Good Morning Everybody!!
After dinner last night, i had dessert so i got 2 Kudos last night alone! Eventually i will be completely recovered. All it takes is me eating 3 squares and 2 snacks and dessert after dinner. How Easy is That? :)
As a member of the Eating Disorders Coalition, it is My responsibility to help get the word out about the life ending Diseases as Anorexia and Bulimia and everything inbetween.
So this morning i want to share the letter i received from the EDC to Every Citizen in America.
Anorexia and Bulimia are NOT considered Physical Illnesses.
They are Mental Health ISSUES.
Therein lies the loophole; because Eating Disorders are Mental, the Government has ignored a MAJOR HEALTH CRISIS Ravaging Gen X, Generation Y, and beyond.
Since the Government itself doesn't recognize ED's, why should the INSURANCE Companies?
This creates a Vulture like preying tactic by the "Rehab's".
When i 1st started my journey into recovery on my own, i soon found out that ONLY the Rich are Allowed to be rehabilitated; which meant Certain Life.
Failing to come up with $17,000-$20,ooo for a 28 day stay at their "ranch", "retreat" or whatever they call themselves, meant CERTAIN DEATH for ME.
Oh sure, i had insurance, but most of these places do not take it, and the other half of the equation is the Insurance Companies Did NOT allow for this kind of treatment.
I Praise and Thank God Everyday for bringing me Original Limu to save my Body.
I am Anorexic.
I Need Help to recover - JUST LIKE any Other Disease.
This Disease IS GENETIC.
We ARE RUNNING This GREAT COUNTRY INTO the GROUND by NOT Helping those like Me!
We ALL know OF Someone with Anorexia or Bulimia or something inbetween.
Religious Rights, Women's Rights, Black Rights, Veteran's Rights, Abortion Rights, Gay & Lesbian Rights, ANIMAL Rights :
Following is the email and MY Request on behalf of The Eating Disorders Coalition
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
As you know, the EDC is an active partner with mental health experts and advocates who support federal mental health parity legislation. In 2008 we moved tantalizingly close to success after enormous efforts and negotiations: the Mental Health and Addiction Parity Bill has been worked out in a compromise between both houses of Congress and with bipartisan support. In September when Congress returns from its summer recess – and before the election – is a window of opportunity for the mental health and addiction parity bill. This legislation has the potential of having a huge and immediate impact for individuals and families pursuing eating disorder treatment. LET’S NOT LET THIS BILL DIE or be sidelined by the election and the tumult of a new administration and presidency. The EDC wants you to join us in a national campaign to pass this bill.
We need supporters in all 50 states, in every area, to write letters to editors and editorials in local newspapers. All you need is a personal connection to this issue and a desire to speak out. Willing? Use the sample letter below, and feel free to contact me, Laura Collins, for assistance or information. The EDC would like to follow up on our campaign by collecting copies of the letters that are written so we can measure the impact as well.
Please contact me if you write a letter so that I can keep track of this media effort. In addition, we can learn from this campaign how best to serve the public in future efforts – such as the upcoming project of passing the FREED Act, a comprehensive bill addressing eating disorders treatment, research, education and prevention, an EDC initiative that will dramatically improve the lives of people with eating disorders.
I look forward to working with you!
(540) 349-0311
OP-ED Letter Example:Heartbreaking Inequity, by John Smith
Today, you would not know that bulimia once almost stopped my daughter’s heart. But what breaks her heart now is the guilt of her parents losing all retirement savings and her sister being unable to attend college this fall because of the cost of her treatment. Eating disorders are TREATABLE illnesses with genetic underpinnings. With early intervention and assertive treatment patients can go on to full and healthy lives. The Eating Disorders Coalition, a leader in legislative action on this issue, reminds us that eating disorders are a public health problem, with
People die of eating disorders every day. This high death rate is in part due an inappropriate public and legislative response. My family’s experience made the issue of mental health parity deeply personal. We have felt the impact of unfair coverage. We know now that mental health care is not secondary to other medical issues. I want to ask everyone touched by this issue to support the Mental Health and Addiction Parity bill on the table in Congress this fall. This bill is the culmination of years of dedicated work by those who understand this issue: members of Congress and advocates and employers and health plans have worked toward a bipartisan solution. The federal parity law would end insurance discrimination against mental health and substance use disorder benefits for over 113 million Americans.
