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Fun Fucoidan Facts

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Fun Fucoidan Facts

Pronounced: Foo Coy Dan

It's what makes the ORIGINAL LIMU Juice products
The Premier Fucoidan Rich Blend.

LIMU's Fucoidan is found in the limu moui seaweed.
A simple sugar molecule that completes complex tasks.

 It's The Nutrient of the 21st Century.

Check out Fun Fucoidan Facts at
Healthy Food and Supplements for Survival
gets down to brass tacks
as I cut through the medical jumbo 
to put it In Plain English.

Stop in and see Why LIMU Works.
Your Family's Survival depends
on Your knowledge and actions.

LIMU LEAN Weight Management System 

Use these fucoidan rich diet supplements to boost Your immune system and potentially Your personal finances as well with the home internet based business opportunity built right in!
Easy, affordable, all-natural products made with limu moui seaweed.

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We're here to help!

It's our honor and pleasure to help You attain 
A Healthy Lifestyle and Prepare for Your Family's Survival.

We are
Wayne and Barbara A Thornton
Member ID # 8536438 a.k.a. LadyLimu

Toll Free: 866.478.4221
Direct: 931.628.4355
Fax: 866.479.4240

"Knowledge of the oceans is more than a matter of curiosity... our very survival may hinge on it."
~John F. Kennedy

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