Good Evening Friends & Neighbors!
I weighed 117 as of yesterday morning. My Kudos are improved to 5 eating times a day. Of course I am counting my 1-2 servings a day of Original Limu, as this puts nutrition and 83% Fucoidan into my body at 2 easy ounces at a time.
I am very pleased with my body right now. When I look into the mirror, I am real comfortable in my skin. I do not avoid the mirrors as I did when I was 96-100 pounds and then again when I hit 125.
Let me share with You my journal entry dated Saturday, 3-14-2009:
“This week’s food Kudos are pitiful. A bunch of them came from yesterday and last night’s splurge after my case of Limu arrived.
I weigh 114-116. I feel real comfortable in my clothes.
I am still almost 15 pounds Healthier than ever before in my life."
“…I think that I am beginning to realize that it is not about a number. Some # picked out of thin air to signify my ideal body weight.
Yes, the #’s are important as a gauge to keep track of one’s overall health. Too much or too little – under or over – is Not Healthy. However, the #’s I picked for my body – based on other women my age and height turned out to be inflated for Me."
"I did not feel comfortable in my own skin at 125. Sure I looked ‘Real Healthy’ – translated borderline fat – but I could not stand to see myself in the mirror; much the same reaction I had when I was 96-100 pounds.
I don’t mind being as much as 119 – maybe 120. At 120 I start to feel “not normal”; not Fat like at 125, just “not normal” inside this body.
I see, at around 114-117, a Healthy (I still have a hard time saying and Believing the word) Woman. On outward appearance – she looks good.”
I cannot reiterate enough just how much easier my struggle at first and my journey now has been due to Original Limu juice and it’s 83% Fucoidan content.
Gone are the Dread, Drudgery and Anxiety that comes and is associated with Eating Disorders.
The whole scope of the ED spectrum has 1 common denominator – Food.
The way an Eating Disordered person views food and what that food in turn does to our bodies, is the whole reason for this disease to set in so deeply if left undetected. It truelly IS a Mental Disease that will manefest itself eventually to the outward body as well.
Food becomes the evil that surrounds us. We cannot escape it especially in our day and age with all the fast food, grocery stores and restaurants on every block. Food is closely associated with social events with family, co-workers and friends. It is an essential part of celebrations and holidays.
In the 60’s, school girls were subjected for the 1st time to the supposed epitome of female sexiness in the likeness of Twiggy and others that were obviously underweight and unhealthy. With all the makeup worn, it seemed a glamorous fad to get into.
So the parents of generation X (my generation of 30-40 somethings) started the pathway to hardwire the brain to reject feelings of hunger and need for nutrition. So they too could be a twig.
Female tobacco and alcohol use sharply rose for this generation as they turned out to be great ways to curb the appetite. 13 – 15 year old girls in the early 60’s started to indulge in the dangerous and addictive habits of starvation or purging if they didn’t have the willpower to abstain from food for long periods.
These girls would graduate by the end of the 60’s to early 70’s being inundated by the new phenomena of television advertising, print media, billboards all promoting this unrealistic image of clearly physical and mental unhealthiness.
They would marry right away and start to have babies that now are infected with a mutated chromosome in their DNA; a genetic precursor and link to Eating Disorders.
These children - Generation X, grew up in homes where this lifestyle was played out before them. Watching mothers skip meals or eat super small portions with the rest of the family – sometimes followed by her trip to the bathroom to purge her meal. We watched our mothers deprive themselves of the very need for survival-food. What is good for mom is good for the family right?
When we hit puberty and our bodies started to change, we looked at our mothers for an example of what a woman should look like. However most of the moms had been practicing “Twiggy Mania” for around 20 years by now. They did not have the plump breasts, swollen hips, round face; their lines were hard and angular with no muscle tone under the skin to lift it off the bones.
Now, the subconscious conditioning goes into hyper drive. The gene is already mutated and leans toward a state of malnutrition anyway. The early childhood perceptions gained through family reinforces us young women to be like mom and we too start to mess with the hardwiring of our genes.
(By the way, I am certain this works the other way as well for overweight or binge eating, however I can only expound on the malnutrition as this is what I have survived and continue to live through.)
We began reinforcing the mutated gene as well as the thought process; further deepening the roots of this deadly disease. By the time the ‘90’s hit and we – the X’s – began having children of our own, we passed this mutation onto the 3rd generation since Twiggy.
The Fathers of Generation Y inherited the mutation from their mothers. The Mothers of Y not only inherited the mutation, but actively sought to reinforce this mutation in their bodies thereby effectively giving their offspring a double dose of this disease hardwired into their DNA and subconscious minds.