The bill would preserve strong state parity and consumer protection laws while extending parity protection to 82 million more people who cannot be protected by state laws.
The cost? Estimates vary, but most agree that healthcare costs would rise less than 1% if mental health benefits were covered comparably with other medical issues. This is not a mandate to make insurers cover everyone or at any level – only that mental illnesses be covered comparably with other medical conditions.
It is important that legislators address this bill now, before a new administration and a new Congress take office, and momentum is lost.
I called my Congressperson X, and our two state Senators, X and X to express my support for the Mental Health and Addiction Parity Bill. It took five minutes, and I am proud to be counted. Please, citizens of X, call your representative and our Senators today. (for contact info: & Each call counts, and silence does too.
John Smith123 Main StreetAnytown, ST 333 4444
MORE INFORMATION FOR HOW TO WRITE AND GET YOUR LETTER PUBLISHED FOLLOWS: (please use as needed and contact Laura Collins if you would like assistance).
Template suggestion:
1. Start with a powerful statement:Make it personal, specific, and answer the question: “How did, or how would, insurance coverage for you or your loved one affect the care or the finances of your family?”Examples:“My daughter’s life was saved by the prompt and effective treatment she received for her anorexia nervosa, but one month of treatment cost us her college education.” “If our insurance company paid for our son’s inpatient treatment for bulimia the way it paid for our other son’s asthma treatment they might both be well now. But Bulimia isn’t covered by our plan, and our son’s health is permanently damaged.” “In our county, there are no treatment clinics qualified to treat our daughter’s eating disorder. Going out of state to get life-saving care meant we weren’t covered. And we are not the only ones.” “If our daughter had a tumor, our doctor could act quickly to stop the cancer before it spread. With anorexia, however, we have to wait until she gets so medically compromised that her life is at risk. That’s not fair, and it is not good medicine.” “Today, you would not know that bulimia almost stopped my daughter’s heart. But what breaks her heart now is the guilt of her parents losing all retirement savings and her sister being unable to attend college this fall because of the cost of her treatment.”
2. Personalize the following content:Eating disorders are TREATABLE illness with genetic underpinnings. With early intervention and assertive treatment patients can go on to full and healthy lives. The Eating Disorders Coalition, a leader in legislative action on this issue, reminds us that eating disorders are a public health problem, with significant prevalence rates, disturbing emotional and social consequences, high mortality rates, widespread misunderstanding of eating disorders, and an inappropriate public response. My family’s experience made the issue of mental health parity deeply personal. We have felt the impact of unfair coverage. We know now that mental health care is not secondary to other medical issues. I want to ask everyone touched by this issue to support the Mental Health and Addiction Parity bill on the table in Congress this fall. This bill is the culmination of years of dedicated work by those who understand this issue: members of Congress and advocates and employers and health plans have worked toward a bipartisan solution. The federal parity law would completely end insurance discrimination against mental health and substance use disorder benefits for over 113 million Americans. The bill would preserve strong state parity and consumer protection laws while extending parity protection to 82 million more people who cannot be protected by state laws. The cost? Estimates vary, but most agree that healthcare costs would rise less than 1% if mental health benefits were covered comparably with other medical issues. This is not a mandate to make insurers cover everyone or at any level – only that mental illnesses be covered comparably with other medical conditions. It is important that legislators address this bill now, before a new administration and a new Congress take office, and momentum is lost.I called my Congressperson X, and our two state Senators, X and X to express my support for the Mental Health and Addiction Parity Bill. It took five minutes, and I am proud to be counted. Please, citizens of X, call your representative and our Senators today. (for contact info: ) Each call counts, and silence does too.
3. End with your contact information:NameAddressDaytime telephoneEmail Tips for contacting newspapersHave you ever wondered how things get into a newspaper?
In brief, here are the types of pieces you may see in a typical newspaper:
• Editorial – Written by the editor or publisher of the paper, usually an opinion on a topic of public interest
• Op-Ed - Usually on the page across from the Editorial (“Opposite Editorial”) is written by readers and opinion leaders on topics of public interest and usually expressing an opinion or argument for change, generally 400-700 words – EDC IS LOOKING FOR OP-ED PIECES IN THIS CAMPAIGN
• Letter to the Editor – Short letters from readers, usually in reaction to reporting or editorials, often less than 200 words – IF YOUR NEWSPAPER ISN’T ABLE TO PUBLISH YOUR OP-ED, YOU CAN SUBMIT A SHORTER VERSION AS A LETTER TO THE EDITOR
• News – Straight information on current events, not opinion, usually written by newspaper staff
• Features – Longer pieces focusing on a person or an event, usually written by staff, less formal than news. YOU MAY BE ASKED TO BE INTERVIEWED FOR THIS KIND OF PIECEEach newspaper has its own policy on publishing Op-Ed and Letters to the Editor, usually published on their website. It is best to learn the policy and/or call the newspaper before submitting anything, and to make sure to send your letter to the appropriate person.
