Good Day to YOU!
I've been taking it easy this weekend. With all my feeding & resting times it does not leave much room for my mind to open up and be Here. My weight is stable at 109 last weigh in. Although i have Not weighed in about 5 days. That's OK with me as getting on the scale brings anxiety. Lessen the anxiety, do what is right and soon I'll have won the fight 2BRecoverED.
I went to a wedding reception on Saturday evening. They were serving BBQ & I readied myself before we went with positive self talk about the eating part of the party NOT being so bad. I was in line and everything smelt so fine, I took about 2 tablespoons of the shredded pork, a tablespoon each of baked beans & slaw, addec 2 very small pieces of ham, a few chips and a spoonfull each of dessert - strawberry layered cake thing and The Most Heavenly chocolate surprize to hit my mouth in ages.
Compared to everyone in line, my plate was rather emaciated as i skipped ALL the breads & made sure to take ONLY what i Knew I Would & Could eat - both for my Mind and Body's sake. After i finished eating, i went to our Phat Van to take my rest.
I felt bad about Having to do it in front of so many eyes, but having fed myself In Front of them, i knew they would not mind - besides, I told myself, the Hostess & Friends know what I am going through right now with this Refeeding Syndrome. They were just so Happy seeing Me eat in front of them that to go & rest Only seemed the Natural thing for this Barbara to do. No hard feelings or "angry" eyes awaited my return which then gave me pause and let out that sigh...of relief: that most didn't even notice my absence and better yet through This test i came back stronger, happier and a more relaxed Self.
The Best part of the rest time?
Even though i ate Alot of Meat proteins my rest was Only about 15 minutes! I could hardly believe My Body when i sat up took my last 'Deep Discontinued Breathing' technique and ALL the groggy had been swept away.
A true Blessing this was indeed! I made sure to take time to Thank my Lord for the energy & strength He restored in such a short amount of time.
You see, that plate of food just 5 weeks ago would have knocked Me out flat for 2-3 hours (a comotose state i like to call "Sleeping"). This is why i was Not looking forward to Having to eat solid food in front of ALL those people - which a lot of Them were strangers.
I was afraid of What My Body would do with all that food. As dinner is served 1st then the Party part begins, i did Not want to be Sleeping & miss the rest. So this was truely My 1st real life test to see who was going to win the Battle, would it be AN or Me?
I swallowed hard and took That anxiety pill as i stood in line Refusing to cow down to 'her' this 1 time. I chose my food carefully, making sure to taste each one; knowing that at any time i could go back for more but keeping the anxiety at bay i took Only what i wanted & let the rest stay.
As I started to chew on all these new sensations & tastes I was suprized how Happy my mouth was as i got into My eating zone.
Eating is a J-O-B of which I've learned NOT to like and this is the reason it causes so much strife. What does one do when there is an Unpleasant job to be done? Clear the mind as the head reaches down to grind the nose on that stone just keeping at it to Git 'Er Done as fast as possible and second to None.
This is what i did as i stared at my plate watching as each 1/2 forkful disappeared to help My Body to get to a Healthier state. My mind blank, just the eating motions i made sure to eat the "real" food before the dessert; which was So good & i wished i could have had more, but that darn Meat had taken up the whole floor. So i forced the goodies down my thoat anyway, not minding too much the bloat. For the Happiness i felt when the sweets hit my tongue could Not be taken away by that AN or the Tum.
So what if My stomach now felt unease? That is just the trick of AN in desperate hopes that I will remain in the disease. My Mind & Self was very Happy that i took the time to appease Them with that party in my mouth!
Besides, i had already planned for that rest time to take, so the indulgence was Mine to make.
I laid down to start my breathing excercises to cut the anxiety and to talk with my Lord - to touch base & not be bored. I told Him what i was thinking & how i felt. I asked Him for the strength to get up quickly This time and be back to Myself. We stayed together & i chatted, never forgetting to breathe proper. My eyes opened to see the beautiful sky as the setting sun laid bare a miriad of golden hues behind the wispy clouds. My breathing was calm & so was my heart & soul all of which told Me it was time to get up and go.
I looked down at my watch in complete suprize to see Only 15 minutes had gone by.
Feed the Body Healthy & the Mind WILL follow. There simply is no other way to explain how it could have happened so fast. The Lord had given me a choice just a few years ago with LIMU and now with the LEAN. I could have faith in Him instead of things seen or I could continue in the path I made & die a horrible ANorexic fate.
At My wits end about what to do about me, i decided to do it His way and see what there is to see. Trust Me this is No easy task to undergo or even to grasp. Anorexia in all it's forms, from strictly mental to start or from physical illness it is born, is Not something to be taken lightly and 2BRecoverED takes patience & practice and is Best done when Not Alone.
There are many reasons why a Facility Treatment option is NOT available to ALL in This United States because this "obscure" disease is stuck in red tape. I know because i Am one of the Unlucky Many who canNot This Road take.
That is why I know in my heart & soul that God's plan for those on The Road 2BRecoverED be given another option called LIMU The Company. He knows that not everyone can afford the Tens of Thousands of dollars for the Facility, so He gave to YOU & Me The Blessing of Health in the golden nectar so we Could get All Our Nutrients that He provided to the sea.
Free Will is Our Blessing and Our curse for truely Our future fate lies in Our hands & the choices We make. He provides abundantly for His brood, it IS up to Us To Decide and make The Choice to take His good food.
With or without it we will all meet the end, so why Not Enjoy this Life & Live it to the Fullest My Friend?
Feel Better, Be Stronger, Look LEANer for YOUR Life up ahead, there's Lots to go do & see just up ahead. Make the Right Choice for Your Family and You. Call Me & I'll get You started on a New and Better Road with just a few ounces of LIMU a day. Add the LEAN shake to discover the Healthy New You waiting inside.
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to YOU!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu ID# 8536438