth to Graduation their formula will dramatically be changed and geared for success in all areas of their Adult Lives.
Their minds would have the fuel to think better, clearer, faster and the ability to expand on their knowledge base would be astounding! They could learn more so they could Do and Be more.
Their bodies would heal faster, eliminate the harmful chemicals released by stress and their immune system would be near impervious against the attacks of the yearly, seasonally “common cold & flu”.
I understand this building blockade of the mind because i have lived it my entire adult life. I am realizing just how important simple Nutrients really are and can only imagine where this information would have taken me if only I had known all those years ago.
My daughter is now 14 and been a LIMU Kid for almost 4 years. Her 1st dream & goal in her life was to get the Perfect Attendance Award in school. An impossible wishful thinking was the mood until LIMU came knocking on our door. She has always been straight A but from that 1st day to this, Not one sick day from school has she missed!
A secret dream spoken LIMU did hear and only because I received it into my home is my daughter now free to grow!
The forest of the mind is vast and often treacherous as we grow, we need all the fuel for energy that this machine takes and there simply is No way to replace the nutrients except to ingest them.
Imagine what a difference LIMU Brand will make in Your Life’s time. It’s never too late or early to start a shot or 2 a day can only improve the quality of Your heart, set Your mind at ease and for that much needed after school energy… Pass the Blu Frog if You would, please.
I’ve got a lot of catch up to do, but the trails were never lost, only overgrown in some patches…well, quite a few. Every day I see my daughter blossom & grow in the knowledge of her Self and what she is capable of, always stretching the limits of her mind to see what else she can find to improve her life and those around her.
Someday, when my mind is fully replenished and the road work can once again begin, I can’t wait to “grow up” to be just like her!
Dreams really Do come True, I’ve seen 1st hand, and when they are realized the repercussions are grand! They reverberate throughout the fabric of that Life to strengthen the mold and set in motion further victories to win.
I owe my children their first 18 years of life. This is the price I gladly pay & would again for their presence every day.
Even as teenagers, given the choice both girl and boy reach for the LIMU, ORIGINAL juice or Blu Frog. Either one is fine with me so I keep plenty on hand. Give them Their choice but I control what comes in or stays out. Sure wish I had this choice back then!
Are You ready to take Your parenting to the next level and watch Your child succeed?
When You invest in Your child’s nutrition with LIMU, the payoff is endless and too numerous to conceive.
When You feed the organ of the brain the Mind is able to build, maintain and make new & improved neuropath ways & connections to ensure when they leap out of the nest they Will Soar.
I have a LIMU Kid and would be glad to help You and Yours have a Happy New Year & New You with LIMU.
Blessings of Protection & Strength with Joy & Peace alway!
I’m Barb Thornton & I Am LIMU ~ MemberID: 8536438
Working to Bring You More
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I've been real busy working behind the scenes lately. There is not much I will say right now except that what I'm working on is exciting and beneficial to both me and You, if You choose to let me be Your LIMU Sponsor.
I'm working out all the bugs with the tools I now possess along with gaining much needed education to bring real internet marketing success to anyone who wants to improve their health & finances with LIMU and me.
Bookmark 2BRecoverED to keep up to date and be the 1st to know when my new project goes live.
Have a Great day filled with blessings of joy & peace with enlightenment & prsperity to You alway!
I'm Barb Thornton, I Am LIMU and I'd be honored to Sponsor You!
I'm working out all the bugs with the tools I now possess along with gaining much needed education to bring real internet marketing success to anyone who wants to improve their health & finances with LIMU and me.
Bookmark 2BRecoverED to keep up to date and be the 1st to know when my new project goes live.
Have a Great day filled with blessings of joy & peace with enlightenment & prsperity to You alway!
I'm Barb Thornton, I Am LIMU and I'd be honored to Sponsor You!
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