Well, I was looking for the information about what constitutes a recovered state from anorexia, but have so many favorites on that subject that I came across those (previously posted) instead.
A RecoverED (female) AN, i read earlier last week, has had at least 6 months in a row of menses and maintain a Body Mass Index or BMI of 17 or 18%. (I forget which.) This was the information I was searching for. My BMI is 19% and risingwith the addition of LEAN.
This is how I know without a doubt that I Am RecoverED with LIMU. All the numbers add up to a very healthy weight & body. The fact that I am maintaining a "normal" body weight and functions shows that I Am ingesting the proper amount of food calories & nutrients.
I am in the "maintaining" stage of recovery ~ that is to say I will still continue to work on the psychological aspects of this illness to get to the point where I am no longer tortured by the Voice that resides in My mind.
The complete physical recovery I received from the LIMU Brand has enabled me to Dare 2BRecoverED ~ in Body, Mind and Spirit.
Feed the Body LIMU and the Mind WILL follow - giving You the strength & energy to climb out of the hollow; that deep pit of blackness & despair that keeps us in SILENCE, unable to declare "I Dare 2BRecoverED and I will Succeed!"
Yes, that Voice inside the mind is tricky and berrades with lies, but once You decide to LIMU everyday the Control is Yours once & for all to Live YOUR Life the way You choose; the Voice simply has no where to hide once Nutritients continue to go inside!
Dare To BE...
Get on the road 2BRecoverED with LIMU today!
It's Affordable, Easy and Works!
Start Living YOUR Life!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!
I'm Barbara A Thornton and IAmLIMU ~ Lady Limu

I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Micronutrient Deficiencies and Supplementation for Eating Disorders
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Micronutrient deficiencies and supplementation in anorexia and bulimia nervosa: a review of literature.
Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are characterized by unbalanced eating patterns that include inadequate dietary intake of various nutrients.
Conservation mechanisms resulting from starvation and/or self-prescribed nutrient supplements can result in laboratory values that appear within normal limits.
Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are characterized by unbalanced eating patterns that include inadequate dietary intake of various nutrients.
Conservation mechanisms resulting from starvation and/or self-prescribed nutrient supplements can result in laboratory values that appear within normal limits.
These artificially inflated values drop to dangerous levels in some patients once rehydration and refeeding begin.
Electrolyte status must be closely monitored during this time to prevent complications.
Electrolyte status must be closely monitored during this time to prevent complications.
Other micronutrient deficiencies can be corrected with adequate dietary intake, but patients with eating disorders are unlikely to consume such an adequate diet immediately upon entering treatment, so they may benefit from supplementation.
Depleted nutrient stores require longer supplementation than acute inadequacies in nutrient intake.
Depleted nutrient stores require longer supplementation than acute inadequacies in nutrient intake.
This review compiles the findings reported to date regarding micronutrient deficiencies and supplementation for patients with anorexia and bulimia.
Because of the widely varying eating practices from patient to patient and the current lack of data controlling for nutrient self-supplementation, nutrition assessment performed by a nutrition professional via food intake history may be more practical than laboratory tests and more accurate than current food intake for determining potential micronutrient deficiencies.
Source: U.S. National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health
The question is:
How & Why does the LIMU Brand work for Eating Disorders?
Quite simply - Nutrients in liquid form.
ORIGINAL LIMU juice is pure whole food nutrients derived from a sea plant
that is loaded with 70+ Nutrients in just 1 oz.
The great taste comes from Papaya and Mango puree and Apple and Pear juice.
Add a LIMU LEAN shake daily to get 6 different protein sources with carbohydrates and You have everything Your Body needs to not only survive but to Thrive.
The 1st step in recovering from an Eating Disorder is to get Nutrients into the Body. Once the Body is stable the mind can begin the task of learning how to "deal" with life's unexpected ups and doens withOut the use of extreme eating measures.
LIMU = Nutrients = Health = RecoverED
It really IS that simple!
Ask me how today to start Your path 2BRecoverED with LIMU.
Receive The Blessing it contains - Peace and Health, Enlightenment and Prosperity.
You Can do this!
You Can have Your Life back!
I'm Barbara A Thornton, 2BRecoverED because IAmLimu!
