I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
This is my stage
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Good Morning America and Friends around the globe!
I am still holding my 119. Yesturday i did have some snack in the afternoon and a large dinner and a funsize snickers bar for dessert.
I am going through some pretty heavy stuff right now. So i think that is why i have reverted back to my old ways of dealing with my life - not eating because that is the one thing i can controll. I know that is the wrong behavior, but nevertheless, that is how i taught myself when i was a young girl. Now that i am 36, that behavior is ingrained into my whole life and personality.
That is the other reason for my blog. So that i can understand this crazy thing called anorexia. Seeings how i like to write, i thought this would be great way for me to gain some insight on my 'disease'. Every E.D. sufferer is a little different and have different ways and stages of their eating disorder. This is my stage. I desperately want to be "healed" of this, but i believe that God works all things according to His will and for the whole good. I knoe He is behind me and urging me forward in my recovery process. I just hope that the honesty that i have shown, will help at least 1 more person suffering from this deadly illness called Anorexia.
There is Hope. and now there is definative help - Original Limu. I may not understand my e.d., but i do understand nutrition and its affects on the body. My brain may not have swiched off this coping mechanism, but the Limu has stopped the damage to my body, it is feeding me liquid nutrition so even when i don't want to eat food, i can at least get a few oz in my system and know beyond a doubt that i Am feeding my body.
Shoot, i suppose if you did not want to gain weight and have a body image anorexia, you could still drink Limu as each oz is only 7 calories. At least you won't be committing suicide through the slow painful process of starvation.
I will tell you that being up at 5 a.m. everyday was not in my routine ever. In fact my mom is pretty impressed too as she was the one yelling down the stairs at 6:30 for me to wake for school. My kids are impressed too, as they are the morning people of this house. The like me being up before them, and sharing their morning rituals. The other weird thing about being up this early is that i am actually in a good mood and fully rested.
This was only attainable through Original Limu. I am sleeping better and when i wake, i am rearing to go. This added energy in the wee hours helps me with the rest of my day as i can start my "chores" earlier and get more done throughout the day.
Anyways, I wish all of You a Happy Day today!
Blessings of Peace and Health, Hope and Enlightenment
Barbara A Thornton - LadyLimu
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Refreshing, Natural and Nourishing - That's Original Limu!
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Good Morning Friends and Neighbors across the Globe!
I am holding onto 119, and all body function is back to normal.
Although, i must admit that i have been cutting back on food intake. I have increased the Limu to compensate for the loss in caloric intake. I have also been eating a real healthy size dinner and dessert in the evening. However, i have noticed that i havn't been eating during the day again.
I just had my 2oz shot of Original Limu and i was reminded of mopping the floor yesturday. I had not eaten anything all day except my Limu and coffee. In the late afternoon i was mopping the floor and when i finished i was very thirsty and tired from the excercise; seeings how i did not eat anything, i took another couple oz's and boy! Did It TASTE GREAT! As soon as it hit my mouth for s swish before swallowing, my whole body was jumping for joy on the inside for it knew that there was more to come flowing down my throat and into my stomach. So the next time the Limu shot glass came to my lips, i couldn't help but pour it in and savor that refreshing special flavor and let it get into my blood stream. When it did, i was not sore anymore, or tired. I felt refreshed like i just woke from a long restful night's sleep.
I tell you, Original Limu wakes the body up in such a natural and nourishing way, it is far better than dumping coffee into the system which by the way, the caffein (sp?) in that just robs your future energy to get it to you to use right now. That is why there is always a crash after caffinated drinks.
Limu is obviously the only sane and rational reason for my weight to be holding at 119 and all bodily functions working well, even my back that i threw out at the beginning of this month is nothing but a memory now. Not even the slightest clue that my back is messed up.
Our garden is coming along along nicely. Although we had frost here last night and maybe tonight. But the days are warm around 65 or so, then later this week in the 70's.
I hope You have a Blessed Day today like I am having. May the sun shine on your face!
