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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Updates on our progress with Original Limu

Good Morning Friends & Neighbors!

Sorry that i have been away for so long. My computer is on the fritz. I will update as soon as i can, please bear with me through this technical problems.

I have decided that 126 is really too heavy for my frame. So i have dropped to 120-121 which really does look better anyway. Of course, i did revert back to my anorexic ways for about a week to lose the weight. Now i have to get back in the swing of things so that my "diet" does not turn back into anorexia. LOL

Still, at this weight i am 18-20 pounds healthier than my "normal" weight of 102 since the 10th grade up to 35, before dipping down to 96.

Since i am updating, i must tell you about Daisy our dog that had heart worms. She is FAT and Happy.

Being a Jack Russell mixed with Hound dog she is the Biggest Russell i have ever seen. She is just huge with the "Russell muscle" over every inch of her body which stands about 16 inches off the ground and 2 feet long. 50 full pounds of health and muscle! Hard to believe just 6 months ago she was on her death bed and i was afraid to wake up the next to see gone.

Praise the Lord my Original Limu was delivered that Monday morning!

Also as far as praise and thanks go one must be offered for my daughter's health. Already this year the school has been plagued with a stomach virus as well as strep throat.
I have no worries about the health of my child anymore. I just give her a 2oz shot in the morning before school and she is protected from all those germ-y kids. Another 2oz in the afternoon just for good measure. Kids are dropping like flies around her she says but she feels perfectly healthy.

My husband has been able to out for deer hunting season this year. He has missed the last few years due to his arthritis in back, hips and knees. He just couldn't bear the cold and the walking was agony. Now with Original Limu in his body over the past year and a half he is once again enjoying the serenity of the woods.

All in all we are doing great - thanks to Original Limu and the peace of mind just 2-4oz a day provides.

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You and Yours this Christmas Season.

Don't forget the reason for this season and give thanks everyday for all He has provided to You!

Lady Limu