Member ID # 8536438 a.k.a. Lady Limu
Toll Free: 866.478.4221
Direct: 931.628.4355
Fax: 866.479.4240
Healthy Food and Supplements for Survival, Lady Limu and/or Barbara A Thornton do not send out unsolicited mail. If you receive a mailing by mistake or want to be removed from future mailings: reply with the word REMOVE in the subject box. All outgoing mail is scanned for viruses.
Source: U.S. National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health
The question is:
How & Why does the LIMU Brand work for Eating Disorders?
Quite simply - Nutrients in liquid form.
ORIGINAL LIMU juice is pure whole food nutrients derived from a sea plant
that is loaded with 70+ Nutrients in just 1 oz.
The great taste comes from Papaya and Mango puree and Apple and Pear juice.
Add a LIMU LEAN shake daily to get 6 different protein sources with carbohydrates and You have everything Your Body needs to not only survive but to Thrive.
The 1st step in recovering from an Eating Disorder is to get Nutrients into the Body. Once the Body is stable the mind can begin the task of learning how to "deal" with life's unexpected ups and doens withOut the use of extreme eating measures.
LIMU = Nutrients = Health = RecoverED
It really IS that simple!
Ask me how today to start Your path 2BRecoverED with LIMU.
Receive The Blessing it contains - Peace and Health, Enlightenment and Prosperity.
You Can do this!
You Can have Your Life back!
I'm Barbara A Thornton, 2BRecoverED because IAmLimu!
Member ID # 8536438 a.k.a. Lady Limu
Toll Free: 866.478.4221
Direct: 931.628.4355
Fax: 866.479.4240
"Knowledge of the oceans is more than a matter of curiosity... our very survival may hinge on it." ~John F. Kennedy
Healthy Food and Supplements for Survival, Lady Limu and/or Barbara A Thornton do not send out unsolicited mail. If you receive a mailing by mistake or want to be removed from future mailings: reply with the word REMOVE in the subject box. All outgoing mail is scanned for viruses.
Monday, September 27, 2010
RecoverED with LIMU
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I am RecoverED with LIMU!
I always knew this day would come, I just had no clue when. I could see that Beautiful Land from this path 2BRecoverED. It could be seen from the top of every mountain I climed, it was "hiding" just around each turn on this miry path as it beckoned to me to keep forging through the muck & slippery pot holes along the way. The beacon of that great city always burned bright to light the way as if begging me to stay on track and not fall off into that black pit of dispair.
Sure, i fell in more times than I wanted. Sure this has been the Hardest path I have ever had to take in My Life. Sure at times I thought this path would surely kill me if I kept moving forward.
But You know what? I Survived and am Thriving!
I am No longer a slave to AN and it's incessant desire to keep Me malnourished!
I am Healthier than I ever have been!
I feel...well...ALIVE for the 1st time in Decades!
It took me a little over 3 years to finish this path 2BRecoverED from Anorexia with LIMU.
The 1st 3 yrs, I treated My condition with LIMU Original.
The last 4+ months I have added the LEAN meal shake to My treatment plan and that has made all the difference!
Working in tandem, the LIMU Brand is designed to provide the Human Body with ALL the building blocks to not only Survive but to THRIVE; allowing Me the Energy & Mental clarity to Strive for My Goals & Dreams to come true.
I have No doubt that if LEAN were available to me earlier, I would have finished sooner. The LIMU Brand just made the path 2BRecoverED into a superhighway! Cutting the ED Recovery time in 1/2 by Equipping & Fortifying the Body with whole food nutrients without the use of drugs, chemicals or complications due to digesting solid foods.
I realize that just because i finished the path and now Live in The Beautiful Land of RecoverED, I still have a lot of work to do. Much IS done, but plenty to get in order. There is setting up a homestead ~ both here in a new & scary land i have never seen as well as inside this new vessel that I find myself in. This requires planning, dedication and fortification plus leaving room for unexpected setbacks so that My new Home can recover quickly to get back on track in a jiffy.
The 'hard' work is behind Me ~ i have successfully brought My Body to a place of Optimal Health - THE Absolute FIRST STEP in recovering from an Eating Disorder. Without a Healthy Body, the Mind canNot Fight & Win the Voice from Within.
