Good Morning Friends and Neighbors!
Today i want to share with You some information about caffeine, energy drinks and what makes Blu Frog different - from a health standpoint.
Are You tired of the jitters? Tired of the crashes? Tired of being tired?
Blu Frog
to the rescue!!!
Caffeine Experts Call for Warning Labels for Energy Drinks.
Scientists who have spent decades researching the effects of caffeine have stated that a slew of caffeinated energy drinks now on the market should carry prominent labels that note caffeine doses and warn of potential health risks for consumers.
Some energy drinks contain the equivalent caffeine of 14 cans of Coca-Cola, yet the amounts are often unlabeled, and few include warnings about the potential health risks of caffeine intoxication.
Caffeine intoxication is marked by nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, gastrointestinal upset, tremors, rapid heartbeats (tachycardia), psychomotor agitation (restlessness and pacing) and in rare cases, death.
A regular 12-ounce cola drink has about 35 milligrams of caffeine, and a 6-ounce cup of brewed coffee has 80 to 150 milligrams of caffeine. But because many energy drinks are marketed as "dietary supplements," the limit that the FDA requires for soft drinks does not apply.
The caffeine content of energy drinks varies from 50 milligrams to more than 500 milligrams.
Eurekalert September 24, 2008
Drug and Alcohol Dependence September 20, 2008 [Epub Ahead of Print]
Take a Sip on the Wild Side!Check out NOW!
"What is Blu Frog?"
Well, it's Wildly Healthy Energy for Generations X & Y, kickin' in a fresh, new energy drink.THE CRAZE THAT PAYS!
Loaded with au-naturel ingredients AND Original Limu™, the best-tasting superfood ... Blu Frog is THE hip way to get your hop on!
(Available Jan. 24th)
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
The U.S. market for energy drinks was a whopping $5.4 billion in 2006. Since its inception in the late 80’s, the energy drink market has grown exponentially, increasing at a rate of 47 percent per year in the U.S., and 55 percent worldwide.
Nearly 500 new brands were launched worldwide in 2006, and 200 new energy drinks hit the U.S. market in the 12-month period ending July 2007 alone, overtaking bottled water as the fastest-growing category in the beverage business.
This is in large part due to highly successful marketing to teenagers and young adults, satisfying their craving for speed, stamina, and “boundless energy.”
But like all quick health fixes, energy drinks come at a price, which in some cases have included death.
What is Caffeine Intoxication?
If you’ve never heard of caffeine intoxication, you’re not alone. It’s not often discussed, as most people won’t consume coffee or soda in amounts high enough, or quickly enough, to suffer an acute effect. But when you consider that some energy drinks contain the equivalent of four or five cups of coffee in one can, you realize how you could easily consume the equivalent of a couple of pots of coffee in very short order.
Among the worst offenders, in terms of caffeine overload, are:
SPIKE Shooter – 35.7mg/oz (16 oz = 570 mg)
Cocaine Energy Drink – 33.3 mg/oz (16 oz = 533 mg)
Redline RTD – 31.3 mg/oz (16 oz = 501 mg)
Blow (energy drink mix) – 30 mg/oz (16 oz = 480 mg)
Fixx – 25 mg/oz (16 oz = 400 mg)
Some energy drinks are so high in caffeine they’re served in 1 to 2 ounce “shots.”
Ammo, for example, contains 171 mg, served in a one ounce can. RedLine Power Rush, which comes in a 2.5 oz can, contains 140 mg/oz, giving you the equivalent of about three and a half cups of coffee in one swig.
The symptoms of caffeine intoxication mimic those of anxiety and other mood disorders, and include:
Gastrointestinal upset
Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
Psychomotor agitation (restlessness and pacing)
In rare cases: death
The Caffeine in Energy Drinks Does Not Necessarily Equate to Plain Coffee.
Needless to say, the effects of drinking an energy drink will be similar to that of drinking a cup or three of coffee, in that when the effect wears off you'll start feeling lethargic and will likely crave another can (or cup) to boost your energy once again.
As many of you likely know, it can become a vicious cycle of jolting and crashing.
However, a problem related specifically to energy drinks is that no one really knows the net effect of chugging energy drinks like you would coffee.
Coffee has caffeine, yes, but it does not contain all those other artificial and energy-boosting ingredients that energy drinks contain.
The synergistic effect of ingesting multiple agents in combination can have a vastly different impact compared to each ingredient by itself. And caffeine, in and of itself, already has its disadvantages.
For example, drinking plain coffee on a regular basis may increase your risk of deadly diseases such as stomach cancer and leukemia. And, pregnant women should definitely not consume caffeine. There is a substantial amount of research showing that it clearly increases their risk of spontaneous abortion.
