Hey Friends and Neighbors!
The 1st step of my Anorexic recovery was definately The Easiest i am finding out.
1st step IS Always to get Nutrition into the body.
Boy do i LOVE my LIMU!
I have not weighed in a couple days. A few days ago i did and was back down to 115. I still look Real Healthy. (I am definately about to outgrow my size 2 jeans soon - maybe 6 months or a year. Who knows. It is coming though.)
I feel torn between my greatest acheivement of 120 pounds just 6 months ago or so. I feel bad about dropping those 5 pounds. My face is slightly thinner is all. The rest real healthy. I want to be back at that weight.
However, at 115 i look great. Would not want to drop below this though. Gaining back those 5 pounds will be difficult i fear the 2nd time around.
I know that my nerves have to be at peak with my kids at their dad's over the summer. So this is a Big part of my inability or wanting to eat. Anorexia is always worse when they leave me.
I am looking forward to cooking in the kitchen with my daughter. I also am looking forward to putting on those 5 pounds i lost over the summer.
I praise God that He allowed me to have TLC's Limu for the past year! I would not have been able to go through another year of below 100 weight. I would have lost these 5 pounds anyway; but with the addition and added Nutritional Support of Original Limu beefing my body up before i went through this, i am able to get over this hump and this way of coping with this stressfull situation so that i can be healthy enough to bounce back.
I could not have done this without Original Limu and Gary Raser, Pres. The Limu Company.
I was shocked the other day when while in counseling i heard myself say outloud for the 1st time, "I feel better when I don't eat. When I eat, I feel bad."
Pretty scary.
Yes, it's true that after i eat, i get real sleepy and my stomach is real full, my abdomen actually starts bloating. The bloat is not painful like cramps or constipation, just "bloaty". Not only do my eyes and body get tired, but my brain actually seems to be falling asleep ahead of the rest of me. I mean it Is pretty black inside my brain anyway, but after a full bowl of cereal, my mind seems to be getting foggy on top of the blankness of the blackened backdrop of my brain.
So after i eat, i usually have to lie down and shut my eyes a moment - which usually turns into an hour or longer. By skipping a meal, then i feel that i am being more productive and active because i am not sleeping.
I am beginning to see that that rationalization has a huge and fundamental flaw. When i do not eat, my body is feeding off itself like it's own parasite-therefore creating a false sense of alertness.
I really am Not getting any more done the old way, because when i Do eat, i'm out for a couple hours; whereas if i were eating more, then my energy level would stay at a constant healthy flow thereby cutting out the foggy blankness and total shock to the body when food Is introduced and needs to be digested.
Today? I've had my Limu-2oz- and just now finishing off a glass of orange juice. Plus 2 large glasses of coffee.
After i get done here, i am going to find something to eat....urgh....that's the main problem here. I can't seem to get past the fact that NO food looks appetizing.
I remember when i was a kid, the others used to call me the lunchbox raider because after school on the bus home i would go from seat to seat and eat the leftovers that they had in their lunch sacks.
I remember in 7th grade sitting at the head of a long lunchtable with at least 20 other girls. After each finished what they wanted to eat, the tray would get passed to me to finish.
I remember Loving Food. I remember loving to eat all the different kinds of food, the smells, the feel-both in the hand and in the mouth and down the throat. My biggest dream was to get locked in a grocery store all night and i could eat all i wanted and not get into trouble. I would fall asleep to this dream of mine as i walked down each and every isle, looking at the food, and eating the food.
It seems like that world was never a reality. Here i am having a hard time looking at food, being around it and especially just the thought of putting food into my mouth brings up a bunch of anxiety.
What went so horribly wrong?
How did this Anorexia get so bad?
When did it start?
WHY did Anorexia seem the best coping mechanism for decades now?
What can I do to change this mindset?
How can I help Myself to eat more?
When will i be free from Anorexia's grip?
Why not learn new coping skills?
Wow! What some tough questions i just asked myself.
Well, i guess we know what i will be working on until the next time we get together. I will be delving further into these questions and hopefully come up with some answers.
I Pray You Have Blessings of Peace & Health, Prosperity & Enlightenment!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Do You Limu?
Why Not?

I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Depend on Gov't? WHY
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Good Morning Friends and Neighbors!
Today's weigh-in is 117. I really can't complain about those 2 pounds being short, beacuse i am a full 21 pounds healthier than i was just 14 months ago.
Can you believe that?!? 21 pounds healthier!
