I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A Tune-up for Your Body
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I am still holding 116 today. I figure I better get in the habit of wqeighing myself every day. At least every other. That way I will be able to see slight changes before they get so drastic again.
Ok. How many of you change oil in your car? Replace brake fluid, power steering fluid and the dreaded transmission filter and flush of the fluid?
I used to change oil at my Dad's shop before I married Wayne. So I understand about how fluids naturally build up gunk (lack of better word) and ruin a car's motor, leaving the person who does not invest in maintaining the proper fresh fluids without a ride. So in the end, it actually costs more to Not maintain clean fluids, than it would have with the proper maintinence.
So is the case with our own bodies. The only difference is that our bodies were meant to run on food nutrition. Without proper nutrition, the body slowly gunks up and clogs arteries, slows kidneys, fertility, bone density and the very basic red blood cells suffer. Causing severe fatigue, improper immune function, higher cholesterol levels, and eventually organ failure or cancer.
That is the way this country is. Either the body wears out due to improper eating habits or we wind up with cancer because our body is incapable of fighting anymore.
In this day and age, the best the Dr.'s can come up with is a bunch of pills? When you go for a checkup and are healthy, you will probably be put on at least 1 Rx if not several by the time you leave. Now, don't get me wrong. Some pople need those 'drugs' to have a better quality of life - due to years of poor nutrition where they wore their body down to that point of having to take 'drugs' from the Dr. Ihave noticed however, if you take a pill for 'this' reason, that pill will cause other side effects. I saw a commercial for a Rx drug (don't ask me what) and one of the side effects (the last one they mentioned) was Lymphoma. The most invasive of cancers. If you get Lymphoma, you're checking out. So, I can take the pill to help with an ailment, all the while playing Russian roulette with Lymphoma. No thanks.
So, the more I learn about Original Limu and most importantly Fucoidan - the more I am comforted with the knowledge that I am changing my fluids regularly - 2oz at a time.
Such a small amount, but such a big job it does in my body. Why wouldn't I keep the fluids clean pumping into my body, cleaning out all the gunk? For only about $170 usd every month, I can eliminate my families need and dependence on Dr.'s and Rx drugs.
We were at a friend's house yesturday and he told us that they (Dr.s) just added another Rx to his daily total. Now up to 5 a day at a cost of over $400 a month. I am sure that is conservative for some, but for less than 1/2 the cost of drugs, this super food Fucoidan gives the body everything it needs and does not tear down the body in the process.
I feel real bad for the people who do not have faith. For by faith we are saved not by works. It takes faith to step out there and invest in your own health let alone the health of your children and parents. I thank God every day that He gave me the grace to step out on faith and try this product. For us, astounding results were seen within 4 days (every body is different, some may take upwards of 3 weeks to a month; but our bodies were starving for nutrition of any kind and when we added super high octane fluid into our motor, it took off).
Since that first delightfuly interesting sip we have never been more than 2-3 weeks without it. What a difference 2-4oz a day makes!
Today my prayer for you all is that God will Bless you with Peace and Joy that comes from a healthy body.
We invite You to share in this Blessing with us!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Back in the saddle again
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I was out to Florida last week to visit family and friends over spring break. It was good to see some familiar faces again.
We left on Monday and returned late Friday night. Before we left, on Sunday, i opened up to my church about my anorexia and the sudden weight loss as i was fearful that the evil one was against me again. So, i asked for prayers.
Well, seeings how we were traveling, my food intake was the same as when i lost those 15 pounds. I weighed on Saturday and was up to 115! Today I am up to 116! I praise the Lord for His healing touch on my body again!
