Today i am very Pleased & Proud of MySelf. Stepping on the scale with trepidation & bracing myself for the (assured) let down when the # (i knew) would Not have changed.
Of course these thoughts belonged to the Voice i soon found out when the number stopped just barely before 114.
Elation & Joy came alongside the relief i felt from inside my Mind and out to Me. A real feat accomplished this time...almost 3 weeks off my scheduled feeding times, plus losing 2 pounds last week.
So instead of gaining "just" 3.5 lbs, it was more like 5.5 - 2 to get Back to 110 & then 3.5 to get to now. What a Relief to see & feel the Difference LIMU makes when You take the time to fortify the Body & Mind.
It has Not been an easy task - having to go through the beginnings of the refeeding syndrome Again. I have spend the last 3 or so days going from feeding to rest & back again. My mind is foggy from going through "the change" or "switch-over" if You will from AN to Me. The ATP levels in my cells are working feriously to digest the food which leaves little for the physical excertions of the day.
However, I continue to LEAN & to juice a total of 4 times daily along with "forcing" Me to stop & Eat solid food too.
"The proof is in the pudding." My Husband says & I'm inclined to agree.
In cooking as in Life, new recepies are always tried, to feed on & grow. We never know what the new taste will be but we choose to have Faith in those who made it before us. Only after we have made the new dish & Tried it for the 1st time do we then have the option to Like or Dislike it; to see if it really Does work.
The LIMU Brand is much the same.
Only by choosing to Try it out for Yourself can You expect to see the results. It's Not magic or some inventive snake-oil, but Pure, Wholesome Food Nutrients from the sea & God's green grasses underneath.
The LEAN Challenge is almost over, my Faith is being rewarded, My Choice to LIMU is proving The Best Decision I ever made for My Family & Me.
We can't wait to have You on our team! Join the LIMU NATION Today & see what we mean!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Prosperity & Enlightenment to You!
Wayne & Barbara A Thornton
LIMU Consultant ID# 8536438
Lady Limu ID# 8536438
931-796-3688 - 931.628.4355 cell
1.888.8MY.LIMU toll free LIMU direct
463 Woodland Rd.
Hohenwald, TN 38462
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