Thank You ALL who have Encouraged Me & Supported me through the journey 2BRecoverED!
Your kind words gave me the Protection & Strength to Dare To Be...Me!
Your prayers provided the Hope & Joy restored daily even through the darkest ones!
Your love has given Me Enlightenment & Prosperity!
May the Lord Bless You with His Mercy & Grace for all the times You put a smile on My face!
I'm Barbara A Thornton and I Am LIMU ~ Lady Limu
I always knew this day would come, I just had no clue when. I could see that Beautiful Land from this path 2BRecoverED. It could be seen from the top of every mountain I climed, it was "hiding" just around each turn on this miry path as it beckoned to me to keep forging through the muck & slippery pot holes along the way. The beacon of that great city always burned bright to light the way as if begging me to stay on track and not fall off into that black pit of dispair.
Sure, i fell in more times than I wanted. Sure this has been the Hardest path I have ever had to take in My Life. Sure at times I thought this path would surely kill me if I kept moving forward.
But You know what? I Survived and am Thriving!
I am No longer a slave to AN and it's incessant desire to keep Me malnourished!
I am Healthier than I ever have been!
I feel...well...ALIVE for the 1st time in Decades!
It took me a little over 3 years to finish this path 2BRecoverED from Anorexia with LIMU.
The 1st 3 yrs, I treated My condition with LIMU Original.
The last 4+ months I have added the LEAN meal shake to My treatment plan and that has made all the difference!
Working in tandem, the LIMU Brand is designed to provide the Human Body with ALL the building blocks to not only Survive but to THRIVE; allowing Me the Energy & Mental clarity to Strive for My Goals & Dreams to come true.
I have No doubt that if LEAN were available to me earlier, I would have finished sooner. The LIMU Brand just made the path 2BRecoverED into a superhighway! Cutting the ED Recovery time in 1/2 by Equipping & Fortifying the Body with whole food nutrients without the use of drugs, chemicals or complications due to digesting solid foods.
I realize that just because i finished the path and now Live in The Beautiful Land of RecoverED, I still have a lot of work to do. Much IS done, but plenty to get in order. There is setting up a homestead ~ both here in a new & scary land i have never seen as well as inside this new vessel that I find myself in. This requires planning, dedication and fortification plus leaving room for unexpected setbacks so that My new Home can recover quickly to get back on track in a jiffy.
The 'hard' work is behind Me ~ i have successfully brought My Body to a place of Optimal Health - THE Absolute FIRST STEP in recovering from an Eating Disorder. Without a Healthy Body, the Mind canNot Fight & Win the Voice from Within.
Thank You ALL who have Encouraged Me & Supported me through the journey 2BRecoverED!
Your kind words gave me the Protection & Strength to Dare To Be...Me!
Your prayers provided the Hope & Joy restored daily even through the darkest ones!
Your love has given Me Enlightenment & Prosperity!
May the Lord Bless You with His Mercy & Grace for all the times You put a smile on My face!
I'm Barbara A Thornton and I Am LIMU ~ Lady Limu
Member ID ~ 8536438
Friday, September 24, 2010
Transcript of My 2BRecoverED with LIMU call
Posted by
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 in case You do not have access to the online office:
Thank You all for Your time tonight. Hope you don’t mind but it’s easier if I just read my notes.
I started this path 2BRecoverED from Restrictive type Anorexia with LIMU a little over 3 years ago when all they had was the Original juice.
I was underweight as far back as I can remember. In the 4th grade the teacher used Me as the model of a skeleton because all my bones protruded from my skin. In fact, that year I weighed between 40-49 pounds and so was this 10 pound a year pattern until the 10th grade when I finally got up to 102; then stopped gaining.
My 1st pregnancy I was able to gain 10 pounds to 112 and My 2nd I gained 22. Both babies were 7lbs 15oz and 21 ½ “long. 4 weeks after giving birth both times I was back to my “normal” 102 size.
By May of 2007 I was eating about ¼ cup of Hamburger Helper at dinner with the Family and hardly drinking anything at all. This is when I stepped on the scale for the 1st time since I could remember & was shocked that my weight was 96 lbs at the age of 35. I had to finally admit to Myself & Family that I had a problem eating food – I was Anorexic.
