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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Feeling Great, Looking Healthy

Top O' the Day to You this St. Patrick's Day!

I've been feeling great! My weight is up to 117 and i look and feel healthy. The sun finally shining does help also. LOL

I am going to try to not obsess on the numbers. I feel great, & look great, so what do the numbers have to do with anything? They are just random anyway. What is a healthy weight for one is not the same as the other, as i found out at 125. Just too much on my frame.

My Kudo chart is filling faster this week so far than it has in the past couple. I am also Kudo-ing myself for my 2oz Original Limu every time i take a shot. Seeings how the Limu gives me the Nutritive value of a full meal, just easier to take and digest i figured i Deserved a Kudo for feeding my body healthy.

Spring break this week has thrown me all off track. I am enjoying the fact that i get to sleep in until i wake up, but goodness! i play catch up for the rest of the day. LOL

Oh, well.
Another shot of Original Limu here i come!
I need the extra energy this afternoon!

Have a Great Day Y'all!

Blessings of Life more Abundant to You and Yours!
Lady Limu

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