Tips:• If a recent story in the newspaper relates to eating disorders or mental health or insurance, make sure to reference it in your letter
• Editors will generally cut from the latter part of the letter for space. Make sure your main points come early
• Stay focused on one message: Mental health parity legislation now in Congress
• Email and/or call the editor to confirm your letter’s arrival. Persistence counts, but so does politeness
• You must give your real name and contact info to be considered for publication. If you want the paper to make your Op-Ed or letter anonymous, you must make a good argument why. Editors will not be familiar with the eating disorder world or the illness – and will not automatically understand the issues of privacy or stigma. If your letter is compelling, however, editors may be willing to publish anonymous letters.
• Study your local paper to see the types of things usually published, and length
• If sending by email, send in the body of the email, not as an attachment
• Avoid clichés and puns
• All newspapers get many more op-ed columns and letters than they run.
• The bigger the circulation of the publication, the more competition for space
• Most publications will call the writer to confirm authenticity
• The op-ed and letters page is one of the most popular parts of the newspaper
• KISS . keep it short and simple. Use short sentences, and stay focused on your core message
• Do not send identical op-ed pieces or letters to the editor to more than one newspaper in your area.
• Let the editor know that your op-ed is “exclusive” to that paper
• Be prepared to shorten and re-submit your article as a letter to the editor in case it is not accepted as an op-ed.
• Don’t overlook TV and radio stations – some accept essays or letters for broadcast
• Check the facts, and say only what you can verify factually from outside sources unless you are telling your experience
• Don’t just complain; offer a specific action
• Read your letter aloud to yourself to check for errors
• Have other people check your letter for spelling, grammar and meaning before sending
• Monitor the paper for your letter.
• Let us help!
Background on Mental Health Parity

I dared 2BRecoverED with LIMU ORIGINAL juice 8 years ago weighing 96 lbs at age 35 - thanks to the Eating Disorder, Anorexia. It was time to Make A Choice: Decide to Change or Die from malnutrition. With the addition of LIMU LEAN Weight Management System and LIMU BLU FROG Energy Drinks, Mine IS A Life Recovered with LIMU's alternative health supplements. Join me today and Recover Your Life with LIMU! I'm always only a phone call away.
Google Verification
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Responsibility to Our Families
Posted by
Good Morning Friends and Neighbors!
Ok. I just weighed and it said 115.5-116. Old fashioned scale y'know the ones that is hard to distinguish the lines. Yesturday i had 2 meals. Lunch and dinner.
So, who's Responsibility is it to take care of our own families?
The Government?
The Pharmecuticle "Drug" Companies?
The Doctors? Who by the way will always find something wrong with you so they can get the office visit money as well as Kudos from the Drug Companies.
The more prescriptions they fill out, the more return visits they get.
Who pays for that? The Government through OUR Tax Money and out of OUR own Pocket.
If my memory serves me right (from when I took History class 20+ years ago) before "white people" came to take over this country, the Native American Citizenship took care of Their Own Families and Communities WITHOUT the help of an Organized Government to leglislate what they Can and can Not do.
Then came the peoples from across the Ocean. They were looking for a better way to live. Somewhere where they had the freedom to worship, to Think for Themselves and to care for Their Families. In the New World here They found that.
No longer were they going to be Supressed by Their Government.
No longer were they going to Depend on Their Government to have Their best interests in mind.
Now, some 200 years later, this country has reverted Back to whence it came.
Their Offspring - (We have) totally Forgotten the Principles and Liberties that they fought so Hard to provide as an Inheritance to Them -US.
We no longer think for ourselves.
We elect officials by popularity not necessarily because the canidates are Qualified fro the job.
We allow Our Government to mandate what is right for US.
We take NO steps in taking care of Our Own Family.