This is where the path started for Me and within just a week or so I received a call from My Aunt Jane LaLonde about Uncle Terry’s throat cancer. Diagnosed stage 4 and told to get his affairs in order right before the Dr. went on vacation.
She had dabbled in LIMU but with this news she went all in and started him on a regimen of 12oz Original daily. From mid-December to mid-February all he had for any sort of treatment was LIMU and the pictures sold me right away; within that time, his tumor visibly shrunk in ½ and all the redness & swelling gone.
Another 4 months with chemo & radiation with LIMU and he is cancer free to this day – over 3 years now.
I figured if this juice could shrink a tumor, it might just help me 2BRecoverED as well as My Family.
We were making just $460 a month at the time and I made the biggest leap of Faith in my life and made the call. Back then we had to pay $25 membership fee in order to get on Autoship.
What happened next was simply amazing! The case arrived in the late afternoon. I gave my children the recommended 2oz, but Wayne & I took 4. Then before bedtime we took another 4. The next day we did the same and the 3rd we cut back to 2.
We figured it was just food & he with a bent frame due to Osteoarthritis and a nasty cold and me starving to death – literally we had faith that it would Not hurt.
On the 4th day he woke to find himself standing straight up for the 1st time in many years. As for Me, I actually ate a bowl of cereal.
You see, Anorexia is a Mind and Body “illness” and can be manifested by one or the other to begin with and then overlaps both. So when I say I could Not eat, it means that whenever I put food in my mouth it was like chewing rocks – even pudding, then to get the rocks past the throat was near impossible and if by chance some made it to My stomach it sat like well…rocks.
In My case, anorexia started in my brain at a very young age. By the time I was 35 it was all I knew how to do and I did it very well.
Anorexia in my opinion is the polar opposite of Obesity. One clings to food to cover their emotions or help them feel safe in times of stress. The other completely avoids food all together.
Anyways, I stayed on the Original every month - only the Lord knows how we could afford it for the 1st 3 years, but we made it happen and gradually I regained My strength and ability to eat solid food. I also had some ups & downs as I fought the enemy that I had created inside of My mind. My highest weight was 120 which didn’t last long before pressure & stress came along and restriction once again ruled my life. I never stopped the juice but continued to forge on.
Then this year The Company came out with LEAN and I couldn’t have been more thrilled! Finally! A Full Meal in liquid form from a company that I Trust & have come to depend on.
I’ve been told all my life that I walk to the beat of a different drum and so I took a product designed with weight Loss in mind and turned it upside down to fit My needs.
By the time Lean arrived at My door, I was under another attack from within & restriction brought me back down to 102.
At 1st I could only tolerate 1 scoop at a time as I started the Last Re-Feeding Syndrome I’ll ever have to go through for the rest of My Life. They weren’t wrong about all the energy it would take to relearn how to digest food, or the severity of side-effects caused by the Syndrome, ranging from confusion, dizzy, coma and even death. Sure am glad I had My LIMU to help Me through I’ll tell Ya that!
Soon enough I was up to the full 2 scoops in addition to real solid food & the juice.
I took the LEAN Summer Challenge more for Me than anything else & was elated to find just days before the end, my Dr. came and said “You are cancer free & 117 pounds.”
I had been previously diagnosed and treated for cervical cancer and this visit was my 1 year check-up to make sure they got it all. Of course after seeing Uncle Terry’s pictures I was never worried about cancer, My biggest problem was the Anorexia.
I guess that was a shock to me on the inside and so I lost 2 pounds, but have successfully stayed 115 for I’m not sure how long now. That’s the most I’ve ever weighed in My Life without pregnancy.
LIMU LEAN is a Weight Management System that works on Both ends of the spectrum of Eating Disorders. The 6 different kinds of protein in 1 shake gives me more protein than I would “normally” have in a month, plus all the Nutrients one could ask for in a meal including that extra shot of Original mixed right in.
Oh! I almost forgot. My nails & hair are longer & stronger than they have ever been. Not real amazing in itself, but consider the fact that I have struggled hard most of my life with restriction, this is darn near an impossible feat due to the fact that I have not been ingesting enough solid food to provide My Body with an overabundance of Nutrients to be able to just grow & throw them away like that.
