Hello Friends & Neighbors!!
Wow this year has flown by.
Another year under my belt on The (Anorexic) Recovery Road. One that has been frought with twists & turns, ups & downs and plenty of potholes to fall into. A perilous Road that is flanked on either side by steep ditches that take weeks & months to climb out of once falling in.
Along the way, i have met some truely Remarkably Awesome people & some have turned into Great Friends - You know who You are :D
This is the 1st year in my life that i have Not felt alone in my anorexia. Before '09 i was trapped in the SILENCE that permeates EDs. I knew of no other persons afflicted with Eating Disorders and that put me in a precarious place as i took my 1st steps onto The Road.
So with No (personal experience with) evidence or knowlege that Recovery was possible for Me, all i had to run with was Faith in things beyond My own understanding. It was either walk The Road in Faith or die - literally.
The internet and Social Media in general & Twitter & Blogspot specifically, has enabled me to Beak My SILENCE and speak out against my ana - my Anorexia. In so doing, i have been suprized at the outpouring of support & encouragement in My Recovery. By communicating with other ED Survivors & 1st timers on The Road i have been able to not only reciprocate these actions, but i am learning more about my disease and myself as i help others. This has strengthened my resolve and helped to keep me On The Road instead of falling In the dark parts of life with ED.
Since receiving my 1st shipment of Original Limu, my body has been on the mend and is now Thriving despite Strong, Repeated attempts fom my ana to sabotage it. This, Original Limu, IS the Key to my successful recovery thus far.
My new Friends & Aquaintances are teaching me how to mentally be prepared for my ana attacks as well as equip mentally with the tools needed to fight against her. However, no matter how many Friends & Ts (therapists) one has, it seems to me that without actually ingesting food/nutrients, all that talk & support is fine & dandy but the Recovery takes longer and is harder to bear; because without those Nutrients the Anorexic tendencies - both physical And mental - are (many times) too strongly rooted for The Self to fight back against.
Yes, this has been quite a year on The Recovery Road for Me. Still mired in Anorexia but continue to be filled with Hope as i walk each day in Faith & Thanksgiving for My New Friends & Companions on The Road as well as the "miraculous" healing Original Limu is doing for My Body.
With My Body's health being taken care of so Easy - just by drinking my juice everyday, and My mind supported & encouraged that Recovery IS possible for Me too, I am confident that 2010 will bring many Blessings of Peace & Health to Me. These 2 things i could never have imagined were possible in My life. They seemed so far out of My (anorexic) reach, i dared not even think to dream them for me. I was Very Content to pray & hope them for everyone else, but 25+ years of starving, binging & starving had convinced Me that Peace & Health were for Other people, Not Me.
Now i see
it is meant to be
"Joy & Peace" said He
for You and for Me
if we just trust Him
and let HIS Will Be!
Romans 15:13
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him."
May 2010 be Your year to trust NOT Your Own understanding, but believe that YOU too have great things in store for the Rest of Your Life!
Take action and lay hold of the Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity that are waiting for YOU!
Have a Safe, Happy and Wise New Year!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID# 8536438

I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Out Of The Hollow
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Cookies Cookies everywhere, to make and to eat;
but to actually Do is some sort of feat.
To reach for them...do I dare;
I hope and long for the desserts,
in the end only to find me beat.
My ana & I,
we have this strange relationship;
when i fight back she is very sly.
She keeps me busy so I will stay unfed;
finding only 3 kudos from Original Limu
as i lie at night upon my bed.
This body is strong and so obvious
is this mind, so why is the key
To Be RecoverED so hard to find?
'Get the body healthy and
the mind will follow'; words I
live by until i climb up and
out of this hollow!
but to actually Do is some sort of feat.
To reach for them...do I dare;
I hope and long for the desserts,
in the end only to find me beat.
My ana & I,
we have this strange relationship;
when i fight back she is very sly.
She keeps me busy so I will stay unfed;
finding only 3 kudos from Original Limu
as i lie at night upon my bed.
This body is strong and so obvious
is this mind, so why is the key
To Be RecoverED so hard to find?
'Get the body healthy and
the mind will follow'; words I
live by until i climb up and
out of this hollow!
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