Our hospitals and nursing homes are overpopulated just because We Failed Our Responsibility to care for Our family and FEED them wholesome food.
We know Most diseases - physical & mental - stem from a lack of Nutrition.
Our Government - the one's we elected to office - are hiding a BIG Secret!
They are withholding pertinent information from The American People.
The Government knows about Original Limu all right.
They also know that they stand to lose alot if this information is Leaked out.
Our Government is NOT stupid.
However, the Big Dogs of the Land will lose their territory and hold over the American Citizens when WE start to Care For Ourselves.
Gone will be the taxpayer money to support years and years of "DRUG" testing sponsored by the Government in an effort to drain the system of taxpayer money.
Gone will be the extra Millions of Dollars spent to them in the form of perks and cash from the DRUG Companies.
Gone will be the full beds at the hospitals & nursing homes which brings in Millions of Dollars DAILY directly to the Government.
Gone will be the Need for Our Government to steal from future generations to pay the Social Security to the retired Baby Boomers, Gen X and Generation Y and beyond.
What The Government FAILS to Realize is that when all those taxpayer money sucking agencies and funds are NO Longer Needed, all the taxpayer money they collect CAN Actually Go Back In The System to Improve our Failing Bridges, Our Failing Education System, Our Energy Crises.
When people are Healthy AND Financially Independent they take NO money from the system - RATHER They pay into the system for the GREATER GOOD Of ALL.
The Olympic Games in China in '08 was Just The Beginning of what This Great Country of Yours and Mine will be like in the future.
All Gold.
All Healthy.
All Individually the Best to show the World how UNITED The STATES Really Are.
Just like the Revolution in the the 1700's changed History Forever.
ensure Future Generations Success in This Great Country -
The Land of The Free and The Home of the Brave!
Be Brave for Your Family & Country!
YOU Have the Freedom to Choose a Healthier way of Life!
Ready to try something Different?
Come Join Our TLC Family and Feel the Difference that Pure, Natural Liquid Nutrients make with Original Limu's Exclusive Premier Fucoidan Blend juice.
One Team.
One Dream.
The Limu Company & Lady Limu
offering The Blessing of Original Limu to Your Family & You!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID 8536438
Ok. I just weighed and it said 115.5-116. Old fashioned scale y'know the ones that is hard to distinguish the lines. Yesturday i had 2 meals. Lunch and dinner.
So, who's Responsibility is it to take care of our own families?
The Government?
The Pharmecuticle "Drug" Companies?
The Doctors? Who by the way will always find something wrong with you so they can get the office visit money as well as Kudos from the Drug Companies.
The more prescriptions they fill out, the more return visits they get.
Who pays for that? The Government through OUR Tax Money and out of OUR own Pocket.
If my memory serves me right (from when I took History class 20+ years ago) before "white people" came to take over this country, the Native American Citizenship took care of Their Own Families and Communities WITHOUT the help of an Organized Government to leglislate what they Can and can Not do.
Then came the peoples from across the Ocean. They were looking for a better way to live. Somewhere where they had the freedom to worship, to Think for Themselves and to care for Their Families. In the New World here They found that.
No longer were they going to be Supressed by Their Government.
No longer were they going to Depend on Their Government to have Their best interests in mind.
Now, some 200 years later, this country has reverted Back to whence it came.
Their Offspring - (We have) totally Forgotten the Principles and Liberties that they fought so Hard to provide as an Inheritance to Them -US.
We no longer think for ourselves.
We elect officials by popularity not necessarily because the canidates are Qualified fro the job.
We allow Our Government to mandate what is right for US.
We take NO steps in taking care of Our Own Family.
Our hospitals and nursing homes are overpopulated just because We Failed Our Responsibility to care for Our family and FEED them wholesome food.
We know Most diseases - physical & mental - stem from a lack of Nutrition.
Our Government - the one's we elected to office - are hiding a BIG Secret!
They are withholding pertinent information from The American People.
The Government knows about Original Limu all right.
They also know that they stand to lose alot if this information is Leaked out.
Our Government is NOT stupid.
However, the Big Dogs of the Land will lose their territory and hold over the American Citizens when WE start to Care For Ourselves.
Gone will be the taxpayer money to support years and years of "DRUG" testing sponsored by the Government in an effort to drain the system of taxpayer money.
Gone will be the extra Millions of Dollars spent to them in the form of perks and cash from the DRUG Companies.