Thank You Original Limu!
Thank You Jesus for this Blessing!
I have been having a great few days in a row. My food intake has increased. Thanks really to my Husband for being so supportive and kind around meal preparation. We have been sharing some really good meals together.
I am also finding out that i like different foods out of the garden. So now, i am snacking on things like green beans and cherry tomato, and i even like the squash - albeit raw, just like the zuccini and eggplant.
I was surfing today and saw an article on google search pertaining to the FDA and heartworms for dogs. I did not click on it. It said that the FDA has Not approved Original Limu for to cure or prevent diseases. It went on to say that the Pharmecuticle Company has a great new DRUG for to help with heartworms.
So, my question is this: The FDA won't even comment on Original Limu and it's main nutrient - Fucoidan. However, the Medical Community has seen fit to test this Fucoidan on various animals throughout the entire world. Through Medicine and Scientific Testing, FUCOIDAN is PROVEN to be anti-coagulant, anti-tumor, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflamatory, it creates Healthy Cells, it flushes the body of toxins, it repairs broken immune systems, AND gives you COMPLETE NUTRITION. I am proving through my own personal experience with Anorexia that this Nutrient is physically combating the damage caused by malnutrition. My sister in law has proven that this Nutrient actually takes away her cravings for snacks because this Nutrient FUCOIDAN gives her body all that it needs nutritionally, so she doesn't snack and loses weight.
Based on all this PROVEN studies -
Why is our own Government Agency, which is chosen by our Elected Officials, NOT looking out for us Citizens by refusing to see the knowlege that is so easy to find at www.pubmed.gov?
If the FDA does not say that they approve a product, then how can it be for sale?
Doesn't the Government have to approve a product for human consumption before it is put on sale?
Since Original Limu IS on the market and growing stronger day by day, wouldn't it stand to reason that our own Elected Officials would look into this for the health and sake of this Country and It's future generations?
Due to Our financial problems with the oil prices affecting everything, from food to diapers, mortages to heating oil, wouldn't Our own Elected Officials want to see more how The Limu Company and It's Original Limu juice could pull this country out of it's financial problems?
Why do We as a People collectively Depend on the Government to make all our health decisions for us?
Can't we even think or research for ourselves what might be Healthier for us?
Do we actually think that the Government has Never heard of Original Limu? You bet they have! Just look at the Company's financials for the last 4 years. They had to pay taxes. So did all the other thousands of people who have found this Amazing Product and have made a full time "j.o.b." just selling juice.
The Limu company has been on several networks including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, and printed material in Breakthroughs in Health, Your Business at Home and others.
The Limu Company was debt free and paid for in ONE YEAR after putting their product on the market.
The Limu Company is poised to dominate the Health and Wellness Industry to the tune of Billions and Billions of dollars.
The next TRILLION Dollar industry IS the Health and Wellness Industry.
The Direct Selling approach is what will transform this Country's future buying and spending.
eBay, yard sales, classifieds, word of mouth - all are examples of Direct Selling. Saves on our gasoline need if we no longer have to commute. Which will save the ozone, oil supply, stress and car accidents. All of which will help out this Country by the ripple effect.
Yes, the Government knows and sees.
The problem is that the only thing they stand to gain is "few" tax dollars - not the big money that the drug companies give them.
Not only Government, but retail also is very down on The Limu Company and it's product because they cannot get their greedy hands on this juice and then mark it up so They make money off of Limu.
Depend on the Government to make this country healthier? WHY?
This country was built Of the People, By the People, and FOR the People. WE Are the People.
Let's get back to taking care of ourselves and Our Country and Our children just like our ancestors did to ensure us Freedom, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!
We need to stand together as One and ensure this Nation's Prosperity and Health for this next Century and Beyond!
"Knowlege of the oceans is more than a matter of curiosity...our very survival my depend on it."
-John F. Kennedy
Undoubetedly, he is one of this Nations strongest supporter ever of the future health and prosperity of The United States of America. He was also a wise man (well...except for his husbandry role).
He knew over 40 years ago that there are secrets hiding in the bottom of the sea.
That secret to Survival has been found in the NUTRIENT FUCOIDAN.
Now we all have access to this "Secret".
Come join us in a Better Way to Live!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Prosperity & Enlightenment to You!
Click on one of my links to order Your Limu Today!
It is Never too late to get Nutrition!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Today's weigh-in is 117. I really can't complain about those 2 pounds being short, beacuse i am a full 21 pounds healthier than i was just 14 months ago.