Blessings of Peace, Health, Hope and Enlightenment,
Barbara A Thornton- Lady Limu
Monday, April 28, 2008
Prove Me Wrong
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Hello Friends and Neighbors!
I am feeling pretty good today. Have not weighed yet. I have been eating on a more regular basis. I am also using the bathroom daily. My urine has been completely clear - healthy.
Now it seems like my body has had enough rest between 5-6a.m. I wake fully refreshed and ready to start the day.
Our garden looks great. It is halfway planted, and i am starting about 15 pots of strawberry plants here in the house.
Remember, don't just take my for it, go to www.pubmed.gov and search Fucoidan. Be Informed. then be Proactive and go to www.DiscoverLimu.com/LadyLimu and signe up for $25 now plus cost of autoship of a case. You will save $50 automatically just by signing up to be a member or distributor, wholesale - whatever you want to call it - just Sign Up!
For all you doubting Thomas's out there, just sign up and you can cancel or suspend further shipments if you wish if you do not get the results you expected. 1 case will easily supply one person for a month at 2oz twice a day.
Prove Me Wrong. If this isn't the best tasting, most refreshing, juice on the market than can deliver documented, tested and Proven Immune Building Support, you can just quit.
However, it is my belief that once you are on "the juice", you will not want to go back to your old worn out and rugged body.
Just think about this, if Your body's Immune System is working at optimum capacity, doesn't it stand to reason that You will suffer less illness? From Allergies and Asthma to Diabetes and Fibromayalgia, all these things are caused from the bodies lack of a properly functioning immune system.
Do Have a Happy Day!
Blessings of Peace, Health, Hope and Enlightenment!
Barbara A Thornton - LadyLimu
Sunday, April 27, 2008
A whole new world
Posted by
Good Morning America and Friends around the Globe!
i reached 119 yesturday, and am holding onto it today. I have successfully gained back 4lbs since my Limu shipment came. Only 1 more pound to go and i will be where i started. I also got my monthly yesturday. it seems that every month since i started on the Limu and regained my periods, that they are heavier and stronger cramps than i have ever had. I reason that it is a good thing as that is showing me that my insides are healthy. My bodily functions are working just like they are supposed to be. Funny thing is though, i have Not suffered any PMS this whole almost a year now. In fact, my monthly visitor just pops in without any advance notice. My husband and daughter are happy about that fact. LOL
We (hubby and i) were looking at my hair last night. It was just above my bra strap line before Limu. It took me 4 years to grow it that long. Now after only almost a year on Limu it has grown to almost my tailbone. about 6" in 1 year. That is amazing. I could Never get my hair to grow like that. 6" would take me at least 4-5 years, now i am seeing it in just a fraction of that time. My insides must really be healthy to be able to grow my hair.
I will mention my nails too as i have never been able to grow them and if i did, they were weak and brittle. Now, i actually have 10 fingernails! They are growing in length and strength. Soon i will be able to have nails like my best friend forever - BFF. I was always jealous of her since the 4th grade. She always had salon perfect nails, just naturally long and strong. Now mine are finally starting to catch up.
Sure does feel good knowing that i am healthy! Due to that fact, i think i am a better wife and mom, as i have the energy and strength to be both a wife and mother. I am not near as explosive- where every little thing angers me, i am not near as fatigued so i can get my chores done while they are at work and school and still have Me left over for them when they do get home.
This is like a whole new world for me.
Being Anorexic most of my life (without realizing or admitting it) my body was starving and it affected my physical body as well as my brain function. Now with proper nutrition, i am starting to come alive inside, and i can see that by my outward appearance - which in turn fills me with a sense of hope for my future which translates through my body in the form of more energy and mental clarity.
It really does scare me when i think of where i would have been if Limu did not find me.
Thank You God for counting me worthy of this Life Sustaining and Saving juice that came from Your Word when the world began!
Thank You Gary Raser- Founder and President of The Limu Company- for your honest desire to help your fellow American Citizens and Citizens around the globe. You are truely an inspiration to me as that is my life's goal- to make lives better just through people knowing and coming in contact with me.
