I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Anorexia for Free
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July 12, 2005
The Limu Company Hits $10 Million in Sales, Wall Street Takes Notice
The Limu Company, one of the fastest-growing companies in the direct sales industry and the exclusive worldwide distributor of Original Limu, has captured Wall Street attention with sales in excess of $10 million in its initial year and a list of impressive "firsts". The company is poised to become the industry's next $100 million enterprise.
LAKE MARY, FLORIDA - The Limu Company, one of the fastest growing companies in the direct sales industry, has joined an elite group by reaching sales of $10 Million in its first year. Only a handful of companies have ever accomplished this feat. The Limu Company also joins the list of the most successful companies in America, a select group with $10 Million in revenue that represents less than ½ of 1% of all businesses in the country.
Recently recognized by the Wall Street Reporter, the nation’s leading online business information source, The Limu Company is poised to become the next $100 Million company behind its amazing product, Original Limu.
In an interview with WSR, President and Founder Gary J. Raser noted that “Our growth in our first year has been incredible ... we’ve seen a lot of firsts this year: we’re the first to recognize the global need for Limu Moui and Fucoidan, the first to develop an easily consumable liquid nectar, the first to successfully introduce a sea-based product and the first to bring that product to a global market. The real reason we’re so successful is our focus ... we eat, breathe and sleep Original Limu. We are category creators and market dominators.”
The full interview with Mr. Raser is featured on the Wall Street Reporter website at www.wallstreetreporter.com, along with additional corporate information.
”What we’ve achieved in our first year is truly amazing and reflects what happens when you bring together a dedicated group of people who share a common vision and a passion for making a difference,” said Mr. Raser. “More importantly, this is just the beginning of our journey over the next 12 to 18 month period when we expect to approach $100 Million in revenue. We certainly appreciate the attention we’re getting from Wall Street, but our greatest thanks go to the people who went way beyond the call of duty to make our $10 Million launch year possible ... our hard-working members, our unparalleled corporate staff and our dedicated vendor partners.”
The Limu Company is an international direct selling company headquartered near Orlando, Florida. It is the exclusive worldwide distributor of Original Limu, a uniquely beneficial nectar made from a proprietary, fucoidan rich Limu Moui extract with roots in the pristine waters of the Islands of Tonga in the South Pacific. The Company’s mission is to share Original Limu with the world, one person at a time, and the product is already distributed in 20 countries around the globe.
I thought you all might be interested in that news feed.
Did you notice that it was dated July 2005?!? That was The Limu Companies first year in sales when they reached 10 million dallars in sales in just one year! On top of that 1st year, they were expecting to reach another $90 million in sales in just another 12 - 18 months (2006-2007. we are in 2008 now).
So, the first year sales was $10 mil. Then the next year and a half they were poised to reach $100 million - which they succeeded.
So, after researching the health benefits for yourself through www.pubmed.gov and searching Fucoidan, all the testimonies that you have read on various ailments, now after reading my extensive blog dedicated to my human experimentation of Original Limu vs Anorexia, what have you got to lose?
I'll tell you what you will gain by NOT getting Original Limu for yourself or a loved one afflicted with anorexia or any other form of malnutrition :
You get:
*A disease that not only destroys the individual 's life but literally affects all surrounding individuals.
*Eratic blood pressure which causes the heart rate to drop to 60 beats per minute while awake and 30 bpm while sleeping.
*Shrinking of the heart and brain.
*The body's core temperature dropping below 98.
*Bad mood which sometimes leads to clinical depression.
*An irritable nature.
*Shyness, sometimes to the point of being anti-social.
*The fear of inferiority.
*Obsessive-compulsive tendencies.
*Loss of interest in sexual orientation.
All this for the price of Nothing. What a deal huh? All of this for Nothing.
Just by doing nothing - which is FREE - you or your loved one can continue on this path of Anorexia which carries a Certain Death Sentence if not treated.
What do you get when you pay your $25 membership fee to The Limu Company?
You Get:
*A $50 savings on each case you buy.
*Sign up for auto ship and you qualify for commissions.
*Commisssions are $25 check sent to you from TLC for every case that is sold directly through You.