Gone will be the full beds at the hospitals & nursing homes which brings in Millions of Dollars DAILY directly to the Government.
Gone will be the Need for Our Government to steal from future generations to pay the Social Security to the retired Baby Boomers, Gen X and Generation Y and beyond.
What The Government FAILS to Realize is that when all those taxpayer money sucking agencies and funds are NO Longer Needed, all the taxpayer money they collect CAN Actually Go Back In The System to Improve our Failing Bridges, Our Failing Education System, Our Energy Crises.
When people are Healthy AND Financially Independent they take NO money from the system - RATHER They pay into the system for the GREATER GOOD Of ALL.
The Olympic Games in China in '08 was Just The Beginning of what This Great Country of Yours and Mine will be like in the future.
All Gold.
All Healthy.
All Individually the Best to show the World how UNITED The STATES Really Are.
Just like the Revolution in the the 1700's changed History Forever.
ensure Future Generations Success in This Great Country -
The Land of The Free and The Home of the Brave!
Be Brave for Your Family & Country!
YOU Have the Freedom to Choose a Healthier way of Life!
You've tried it Your way all this time.
How's That working for You & Your Family?Ready to try something Different?
Come Join Our TLC Family and Feel the Difference that Pure, Natural Liquid Nutrients make with Original Limu's Exclusive Premier Fucoidan Blend juice.
One Team.
One Dream.
The Limu Company & Lady Limu
offering The Blessing of Original Limu to Your Family & You!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID 8536438
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to YOU!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Posted by
Good Morning America and Neighbors around the Globe!
My Kudo's are racking up. I am holding my 115. Stress seems to be lessening which means that i should be able to eat more. The more stress, the less i eat - the only thing really in one's complete control is what goes in the mouth and what comes out of the body.
Thanks to Original Limu, i have no problem with things exiting my body. That helps because i can see my body behaving "normally" so i feel healthier-mentally and physically due to non-autotoxicity.
People are funny. They look for an answer. When the answer is right in front of them, they refuse to see it.
Is it because all these people have NO faith? No faith in themselves that They CAN make a difference in their lives and the one's they love. No faith in human kind as they seem to be leary of any Enlightenment that comes their way from another person. No faith in God Himself. No faith that God really knew what us humans Need to Survive And Thrive.
Is stepping out on faith really That hard?
I trusted my Aunt - who by the way i had No contact with all my life. I knew of my Uncle and Aunt, but have never met them or talked to them. Strangers really.
When she called to tell me about Limu, i was searching for an answer to help my family with their illnesses.
I just knew that Original Limu would be the answer to my prayers.
I saw the cost, and living in a shed, i somehow came up with the money to purchase case after case.
I did not come up with all this myself.
Obviously God, Divine Intervention, Karma, Destiny - whatever you want to call it - had brought me the information And the money to afford Limu Every month for over a year now.
It was My Choice to ignore the information or run with it.
Boy am i Happy that i ran with the Enlightenment and Knowlege and Trusted that the money would be there. Sure enough, it always is and even more.
So i have to wonder to myself, what is wrong with this country. Has this Nation Under God really turned it's back completely from Him?
What happened to the American Spirit? American Trust? American Forward Thinking?
Why is everyone so cynical?
Case in point. Someone was searching Google for Anorexic Nutrition. My blog showed up and they clicked on it. Once here, they immiadetely navagated away before they even had a chance to get Real Answers to help themselves or a loved one.
What is the point of looking for the answers if one is to refuse to be Enlightened with the Knowlege that WILL change their life?!?
What is the definition of Insanity?
Doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.
Well, i was Insane for over 20 years with this Anorexia thing. Nothing changed. I was skinny and losing weight on my own.
Then Enlightenment and Knowlege came.
I changed my actions and started to drink Original Limu everyday.
Guess what?
I got Different Results this time around.
I am Healthier, Wealthier and Wiser just by having Faith in something other than the Government, the medical field and especially the pharmecutical companies.
I decided to trust myself And my body.
After over a year on Original Limu i know i made the Right Choice.
Speaking of choices - Original Limu or Limu Plus. What is the Difference?
Original Limu has 2,800% MORE Fucoidan in it than Limu Plus.
Original Limu IS the Original. Limu Plus is a Knock Off.
Don't get suckered into something without doing the research for Yourself.
Don't just take my word - although my word is true. Do your own research on Fucoidan at and see for yourself that what i am saying IS True.