I pray you will be able to take the leap of Faith that i and thousands of other people around the globe did. It was my faith that led me to believe and research the facts. It was faith that i stepped out on and ordered my 1st case. (As we were living in a shed at the time with very little money. it broke us to become a distributor - but that was the cheapest way to go and i just knew the Fucoidan would help me and my family.) Now that faith continues each day i drink the Limu and each month when magically the funds appear so that we can order another case.
Without faith and God's prompting i too would have probably said something like "that must be hooey". Well, i am here to tell you that it is Not a bunch of hooey. Fucoidan is making lives better here in the 21st Century just as penecillin did in it's time. People back then said no way am i taking bacteria culture to rid myself of this infection. Now a days it is a no brainer to take it for all sorts of problems.
Now Science and Nature are again working together to better our lives. Fucoidan is the Nature and The Limu Company has the only science to make that nutrient into juice. Liquid Nutrition.
Come and discover for yourself the story and science behind the majic of Original Limu juice at www.DiscoverLimu.com/LadyLimu You will be glad you did!
Blessings of Peace, Health and Enlightenment to You!
Barbara A Thornton- LadyLimu
Friday, April 25, 2008
Time to Plant the Seeds
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Good Morning America and Friends Around the Globe!
I am still holding at 117-118. Not bad, only 2lbs to go before i am back at 120 again. Had breffie, lunch, dinner and granola bar for dessert. I already had my juice at 6:30 with my daughter.
Looks like rain here in Tn today, so need to get planting in Our garden. This will be my 1st ever garden of any kind, let alone fruits & veggies.
Yesturday we went to Dad's farm and the guys planted while us girls picked rocks. You would not believe the amounts of Rocks here in TN!! Goodness, i thought there were a lot of rocks in MN, but they can't even touch here. We picked for a good 3 hours straight, dumped load after wheelbarrow load and it hardly even looked like we did anything.
Oh well, i was out in the sun with fresh air and excercising. Have not napped now in quite a few days. Feels great to be able to do stuff all day long.
I have still beeen getting up early. Wee a.m. hours, but fully rested.
That's all for now. Need to get my garden planted and cleaned.
Have a Happy Day Y'all!
Blessings of Peace, Health and Enlightenment to You!
Barbara A Thornton - LadyLimu
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Random Act of Kindness
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Weighed in at 117-118. (he numbers are really small)
Yesturday i had a bowl of raisin bran for breffie and a bowl of instant oatmeal (or Boo-Doh as my sweet Gram "usta" say. LOL) for lunch, pizza 3pcs pepperoni cheap bake at home style, a funsize Snickers bar, large glass of milk - +10oz;drank water throughout the day, oh yeah, i had a glass of that strawberry infused Sunny Delight about 6-8oz with a chocolate covered snack cake that was layered chocolate cake and frosting, between breakfast and lunch.
Let's not forget the majic-main ingredient to my daily routine: Fucoidan. That i can only get from Original Limu. I had 2 - 2oz servings, one first thing in the morning to get body up and kicking, then another in the afternoon.
Yeah, it has an interesting taste. Some say salty. I personally do not taste the salty, but i do feel what seems to me to ba sort of fizzy sensation on my tounge and throat. Not a bad feeling, kind of like the carbon in the soda pop.
Which you would expect to taste by experiencing seaweed. It is grown in the sea off the pristine shores of the Island of Tonga in the south pacific.
I see it this way: the absolute best thing i can feed my body is green leafy vegetation and protein from fish right? Why not cut out the middle man -the fish- and just eat the same thing they do-seaweed- and get the straight nutrients from the vegetation instead of a diluted form found in the fish?
Fucoidan is the nutrient our western bodies are starving for! We American Citizens only feed on junk. "You are what you eat" so you can keep poisoning your body and do nothing to repair the irreversable damage you put it through vs being proactive about your health and fighting for your future by reducing risk of autotoxicity, inflamation, pain, thyroid problems, blood problems and a miriad of others - just by drinking a measly 2-4oz a day of Original Limu juice?
Anyways, i have been getting up earlier lately, by early i mean between 3-5a.m.!?!