Of course, i brought "the juice" along on the trip. Faithfully do I drink Limu. I hadn't even noticed I lost the weight and the amazing part is that I did not notice it go back on. My body still looks the same to me. The only difference is that my size 3 pants are now tight even without the longhandles i was wearing under them earlier this winter. That is a good thing. LOL
I look at my 11 year old daughter and she wears a size 1 with a belt and i think to myself how grotesque i was not even a year ago when Limu came into my life. I'm 36 now. I should Not be in a size 1 anymore. So I am very happy and proud ofg myself to be in a size 3 (just barely) and looking to go to a size 5 soon. Which (for perspective) was my size when I was 18 and a senior in High School.
Man, was I unhealthy! :(
Thanks to Limu, i know my cells are nourished and my organs are functioning properly.
Speaking of working properly. Have you ever heard of Chelation? (kee-lay-shun) That is a process whereby a person goes to a facility where their blood is pumped out of their body, cleaned and then put back into the body and usually liquid nutrients are added with it because it takes a lot out of a person to have their blood pumped all out then put back.
Well, did you know that Fucoidan - the main nutrient in Original Limu- does the same type thing in your body through a process called Apoptosis which is the process whereby cells in the body naturally die. With cancer and such diseases that replicate their faulty cells, this function of the body to get rid of the old, dying, or malfunctioning cells is essential. That is what chelation does - get rid of bad cells. But, fucoidan does the same thing, at a fraction of the cost and the bad cells are then excreted out of the body in the form of waste.
So, this is another way that I know my body is functioning properly. I am getting rid of bad impurities in my body every day. As opposed to only about 2-3 times a week. Going to the bathroom every day may not seem like such a feat to some, but to me, it means everything. I feel better, I'm not bloated or gas-y anymore. No more abdominal pain and i actually think it is finally helping my fatigue also. I know I am not as grumpy anymore.
Thank You for your thoughts and prayers. God is listening!
I pray for Blessings of Peace and Hope for You!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Fell off the wagon
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Well, today i am very discusted with myself. I hopped on the scale this a.m. and to my astonishment, i saw the numbers say only 105. What happened?!?
I thought i was doing well. But it is obvious that i was tricking myself. Thinking back over the last few days, i did skip breakfast almost every day and only a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a fairly good size portion for dinner.
Of course i am still drinking my juice. Thank God, He has given me this Original Limu to help my body and physiological functions. Now i just have to be very active in my eating practices.
I feel like if i skip breakfast, then i have more energy to get my "chores" done. See, when i eat, my stomach gets full and sleepy in my mind and eyes. So i was trying to get over this sleepy feeling, but i am going about it all wrong i see.
I was so proud of myself at 120. I felt like i was truely making it - to normal"ville". Now i feel very bad. Like i failed myself. I must keep up the good fight and not forget to fight back even against myself if i am trying to destroy myself.
I know this sounds crazy. I would say that i am crazy, except that i know i am not. I just have a crazy 'disease' that takes over my being. I am having a hard time putting this into words that would make sense to someone without an eating disorder (e.d.).
I welcome any comments that will help me and other readers of my blog to understand anorexia. Just when i thought i was in control of 'it', i find that it still is controlling me.
I must be vigilant and not give into the belief that i feel better when i do not eat.
Now i look at 120 as an almost unattainable thing again. I desperately want to be 125. That's 20 pounds from now. How long will it take? How much food do i have to eat? When will i be able to say that i am recovered?
Now i really know that i must Never stop drinking Original Limu. I am a far way from 100% recovery. The nutrition that Limu gives me is by far better than i allow myself to eat. Once agaain i am totally dependant on Limu. I know that my body is getting nutrients. I cannot be trusted to feed my body myself. I can however be trusted to feed myself this awesome, great tasting elixer for life. I thank God that He has provided this life sustaining product for me! Without this nutrition found in Limu, i fear i would have been hospitalized already. If nothing else, Limu has saved me from sickness (no flu for me or my family this season), and kept me healthy enough to take care of my family and myself.
Here's to more food intake! Oh. I did have a bowl of cereal this a.m. already.