Can you believe that?!? 21 pounds healthier!
Thank You Original Limu!
Thank You Jesus for this Blessing!
I have been having a great few days in a row. My food intake has increased. Thanks really to my Husband for being so supportive and kind around meal preparation. We have been sharing some really good meals together.
I am also finding out that i like different foods out of the garden. So now, i am snacking on things like green beans and cherry tomato, and i even like the squash - albeit raw, just like the zuccini and eggplant.
I was surfing today and saw an article on google search pertaining to the FDA and heartworms for dogs. I did not click on it. It said that the FDA has Not approved Original Limu for to cure or prevent diseases. It went on to say that the Pharmecuticle Company has a great new DRUG for to help with heartworms.
So, my question is this: The FDA won't even comment on Original Limu and it's main nutrient - Fucoidan. However, the Medical Community has seen fit to test this Fucoidan on various animals throughout the entire world. Through Medicine and Scientific Testing, FUCOIDAN is PROVEN to be anti-coagulant, anti-tumor, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflamatory, it creates Healthy Cells, it flushes the body of toxins, it repairs broken immune systems, AND gives you COMPLETE NUTRITION. I am proving through my own personal experience with Anorexia that this Nutrient is physically combating the damage caused by malnutrition. My sister in law has proven that this Nutrient actually takes away her cravings for snacks because this Nutrient FUCOIDAN gives her body all that it needs nutritionally, so she doesn't snack and loses weight.
Based on all this PROVEN studies -
Why is our own Government Agency, which is chosen by our Elected Officials, NOT looking out for us Citizens by refusing to see the knowlege that is so easy to find at www.pubmed.gov?
If the FDA does not say that they approve a product, then how can it be for sale?
Doesn't the Government have to approve a product for human consumption before it is put on sale?
Since Original Limu IS on the market and growing stronger day by day, wouldn't it stand to reason that our own Elected Officials would look into this for the health and sake of this Country and It's future generations?
Due to Our financial problems with the oil prices affecting everything, from food to diapers, mortages to heating oil, wouldn't Our own Elected Officials want to see more how The Limu Company and It's Original Limu juice could pull this country out of it's financial problems?
Why do We as a People collectively Depend on the Government to make all our health decisions for us?
Can't we even think or research for ourselves what might be Healthier for us?
Do we actually think that the Government has Never heard of Original Limu? You bet they have! Just look at the Company's financials for the last 4 years. They had to pay taxes. So did all the other thousands of people who have found this Amazing Product and have made a full time "j.o.b." just selling juice.
The Limu company has been on several networks including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, and printed material in Breakthroughs in Health, Your Business at Home and others.
The Limu Company was debt free and paid for in ONE YEAR after putting their product on the market.
The Limu Company is poised to dominate the Health and Wellness Industry to the tune of Billions and Billions of dollars.
The next TRILLION Dollar industry IS the Health and Wellness Industry.
The Direct Selling approach is what will transform this Country's future buying and spending.
eBay, yard sales, classifieds, word of mouth - all are examples of Direct Selling. Saves on our gasoline need if we no longer have to commute. Which will save the ozone, oil supply, stress and car accidents. All of which will help out this Country by the ripple effect.
Yes, the Government knows and sees.
The problem is that the only thing they stand to gain is "few" tax dollars - not the big money that the drug companies give them.
Not only Government, but retail also is very down on The Limu Company and it's product because they cannot get their greedy hands on this juice and then mark it up so They make money off of Limu.
Depend on the Government to make this country healthier? WHY?
This country was built Of the People, By the People, and FOR the People. WE Are the People.
Let's get back to taking care of ourselves and Our Country and Our children just like our ancestors did to ensure us Freedom, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!
We need to stand together as One and ensure this Nation's Prosperity and Health for this next Century and Beyond!
"Knowlege of the oceans is more than a matter of curiosity...our very survival my depend on it."
-John F. Kennedy
Undoubetedly, he is one of this Nations strongest supporter ever of the future health and prosperity of The United States of America. He was also a wise man (well...except for his husbandry role).
He knew over 40 years ago that there are secrets hiding in the bottom of the sea.
That secret to Survival has been found in the NUTRIENT FUCOIDAN.
Now we all have access to this "Secret".
Come join us in a Better Way to Live!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Prosperity & Enlightenment to You!
Click on one of my links to order Your Limu Today!
It is Never too late to get Nutrition!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
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