My naps are getting harder to take. I feel tired and drained and lie down, but after 30-45 minutes, my body and mind are ready to get up ank keep going, so i do.
I just had my 2oz, as well as my husband and 11yr old daughter.
Friends and Neighbors, lets get a real grip on ourselves and just cut out the middlemen-the fish, the "agencies", conserve our planet and Ourselves!
Why not get paid for doing something good for yourself, family, neighbors & friends?
Why not get paid for the things we would buy anyway? Instead of the retailers and the government? (middlemen)
Heck, at this point, i wouldn't want to skip a day on the Life Giving Natural Nutrition? Hmph, niether does my body! It feels good to be physically healthy for the first time in my life.
Anyway, That was my day yesturday.
I wish You A Great Day Today!
Let's all commit a Random Act of KINDNESS today.
Blessings of Peace and Health To you and your family!
Barbara A Thornton - LadyLimu
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Good Morning America and Friends around the world!
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Ok, i'll admit that i got a bit out of hand recently. I apologize for stepping on anyone's toes. Yes, we all have our own opinions on everything. I respect that. Even if you don't agree with me. I do not intentionally set out to hurt or humiliate anyone. I am sorry for doing so if that is how you felt reading My blog; it's just that I Love this Great Nation of ours, always have, and i just want to help it and my fellow U.S. Citizen and beyond. Charity starts at home. This IS Our Home - The United States of America.
Anyways, before i get going again, lets be honest about where exactly i am now.
I just weighed and am 115.
I have had a bout of it lately. So far for the past 2 days i have had only dinner and dessert. (I just Love desserts! :) So today i plan on listening to my book on tape- "Debt Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau, and eat throughout the day. (By the way, if you havn't read it yet, it is worth the money!)
oops, i just told everyone a great thing that i found- and i'm not getting endorsed or paid for it or anything. Nevertheless, i found it real helpful and want to give others the knowlege that i have been Graced with obtaining. What is so wrong with getting a little money back every month for simply helping others by telling them?
Ok, don't get me started.
I was thinking about this the other day: even though i seem to be going in and out of anorexia lately, my hair is longer than it has ever been, not only that but my nails are longer and stronger on all my fingers; my size 4 wedding band i can hardly move it up on my finger-last year i was taking it off and twirling it. Well to be honest, my breasts are continuing to grow, my legs are very firm as well as my arms.
All from drinking Original Limu.
Hair & nails are grown only if there is enough nutrition in the body left over to grow something that is essentually dead.
My weight is on a yo-yo right now, but apparently my body is still getting the nutrition it needs from my 2oz, 2-3times a day.
I guess i have been using the Limu as my scape goat for getting out of eating. Although this time around i am drinking fluids - coffee, water, milk, sweet tea, an occasional 1/2 can of soda pop. Alot of water, i've been real thirsty lately.
I guess it is true that if i don't eat and drink without the Limu-i will die. When i drink the Limu i am protected by Fucoidan-Nature's own immune booster, it helps my body and brain get through the hump until i'm back in the saddle again.
Before Limu i was on my way to certain death.
Now I am on the road to Certain Life, Blessed by Grace.
Come join the Limu Revolution for Your health and future!
Blesings of Peace and Health to You!
Barbara A Thornton - LadyLimu
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Get Your Body to Work For You, Not Against You.
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I was watching Good Morning America on ABC today and they did a segment on longevity. Where it was healthy & not so healthy to live. Who lives longer? Of course the environment had a huge impact on the human body. The more pollutants you are exposed the more your immune system gets overloaded and starts to inflame. Inflamation is the underlying cause of many illnesses, such as heart failure, clogged arteries, breathing problems due to airway restriction in the lungs, arthritis and many more, they all start out as inflamation; that is the beginning signs of future trouble.
So, it only stands to reason that the when the body is inundated with toxic substances, then the health of everyone in that environment declines. Starting with our young children suffering with asthma, autism, cancer, heart problems, through adulthood and hitting hard with our parents and grandparents.
