Good Morning Friends and Neighbors!
I finally have a quiet moment. Guess i've been busy lately.
I am doing well. My weight is between 122-125. So that answers the question of recovered vs recovering.
There has been homemade dessert everynight for quite a few days now.
When i look in the mirror (well since yesturday anyway) i am beginning to see a different reflection.
That gauntly thin face i have become accustomed to is giving way to a healthy beautiful woman.
No longer are there harsh lines for my cheek bones and jaw.
The deep furrows than ran across the thin covering of my forhead are dissapating, along with the veins at my temples no longer pounding out their dark blue beat under the sheer vail of my malnourished skin.
When i look at my arms, i am not seeing the familiar bones.
My shoulders are rounding out nicely.
My upper arms are twice the size they used to be (which i will admit IS freaking me out a bit, but i KNOW they are finally healthy and refreshingly "Normal") albeit they are alot better looking than the stick figures they used to be. Now they actually Look like arms.
My size 4 wedding band (which i got 4&1/2 years ago at the age of 32) will Never again come off, and the size 5 diamond set on top of that has seen the last of slippage, and twirling. Funny thing is, my fingers do not look any different to me.
My hands, on the other hand (LOL), Do look a lot different. First of all, at rest they do Not show any bones. The skin is a pretty pink in contrast to the dull, white, paper thin version of Anorexia that just had barely enough cells to cover the bones on the veins.
Speaking of veins, they are hardly noticeable on the tops of my hands. When you do see them around my wrists, they are not shriveled up worms like before. They are Healthy and carrying oxygen and nourishment throughout my entire body.
Going up, to my forarm is a gradual thickening from my wrist to elbow. Thickening of Muscle and Tissues. Just like a Real arm.
I would not say that i am Freaking out about this New Transformation of myself as i would say i am in Awe...and to be quite honest, a bit Intrigued.
In the same way i have nurtured my children in Love, Discipline and Nutrients to bring them to the healthy (physically, mentally & spiritually) place they are today, i am seeing the direct effects of doing the same for me.
I have spent my whole life making sure everyone Around me was happy, healthy & safe, but i had long ago forgotten about ME.
I have learned over this last year and a half that it takes Love of my person in order to Discipline myself to Nourish this body on a daily basis.
Due to tragic events presented to me when i was just a small child, i learned to Not love myself.
I have no problem loving others, just i never learned or was taught how to love myself or cope with stressfull situations in a healthy manner.
So, anorexia was born in me out of sheer Need to survive - a need to control Something in my life.
I am learning that just by living and eating each day i am surviving!
As far as controlling something, i Am in control - in control of this Living Body.
It is under my control AND responsibility to keep it alive until my time of rest comes.
I cannot change the past. Neither can You. We can only live today to change our tommorrow.
My tommorrows have changed dramatically since the 1st time i actually set out to to nourish my body - just 1.5 years ago.
Original Limu was my first big step towards my learning to Love and Respect Myself enough to Feed ME.
Now i am beginning to see glimpses of future tommorrows for the first time in a long time. Based on my todays of the past year or so i know and have faith in the visions that are set in my heart.
The visions of my heart had become desperately cloudy due to my anorexia. Once i started to get nourishment AND food, my future was looking up. Now i sit quietly and reflect on the long road to this point in my life and am amazed at where i am. I could not have fathomed or asked for all that i have now - not just material things either, although they are quite incomprenhensible to me just 2 years ago.
I want to Thank You ALL for your visits and interest in my recovery of Anorexia. It Was scary at first - my recovery that is - but I can't thank You enough for letting me be honest about my struggles and victories over this deadly disease.
I am learning a lot about the disease and nutrition and most importantly -myself. I can only hope that my enlightenment will bring knowlege to You or Someone You know that will give them real Help, Hope and Recovery.
Recovery is not easy.
Recovery is not quick.
Recovery is on the Horizon.
Recovery is made easier with Original Limu.
Recovery is an Awesome place to be!
I pray Blessings of Peace & Hope, Enlightenment & Love to YOU!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu

I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
...IS quick recovery
Posted by
Good Morning Everyone!
Great News!
I am at 124 pounds!
Just 1 more pound and i am There!
There. Wow. Now that i am here, i am wondering where exactly "there" is.
So at 125, i will acheive my goal weight, have a physical body that will be able to withstand attacks from without - you know, bacteria, viruses, cold, flu, infections and all.
Do i consider myself as "Recovered" now?
The addition of Remeron and taking away of Wellbutrin, definately has had an effect on my weight.
I Highly Recommend Original Limu and Remeron for any Anorexic.
Talk with your doctor about the medication and i am sure that the doctor would say that ANY Nutrition is better than NONE.
So, what exactly does recovered anorexic mean?
Does it mean that all my food problems are over because i am at a healthy weight?
I have been eating on a normal basis. I am baking more. I am starting to nibble when i am cooking. Food is starting to be like it was when i was young and known as the lunchbox raider on our elementary bus ride home.
Now i walk into the pantry and come out rather quickly with something to eat or ingredients to cook with.
I wonder how long i will need to stay on Rx medicine before i do all this myself.
So in reality i would categorize myself as recovered wth the use of medication.
I would suppose that full recovery means doing it all by myself.
All i know is that i am on the verge of attaining my Goal of 125 that i set a year and a half ago.
I am happy and proud of that!
Now i am exactly the weight i was almost 12 years ago on the day i delivered my 2nd Angel.
1&1/2 years ago this goal was impossible for me to fathom. Somehow, i came up with this healthy weight goal even though i could not picture it in my head. I just knew that one day i would be here.