Enlightenment is Yours now.
The Choice is Yours to make.
The time IS Now for Your Health!
The longer the insanity, the worse off You will be physically and financially.
Doesn't $150 a month sound a lot better than $6,000 for a single chemo treatment?
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
My Kudo's are racking up. I am holding my 115. Stress seems to be lessening which means that i should be able to eat more. The more stress, the less i eat - the only thing really in one's complete control is what goes in the mouth and what comes out of the body.
Thanks to Original Limu, i have no problem with things exiting my body. That helps because i can see my body behaving "normally" so i feel healthier-mentally and physically due to non-autotoxicity.
People are funny. They look for an answer. When the answer is right in front of them, they refuse to see it.
Is it because all these people have NO faith? No faith in themselves that They CAN make a difference in their lives and the one's they love. No faith in human kind as they seem to be leary of any Enlightenment that comes their way from another person. No faith in God Himself. No faith that God really knew what us humans Need to Survive And Thrive.
Is stepping out on faith really That hard?
I trusted my Aunt - who by the way i had No contact with all my life. I knew of my Uncle and Aunt, but have never met them or talked to them. Strangers really.
When she called to tell me about Limu, i was searching for an answer to help my family with their illnesses.
I just knew that Original Limu would be the answer to my prayers.
I saw the cost, and living in a shed, i somehow came up with the money to purchase case after case.
I did not come up with all this myself.
Obviously God, Divine Intervention, Karma, Destiny - whatever you want to call it - had brought me the information And the money to afford Limu Every month for over a year now.
It was My Choice to ignore the information or run with it.
Boy am i Happy that i ran with the Enlightenment and Knowlege and Trusted that the money would be there. Sure enough, it always is and even more.
So i have to wonder to myself, what is wrong with this country. Has this Nation Under God really turned it's back completely from Him?
What happened to the American Spirit? American Trust? American Forward Thinking?
Why is everyone so cynical?
Case in point. Someone was searching Google for Anorexic Nutrition. My blog showed up and they clicked on it. Once here, they immiadetely navagated away before they even had a chance to get Real Answers to help themselves or a loved one.
What is the point of looking for the answers if one is to refuse to be Enlightened with the Knowlege that WILL change their life?!?
What is the definition of Insanity?
Doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.
Well, i was Insane for over 20 years with this Anorexia thing. Nothing changed. I was skinny and losing weight on my own.
Then Enlightenment and Knowlege came.
I changed my actions and started to drink Original Limu everyday.
Guess what?
I got Different Results this time around.
I am Healthier, Wealthier and Wiser just by having Faith in something other than the Government, the medical field and especially the pharmecutical companies.
I decided to trust myself And my body.
After over a year on Original Limu i know i made the Right Choice.
Speaking of choices - Original Limu or Limu Plus. What is the Difference?
Original Limu has 2,800% MORE Fucoidan in it than Limu Plus.
Original Limu IS the Original. Limu Plus is a Knock Off.
Don't get suckered into something without doing the research for Yourself.
Don't just take my word - although my word is true. Do your own research on Fucoidan at and see for yourself that what i am saying IS True.
Enlightenment is Yours now.
The Choice is Yours to make.
The time IS Now for Your Health!
The longer the insanity, the worse off You will be physically and financially.
Doesn't $150 a month sound a lot better than $6,000 for a single chemo treatment?
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Message for Annie
Posted by
Good Morning!
Thank You for leaving a comment!
Welcome to the TLC (The Limu Company) Family!!
I am so happy to hear that this Blessing has reached You!
I am very optimistic about Your Health and Future. You have taken THE Most Important step to Your Recovery - stepping out on faith and ordering Your 1st case.
You are already on Your 2nd step - Drink Limu Everyday.
Yes, the recommended daily intake of Original Limu IS: 2 - 4 ounces everyday. Preferably 2oz in the morning and 2oz in the afternoon.
Remember One Thing - Original Limu is a Whole Food. Nothing bad and All Good for the body.
So, if i were to tell you to eat a tomato a day for the lycopene to fight cancer, that would Not mean that You can ONLY eat 1 tomato a day. Eat as many as You want.
Only YOU know Your Body better than anyone. Honest. Not the Dr.s or the pharmecutical companies - but You.
Drink as much Limu as You can Everyday.
My Uncle drank 12oz a day when he was 1st diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer.
