As if Tennesse weren't already in a dire Health Crisis with low birthweight babies and extreme obesity of it's residents from young to old. Now we just saw the worst flooding in decades with thousands left homeless and billions of dollars needed to repair.
What could possibly be added to this equation to turn This situation from bad to Worse?
White Nose Bat Syndrome (WNS)
This is an infectious fungus which has killed over 1 million bats in the North Eastern U.S. since it was 1st observed in 2006.
There has been NO human illnesses due to this and there is NO evidence to suggest that it is harmful to any species other than bats.
6 caves in TN alone have been confirmed & documented with the syndrome, with the first case in March, 2010. Also confirmed in Missouri, Ontario, Canada, New England, West Virginia and Virginia.
Eating up to 2/3 of their body weight in insects in one night. By keeping the insects under control it ultimately reduces the quantities of insecticides used on crops as well as play a role in pollination.
In April the U.S. Forestry Service issued an emergency order to close caves and mines in 33 states for up to one year.
How does This affect Tennessee's Health?
The 2010 Farmer's Almanac predicts that June, July & August will be The Hottest and Dryest that have been recorded in decades in TN.
With only roughly 5-10% of bats surviving this WNS, and the continued abundant rains & flooding makes for a perfect storm of record high mosquito & other insect counts.
Mosquitos carry And transmit to infect: H1N1 - Bird Flu, the "new" Swine Flu, Malaria & Cholera just to name a few.
The other insects will attack the food crops & the (animal) meat supply which will cause Farmers & Ranchers to depend on enormous amounts of pesticides & insectesides - Poisons to do what the bats Would have done Naturally.
All of those toxins come down the food chain to Your dinner table.
Now, add to the equation:
Hundreds of Thousands of people left homeless through NO fault of their own.
(People who were already in an unhealthy state - Both personally and geographically.)
In about a month we will see the temperature rise as always - only This time (predicted) to have little relief in the form of cooling rain and certainly NO air conditioning.
Where will all these people go to get out of the heat? I spent a summer in N. Florida living totally outside with NO a/c and let me tell You, in hindsight, by the end of 3 months I was literally going insane from the 24 hour heat; and that was with the Blessing of all the hurricanes the summer of Katrina to give us a cool respite.
I'm sorry to be the messenger or the one to see the handwriting on the wall, but I have to tell it like I see it.
So we have:
100s of 1,000's with an already compromised immune system due to a lifetime of poor diet practices
90% Decrease in the Bat population
100% Increase in Toxin use
Standing water in most of TN's Counties
100-fold Increase in Disease transmitting mosquitos
100-fold Increase in other insects
50+% Decrease in pollination
A (TN) State of Health Disaster of epic proportions.
We are moving quickly from "Crisis" mode into "Survival" mode here in Tennessee.
If changes are Not made Immediately - on the State And Personal level - we will see the death toll and the cost of infectious disease "treatment" & "cure" skyrocket beyond exponentially.
THERE Is NO Snooze Button!
The Only thing that Will Protect YOU under these dire circumstances is YOUR Own Body and it's ability to Maintain a Fully Functioning Immune System to fight off all these outside forces attacking not only Your Body & Brain, but Your Family as well.
Your Family's Health Recovery depends on Your Efforts!
Relief & Recovery efforts have been underway and accessible to YOU for some years now in the form of the LIMU family of products.
I urge You to take a moment to evaluate Your Family's Health situation. Look around at all Your "Things" and realize that it all can be washed away in the blink of an eye through NO fault of Your own. Think now about all those Families whose every "things" are now piled high on the near the street in front of their shattered homes.
Look at the pictures of Your Loved Ones. Now look at Your stuff.
Which is Truely More Important?
When tragedy & disaster hits, at the end of the day which are You more Thankful for...that the new wall HDTV survived the hit along with Your favorite easy chair, Your child's favorite stuffed animal or Your Spouse's most prized possession made it OR do You cling to Your Living Family Members because THEY made it?
Relief & Recovery made easy for YOUR Health!
2-4 oz of LIMU (the original juice) Everyday
WILL provide over 70 Nutrients in Each 1oz serving.
120 days is the time it takes the Body to regenerate New Cells.
Isn't it time You Allowed Your Body to make Strong, Vibrant, Healthy cells
that will fight For YOUR Health?
Instead of allowing Your Body to succumb to the attacks
of outside forces because YOU refuse to arm it?
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Courage, Joy & Prosperity to YOU!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu - ID: 8536438
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