Also I finally grew out of my 13 year old daughter’s pants. Before LIMU I wore size 10-12 Girls’ clothes and today I can fit nicely into Women’s size 5-6.
I started this journey for MySelf & My Family but it has become my mission to help educate and reciprocate The Blessing of LIMU to all who are suffering malnutrition.
My journey 2BRecoverED with LIMU is just about finished, but that’s not where My story ends. It is only the beginning of a Life RecoverED with LIMU.
Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. :D
With LIMU it’s so easy to get healthy – even this Anorexic can Do It!
I pray the God of Hope will fill You All with Joy & Peace as You Trust in Him.
I’m Barbara A Thornton and I am LIMU - Lady Limu.
Thank You all for Your time tonight. Hope you don’t mind but it’s easier if I just read my notes.
I started this path 2BRecoverED from Restrictive type Anorexia with LIMU a little over 3 years ago when all they had was the Original juice.
I was underweight as far back as I can remember. In the 4th grade the teacher used Me as the model of a skeleton because all my bones protruded from my skin. In fact, that year I weighed between 40-49 pounds and so was this 10 pound a year pattern until the 10th grade when I finally got up to 102; then stopped gaining.
My 1st pregnancy I was able to gain 10 pounds to 112 and My 2nd I gained 22. Both babies were 7lbs 15oz and 21 ½ “long. 4 weeks after giving birth both times I was back to my “normal” 102 size.
By May of 2007 I was eating about ¼ cup of Hamburger Helper at dinner with the Family and hardly drinking anything at all. This is when I stepped on the scale for the 1st time since I could remember & was shocked that my weight was 96 lbs at the age of 35. I had to finally admit to Myself & Family that I had a problem eating food – I was Anorexic.
This is where the path started for Me and within just a week or so I received a call from My Aunt Jane LaLonde about Uncle Terry’s throat cancer. Diagnosed stage 4 and told to get his affairs in order right before the Dr. went on vacation.
She had dabbled in LIMU but with this news she went all in and started him on a regimen of 12oz Original daily. From mid-December to mid-February all he had for any sort of treatment was LIMU and the pictures sold me right away; within that time, his tumor visibly shrunk in ½ and all the redness & swelling gone.
Another 4 months with chemo & radiation with LIMU and he is cancer free to this day – over 3 years now.
I figured if this juice could shrink a tumor, it might just help me 2BRecoverED as well as My Family.
We were making just $460 a month at the time and I made the biggest leap of Faith in my life and made the call. Back then we had to pay $25 membership fee in order to get on Autoship.
What happened next was simply amazing! The case arrived in the late afternoon. I gave my children the recommended 2oz, but Wayne & I took 4. Then before bedtime we took another 4. The next day we did the same and the 3rd we cut back to 2.
We figured it was just food & he with a bent frame due to Osteoarthritis and a nasty cold and me starving to death – literally we had faith that it would Not hurt.
On the 4th day he woke to find himself standing straight up for the 1st time in many years. As for Me, I actually ate a bowl of cereal.
You see, Anorexia is a Mind and Body “illness” and can be manifested by one or the other to begin with and then overlaps both. So when I say I could Not eat, it means that whenever I put food in my mouth it was like chewing rocks – even pudding, then to get the rocks past the throat was near impossible and if by chance some made it to My stomach it sat like well…rocks.
In My case, anorexia started in my brain at a very young age. By the time I was 35 it was all I knew how to do and I did it very well.
Anorexia in my opinion is the polar opposite of Obesity. One clings to food to cover their emotions or help them feel safe in times of stress. The other completely avoids food all together.
Anyways, I stayed on the Original every month - only the Lord knows how we could afford it for the 1st 3 years, but we made it happen and gradually I regained My strength and ability to eat solid food. I also had some ups & downs as I fought the enemy that I had created inside of My mind. My highest weight was 120 which didn’t last long before pressure & stress came along and restriction once again ruled my life. I never stopped the juice but continued to forge on.
Then this year The Company came out with LEAN and I couldn’t have been more thrilled! Finally! A Full Meal in liquid form from a company that I Trust & have come to depend on.