Caffeine also has other well-documented problems.
For instance, it may interfere with your body's ability to keep homocysteine and cholesterol levels in check, most likely by inhibiting the action of the vitamins folate, B12 and/or B6. Additionally, coffee has been previously associated with an increased risk of stroke and rheumatoid arthritis.
Are You in a High-Risk Category That Should Avoid Energy Drinks?
It is fairly self-evident that children should never consume these kinds of drinks, but due to the detrimental health impact of their contents, it would definitely be wise to avoid energy drinks if you:
Are pregnant or lactating
Are sensitive to caffeine
Suffer from anxiety
Suffer from high stress
Suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome
Have high blood pressure
Are predisposed to cardiovascular disease
Have any kind of blood clotting disorder
Researchers have previously stated that energy drinks can be deadly when combined with stress or high blood pressure, as it can impair proper blood vessel function and raise your risk of blood clots and stroke.
Come join my TLC family that has a proven record for growth in Health and Wealth. From Shannon & Rachette' Pardue and Rusty Barton - The Limu Company's top 1 & 2 income earners right down to me, helping You get Your business started and growing.
Original Limu and Blu Frog - amazing Health and Wealth for You and Your Family!
I pray for Blessing of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity for You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Come out of the fog - Get Blu Frog
Sign up for Your membership today at or - sign my guestbook for important updates and information sent to Your inbox.
Have A Great Day!

I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Recovered Anorexic i am!
Posted by
Good Morning Friends and Neighbors!
Well, i can Finally claim that I am a Recovered Anorexic!
Thanks to Original Limu over the last year and a half!
I claim recovered based on the facts that i get hungry and eat. I have a more rational relationship with food now. Food is Not my enemy - the anorexic thought process IS the enemy.
I still have a hard time with eating in the morning, but by 10 or 11 i am ready for food. Then by 1 i am ready for lunch. Dinner is not such a chore to make anymore. I have actually been making soups from scratch and even baked an apple pie from scratch just a couple days ago. Now when i go into the pantry, i am not inundated by confusion and lack of decision making. I can go in there and right away find something to make for meals or for a snack.
I am holding my weight at 126. That is another reason for being recovered. I am not going up and down like i used to.
I want to thank Ryan Barson -V.P. Business Development for TLC- for his compliment at the recent Limu conference event in Lewisburg, TN. When i told him that i was recovering from anorexia, he stated that no one would ever know it by the way i look now. Yet another reason why i consider myself recovered.
At 96 pounds, i thought i would never be healthy and "normal".
I never thought that just 1.5 years after the introduction of Original Limu into my daily routine, i would be fully recovered. I mean it took me 25 years to get to that emaciated state, it should take longer than a year and a half to be free from this disease.
Amazing what Pure Nutrition will do for the body and mind!
I take my hat off to Fucoidan and The Limu Company for making this Blessing from the Sea available to All - including me.
Not only did this product actually Save My Life, but even at my unhealthiest weight, i have not been sick a day since the introduction of TLC's Limu. Also to mention is the fact that my Husband and Daughter have Not been sick either. Now That's Peace of Mind!
I will never give up my Original Limu and i endeaver to inform everyone of this Amazing product that is paralled by NONE.
In addition to Original Limu i am excited about the January debut of Blu Frog! Each 8oz can contains 2oz of this awesome juice. So not only can You and i get Healthy Energy, but also we get our daily dose of Original Limu.
Come join my TLC family of members to get Your Nutrition and Energy Needs!
I welcome You in advance!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity
that comes from TLC and Original Limu!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu - sign my guestbook
Beat the brain fog - get Blu Frog!
Well, i can Finally claim that I am a Recovered Anorexic!
Thanks to Original Limu over the last year and a half!
I claim recovered based on the facts that i get hungry and eat. I have a more rational relationship with food now. Food is Not my enemy - the anorexic thought process IS the enemy.
I still have a hard time with eating in the morning, but by 10 or 11 i am ready for food. Then by 1 i am ready for lunch. Dinner is not such a chore to make anymore. I have actually been making soups from scratch and even baked an apple pie from scratch just a couple days ago. Now when i go into the pantry, i am not inundated by confusion and lack of decision making. I can go in there and right away find something to make for meals or for a snack.
I am holding my weight at 126. That is another reason for being recovered. I am not going up and down like i used to.
I want to thank Ryan Barson -V.P. Business Development for TLC- for his compliment at the recent Limu conference event in Lewisburg, TN. When i told him that i was recovering from anorexia, he stated that no one would ever know it by the way i look now. Yet another reason why i consider myself recovered.
At 96 pounds, i thought i would never be healthy and "normal".
