I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Get Your Body to Work For You, Not Against You.
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I was watching Good Morning America on ABC today and they did a segment on longevity. Where it was healthy & not so healthy to live. Who lives longer? Of course the environment had a huge impact on the human body. The more pollutants you are exposed the more your immune system gets overloaded and starts to inflame. Inflamation is the underlying cause of many illnesses, such as heart failure, clogged arteries, breathing problems due to airway restriction in the lungs, arthritis and many more, they all start out as inflamation; that is the beginning signs of future trouble.
So, it only stands to reason that the when the body is inundated with toxic substances, then the health of everyone in that environment declines. Starting with our young children suffering with asthma, autism, cancer, heart problems, through adulthood and hitting hard with our parents and grandparents.
The only way out of that destiny is to move right? Move to a healthier place; which is what everyone else is doing, so the once peaceful and clean environments soon turn into what you left behind.
How do we get out of this situation we are destined for?
Help our body to build up it's immune system so it can fight harder For Us, instead of working Against us.
"I take vitamins, excercise and eat healthy every day." you say?
Excercising and eating healthy is the key ingredients to longevity.
The vitamins? No so much. They are man made. Scientists came up with a way to make the nutrients concentrated and in pill form years ago. That was great! For the first time people could suppliment our diets with vitamins; we needed that then. There was no other option. There was nothing before or since that scientists could 'make-up' that would support our immune system. Not to mention the fact that remember they Are pills. What happens to pills in the system? Well, what organ is it that is made to break down and dispose of the leftover pill that the rest of the body could not digest?
Add the Rx drugs that the Dr. gives you for this and that, and you have a lethal cocktail of cancerous causing components just sitting in the bowels causing Autotoxicity and forming cancer.
Did you know that if you hadn't poo-ed in 4 days, you better take a laxative, otherwise your body can literally burst the colon and intestin spewing that toxic waste into your body.
That is why i took the laxative on my 8th day. i did not know that. My father and aunt in-laws told me that. She worked in the ER for many years, and his friend was stopped up for 7 days and his insides burst and he was in a coma for a few months.
Anyways, so the moral of this story is this: You Need to keep your own body free of chemicals, so your immune system will work better. By flushing the toxic chemicals out of the body, and repairing cells to create healthier cells, LIMU builds your body up to be able to take on all the toxic waste in our world.
We all have to live somewhere. We all have bad habits - smoking, drinking etc.- we all eat the same food that has continued to decline in nutrients and increased in pesticides and antibiotics. Even our baby's drinking bottles are now poisoning our children right from the start. How crazy is that?!? (GMA on ABC) The really insane thing is that Nobody wants to do anything about it. 'The government will fix it, we will elect a person for president who will fix our pathetic epedimic we put our own selves in.' What is the definition of crazy? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting something different to happen each time (which it never does, always the same outcome). Original Limu is Nature's own Natural Immune Booster. It comes naturally, has been eaten for thousands of years by peoples all around the world. They are completely healthy. Why? Fucoidan, the nutrient found in the Limu Moui sea plant - or simply LIMU. Did you know that the limu plant has more vitamin C than Florida's Best Oranges and they make real good juice.
The remote control replaced us kids from having to turn the channel. The microwave replaced long hours in the kitchen cooking. Gas replaced wood for the stove. Computers have replaced alot of paper and storage problems that comes with paper files. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. The new gadgets that came out replaced the old way of working, not because the old way was entirely bad, just they found a Better way of giving us creature comforts.
Isn't it about time that we treat our own body to the same comforts of proper nutrition, healthy bones and blood and brain tissue? Why are we so concerned with our physical appearance than we are with the grotesque poisoning happening Inside our bodies that Causes the outside to wear and fade?
Through this struggle w/anorexia and LIMU, i'm learning that food is not all my body needs. Food is Very important yes, but my body is Starving for Nutrition. We all are starving, just manefesting it through the body in different ways. ED's, Chronic Pain, Inflamation, Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer just to name a few.
You and i know that the next president will Not be able to fix this problem. Not because they are a bad president, but because the President need Us! They need us to pull up our boot straps America. Take charge of our lives and health and finances. Lets make this country Strong again!
The Limu Company and I - Lady Limu- invite You to Take Back Your Health, Loose Your Wealth, and set Your Children Free.
The Limu Revolution is Here now. You are invited to join me in this Blessing that came from God - Not man - in the form of the limu moui sea grass.
I just cannot tell you how God has Blessed my family and families just like mine all over this Great Nation and across the seas to our neighbors around the globe, since Original Limu came into our lives. We were snatched away from death, and saved by Grace through Jesus and Original Limu. Healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Thank You All for taking the time out of your day to read about me, my struggle with anorexia and The Limu Company's Original Limu. Thank You for Your Thoughts and Prayers!
The One. The Only. The Original Limu.
Brought to you by:
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
www.pubmed.gov search Fucoidan, Nature's own immune booster placed here on Earth by the Creator of all things.
Blessings of Peace and Health to You!
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