I’ve been told all my life that I walk to the beat of a different drum and so I took a product designed with weight Loss in mind and turned it upside down to fit My needs.
By the time Lean arrived at My door, I was under another attack from within & restriction brought me back down to 102.
At 1st I could only tolerate 1 scoop at a time as I started the Last Re-Feeding Syndrome I’ll ever have to go through for the rest of My Life. They weren’t wrong about all the energy it would take to relearn how to digest food, or the severity of side-effects caused by the Syndrome, ranging from confusion, dizzy, coma and even death. Sure am glad I had My LIMU to help Me through I’ll tell Ya that!
Soon enough I was up to the full 2 scoops in addition to real solid food & the juice.
I took the LEAN Summer Challenge more for Me than anything else & was elated to find just days before the end, my Dr. came and said “You are cancer free & 117 pounds.”
I had been previously diagnosed and treated for cervical cancer and this visit was my 1 year check-up to make sure they got it all. Of course after seeing Uncle Terry’s pictures I was never worried about cancer, My biggest problem was the Anorexia.
I guess that was a shock to me on the inside and so I lost 2 pounds, but have successfully stayed 115 for I’m not sure how long now. That’s the most I’ve ever weighed in My Life without pregnancy.
LIMU LEAN is a Weight Management System that works on Both ends of the spectrum of Eating Disorders. The 6 different kinds of protein in 1 shake gives me more protein than I would “normally” have in a month, plus all the Nutrients one could ask for in a meal including that extra shot of Original mixed right in.
Oh! I almost forgot. My nails & hair are longer & stronger than they have ever been. Not real amazing in itself, but consider the fact that I have struggled hard most of my life with restriction, this is darn near an impossible feat due to the fact that I have not been ingesting enough solid food to provide My Body with an overabundance of Nutrients to be able to just grow & throw them away like that.
Also I finally grew out of my 13 year old daughter’s pants. Before LIMU I wore size 10-12 Girls’ clothes and today I can fit nicely into Women’s size 5-6.
I started this journey for MySelf & My Family but it has become my mission to help educate and reciprocate The Blessing of LIMU to all who are suffering malnutrition.
My journey 2BRecoverED with LIMU is just about finished, but that’s not where My story ends. It is only the beginning of a Life RecoverED with LIMU.
Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. :D
With LIMU it’s so easy to get healthy – even this Anorexic can Do It!
I pray the God of Hope will fill You All with Joy & Peace as You Trust in Him.
I’m Barbara A Thornton and I am LIMU - Lady Limu.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Then vs Now
Posted by
I sure am Happy to be back on my LIMU Brand LEAN shakes! I had mixed up my days last week & put the call in just 1 day late for a Friday delivery & UPS does not ship here on Saturday, then Monday was the Labor day holiday.
"You don't know what You got until it is gone" is definately a True statement.
I was however conscious of the "feeding times" & length in between. I think i did pretty good in the solids department as I did not lose any weight. Still a healthy 115. Yay!
So i was thinking & talked to My Family about this the other day:
I started at 96 pounds a little over 3 years ago.
I am 115 now.
That is a 19 pound gain over that length of time.
That must be a Healthy weight gain, I conjectured aloud.
"You know Mom," my Daughter says, "When people Diet they are supposed to lose Only about 1.5 to 2 pounds at max per week. So, you're probably right."
Now I know that is "mearly" 5 pounds a year of Sustained Increase to a Healthy Weight with the LIMU Brand, Premier Fucoidan Blend liquid dietary support system.
But 1st we must Realize or Detect a "problem" where Health is concerned and then to understand the background of the "illness" as well as the person with the affliction; to see what, how & why This particular scenario is significant with it's subtle life changing effect.
When My Son was born, I weighed 112 - up 19 full pounds by the day of delivery. With My Daughter 3 years later, I was able to get to 124 - a full 22 pounds. Both babies: 7lbs 15oz, 21 & 1/2 inches long.
So we can see how this traveled along with me well into my 30's when i finally Realized & Admitted I had a problem & it's name is Anorexia who always acompanies The Voice.
Then 'The Blessing' of LIMU came into our home and the Only thing we had to do to attain it was simply sign up on Autoship for 1 case a month and pay a $25 Member fee (back then it was like that, now it's Free).
