I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Good Morning America and Friends around the world!
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Ok, i'll admit that i got a bit out of hand recently. I apologize for stepping on anyone's toes. Yes, we all have our own opinions on everything. I respect that. Even if you don't agree with me. I do not intentionally set out to hurt or humiliate anyone. I am sorry for doing so if that is how you felt reading My blog; it's just that I Love this Great Nation of ours, always have, and i just want to help it and my fellow U.S. Citizen and beyond. Charity starts at home. This IS Our Home - The United States of America.
Anyways, before i get going again, lets be honest about where exactly i am now.
I just weighed and am 115.
I have had a bout of it lately. So far for the past 2 days i have had only dinner and dessert. (I just Love desserts! :) So today i plan on listening to my book on tape- "Debt Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau, and eat throughout the day. (By the way, if you havn't read it yet, it is worth the money!)
oops, i just told everyone a great thing that i found- and i'm not getting endorsed or paid for it or anything. Nevertheless, i found it real helpful and want to give others the knowlege that i have been Graced with obtaining. What is so wrong with getting a little money back every month for simply helping others by telling them?
Ok, don't get me started.
I was thinking about this the other day: even though i seem to be going in and out of anorexia lately, my hair is longer than it has ever been, not only that but my nails are longer and stronger on all my fingers; my size 4 wedding band i can hardly move it up on my finger-last year i was taking it off and twirling it. Well to be honest, my breasts are continuing to grow, my legs are very firm as well as my arms.
All from drinking Original Limu.
Hair & nails are grown only if there is enough nutrition in the body left over to grow something that is essentually dead.
My weight is on a yo-yo right now, but apparently my body is still getting the nutrition it needs from my 2oz, 2-3times a day.
I guess i have been using the Limu as my scape goat for getting out of eating. Although this time around i am drinking fluids - coffee, water, milk, sweet tea, an occasional 1/2 can of soda pop. Alot of water, i've been real thirsty lately.
I guess it is true that if i don't eat and drink without the Limu-i will die. When i drink the Limu i am protected by Fucoidan-Nature's own immune booster, it helps my body and brain get through the hump until i'm back in the saddle again.
Before Limu i was on my way to certain death.
Now I am on the road to Certain Life, Blessed by Grace.
Come join the Limu Revolution for Your health and future!
Blesings of Peace and Health to You!
Barbara A Thornton - LadyLimu
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