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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Own Your Stock in The Limu Company for FREE

January 7, 2009
Good Morning Friends and Neighbors around the Globe!

I am Excited to announce that I am offering FREE Membership to You for Your Original Limu juice and Blu Frog Energy drink products!

*Free Membership (SAVE $25)
*Includes member pricing on all case products (SAVE $50 per case of juice)
*Order Your 1st case today on Autoship and qualify for commissions in the form of bonus checks from The Limu Company’s own profits.

Get You case today and make this a Healthy, Joyous New Year for You & Your Family!
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NEVER before in history has it been easier for ANYONE to “own stock” in a major company!
Amongst all this financial crises and current recession and Government bailouts, there is ONE company that is standing strong and profitable which is based on the principle that if we help others, we will be helped as well.

The Limu Company (TLC) IS That Company.

With the introduction of its product, Original Limu juice 5 years ago, the Health of this Nation has continued to Increase.
Countless thousands of Americans are gaining back their health and taking back their lives from sickness and degenerative diseases.
These Americans – as well as Nations around the Globe – are taking less prescription medication – street name Drugs and by the very act of being Healthy are saving Thousands of dollars in Dr. visit co-pays, prescription costs, over the counter cold and allergy medication; not to forget the time now spent in school for our children and on the j-o-b for us simply because we are immune to the viruses and bacteria around us in this day and age.

Through the generosity of their giving spirit, The Limu Company pours thousands of dollars every month into charitable organizations that help the development and growth of Our Great Nation.

That is on top of their generous support to its faithful “consumers” of their product Original Limu juice. Simply because we buy their product and drink it and share this life altering information and product with others, TLC actually gives YOU a share of their profit on each bottle.

Now, The Limu Company has made it even Easier and more affordable to buy their product at a discounted price! They have now cut into their profits even More by eliminating the membership fee of $25 - which means Immediate Savings & Discount on “the juice”.

Just order the product in case quantity so it will last you all month.
How easy is THAT?
The $25 savings just paid most of your tax and shipping costs for e 1st case.

I am so happy and excited for You that I am able to bring this opportunity to You at a “Free” rate! Shoot, the member fee was worth the benefits of this Fucoidan!

Anyway, better get off my box. LOL

I want to update on my weight. I am holding in-between 120 – 123 which suits me better anyway. I feel real comfortable. I look real healthy and feel healthy. No sicknesses.

It seems that when I see my friends and they are sick, I am almost curious at their condition. Their nose it red and usually moist, their eyes look horrible, they sound horrible, coughing, aching, sneezing, either too cold or too hot.
They stay this way for about a week and sometimes a whole month.
The really stubborn ones won’t even drink orange juice or eat. Knowing full well that what mother said was true – eat, eat and drink orange juice for the fluid And much needed Vitamin C to boost the immune system to get over the sickness faster.
Curiously I gaze at them and try to feel empathetic to their situation.
Two things perplex me:
In order to empathize with someone, you must be able to “feel” their emotion (in this case what it feels like to be sick). It is honestly hard for me to remember exactly what it ‘feels’ like to be sick.
I was a sickly child, just ask anyone. This did not diminish in my twenties or early thirties. I can see myself being sick in memories and “know” I was sick a lot, but the physical feelings associated with being sick are no longer there; simply because I have not been sick in a year and a half now – since I started ‘drinkin’ the juice’.
Secondly, these are the same people I have known for years and they know that we are ‘drinkin’ the juice’ and they have always seen us healthy and happy.
The fact that these very ones know that we have shared the same opportunity to have better health and thereby a better life that we enjoy with them confounds me as to why they are relentless in their own understanding and their desire to continuing to do what they have always done and happy to only receive what they have always gotten.
There was a time when I dreaded the start of a new school season because of all the suffering I would endure because of this illness or that sickness. I had resigned myself to “Oh well, this is my life. I guess for 6 months out of every year I will be sick.”
I actually thought that was the way my life was supposed to be.
So I continued on in my own understanding of this thing called life and did what I always had done – which was not much help to my body so in turn my body paid me back with sickness for every half of every year.

Then into my life came Original Limu.

This was so EASY! All I had to do was tip the bottle. That’s it. Twice a day. Sure, I’ll take a refreshing trip to the tropics twice a day!
Now even through malnutrition, anxiety and stress all working against my already frail body, I had not gotten sick that winter of 2007. Here we are in the beginning of 2009 and still no signs of sickness, only health.

God meant it for good and God saw that it was good.

I am thankful (kind of a funny thing to be actually) that the first half of my life was spent in sickness and pain.
How better to empathize with the Human race than to have lived in and through it?
How better to help Our Families and Communities than to introduce Health into their lives?

I know and understand what life is like when it is ruled by sickness because I lived it. I endured the pain and suffering that sickness and illness brought to me and people I know. I have witnessed the dire effects of malnutrition on the Human body and mind. I have lived through physical, mental and spiritual starvation.

I was given the information that I then acted upon immediately that has ultimately changed my life as well as those around me that I gave this information and decision to. The ones that acted as I have are now enjoying the blessings and rewards that come along with this product and the natural healing it gives to the Human body.
I have seen miraculous healings that cannot be dismissed or explained.

He came not only to give life but that we may live our lives more abundantly.

My families health has increased our lives more abundantly than we could ever have imagined!

Won’t You come join us in a healthier way to Live?

There is no better time than the present to change Your future.

Now there are no strings attached. Just order Your case of Original Limu today and be Healthier by next week!

I can’t wait to hear from You!

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You and Yours!
Lady Limu – The Original

p.s. this is one of those that i wrote while on vacation.

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