That was all we had to Do. Just make the call. Get started the next week.
"i've been without Nutrients this long, what is a little longer?" I heard the Voice say.
That 1st case arrived and for 2 years we drank only LIMU Original juice. That "problem" I spoke of earlier? Yeah...well we, meaning: me on the Inside, AN, that Voice and Me on the outside, battling to be "King of the Mountain" except the "Mountain" was Me. My Body. My Mind. My Spirit. My Life.
How completely Awasome is that? The LIMU Brand comes out with LEAN! Drinking 'just' 2 shakes a day is now feeding My Whole Self 70% of the RDA for virtually Every Nutrient: vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, the Most Omega's one can get and the list goes on....
So for months now i've been able to ingest Not Only the fucoidan & 70+ Nutrients in 1 oz but I have been blessed to receive the LEAN to add extra LIMU in My day on top of the 6 different kinds of protein and carbohydrates! That is a dream come true!
Let's see, 15 pounds over 3 years is a decent gain considering i was emaciated & nutrient deplete most of my life. Now My muscles are growing along with Much Needed (visceral) fat to protect My Body & My Mind as well as giving Me a sense of Peace with every LIMU product ingested throughout the day ~ a sense that I am doing just fine, My family & Me are all healthier than could ever be as long as we continue to step out on Faith and keep receiving that blessing of Health.
Now that I have been going through...what? A 2nd puberty? Of sorts maybe as My Body grows stronger & larger - to a Healthy Weight- pains & all, Ya know?
I can only imaging that as long as I stay the course, feeding My Body & my Mind, I will come out the other side better than could have been expected.
Anyways, that's my rambling for now as I traverse to the end of the path, 2BRecoverED; with LIMU, the Nutrients are so easy to get...even an ANorexic can Do It!
"You don't know what You got until it is gone" is definately a True statement.
I was however conscious of the "feeding times" & length in between. I think i did pretty good in the solids department as I did not lose any weight. Still a healthy 115. Yay!
So i was thinking & talked to My Family about this the other day:
I started at 96 pounds a little over 3 years ago.
I am 115 now.
That is a 19 pound gain over that length of time.
That must be a Healthy weight gain, I conjectured aloud.
"You know Mom," my Daughter says, "When people Diet they are supposed to lose Only about 1.5 to 2 pounds at max per week. So, you're probably right."
Now I know that is "mearly" 5 pounds a year of Sustained Increase to a Healthy Weight with the LIMU Brand, Premier Fucoidan Blend liquid dietary support system.
But 1st we must Realize or Detect a "problem" where Health is concerned and then to understand the background of the "illness" as well as the person with the affliction; to see what, how & why This particular scenario is significant with it's subtle life changing effect.
When My Son was born, I weighed 112 - up 19 full pounds by the day of delivery. With My Daughter 3 years later, I was able to get to 124 - a full 22 pounds. Both babies: 7lbs 15oz, 21 & 1/2 inches long.
So we can see how this traveled along with me well into my 30's when i finally Realized & Admitted I had a problem & it's name is Anorexia who always acompanies The Voice.
Then 'The Blessing' of LIMU came into our home and the Only thing we had to do to attain it was simply sign up on Autoship for 1 case a month and pay a $25 Member fee (back then it was like that, now it's Free).
That was all we had to Do. Just make the call. Get started the next week.
"i've been without Nutrients this long, what is a little longer?" I heard the Voice say.
That 1st case arrived and for 2 years we drank only LIMU Original juice. That "problem" I spoke of earlier? Yeah...well we, meaning: me on the Inside, AN, that Voice and Me on the outside, battling to be "King of the Mountain" except the "Mountain" was Me. My Body. My Mind. My Spirit. My Life.
How completely Awasome is that? The LIMU Brand comes out with LEAN! Drinking 'just' 2 shakes a day is now feeding My Whole Self 70% of the RDA for virtually Every Nutrient: vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, the Most Omega's one can get and the list goes on....
So for months now i've been able to ingest Not Only the fucoidan & 70+ Nutrients in 1 oz but I have been blessed to receive the LEAN to add extra LIMU in My day on top of the 6 different kinds of protein and carbohydrates! That is a dream come true!
