Swine Flu is all over the news.
We are under a National Health Emergency.
This is what is on my mind, so these are my thoughts & opinions alone.
The following information and views i will lay out are not intended as suggestions for self-diagnosis or self-treatment of mental, emotional or physical symptoms or complaints.
No guarentee or assurance is given for obtaining specific results from the use of any of the suggestions i give.
The information that i share deals primarily with the Prevention of disease(s) rather than with the Treatment of disease.
Ok with that out of the way...
I have been studying pubmed.gov more frequently lately. Funny thing is, i had just read about Fucoidan having anti-HIV properties as well as induce healing in lymphatic cancer, that is when the news broke about this new strain of flu that started out in Mexico.
I know i should be more 'paranoid' of this whole issue as some undoubetedly are; however, i have a peace and calm about this whole situation as we have bottles of Original Limu in the pantry with more on the way soon. That with the knowlege i have obtained through studying Fucoidan for the past 2 years gives me Health Assurance because i know that if Fucoidan has clinically Proven to induce apoptosis (normal cell death function) in cancer and actually protect against the HIV/AIDS virus, as well as bring a completely malnourished & dysfunctioning body (mine) back from the brink of death, a little Flu is not going to bother my Family.
What gets to me is this:
The W.H.O., the C.D.C. and the Govt are all scrambling now to see which manufacturer can make a Drug fast enough to prevent a pandemic. With all the trillions of dollars just spent in the last 100 or so days, where is the money going to come from that the Drug Companies (yes, You read right and Yes that is a Real Govt sponsored JOB - making Drugs for the general population to Aleviate (cover-up, mask) Symptoms of disease, not to prevent disease in the first place which only whole food nutrients can provide)
The Drug companies will demand payment for their drugs and that is where You and I come in.
When the drug (oops! Vaccine) comes out to market - (probably) available only by Rx or by a Dr. appointment and shot - the 'consumer' (You and me) will be billed for it. In that bill for that 1 dose will be charges for: all the man hours that went into creating another 'miracle' Drug, the manufacture, the sale, the distribution and even the advertising that the Drug Company with the winning Drug comes up with.
This will rollover to the insurance claims dept. where Private premiums will raise due to increased Dr. visit. If on Public Health Insurance, well...taxpayer, now You are footing the bill for Your private ins. as well as Your tax dollars paying for all the New Health Insure-eds filing new claims due to unemployment skyrocketing do to recession that was brought about by citizens 'consumers' cutting back on spending just on the "fear" of a recession that was not yet in place.
Now, i once heard a saying, i don't know who the author is, "A Rose by Any Other Name is Still A Rose."
Call me crazy, but... Mama always told me to eat my veggies and drink my milk, not once did she ever say "Make sure to take handfulls of Drugs everyday!"
Problem: (with Drugs & the Gov't. Role/Responsibility in this National Health Emergency)
This Swine Flu strain containes Swine (pig), Human and Avian (bird) stains all wrapped in one; an anomoly that is rarely seen; which will prove difficult for any drug company to come up with just 1 Drug to combat all.
Now the Government.
The role of Our Government is:
To keep Her citizens informed. Check.
To mandate restrictions on travel if need be to contain pandemic. Check.
To close schools & public offices when it is not safe to go. Check.
To provide and instill encouragement & hope to the people in times of crises. Check.
To have in place Govt. appointed offices to secure the Nation's Health. not yet.
The Responsibility of Our Government is:
Not to tell people everyday that they need to eat proper so their immune system has a fighting chance In Case of Emergency - which Is Now.
Set guidelines on proper Nutrition to promote a healthy body. Check
To inform it's citizens of impending attack. Check. (The Flu is on all the news.)
To inform it's citizens how to protect themselves against an attack. Check. (Admonished like children to wash hands, cover cough/sneezes, stay home if sick etc.)
To allow it's citizens the right to knowlege. Check. http://pubmed.gov/ just search Fucoidan.
To allow it's citizens to make free choices about their health. Check
As i see it, the Government has kept it's end of the bargain where Health is concerned in this country. American Citizens, far and wide YOU have Failed in YOUR Responsibility to this Nation, Government and us - YOUR Fellow Citizens & Neighbors.
You. Citizen of the United States. Yes, You! What have You done for Your Country where Your Health is concerned?
"Ask Not what Your Country Can DO For You. Ask What Can YOU DO For YOUR Country." John F. Kennedy said it right the 1st time!
Are You living your days out of a drive thru, a six pack of beer or cokes and a pack of smokes? Just waiting for the time when You finally destroy Your body enough and then look to the Govt, Your Family and hand-outs to support your cancer treatments, oxygen for COPD, insulin for diabetes or just fill in Your Own blank.
Now, during Our Nation's 1st Health Crisis in years, are You sitting in Your easy chair with nice "stuff" all around You...fat and content with a lifestyle of 1 upping the Jones'... watching your overweight or sickly children and spouse beside You while You watch in horror and dismay as the news of Swine Flu tops every headline and news story; wondering what The President is going to do about This Problem?
Shame on YOU!
It Is YOUR Responsibility to keep Your OWN Body Healthy.
It IS YOUR Responsibility to keep Your CHILDREN'S Body Healthy.
IT IS YOUR Responsibility to keep Your Parent's Body Healthy, just as they gave and kept Your life through Nutrition - They FED YOU!
How dare You sit back and think that You can unload Your Health Responsibility and Problems on The President, The Govt, Your Fellow Tax Payers who are by the way Your Neighbors!
Our Nation is facing a serious Health Crisis!
Our Nation Depends on Each Individual's Health!
Our Nation Needs Healthy Families for the Future!
Our Nation Depends on YOU!
Won't You finally get off the fence and commit to having a healthier body and family? Commit to being part of the Solution to this Crisis? Commit to not draining Your Country's hard earned dollars on diseases that are Completely Preventable through Nutrition?
If You needed a wake up call...Swine Flu is IT.
Swine Flu is Here.
Is Your Body Prepared to Fight?
Do YOUR part! For Your Health, For Your Family, For America, Drink Original Limu & Blu Frog!
Blessings of Peace & Health and Life More Abundant for YOU!
Barbara A Thornton
TLC Consultant
ID: 8536438
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