Hello Friends & Neighbors!
My progress on this ED Recovery Road and Original Limu
We went to the fair last night and got my body measurements for the 1st time since i was 96 pounds 2 years ago.
Mind You now, the Only thing I have done to facilitate my ED Recovery is add Original Limu into my daily diet-at least 2oz up to a whole bottle in one day.
The Results?
Age: 37
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 117.4
BMI: 19 (18.5 to less than 25 = "normal")
Body Fat %: 26.1 (21.0 to 32.9 = "normal")
Skeletal Muscle %: 28.9 (24.3 to 30.3 = "normal")
Visceral Fat Level: 3 (up to 9 is "normal")
Calories needed for Resting Metabolism: 1,268
Body Age: 18
How Awesome is That?!? I have Finally made it to the "normal" range.
Here's a funny story. Not funny HaHa. But it really does show how little the medical profession actually "knows" about Eating Disorders then and still even today:
It was early 1997, just a few months after my daughter was born when i started to have a tremendous pain in my left inside hip area where the leg connects to the frame. Soon i started to see a protruding nodule coming from that area. I went to my Dr. as the pain was unbearable and the sight of the lump scared me. She didn't know what it was so I was sent for a CT scan. When it came back negative and inconclusive, she sent me to a 'female specialist'.
As i sat fully clothed on the table describing my complaints, he listened carefully and was empathetic to my plight. Then he said, "I don't have to do an exam on you. I already know what your problem is. But, if you still want the exam after i tell you, we can do that." Amazed & intrigued at his apparent knowlege, I waited for my answer.
"Constipated." That's all? Just backed up? Couldn't be That simple. Could it?
He explained, "Because you have less than 1% Body Fat, that blockage is easily seen from outside your body. If you had a "normal" Body Fat, then you would never see the constipation because the fat would be lining your organs."
Not once did a Red Flag of an Eating Disorder come up.
So now that i have a Body Mass Index of 19 - which is just .5 into the normal range - I know that my body is getting healthier and Sustaining that health.
My Visceral Fat Level of 3 is a Blessing beyond measure! Here's why: (I had to look it up today too. Here's what I found on Google/Wikipedia)
"Adipose tissue or body fat or just fat is loose connective tissue composed of adipocytes. Adipose tissue is derived from lipoblasts. Its main role is to store energy in the form of fat, although it also cushions and insulates the body. Obesity or being overweight in humans and most animals does not depend on body weight but on the amount of body fat—to be specific, adipose tissue. Two types of adipose tissue exist: white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT). Adipose tissue also serves as an important endocrine organ[1] by producing hormones such as leptin, resistin, and the cytokine TNFα. The formation of adipose tissue appears to be controlled by the adipose gene."
"In humans, adipose tissue is located beneath the skin (subcutaneous fat), around internal organs (visceral fat), and in the bone marrow (yellow bone marrow). Adipose tissue is found in specific locations, which are referred to as 'adipose depots.' Adipose tissue contains several cell types, with the highest percentage of cells being adipocytes, which contain fat droplets. Other cell types include fibroblasts, macrophages, and endothelial cells. Adipose tissue contains many small blood vessels. In the integumentary system, which includes the skin, it accumulates in the deepest level, the subcutaneous layer, providing insulation from heat and cold. Around organs, it provides protective padding. However, its main function is to be a reserve of lipids, which can be burned to meet the energy needs of the body. Adipose depots in different parts of the body have different biochemical profiles."
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, anyone? Fellow EDs know all about that!
Now we know 1 reason why. Our bodies actually NEED fat to survive!
Original Limu for ED Recovery? ABSOLUTELY!
There simply is NO Easier way to Feed The Body than through Liquid Nutrition because liquid is easiest to digest.
There are No land based plant or animal that has the Nutrients that the Oceans can provide.
There is NO other product containing 83% PURE Tongan Limu Moui sea plant extract.
There Will Be NO other product containing Tonga's Limu Moui seaweed plant.
The One. The Only. The Original Limu.
I do not purpose to diagnose, treat or prevent Any ailments with this product.
I am Not claiming Original Limu is a miracle in 1 bottle or 1 case for that matter.
I am simply telling my story.
This is what Original Limu has done for an emaciated Anorexic - Me. To be totally honest, I don't think I would have survived the complications of ED if it had NOT been for Original Limu.
My personal opinion is that TLC saved my life because they have a product that put Nutrients into my very marrow and cells, allowing my body's Natural Processes work - Naturally the way it was intended & designed to work.
Isn't it Time YOU started Building up Your Body instead of Tearing it down?
Doesn't YOUR Family Deserve a Healthy, Happy more Peaceful YOU? Mine sure Did!
Numbers don't lie in this day & age of scientific research & testing. If I were not Feeling the difference, I would be skeptical too; but after looking at these (compared to 96 pounds) how could I Possibly explain this testing outcome while still in the throes of of this "mental illness" with my periods of binge-ing & restricting, I am made a Believer that Original Limu did This to MY Body -- just as I HAD to Finally Believe I had an "Eating 'Disorder' ".
Believe-ing IS the 1st step to Seeing.
Change Your Mind & You'll Change Your Life!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID: 8536438
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