Good Morning Friends and Neighbors!
Today, i am at 119. I feel great. I look good. My clothes are finally fitting again. Well, size 5 anyway, i gave the 3's to my daughter. At 12 she fits them perfectly except for the waist which is fixed with a belt.
That is all good and well, but i have noticed that in the past 2 weeks, i have not eaten during the day again. It sure is a good thing that i have the Blessing of Original Limu! At least i know that with just 2oz i am delivering to my body MORE Nutrition than i would have i eating anything for breakfast; however, after stepping on the scale and seeing the numbers i am faced with the reality of the ramifications of my actions of slipping back to an old familiar "friend", or state of being.
I had not been weighing myself hardly at all while i was on vacation from y'all. Now i see just how important it is for a person to be aware and consious of their weight. Doesn't matter if it is Anorexia or Obesity or 'Normal' body weight and type, but just by knowing your weight on a consistant at least 2-3 times a week, that will give you a better gauge to use to help you determine the status of your physical health.
Consiously i have been becoming aware of the fact that these thought patterns (sub and/or consiously) were compelling me to skip the afternoon meal. It wasn't until i came face to face with my weight that it really sunk in.
Now i am back at square 3 again.
Square One - i Chose to trust Not my own understanding about the things of this world and body, and by making that choice i acted on the decision by ordering my 1st case.
Square Two - i am a consistant drinker of this product and have been for 21 months
Square Three - because of regular intake of high concentrations of Pure Fucoidan, my body's immune system is strong, all my organs, blood and very cells are functioning properly.
Step Four - overcome (recover from) Anorexia.
When dinner comes, i eat heartily and have my cookies before bed with milk. Once again - i cannot reiterate it enough, i am so thankful for everyone involved in TLC for bringing this Gift from the Sea to YOU and me. (poet, LOL)
Without the Pure, Whole Food Nutrition and the Extreme High Concentration of Pure Fucoidan i could not have survived this far.
I could not imagine ever being without my Limu. I Thank God He provides our family with this life supporting and sustaing product every 4 - 6 weeks.
So, i guess i just answered my own question from a while back.
Being recovered from Anorexia does Not mean that the rest of my life will be easy breezy.
My body has recovered fully from the damage i did to it for all those years. My body is being continually maintained the way it is supposed to be with whole food nutrition, so i continue to get stronger and healthier.
Yes, i am physically recovered. However, this is a disease that permeates the brain thoughts and functions.
The responsibility to continue on being in a recovered state of being rests on my strength and resolve mentally and physically to get the food and put it through the digestion process.
That is the hard part.
Overcoming something that has been an integral part of my personality for most of my life. In fact without my knowlege this disease has shaped who i am.
Everyday we all have things that Have to be done - breathing, waking, bathroom, eating, drinking, thinking, physically doing something/anything.
As a child this disease started to manifest itself and take over ALL of the basics of life by taking away the desire to eat and drink which is the foundation of the next step to physically control the body.
By the time i was in my mid-30's the disease progressed to devastating proportions. Simply due to lack of Nutrition as a child and young adult.
Now i have a handle on the Nutrition aspect of this disease.
Day by day i have to re-teach my mind and body to do something that totally goes against the grain of all my training and conditioning for all these years.
I am filled with Hope because now i have the rest of my life ahead of me without being completely overtaken with this silent and deadly disease called Anorexia.
I have the key to Nourishing and Nurturing my body like i would my own children.
I have realized i need help, actively sought and asked for it, now i am taking the skills learned through others and applying them to my life so i Can get through each day one day at a time, eating at least 3 times a day.
I guess i need to reinact my inactive Kudo chart. LOL
I'm glad vacation is over! Back to business.
Have a Great Day!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You in '09!
Lady Limu
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