I never thought that just 1.5 years after the introduction of Original Limu into my daily routine, i would be fully recovered. I mean it took me 25 years to get to that emaciated state, it should take longer than a year and a half to be free from this disease.
Amazing what Pure Nutrition will do for the body and mind!
I take my hat off to Fucoidan and The Limu Company for making this Blessing from the Sea available to All - including me.
Not only did this product actually Save My Life, but even at my unhealthiest weight, i have not been sick a day since the introduction of TLC's Limu. Also to mention is the fact that my Husband and Daughter have Not been sick either. Now That's Peace of Mind!
I will never give up my Original Limu and i endeaver to inform everyone of this Amazing product that is paralled by NONE.
In addition to Original Limu i am excited about the January debut of Blu Frog! Each 8oz can contains 2oz of this awesome juice. So not only can You and i get Healthy Energy, but also we get our daily dose of Original Limu.
Come join my TLC family of members to get Your Nutrition and Energy Needs!
I welcome You in advance!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity
that comes from TLC and Original Limu!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu - sign my guestbook
Beat the brain fog - get Blu Frog!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Get Blu Frog-Beat the Fog
Posted by
Hello Everyone!
I am doing well and Still holding 126.
I am so excited about Blu Frog - the new Healthy energy drink of the future!
Have You been to their website yet? Why not go there now?
My computer is a slow one, so it did take quite a few minutes for me to load the page. But it was worth the wait.
I am even more excited that i can share this information with You!
Not only am i giving You a tool that You can use to get healthy, but WOW! Just by drinking to Your Health, this Limu Company will share Their profits with You when you enlighten others to a better way to live.
You have heard, i am sure, "oh, this sounds like a 'pyramid scheme'" - or maybe You even are thinking this right now.
However that is a misconception of the Direct Sales Market.
Direct sales marketing is just that. Selling directly to the consumer - cutting out the middle man called "mass market", companies like department stores and food shops.
By The Limu Company selling Directly to the consumer (You and i), their product, (Original Limu Juice & Blu Frog Energy Drink) TLC is able to give a deep discount to the consumer. By purchasing a membership for only $25 enables You to take advantage of the same discount i have.
Not only does TLC give an upfront discount of Your product purchase, they also give You a piece of their profits just by introducing others to Original Limu and Blu Frog.
You see, in Direct Sales (from company to You) the company - in this case, TLC -does not spend alot of money in advertising their product, which keeps the price of this juice down and profits up. They are not paying an advertising agency millions of dollars every month to get the word out.
I believe in this product so much that i am not hindered by anything to share this information with others. Why wouldn't i want those closest to me to benefit from this product? Why wouldn't i share this information with everyone i meet? All this product can do is improve the lives of those drinking it. Improve it Physically AND Financially.
So, by TLC not spending all those dollars on advertising - especially when word of mouth advertising is running like wildfire through this country and others - those $$'s are generated back to it's members (consumers of the product) in the form of bonus checks.
An Instant Discount on ALL Original Limu juice and Blu Frog Energy Drink!
Plus bonus checks just for helping people get healthy!
No Pyramid. No scheme.
Just Health & Wealth
and a chance to Dream.
Come to either of my websites and get Your membership for only $25 year.
Heck, i can think of quite a few organizations that charge over $25 a Month and You still wouldn't get all the benefits Original Limu and The Limu Company has to offer. You really can't lose anything at just $25 a year!
Get Blu Frog and Beat the Fog
of an unhealthy mind due to an unhealthy body!
I pray for Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity for You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
I am doing well and Still holding 126.
I am so excited about Blu Frog - the new Healthy energy drink of the future!
Have You been to their website yet? Why not go there now?
My computer is a slow one, so it did take quite a few minutes for me to load the page. But it was worth the wait.
I am even more excited that i can share this information with You!
Not only am i giving You a tool that You can use to get healthy, but WOW! Just by drinking to Your Health, this Limu Company will share Their profits with You when you enlighten others to a better way to live.
You have heard, i am sure, "oh, this sounds like a 'pyramid scheme'" - or maybe You even are thinking this right now.
However that is a misconception of the Direct Sales Market.
Direct sales marketing is just that. Selling directly to the consumer - cutting out the middle man called "mass market", companies like department stores and food shops.
By The Limu Company selling Directly to the consumer (You and i), their product, (Original Limu Juice & Blu Frog Energy Drink) TLC is able to give a deep discount to the consumer. By purchasing a membership for only $25 enables You to take advantage of the same discount i have.
Not only does TLC give an upfront discount of Your product purchase, they also give You a piece of their profits just by introducing others to Original Limu and Blu Frog.