Let's see, 15 pounds over 3 years is a decent gain considering i was emaciated & nutrient deplete most of my life. Now My muscles are growing along with Much Needed (visceral) fat to protect My Body & My Mind as well as giving Me a sense of Peace with every LIMU product ingested throughout the day ~ a sense that I am doing just fine, My family & Me are all healthier than could ever be as long as we continue to step out on Faith and keep receiving that blessing of Health.
Now that I have been going through...what? A 2nd puberty? Of sorts maybe as My Body grows stronger & larger - to a Healthy Weight- pains & all, Ya know?
I can only imaging that as long as I stay the course, feeding My Body & my Mind, I will come out the other side better than could have been expected.
Anyways, that's my rambling for now as I traverse to the end of the path, 2BRecoverED; with LIMU, the Nutrients are so easy to get...even an ANorexic can Do It!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You & Yours!
I'm Barbara A Thornton and
I am LIMU!
ID: Lady Limu ~8536438
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Cannot Be
Posted by
You Cannot Be
What You're Not . . . But You Can
Become what You're Not!
--Mike Murdock
(In other words)
You cannot be a leader if You're not,
But You can become a leader if You like!
You cannot be a 500K with LIMU if Your not,
But You can become a 500K if You like!
Everyone would like to be a 500K with LIMU but few
Are willing to Do the work to get there!
Our business is NETWORKING, not Netwishing!
Wishing will not make it happen. It takes WORK!
So many people live a "settled for" life;
working for someone else,
Letting someone else dictate their life
instead of stepping out &
Becoming all that God has planned for them.
Soooo . . . .
Is the life You're living today, the life You hoped You'd be living?
Is it possible for You to achieve and maintain optimal health?
Can You imagine a day when Your financial worries
would be a thing of the past?
If the answer is NO to the above questions...then
Do something!
Change what You're doing!
If nothing changes . . .
Nothing changes!
If You want to be an Eagle . . .
Like Gary Raser, the President of TLC says,
"If you want to get bigger . . . GET BIGGER"!
Together Everyone Accomplishes More!
Are You ready for a Change?
Are You willing to work For Yourself?
Are You ready to Be Healthy?
Are You ready to Receive & Give 'The Blessing' of LIMU?
Are You ready for some extra cash?
Are You willing to Give Your Family the benefits of the LIMU brand?
If You answered YES to any of the above,
You , My Friend, Are Ready & Willing!
Stop by or give me a call to get started today.
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity
to You & Yours!
Barbara A Thornton
ID: Lady Limu # 8536438
931.769.3688 ~ 888.8MY.LIMU (toll free)
What You're Not . . . But You Can
Become what You're Not!
--Mike Murdock
(In other words)
You cannot be a leader if You're not,
But You can become a leader if You like!
You cannot be a 500K with LIMU if Your not,
But You can become a 500K if You like!
Everyone would like to be a 500K with LIMU but few
Are willing to Do the work to get there!
Our business is NETWORKING, not Netwishing!
Wishing will not make it happen. It takes WORK!
So many people live a "settled for" life;
working for someone else,
Letting someone else dictate their life
instead of stepping out &
Becoming all that God has planned for them.
Soooo . . . .
Is the life You're living today, the life You hoped You'd be living?
Is it possible for You to achieve and maintain optimal health?
Can You imagine a day when Your financial worries
would be a thing of the past?
If the answer is NO to the above questions...then
Do something!
Change what You're doing!
If nothing changes . . .
Nothing changes!
If You want to be an Eagle . . .
Like Gary Raser, the President of TLC says,
"If you want to get bigger . . . GET BIGGER"!
Together Everyone Accomplishes More!
Are You ready for a Change?
Are You willing to work For Yourself?
Are You ready to Be Healthy?
Are You ready to Receive & Give 'The Blessing' of LIMU?
Are You ready for some extra cash?
Are You willing to Give Your Family the benefits of the LIMU brand?
If You answered YES to any of the above,
You , My Friend, Are Ready & Willing!
Stop by or give me a call to get started today.
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity
to You & Yours!
Barbara A Thornton
ID: Lady Limu # 8536438
931.769.3688 ~ 888.8MY.LIMU (toll free)
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