He went through the chemo and radiation while "on the juice". When he tested cancer Free 6 months later, his Dr. was upset with him because he threw her whole study off with his recovery Thanks to Original Limu.
Heck, one time in my early stages of recovery from anorexia, i drank a whole bottle of Original Limu with NO Side-Effects all in 1 day. I was probably a month into my recovery with Limu when i drank the whole bottle that day.
I felt great! Very calm, for the 1st time in years. I had a different kind of energy. A good energy, productive - all without the jitters of caffein & sugar. I slept Great that night and was up and at 'em the next morning.
I figured that due to the Extreme severity of my illness, it would not hurt at all to jump start my system with NUTRITION. I knew my Uncle had been on 12oz a day for 6 months (now at 2-4oz daily because he is healthy as a horse) so i thought that i would take it a step further.
Like You, i went out on Faith that this juice could only Improve my health and Not hurt it in any way. I was proven right. Drink as much as You want. NO Side-Effects!
Annie, given the severity of Your particular illness and the fact that your illness is confined Inside your blood and cells, i personally would recomment at the Very Least - 15-20oz a day.
My Uncle's cancer was right where the Original Limu was passing ON TOP of the tumor. Stands to reason that is why his recovery was Very Quick. He was saturating the Inoperable, Invasive 3-4cm tumor with Original Limu's Fucoidan.
So, that is why i recommend more for You because, just like me, You NEED Your inside body saturated with Fucoidan to reverse the effects of the illness.
It took You how long to get Your illness? It took me 30 years to get my body in such a sad condition from my illness. I could not possibly expect to reverse the damage in just a few cases.
The jump start that i gave my body with that 1 bottle of Limu was just what my immune system needed.
Yes, You can drink just 4oz, but it would take the body Longer to recover.
Rest assured, You were not given wrong instructions from Your sponsor. You were not misunderstanding, You just did not have all the information.
This is Your Body and Your Life!
YOU decide what Your Body Needs.
Contine with your treatments.
Increase your dosage - if possible.
Recovery IS within Your reach now. It is just a matter of How Fast You Want to Recover.
Oh! Let me tell you that if funds are tight, suppliment your daily Limu with a Vitamin C tablet. I take 500mg sometimes on top of my juice.
Vitamin C is VERY good at fighting off illnesses of All kinds.
Did You know that Fucoidan has MORE Vitamin C than Florida's oranges?
Something to think about.
Also research for Yourself at Fucoidan. This is Very Helpful information from a scientific view. Look for your illness and Fucoidan. Chances are there is information for You!
I pray for Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You Annie!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Come and sign my guestbook at and we can talk more.
Thank You for leaving a comment!
Welcome to the TLC (The Limu Company) Family!!
I am so happy to hear that this Blessing has reached You!
I am very optimistic about Your Health and Future. You have taken THE Most Important step to Your Recovery - stepping out on faith and ordering Your 1st case.
You are already on Your 2nd step - Drink Limu Everyday.
Yes, the recommended daily intake of Original Limu IS: 2 - 4 ounces everyday. Preferably 2oz in the morning and 2oz in the afternoon.
Remember One Thing - Original Limu is a Whole Food. Nothing bad and All Good for the body.
So, if i were to tell you to eat a tomato a day for the lycopene to fight cancer, that would Not mean that You can ONLY eat 1 tomato a day. Eat as many as You want.
Only YOU know Your Body better than anyone. Honest. Not the Dr.s or the pharmecutical companies - but You.
Drink as much Limu as You can Everyday.
My Uncle drank 12oz a day when he was 1st diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer.
He went through the chemo and radiation while "on the juice". When he tested cancer Free 6 months later, his Dr. was upset with him because he threw her whole study off with his recovery Thanks to Original Limu.
Heck, one time in my early stages of recovery from anorexia, i drank a whole bottle of Original Limu with NO Side-Effects all in 1 day. I was probably a month into my recovery with Limu when i drank the whole bottle that day.
I felt great! Very calm, for the 1st time in years. I had a different kind of energy. A good energy, productive - all without the jitters of caffein & sugar. I slept Great that night and was up and at 'em the next morning.
I figured that due to the Extreme severity of my illness, it would not hurt at all to jump start my system with NUTRITION. I knew my Uncle had been on 12oz a day for 6 months (now at 2-4oz daily because he is healthy as a horse) so i thought that i would take it a step further.