The only way out of that destiny is to move right? Move to a healthier place; which is what everyone else is doing, so the once peaceful and clean environments soon turn into what you left behind.
How do we get out of this situation we are destined for?
Help our body to build up it's immune system so it can fight harder For Us, instead of working Against us.
"I take vitamins, excercise and eat healthy every day." you say?
Excercising and eating healthy is the key ingredients to longevity.
The vitamins? No so much. They are man made. Scientists came up with a way to make the nutrients concentrated and in pill form years ago. That was great! For the first time people could suppliment our diets with vitamins; we needed that then. There was no other option. There was nothing before or since that scientists could 'make-up' that would support our immune system. Not to mention the fact that remember they Are pills. What happens to pills in the system? Well, what organ is it that is made to break down and dispose of the leftover pill that the rest of the body could not digest?
Add the Rx drugs that the Dr. gives you for this and that, and you have a lethal cocktail of cancerous causing components just sitting in the bowels causing Autotoxicity and forming cancer.
Did you know that if you hadn't poo-ed in 4 days, you better take a laxative, otherwise your body can literally burst the colon and intestin spewing that toxic waste into your body.
That is why i took the laxative on my 8th day. i did not know that. My father and aunt in-laws told me that. She worked in the ER for many years, and his friend was stopped up for 7 days and his insides burst and he was in a coma for a few months.
Anyways, so the moral of this story is this: You Need to keep your own body free of chemicals, so your immune system will work better. By flushing the toxic chemicals out of the body, and repairing cells to create healthier cells, LIMU builds your body up to be able to take on all the toxic waste in our world.
We all have to live somewhere. We all have bad habits - smoking, drinking etc.- we all eat the same food that has continued to decline in nutrients and increased in pesticides and antibiotics. Even our baby's drinking bottles are now poisoning our children right from the start. How crazy is that?!? (GMA on ABC) The really insane thing is that Nobody wants to do anything about it. 'The government will fix it, we will elect a person for president who will fix our pathetic epedimic we put our own selves in.' What is the definition of crazy? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting something different to happen each time (which it never does, always the same outcome). Original Limu is Nature's own Natural Immune Booster. It comes naturally, has been eaten for thousands of years by peoples all around the world. They are completely healthy. Why? Fucoidan, the nutrient found in the Limu Moui sea plant - or simply LIMU. Did you know that the limu plant has more vitamin C than Florida's Best Oranges and they make real good juice.
The remote control replaced us kids from having to turn the channel. The microwave replaced long hours in the kitchen cooking. Gas replaced wood for the stove. Computers have replaced alot of paper and storage problems that comes with paper files. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. The new gadgets that came out replaced the old way of working, not because the old way was entirely bad, just they found a Better way of giving us creature comforts.
Isn't it about time that we treat our own body to the same comforts of proper nutrition, healthy bones and blood and brain tissue? Why are we so concerned with our physical appearance than we are with the grotesque poisoning happening Inside our bodies that Causes the outside to wear and fade?
Through this struggle w/anorexia and LIMU, i'm learning that food is not all my body needs. Food is Very important yes, but my body is Starving for Nutrition. We all are starving, just manefesting it through the body in different ways. ED's, Chronic Pain, Inflamation, Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer just to name a few.
You and i know that the next president will Not be able to fix this problem. Not because they are a bad president, but because the President need Us! They need us to pull up our boot straps America. Take charge of our lives and health and finances. Lets make this country Strong again!
The Limu Company and I - Lady Limu- invite You to Take Back Your Health, Loose Your Wealth, and set Your Children Free.
The Limu Revolution is Here now. You are invited to join me in this Blessing that came from God - Not man - in the form of the limu moui sea grass.
I just cannot tell you how God has Blessed my family and families just like mine all over this Great Nation and across the seas to our neighbors around the globe, since Original Limu came into our lives. We were snatched away from death, and saved by Grace through Jesus and Original Limu. Healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Thank You All for taking the time out of your day to read about me, my struggle with anorexia and The Limu Company's Original Limu. Thank You for Your Thoughts and Prayers!
