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Monday, May 5, 2008
Our Children Depend on US
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Good Morning!! Happy Cinco de Mayo Everyone!! (sorry if i spelled it wrong:)
I am still at 119 today. Yesturday, i had a small breffie and light snack type lunch and then we had Subway for dinner. I was so happy to eat the whole 6"! Not to mention the fact that my daughter and i have been craving Subway since we moved here to Tn. We just found out that there was one here.
Let me expound on this topic of: healthy body - healthy mind.
The whole reason i believe that if we as a Nation take better care of the physical health of our children, then they would develop less physical and mental problems. Triggered by stressors such as environment, divorce, peer pressure and so on.
I believe that in my case alone, i went through some pretty horrible stuff as a kid. Not as bad as some, but worse than others. Anyways, those are the parts that i remember. I believe that there are things i do not remember that triggered my brain to have this defensive mechanisim if you will, called anorexia. Without proper nutrition and nobody noticing my body was not developing, that just reinforced in my brain the lies that i was telling myself openly and secretely.
I feel that if i had had the Original Limu when i was developing and maturing then my body would be in effect "forced" to stay well, which in turn would give my mind a reinforcing positive outlook on food and eating. That anorexia is Not the way to take control of your life.
Not only would the Limu have maintained my body structure and development, but it would also have been nourishing my young brain and causing it to grow and expand because of how healthy the cells were due to the clean blood flow.
Back in the 80's when i was a tween and graduate in '90, there really was a big push left over from the previous decades to get people to smoke. Cigarettes were everywhere. In tv shows movies and commercials. The marketing dollars spent were astronomical. The result is that a whole bunch of my generation and before were duped into smoking, still struggling with the addiction imposed on us by the cigarette manufactures so they could get rich.
Now, it is the 21'st century and we are seeing the devastating effects that happen after years of abuse. There are more cancer and heart problems due to cigarettes and on and on i could go.
How does this all tie in?!? Especially with anorexia? you are asking.
Well, we all know that cigarettes are an appetite suppressent, so that feeds into the anorexia as it is easy to smoke and not eat. Second
The Go'vt stepped in in an effort to help the next generation not have this horrible addiction by making it harder for kids to get cigarettes and no advertising. That is a great 1st step.
Now it is up to us to finish helping our kids where the Gov't left off. Remember the Gov't canNot do everything for us. We have to help ourselves too.
So, looking back, if i would have had Original Limu by The Limu Company as a child and beyond, i feel certain that i would have gotten "addicted" to feeling healthy and then therefor would not have started smoking and would probably not be in a battle for my life against anorexia.
Our Children Depend on US. They look to us for guidance and health, love and support.
I love my children so much! Right now only my daughter is with us and i make sure she gets her 2oz a day. I figure at her age -11- 2oz is enough for everyday. When we have alot on hand, she takes 2oz twice a day just like us. When they were little, i got them their vaccines to protect them from polio and everything else just like you probably did. Why? To protect them of course. So now that i found Limu, i feel like the best mom in the whole county because i am giving my daughter the fuel she needs to overcome her own body.
I am making sure that i feed her awesome, natural, life giving pure nutrition. Even though she has been modeled the anorexic lifestyle and it does run in her genes on both sides, i am secure in the knowledge that she will Not be like me! She feels too darn good and healthy to do anything to mess up that feeling. She loves not being sick anymore! I treasure that myself. Again, i feel like the best mom because i am mking her healthy not condoning or allowing her to be sick anymore. She is easily a straight A student. She was before the Limu, but now, it really is simple for her. Never homework because it is so easy that she finishes it in the few minutes the teacher gives them.
I am not downgrading any of the generations before mine. Just the opposite. I am ver thankfull for where they got us to today. We all have learned a lot from the past generations. Both good and bad.
Now it is time that we need to stop blaming everything on our parents and grandparents and realize that we Are The Parents and we need to look after the Next Generation. Our children and those around the globe. The next generation is hurting and being crippled in body mind and spirit.
What is going to happen to this country just 20 years from now if We do nothing to change the current tide of events? These children will be running this Nation and you and i will be retired and our parents in their eighties.
Pretty scary huh? All these diseases that are attacking at younger ages, leaving just a handfull of stong adults left to take care of this country and solve it's problems - economy, astronomical health care crisis, "consumer" (yes, citizen) debt as well as national debt, military personell dwindeling.
It is just catastrophic to think about the future of this Great Nation while we are in the battle of our lives over all kinds of diseases that were brought on by poor nutrition in the 1st place!
Personally, i'm scared. Plain and simple.
So i decided to do something proactive to ensure the health of my own children first, thereby ensuring competent, healthy, stable and strong adults for the future. Which by the way, is also Your Future.
Mine and Your future is directly impacted by the health of the next generation!
The definition of stupidity: Doing something over and over and expecting different results every time.
Is'nt it about time we stop the insanity of the runaway nutrition crises of this Country, stop depending on the Gov't to tell us what is healthy, stop feeding the pharmecutical monster that only came into being because of poor nutrition in the 1st place.
I'm willing to do my part to ensure the health and prosperity of Your future and mine and that of this United States of America. Are you willing?
Come join us in this Great Blessing from The Creator that was found thousands of years ago by the great peoples of the Island of Tonga.
Discover the Difference: in taste, quality, refreshment and nourishment.
Let's forget the past and strive for the future, making this Nation "Of The People, By The People and For The People", stronger than it ever was!
Invest in Our Future - Our Children
Blessings of Peace and Health, Hope and Enlightenment
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
www.pubmed.gov - Search Fucoidan
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