Ok. I just weighed and it said 115.5-116. Old fashioned scale y'know the ones that is hard to distinguish the lines. Yesturday i had 2 meals. Lunch and dinner.
So, who's Responsibility is it to take care of our own families?
The Government?
The Pharmecuticle "Drug" Companies?
The Doctors? Who by the way will always find something wrong with you so they can get the office visit money as well as Kudos from the Drug Companies.
The more prescriptions they fill out, the more return visits they get.
Who pays for that? The Government through OUR Tax Money and out of OUR own Pocket.
If my memory serves me right (from when I took History class 20+ years ago) before "white people" came to take over this country, the Native American Citizenship took care of Their Own Families and Communities WITHOUT the help of an Organized Government to leglislate what they Can and can Not do.
Then came the peoples from across the Ocean. They were looking for a better way to live. Somewhere where they had the freedom to worship, to Think for Themselves and to care for Their Families. In the New World here They found that.
No longer were they going to be Supressed by Their Government.
No longer were they going to Depend on Their Government to have Their best interests in mind.
Now, some 200 years later, this country has reverted Back to whence it came.
Their Offspring - (We have) totally Forgotten the Principles and Liberties that they fought so Hard to provide as an Inheritance to Them -US.
We no longer think for ourselves.
We elect officials by popularity not necessarily because the canidates are Qualified fro the job.
We allow Our Government to mandate what is right for US.
We take NO steps in taking care of Our Own Family.
Our hospitals and nursing homes are overpopulated just because We Failed Our Responsibility to care for Our family and FEED them wholesome food.
We know Most diseases - physical & mental - stem from a lack of Nutrition.
Our Government - the one's we elected to office - are hiding a BIG Secret!
They are withholding pertinent information from The American People.
The Government knows about Original Limu all right.
They also know that they stand to lose alot if this information is Leaked out.
Our Government is NOT stupid.
However, the Big Dogs of the Land will lose their territory and hold over the American Citizens when WE start to Care For Ourselves.
Gone will be the taxpayer money to support years and years of "DRUG" testing sponsored by the Government in an effort to drain the system of taxpayer money.
Gone will be the extra Millions of Dollars spent to them in the form of perks and cash from the DRUG Companies.
Gone will be the full beds at the hospitals & nursing homes which brings in Millions of Dollars DAILY directly to the Government.
Gone will be the Need for Our Government to steal from future generations to pay the Social Security to the retired Baby Boomers, Gen X and Generation Y and beyond.
What The Government FAILS to Realize is that when all those taxpayer money sucking agencies and funds are NO Longer Needed, all the taxpayer money they collect CAN Actually Go Back In The System to Improve our Failing Bridges, Our Failing Education System, Our Energy Crises.
When people are Healthy AND Financially Independent they take NO money from the system - RATHER They pay into the system for the GREATER GOOD Of ALL.
The Olympic Games in China in '08 was Just The Beginning of what This Great Country of Yours and Mine will be like in the future.
All Gold.
All Healthy.
All Individually the Best to show the World how UNITED The STATES Really Are.
Just like the Revolution in the the 1700's changed History Forever.
ensure Future Generations Success in This Great Country -
The Land of The Free and The Home of the Brave!
Be Brave for Your Family & Country!
YOU Have the Freedom to Choose a Healthier way of Life!
You've tried it Your way all this time.
How's That working for You & Your Family?Ready to try something Different?
Come Join Our TLC Family and Feel the Difference that Pure, Natural Liquid Nutrients make with Original Limu's Exclusive Premier Fucoidan Blend juice.
One Team.
One Dream.
The Limu Company & Lady Limu
offering The Blessing of Original Limu to Your Family & You!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID 8536438
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to YOU!
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