*You get the clinically & scientifically proven most immune building nutrient on the face of teh Planet - 83% Fucoidan in each bottle with only papaya & mango puree and apple & pear juice added. That's all Natural in my book.
*You get to work with a company that has more than abundantly proven itself as a leader in the Wellness Industry with an Exclusive product than only The Limu Company can manufacture and can only be obtained through a direct selling format - you have to have an invite (which i am extending to You right now) in order to purchase their product. (Kind of like Sam's Club huh?)
*You get to work with a company and group of people that truely care about Your Health and Financial well being.
*You get the satisfaction of knowing You and Your Family are healthy.
*You get the satisfaction of knowing you are protected from future viruses because your immune system is clinically proven stronger to fight off disease and viruses.
*You get the ease of preparing and digesting the Absolute Best Nutrition You can feed yourself and family.
*You get these Blessings from God Himself.
*You will get the Blessing of Better Health.
*The Blessing of Peace due to no longer being burdened down by a defecient body and brain which also attacks the Spirit within You.
*The Blessing of Hope, for once you see the miracles in your own physical body you will have ongoing Hope in Jesus that He will continue to hear your prayers and answer them.
*The Blessing of Prosperity. Simply by giving your neighbors and fellow citizens the same information you have to better Their health, you will be Blessed through the generosity of The Limu Company.
All this for only $130 a month plus tax and shipping which equals to around $150. (That is After you pay for your membership of $25.)
How much Do You spend at McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Starbucks and a thousand other convience food places in a month? I dare say it it at least that much a month if not more.
In my little town where everybody complains of not having enough money to pay for the ridiculous prices for gas, i see them every night out at all the different restraunts, feeding their families junk because it is Easy, and no clean up for dinnertime.
Does this sound familiar to where you are living?
Sure, i would like to go out once and a while for dinner or lunch, but honestly that food is just junk. It clogs my arteries, raises my blood pressure which all leads to inflamatory disease that can take many forms in the body.
No. Our family does Not have the money to spend on JUNK. Rather i spend my families hard earned money on making our lives better - health and wealth.
Sure, at first my husband was incredulous about me spending $150 a month on "Just Juice", but after the 4th day, he was "Sold on the Gold". After a year on "Just Juice" the changes within him, myself and our daughter are incomparable to anything any one of has experienced in our lives. Now, whatever extra money we have, goes right into buying more Original Limu - Investing in Our Future.
Mothers and Wives:
Take Control of Your Families Future! Buy this product and try it for 3 month to ensure the full effect. Prove to Your Husbands and Children that Mother Really Does Know Best!
Mothers of past generations used to give a teaspoon of castor oil a day to their family to keep their bodies running in order.
How much better and easier is it today that We can give our Families A refreshing, golden nectar, which even my dogs drink straight up - no lie -, that Actually Does Everything that it claims as supported by science and numerous human testing as evidenced by all the testimonies?
Reclaim Our Families. Reclaim Our Lives. Reclaim Our Country and it's Citizens!
The POWER is truely in Our Hands Ladies! Excersise IT!
Lets save our girls and boys from this Disease that Destroys!
Anorexia is genetic.
Original Limu can undo and prevent the years of deterioration that affect the body and brain by this ravishing disease. I am living proof.
One side note. Before Original Limu came to me i was only able to give to my Church just $5 every 2 weeks, and i was darn proud and thankful to be able to give that. Simce Original Limu i have miraculously been able to consistantly give back to God upwards of $100 a week and sometimes more. This has all happened in just the last year.
I feel so Blessed that my tithe has increased as well as my offering. For i am only giving back just a small portion of what i have received from Him. However, each week i am filled with gladness and wonderment that the Lord is providing for Himself through His generosity to me, His faithful servant.
So, you see, it is not all about the money, for me anyway. Sure you can spend your bonus checks on anything you like - cars, t.v.'s, boats - toys, ya know. That is ok too. I just happen to have a passion for helping my community and helping to advance God's Kingdom.
Get Your health back first. That is the most important thing in life-your health, without it, you'll be dead anyway and can't enjoy life then anyway.
Health first then wealth. That is the way.
Blessings of Peace & Health, Hope & Prosperity
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
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