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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Generation 2K Life Expectancy

The state of Our Children's Health
I was watching PBS last night on the special report of Children's Health in the United States and Tennessee in particular. It was very informative and quite scary to be honest. The numbers are in for our Future Generations and they are Not good.
The generation born beginning in 2000 is the First Generation ever to NOT outlive their parents!
Not just in TN where 1/2 of all children born in This state will Not make it to their 1st birthday and those that do are so riddled with physical & mental illnesses that their life expectancy is not near what their parents are.
They said that TN was The Worst place to be born. If You are born in Any other state Your chances of surviving birth & the 1st year are exponentially increased. However, even with those odds the childhood obesity, early onset of Adult Diabetes & mental illnesses are still a factor in this new millenium.
What is going on? How can we live in the most prosperous country on the planet and yet be shooting ourselves in the foot because we Won't Invest in Our Children's Health? Our children's health begins with Us - Their parent even before they are born.
Just like the lady said on PBS, "If You spend the 1st 25 years of YOUR life doing things to tear down Your body, Nothing You do in those 9 months will reverse the damage to Your system which is Then passed on to Your Child."
Have You noticed the increase in Autism, ADD/ADHD, obesity, chronic illnesses (and the list goes on) that Today's Children face where we did not hear much about just 20 years ago? Where do think these problems stem from? Just unlucky? Unlikely!
Our bodies run on Nutrients NOT just calories. We have as a Nation decided that what is Easiest is best. It's easier to get McDonald's than make dinner. It's easier to pop in a frozen dinner or pizza than prepare real food. Sure, all these things provide bulk in the stomach to make You feel like You've done something good for Yourself simply because You don't "feel" hungry anymore. But do YOU really think that Nutrients are a part of this bulk food?
This is how Gen X learned how to care for ourselves as Our Mothers found work outside the home for 1st time in generations and the fast food craze hit Our Country with such force. So we grew up without Mom's full food pyramid meals 3 times a day like other Other generations before us had access to.
Then we started Our families and Never wavered from the Easy food. Gen Y was able to survive this attack on the human body with whatever reserve we had in our system because Our Mother's Had healthy food growing up.
Now we are seeing the complications of Decades of Malnutrition. Gen Y had NO reserves to give to Their children and now we are starting to see Just How Important Nutrients are for a Healthy Body, Mind AND Country.
How can we reverse this dire scenario for the Future of Our Nation & Grandchildren?
It's easier than You think. In this fast paced world we live in we are all loking for the Easiest route to take. What can be Easier than pouring 1/4 cup of juice every morning and afternoon?
Original Limu has 70+ Nutrients including the Premier Fucoidan Blend in just 1oz! You don't have to change a thing about Your lifestyle or eating habits to include Real Health into Your Family's day.
Let me ask You this: Are YOU willing to sacrifice Your Children & Grandchildren's Health? Are YOU willing to spend Your Time and Money at the Dr. office and hospitals that Your Children WILL need to go to in order to undo the damage done by simple Lack of Nutrients? Are YOU willing to visit Your Grandchildren in NICU as they fight for life at 5 pounds simply because Your Daughter had NOT the Health to give away? Are YOU willing to care for that child and feed it all sorts of DRUGS the Dr. gives in hopes of aleviating mental & physical deformations that Would have been eradicated through Simple Nutrients?
If You answered YES to any of these, do Nothing. Continue doing what You've always done and You WILL get what is coming to You and YOUR Children.
If NO was any answer, the YOU Can change the outcome.
Your Children Depend on YOU to make the Right decisions concerning Their Health & Life. Don't You owe it to THEM to get out of Your comfortable rut, realize that Your understanding of food is flawed and invest in Their Future Health by spending Your money where it will do the most good?
Times are hard - I get that, but they only get harder when the body & mind start failing.
Is This Your inheritance to Your Children?
They get to look forward to a hard life because YOU Refuse to Feed Them Nutrients?
With Nutrition so easy an Anorexic can acheive It, What is stopping You from receiving The Blessing of Optimal Health that comes with Original Limu?
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to YOU!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID: 8536438

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