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Monday, April 5, 2010

AN & Ripples

It's time for me to start climbing up out of this hollow and get back on The Road 2BRecoverED. It seems i started sliding down that slippery slope towards the black pit around November; here it is April already and I know that come the end of May is another steep ditch with a very narrow road filled with potholes ready tp trip me up and send me falling headlong off This Road.

I couldn't be more excited...I ordered my case of LIMU and a LIMU LEAN Meal (Addition) Shake on Friday & just checked my shipping info to find that it will all be delivered Today! Good thing as there was only a couple of shots left, so i stopped drinking it for my Daughter to have it.

AN started creeping back up on me 6 months ago. Normal trigger: Holidays. No Big deal as I knew they would come to an end. Then my 10 yr old dog could not get up starting at the beginning of Jan which coincided with yet another trigger: my birthday which is bookended by the death of my Gram & the death of my 19yr old Tonka puppy dog.
So i was being nursemaid for Dutchess for 2 months, always having to "be happy" & productive as she could tell my moods & I did not want to upset her more. March 5th we found out that her spinal bones were fusing together from her neck to her tail, causing her to never walk again; which brought me to the final decision to let my wolf mix go on the next day so she could once again run & roam the hills of TN.

All while this was happening, my LIMU intake was steadily increasing as The Blessing of more cases arrived for both me & her to stay healthy. When she went down, i think that was AN finally won the war. With Dutchess gone & not needing the juice, there was no need to get the extra cases (AN reasoned for Me), we could use the money on much needed house supplies. As my pantry stock LIMU started to dwindle, so did my intake. Just one of those AN things: not enough food to go around, so i will abstain so the rest of my Family can have it. Besides, i can go for days without the food, They can NOT. (another AN reasoning)

It was around this time that i started to dink Walmart brand meal replacement shakes because I knew I had to put Something in there even though by now AN was already starting to gain firm control of my body too.

At this point, I am AN. The sun is up, so i cannot eat. I was able to drink that 2oz of LIMU which is a Great step and a feat i've been unable to get AN to let Me do.
In fact I was surprized this weekend, we went to a Friend's house & they had ribs which Wayne loves and sat next to me to eat, when the smell of That Meat hit my nose i became instantly anxious followed by my quick removal of my body from the situation before i would throw up from that aweful smell. Being a Completely Restricting Anorexic, purging is not something I personally care to do under any circumstances so i just remove my body so my mind can stop being so anxious causing a nervous stomach.
Next day we had fir pit chicken out back and the same thing happened. Only this time i was able to choke down about 5 bites before removal of self.

I cannot wait to start my climb up out of the hollow with LIMU LEAN. Not only will I be able to ingest 2-4oz of LIMU juice, but every serving of LIMU LEAN comes with the same Premium Fucoidan Blend so I get double PLUS 6 different forms of protein which my body desperately needs.

Best of all? I get to share The Blessing of LIMU with YOU!

Every one of Our LIMU Family Members has an experience to share. This is My experience with using their products to help Me acheive Goals: 2BRecoverED with a healthy body, healthy mind so I can obtain Our Dreams to be financially healthy as well.

LIMU is The Company with 3 great product lines to help any BODY to achieve it's maximum potential through simple, easy Health.

Like I always say, "Get the Body Healthy and The Mind WILL Follow."
A Healthy Body & A Healthy Mind make the foundation of Healthy Finances to build Healthy communities to build Healthy Nations to make a Healthy Planet.

It's all in the ripples.

Are You the rock in Your Family making changes happen or are You the water being forced to move upon the choices and actions of others?

All it takes for YOU to make ripples is Your choice to pick up Your Rock - Your Life - and throw it in this pond called Life.

You Are YOUR Own Boss!
YOU Are in Charge of Your Own Future!
YOU GET To Make Ripples!
LIMU & I are here to help You make The Healthy one.

You Can change Your Future by investing in Your Health now. The decision is up to YOU, like it was for Me; Choose a Healthier way or continue to do nothing to change My "habits" of feeding MySelf & My Future was over.

I threw my rock in the pond of Life.
Won't You?

"For I know the plans I have for You," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper You and not to harm You, plans to give You Hope and a Future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You & Yours!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID: 8536438

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