So, here we are with Generation Y at the ages of 12-17 and they inherited 3 times the risk for the deadly ED's. Not only are they physically and mentally predisposed to be the same way, but Generation X is perpetuating the subconscious hardwiring through our denial of the truth, or SILENCE of a deadly disease and mimicking the behaviors in front of our children so they learn from us just like we learned from our mothers 30 years ago.
Now Generation Y’s babies are coming out with a myriad of problems associated with malnutrition and toxicity in the blood of the mothers. Physical deformities like cleft lip, heart, lung, organ problems as well as mental dysfunctions like Autism, Down’s syndrome, ADD/ADHD; the list goes on.
Do we even have to wonder what the outcome of Generation Y’s Grandchildren looks like?
From this timeline it is plain to see that American women have to Do Something Different. The old way is Not working and is actually effecting the Health of our Great – Grandchildren.
This is why I am on my journey. Not only for me, so I can have a full life with my husband and children, but so that My Grandchildren won’t have the same obstacles I had to deal with.
Listen, the day I gave birth to my 1st & weighed 112 pounds. The day before I was at the Dr and weighed 110. I gained 2 pounds over night. He was born a Healthy 21 & ½ inches long, weighing in at 7lbs, 15oz. By the 4week checkup I was back to 98.
With my daughter, 3 years later, I was amazed to see 124 on delivery day. She was the same exact measurements. Still, by week 4 I was back down to MY "normal" 102.
Although, there was something inside my all during their childhood that forced me to make sure they ate 3 healthy food pyramid meals, with at least 2 healthy snacks, plenty of water and dessert.
I always talked about the importance of nutrition and different foods in our diet. I myself would go in and out of eating phases; making sure that my children did not know about the times I was restricting. I would eat every meal they did and would conveniently be busy with "mommy chores" during snacks.
When they got older it became easier to disguise my dysfunction with food, and always had robust meals for them and pick at mine then hurry to busy myself with the cleanup.
Then when I was 35 I realized my “secret” ‘Lifestyle’ was beginning to get obvious and no longer invisible through my clothes that hung like rags off my limbs. My children were now asking me what I had eaten that day while they were at school. They questioned the portions on my plate at dinner time. They felt the bones protruding every day and night when I hugged them tight. My son was 11 and my daughter was 8.
When I finally stepped on the scale I had been avoiding for months and saw 96, I knew then and there that I had to Do Something to save my children. Save them from losing their mother to a slow and agonizing death as well as stop the negative programming and go back to reinforce the positive earlier programming of their infancy and toddler hood.
I had no idea where or how I was going to find the strength or means to undo the damage I had caused to my body and mind.
As I spiraled down the Anorexia highway all those months, I strengthened my faith, and occupied myself with my home and family creating strong bonds during those tough times.
It wasn’t a month that passed between my moment of Clarity and Enlightenment on that scale, to when I received the good news and information about TLC and Original Limu juice. I studied for 2 weeks before I finally stepped out on faith, with the testimony of my Uncle and his cancer free diagnosis and called in my 1st auto ship case order that changed my whole Family’s life.
I have a long life ahead of me to battle this disease; many more Kudo charts to fill and lives to change. Instead of feeling dread and insecurity about my future, I have gained the joy of living inside and out of healthy vessel – body.
No longer do I fear and get anxious around food. I am reinforcing good food and nutrition habits once again for myself, my children, and their Grandchildren.
Proactively fighting against a silent enemy that has imbedded itself into my genealogy; thereby breaking a generational recurrence that has far reaching implications into the future.
I know that I am not alone in this strange state of being. I am just one of the few that has broken the SILENCE of their Anorexia; there are millions of us women and men too around the globe that suffer this mental condition, millions more suffering the devastating effects of malnutrition that poverty brings with it.
Original Limu juice Is The Most Efficient, Convenient, Economic way to feed the living body. This juice has the highest concentration of Pure Whole Fucoidan – 83% of each serving is Tongan Limu (seaweed).
In just 1oz of a Tasty, Quick, Easy, Swallow of juice – Liquid Nutrition – my body receives 70+ Vital Nutrients that are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and go straight to work doing what Nutrients do – Repair cells and expel toxins (free radicals to be technical), regenerating the body from the inside out from the very cellular level so that our organs, joints and mind function properly without the need for replacement parts grown on donor animals such as pigs and rats.
Original Limu - Nutrition so easy an Anorexic can do it!
Blessings of Life more Abundant to You!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID 8536438
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