Blessings of Peace and Health to y'all!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Don't know what you got 'till it's gone
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That old saying is true : "You don't know what you got till it's gone" I am so happy to be back on the Limu. Even though i was off for less than a week this time, i sure can see the difference. Sure, i was taking vitamin suppliment pills (B complex and C). But what i have noticed in the past couple days is that my urine is clearing up. When i was taking the pills, it was a grotesque neon yellow. As soon as more juice arrivewd, i went off the pills and after a couple days in my system, i now am seeing the familiar clear water with just a hint of color my body is releasing from my organs.
Boy, that is really scary. I never before noticed the difference in my waste products. Hopw healthy can those pills called vitamins be for me if the come out in the form of glowing colors? I was reminded of potty training my children. When they went, it was always clear, with little color and odor because they were healthy. The environment and the food had not yet tarnished their perfect systems.
After my unexpected color test, if i were not a believer in Limu yet, i sure am now. It feels good be healthy!!!!
I am still holding my 120. i must confess that i have stopped srinking my protein shakes that did a wonderful job of putting on weight for me. I know that with my diet, i should still be drinking them, and knowing that my goal weight is 125, i still am having a hard time with the reality of actually being that weight, so i forgo the extra boost of that shake.
I am comforted with the fact that God IS healing my body. I am physically healthier than i have ever been. Original Limu was truely a Blessing to my family! The Lord hears our prayers and answeres them in His own way and in His own time. I am so Thankful that He has allowed me to partake and to Share this blessing.
I did not know just how physically unhealthy i was and how that was affecting the rest of my being - mental and spiritual. It wasn't until i became healthy, through the right nutrition for my body on the most basic cellular level brought to me by Limu , that i realized what i was missing.
There really is No substitute (in my book) for Original Limu.
Enjoy your twice a day-every day!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Strong Body, Mind and Spirit
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I am holding fast to 120 now. i have not weighed for the past 2 weeks. just avoiding the scale i guess. partly on a consious level, but also subconsously.
my Christmas present from my husband was a beautiful diamond set. at the time, we sized it for a 5. (my wedding band is a 4) after sizing it, i found it to be about 1/2 size too big as the ring would twirl around my finger and was only being held in place by my knuckle. well, lately - past week or so - it has been staying in place and the meat on the underside of my finger is holding it back from my knuckle. pretty amazing.
i was in between shipments of Limu last week. i did suppliment with B-complex vitamins and C also. i was out of Limu for 4 days. near the last day, i realized halfway through the day that i had not eaten yet. but seeings how i was already that far along in the day, i then made the consious decision to forgo the rest of the day until dinner time. knowing that Limu was on the way, i figured it would be o.k. so, the next day - yesturday, i had a late lunch, then my juice came and i had a big glass, by dinner time, i was still full from the huge lunch, so i ate some dinner and muffins for dessert.
i felt some control, however not the right kind, when i decided to forgo the food that day and the next. i would look at the food and then go about my business. sometimes i would say to myself 'eat, eat something' but then i would quiet that voice and be able to continue on my stubborn path of self determination.
all the while rationalizing that because i have the gift of Limu, i will be able to 'cheat' on this thing called anorexia. or e.d. yes, Limu is healing my body. i can see that and feel it. but it is i who has the power to heal my mind.
i have recently been in contact with my past childhood. an old chum of mine and i have found each other after 20 years and have opened doors that were shut for a long time.
i guess that is why i havn't written in a while. my mind has been cluttered with tragic events in my past that have, i am sure, been contributing factors in my e.d. (eating disorder).
as my body grows strong , so is my mind and spirit. with a strong body, i have more to fight back with. there are a lot of slings and arrows in this world. one has to be equipped to fight for their very survival, lest the evil of this world takes over our very lives.
2oz a day, 2times a day-everyday-gives my body the power to stand and fight for me. with my body on my side, i am more powerful than when i and my body are working against each each other.
Blessings of Peace and Health to You All!
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