The One. The Only. The Original Limu.
Brought to you by:
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
www.pubmed.gov search Fucoidan, Nature's own immune booster placed here on Earth by the Creator of all things.
Blessings of Peace and Health to You!
Monday, April 21, 2008
American Limu Revolution - Join Here
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Well, i don't know about you, but i am sure sick of all these politics. Especially when each canidate is proposing that if they are president they will help all the American people.
Isn't that what everyone of the past presidents has said. Still, the presidents of the past have only made it worse for the American people. By farming work out of this country to other 'cheaper' countries of the world, creating more plant shutdowns and higher unemployment; by not educating the next generations they have destined this country of OURS to fall to ruin. Anyways, i can rant and rave about the past and it still won't change a thing. What will is Americans standing up for Their country!
Instead of depending on the government and 'the man' to help us get healthy and wealthy,
why aren't we doing it for ourselves?
Wouldn't it be great to be a part of the American Dream?
You know, the one about owning your own business, making a future for your spouce and family?
Ensuring future generations of your lineage will have enough to survive.
What happened to the American Spirit?
Why have we all stopped fighting for ourselves and family?
It's like we have all been brainwashed by 'the G men' or something. We don't hardly even think for ourselves any more.
We let the Dr.'s tell us what is wrong with us. He says Rx drugs are the only cure.
We pay the taxes, but the majority of this Great Nation never sees the tax dollars at work. Oh, the money goes to other countrys, is used to feed and house our soldiers
abroad in yet another 'police action' as we are currently not at war w/anyone (yet).
We can't afford health care, insurance for anything let alone a life insurance policy for our next of kin, regular doctor and dentist visits.
All of which contribute to our declining health and Spirit. Which will have huge effects on the country as a whole.
Remember, it's not just you who are struggling, we all are.
Even me.
So, how do we help Ourselves And Our Country ?
Oh, that's right - The American Dream.
What this Country was founded on. Basic principles.
Those principles were the right to worship Jesus and honor God Almighty, Truth, Justice, The Pursuit of Happiness and Liberty for All.
We have come so far away from where we started.
The American Dream in the beginning was to get land so that one could provide for their family and maybe make some money selling their wares. All the land is pretty well bought up, and people don't farm near as much as they used to, probably because they are lazy and just want someone to give them a paycheck.
Why not give yourself the paycheck?
Why can't You be your own 'the man'?
Put Your Armor on fellow American's!
Something needs to drastically change in order for America to help our neighbors.
The Revolution to a Stronger Self And Country is here!
The Limu Revolution is going on in full swing!
It has been on the market for a few years, so not everyone has heard about it.
Continue to read the rest of my blog and you will learn more.
Come visit my website: www.DiscoverLimu.com/LadyLimu , sign my guestbook and learn more about The Limu Company, their Original Limu juice- there's only 1 Original, and your opportunity to join me and thousands of other Americans and peoples around the world as we keep our Countries strong through our health and contributing to our own economy.
For only $25 You can have Your own business. You can make the profits just by helping our neighbors. Where can you start a business that is proven - both in the marketplace and in scientific studies? ( over 730 published studies on Original Limu's main ingredient Fucoidan located at http://www.pubmed.gov/ The U.S. National Library of Medicine)
So lets add this up. Own your own business, be your own boss, help other people by giving them their health back, get healthy yourself and undo all the damage you have done so far to your body. All for just $25 membership/distributor (so you get your Limu at a $50 savings per case <4>), which cost about $35 a week x 4 weeks a case = $130 month/per case of Original Limu +tax/shipping, plus the $25 for cost of your own business. How easy is that? And after receiving your first case, you may suspend or cancel future shipments.
Oh, i didn't tell you the really great part about owning your own Limu business is that for everyone you tell and the sign up too, you get $25 per case sold from The Limu Company. So it really Does pay off to help other hurting people acheive Health, Wealth and Hope.
The Limu Company is based right here in Lake Mary, FL. Their manufacturing plants are here in America. Their shipping is here is UPS. So everything this company does is for the betterment of our Nation.