2 months ago i was still at a healthier weight but i was going up and down every week and my plateau was getting smaller and smaller. First it was 120, then 119, then 117; i wondered how hard and how long it would be before i reached my 125.
Today, i step on the scale expecting to see little difference in my 120. When i looked down and saw 125, i was shocked, i did my little scale dance and it hovered at 124 &1/2 - 125. Only by standing just right was i able to manipulate the line to teeter between 124.5 and 125. So, by bedtime i will be at 125.
See, even when things and circumstances seem impossible, there IS Hope and Acheivement for Your Goals and Dreams.
The Lord is Faithful and He does provide. Not in my time frame, but His. He put that goal in my heart, and it was i that held onto His promise to be faithful. I just knew someday, i would attain the goal of my heart. Today IS that day!
He has His hand on You too. He knows Your Needs and Your Dreams.
Please accept Jesus into Your heart today. Believe on His faithfulness. He will not Delay.
Just ask Him to live inside Your heart, and then You will have a fresh start!
It only takes a minute long, but forever You will be strong!
Only 1&1/2 years it took me to get here; i've heard tell that 1 year of Our time is equal to 1 Day in God's.
Now that IS quick recovery!
Blessings of Peace and Health, Enlightenment and Prosperity to You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Great News!
I am at 124 pounds!
Just 1 more pound and i am There!
There. Wow. Now that i am here, i am wondering where exactly "there" is.
So at 125, i will acheive my goal weight, have a physical body that will be able to withstand attacks from without - you know, bacteria, viruses, cold, flu, infections and all.
Do i consider myself as "Recovered" now?
The addition of Remeron and taking away of Wellbutrin, definately has had an effect on my weight.
I Highly Recommend Original Limu and Remeron for any Anorexic.
Talk with your doctor about the medication and i am sure that the doctor would say that ANY Nutrition is better than NONE.
So, what exactly does recovered anorexic mean?
Does it mean that all my food problems are over because i am at a healthy weight?
I have been eating on a normal basis. I am baking more. I am starting to nibble when i am cooking. Food is starting to be like it was when i was young and known as the lunchbox raider on our elementary bus ride home.
Now i walk into the pantry and come out rather quickly with something to eat or ingredients to cook with.
I wonder how long i will need to stay on Rx medicine before i do all this myself.
So in reality i would categorize myself as recovered wth the use of medication.
I would suppose that full recovery means doing it all by myself.
All i know is that i am on the verge of attaining my Goal of 125 that i set a year and a half ago.
I am happy and proud of that!
Now i am exactly the weight i was almost 12 years ago on the day i delivered my 2nd Angel.
1&1/2 years ago this goal was impossible for me to fathom. Somehow, i came up with this healthy weight goal even though i could not picture it in my head. I just knew that one day i would be here.
2 months ago i was still at a healthier weight but i was going up and down every week and my plateau was getting smaller and smaller. First it was 120, then 119, then 117; i wondered how hard and how long it would be before i reached my 125.
Today, i step on the scale expecting to see little difference in my 120. When i looked down and saw 125, i was shocked, i did my little scale dance and it hovered at 124 &1/2 - 125. Only by standing just right was i able to manipulate the line to teeter between 124.5 and 125. So, by bedtime i will be at 125.
See, even when things and circumstances seem impossible, there IS Hope and Acheivement for Your Goals and Dreams.
The Lord is Faithful and He does provide. Not in my time frame, but His. He put that goal in my heart, and it was i that held onto His promise to be faithful. I just knew someday, i would attain the goal of my heart. Today IS that day!
He has His hand on You too. He knows Your Needs and Your Dreams.
Please accept Jesus into Your heart today. Believe on His faithfulness. He will not Delay.
Just ask Him to live inside Your heart, and then You will have a fresh start!
It only takes a minute long, but forever You will be strong!
Only 1&1/2 years it took me to get here; i've heard tell that 1 year of Our time is equal to 1 Day in God's.
Now that IS quick recovery!
Blessings of Peace and Health, Enlightenment and Prosperity to You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Friday, September 5, 2008
Money Grabbing
Posted by
Good Morning Everyone!
I am at 117. My Kudos are coming steadily.
I can't stay long now, a busy day ahead.
The following statements come from myself and Do Not reflect the views of The Limu Company or Original Limu juice.
I am a Very Proud American Citizen!
I have dedicated my life to Helping Others. From going to the dump to pick up ALL the clothes thrown Just That Week and taking them home to wash so i could give the newly opened Church Thrift Shop in Our economically POOR Small Town a surplus of Almost New clothes, so much so that they had to buy a shed to hold all the clothes, toys, kitchen items, paper, pens and pencils that we found at the Dump, to spreading the word about The Nutrition found in Original Limu.
There is more to learn about Original Limu than Big Brother will ALLOW me to tell you. FDA restrictions, Governmental suppression of information and the list goes on. Oh, the FDA Could research Fucoidan for itself and come up with the same findings as on ; however then The Government could NOT make as much Money as they do now with Their Insurance and Their Pharmecuticles.
Isn't it strange that Big Brother has made it Illegal to salvage what is 'just garbage' so We The People can help Ourselves and Communities - Our Own Country?!?
I would hope that whichever Canidate wins this election They will have the Health and Wellbeing of the Citizens of America First and Formost.
I hope They will step back from all this money grabbing for just a minute to relize that this Great Nation is in a Health Crises. A downward spiral that if not treated will fester and eat our Country into Devastation - from the Inside (Our Children) Out (Ourselves to Grandparents).
O.K. Gotta go.
Sorry about the rant.
Have A Great Day!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity For Our Unites States of America and Our Friends adn Neighbors Around the Globe!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
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