You see, in Direct Sales (from company to You) the company - in this case, TLC -does not spend alot of money in advertising their product, which keeps the price of this juice down and profits up. They are not paying an advertising agency millions of dollars every month to get the word out.
I believe in this product so much that i am not hindered by anything to share this information with others. Why wouldn't i want those closest to me to benefit from this product? Why wouldn't i share this information with everyone i meet? All this product can do is improve the lives of those drinking it. Improve it Physically AND Financially.
So, by TLC not spending all those dollars on advertising - especially when word of mouth advertising is running like wildfire through this country and others - those $$'s are generated back to it's members (consumers of the product) in the form of bonus checks.
An Instant Discount on ALL Original Limu juice and Blu Frog Energy Drink!
Plus bonus checks just for helping people get healthy!
No Pyramid. No scheme.
Just Health & Wealth
and a chance to Dream.
Come to either of my websites and get Your membership for only $25 year.
Heck, i can think of quite a few organizations that charge over $25 a Month and You still wouldn't get all the benefits Original Limu and The Limu Company has to offer. You really can't lose anything at just $25 a year!
Get Blu Frog and Beat the Fog
of an unhealthy mind due to an unhealthy body!
I pray for Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity for You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Blu Frog Energy Drink... Coming Soon
Posted by
Good Morning Friends & Neighbors!!
I have some awesome news to announce! The Limu Company just announced to It's members yesturday that they will be rolling out a NEW product in just a few short months.
Blu Frog Energy Drink will become available to The Limu Company's (TLC) members in Just a FEW Short Months!
Each 8oz can contains 2oz of Original Limu!
PLUS, TLC Added 100% RDA of Thiamin, Riboflavin & Niacin.
TLC ADDED 300% Rda of Vitamins B6 AND B12.
Did You know that The Limu Company is GROWING FASTER than Walmart And Microsoft?!?
Did You know that the Energy Drink Market has grown Over 700% in Just the last 5 years?!
Blu Frog IS The Energy Drink of the Future!
Check it out:
Then come to my website or and sign up for Your $25 yearly membership.
It is that simple!
Once You are signed in as a member, YOU are at the top and in line to receive Your Commissions when this Healthy Soft drink rolls out!
Healthy just got Hip and
The Bonus Checks will make You Flip!
Come join the Craze That Pays,
You too will have longer,
mor prosper days!
For a Happier, Healthier You
There is none better than Original Limu.
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Have a Blu Frog Day!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Holding my own
Posted by
Good Morning Friends & Neighbors!
I am proud to say that i am holding at 126. I am glad that i am staying one weight and not going up and down like before.
We had a fun time at the Octoberfest. We met a lot of really nice people!
Well, i better get going in order to get my house in order from all the neglect last week.
I hope y'all have a great day!!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Get You Some!
Original Limu, that is!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Holding at Healthy
Posted by
Good Morning Friends and Neighbors!!
Sorry i have been away for a while. We were getting everything together to set up our tables at the Octoberfest here in TN on Hwy 20 between Summertown and Hohenwald. I have just a few minutes now, then back to our tables for an early start for this Saturday.
Good News! I have been holding at 126 for close to a whole week.
I have gained a total of 30 pounds in the last 1.5 years. A feat that would have been literally Impossible without the help of my Original Limu juice, and recently adding Remeron to get me over that last hump of 10 pounds.
I feel Great. I look Great.
I must admit that at time the "fat" feelings come over me especially because i feel the weight in my cheeks and jaw line, not to mention my breasts are bigger than they ever have been and my waist line is definately Not the size 14 girls or size 1 on a "fat" day. I fit snugly into a size 4 and nicely in size 5.
I just keep telling myself that it is called healthy NOT fat.
Do YOU Limu?
Why NOT?!?
Sorry i have been away for a while. We were getting everything together to set up our tables at the Octoberfest here in TN on Hwy 20 between Summertown and Hohenwald. I have just a few minutes now, then back to our tables for an early start for this Saturday.
Good News! I have been holding at 126 for close to a whole week.
I have gained a total of 30 pounds in the last 1.5 years. A feat that would have been literally Impossible without the help of my Original Limu juice, and recently adding Remeron to get me over that last hump of 10 pounds.
I feel Great. I look Great.
I must admit that at time the "fat" feelings come over me especially because i feel the weight in my cheeks and jaw line, not to mention my breasts are bigger than they ever have been and my waist line is definately Not the size 14 girls or size 1 on a "fat" day. I fit snugly into a size 4 and nicely in size 5.
I just keep telling myself that it is called healthy NOT fat.
Well, i better get going so i can get ready. I just wanted to touch base with y'all and pray for
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You and Your's!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Do YOU Limu?
Why NOT?!?
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