Let's stop being brainwashed.
We need to Stand Up for Ourselves and Take Back Our Health, Loose our Wealth and Set Our Children Free. (Brenda Thornton: A Brand New Journey album)
C'mon, isn't it time You joined in on the American Limu Revolution!
I extend this invitation to You All!
Blessings of Peace and Health to You!
Barbara A Thornton
http://www.pubmed.gov/ search for yourself Fucoidan for broad search Fucoidan+ for narrow.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Additives Packages for the Body
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Praise the Lord! Thank You Jesus, for keeping my body strong through the storm!
I weighed today and was @ 119. Time before that, i was 115. Meaning i had lost 5lbs. That was about 3 weeks ago.
We were hit pretty hard with difficulties at the end of March. I have a case of Limu coming by the end of the week. I am so looking forward to that. We've been out for about 2 weeks; which i can tell physically and mentally.
So, when i saw 119, i was pretty amazed.
Limu is not a luxury in our house-it is mandatory to our very survival. Being sickies and arthritic, we depend on Original Limu's Fucoidan to build our immune system to fight the effects of this world on our physical and mental state.
I will tell you that i can feel less healthy now. More lethargic. Like i was before the Limu. I know that when i reintroduce that golden nectar to my body, i will just liven up because my very cells are being cleaned first then nourished to rebuild a better machine for maximum performance.
If i am a little tired, all i have to do is pour me a 2oz shot and swish, then swallow. I swish 1st because that entry is the closest to my brain. So i am immiadetly feeding my brain, then swallow to clean the pipes and rebuild cells and soft tissue.
It is the same reason or principle we all change the oil in our cars. Yes, we hate the cost and inconvience; but we know the consequences of Not maintaining regular cleanings and good oil and additives. The result is less fuel effeciency (which causes less miles per gallon), sluggish transmission etc; which Will cause permanent damage to the motor and the need to replace the car. Proper fluids change will ensure the long life of the motor saving you the cost of a new car.
That is just the regular old oil change, but because of science and technology today there are a wide variety of additives that you can use to do an even better job of cleaning and protecting. One great company that i always use is BG Products. They have a wide variety of additives packages that is uncomparable. I know this because i worked with my Dad at his oil change shop. I bought a Nissan van 6 years ago and it has 220,000+ on it. You can eat off the inside of the engine.
What does this have to do with Original Limu??
I invest $50 every three months on a fluids change and additives to ensure i have a ride in the future.
I realized that my body is no different. How much more to eat a good 3 squares a day, (that is our fuel for optimum performance of body and mind - engine and transmission) plus a great additives package to make the food i eat less less detrimental and increase my immune system to ward off whatever my environment and myself can throw at my body.
The really cool thing about the body vs the machine is that we can excrete all the gunk that would normally clog our arteries, inflame our muscles and tissues, drag us down in fatigue. That is of course IF our body releases it. It has been at least 5 days since my last bowel movement. I had forgotten all the problems with IBS as have been on Limu for almost a year and was regular every day, cleansing my body. Now my poor tummy last night was bloated so big and hard, (i looked like i was at least 5 months pregnant) not to leave out the pain that comes along with the backup in the old pipes and of course the autotoxcicity that happens.
Auto-toxicicity is when the body is poisoning the system from the inside out. The eventual outcome of a person with bowel build up problems is that the toxic levels in the intestine infest and manifest itself to the organs in the form of cancer all over down there and will cause death as evidenced by Mama's passing last August. I can't wait till i get my Limu this week so that i can go back to Normal and functioning body.
www.pubmed.gov is a great research tool. It is the U.S. National Library od Medicine and National Institutes of Health's website where you can research the 733 scientific studies published since 1970. You can also see Monavee's active ingredient weighing in with 9 since 2005.
Be proactive with you and your families health. Be informed with the choices presented to you, not all juice is the same. Invest in Yourself and Your families health for the future.
visit www.discoverlimu.com/ladylimu for more information and ordering options.
Blessings of Peace and Health to You!
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