Like You, i went out on Faith that this juice could only Improve my health and Not hurt it in any way. I was proven right. Drink as much as You want. NO Side-Effects!
Annie, given the severity of Your particular illness and the fact that your illness is confined Inside your blood and cells, i personally would recomment at the Very Least - 15-20oz a day.
My Uncle's cancer was right where the Original Limu was passing ON TOP of the tumor. Stands to reason that is why his recovery was Very Quick. He was saturating the Inoperable, Invasive 3-4cm tumor with Original Limu's Fucoidan.
So, that is why i recommend more for You because, just like me, You NEED Your inside body saturated with Fucoidan to reverse the effects of the illness.
It took You how long to get Your illness? It took me 30 years to get my body in such a sad condition from my illness. I could not possibly expect to reverse the damage in just a few cases.
The jump start that i gave my body with that 1 bottle of Limu was just what my immune system needed.
Yes, You can drink just 4oz, but it would take the body Longer to recover.
Rest assured, You were not given wrong instructions from Your sponsor. You were not misunderstanding, You just did not have all the information.
This is Your Body and Your Life!
YOU decide what Your Body Needs.
Contine with your treatments.
Increase your dosage - if possible.
Recovery IS within Your reach now. It is just a matter of How Fast You Want to Recover.
Oh! Let me tell you that if funds are tight, suppliment your daily Limu with a Vitamin C tablet. I take 500mg sometimes on top of my juice.
Vitamin C is VERY good at fighting off illnesses of All kinds.
Did You know that Fucoidan has MORE Vitamin C than Florida's oranges?
Something to think about.
Also research for Yourself at Fucoidan. This is Very Helpful information from a scientific view. Look for your illness and Fucoidan. Chances are there is information for You!
I pray for Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You Annie!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Come and sign my guestbook at and we can talk more.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Rising to the Top
Posted by
Good Day Friends and Neighbors!!
I finally broke down and weighed just now and to my amazement -- I am 117 :) Yeah ME!!
I wanted to write and tell you that i am very proud of me today because last night just before bed it's always dessert time; i kept thinking that i should go get at least a pudding, because i haven't had one in a while, but then there was just an overwhelming Feeling that i could not or should not eat. This went on for about an hour. I did not mention dessert to my husband. Just another Feeling i got that pushed that thought out of my mind before i uttered the words. Finally he asked for some dessert. I grudgingly got up and went to the pantry for his dessert and there i stood surrounded by food of all kinds. I hymn-ed and hawed around for a few minutes, then finally grabbed the pudding i had been wanting anyway; and boy did it Taste Good!!
Now i step on the scale and see that i have gained back 3 pounds since my daughter came back from summer vacation!
I am only 2 pounds from my last plateau and 3 pouns from my top weight!
I guess i have been doing good in the eating department lately. I do not feel as though i am eating as a "normal" person. I know that i skip alot of times that i could be snacking or eating a meal.
Praise the Lord for giving me the gift of healing!
I know i am a far way from complete recovery, but with my Jesus and my Original Limu, i am being strengthned and renewed Every Day!
Come Join My Family and I in a BETTER Way To LIVE!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Prosperity & Enlightenment!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Do You Limu?
Why not?
I finally broke down and weighed just now and to my amazement -- I am 117 :) Yeah ME!!
I wanted to write and tell you that i am very proud of me today because last night just before bed it's always dessert time; i kept thinking that i should go get at least a pudding, because i haven't had one in a while, but then there was just an overwhelming Feeling that i could not or should not eat. This went on for about an hour. I did not mention dessert to my husband. Just another Feeling i got that pushed that thought out of my mind before i uttered the words. Finally he asked for some dessert. I grudgingly got up and went to the pantry for his dessert and there i stood surrounded by food of all kinds. I hymn-ed and hawed around for a few minutes, then finally grabbed the pudding i had been wanting anyway; and boy did it Taste Good!!
Now i step on the scale and see that i have gained back 3 pounds since my daughter came back from summer vacation!
I am only 2 pounds from my last plateau and 3 pouns from my top weight!
I guess i have been doing good in the eating department lately. I do not feel as though i am eating as a "normal" person. I know that i skip alot of times that i could be snacking or eating a meal.
Praise the Lord for giving me the gift of healing!
I know i am a far way from complete recovery, but with my Jesus and my Original Limu, i am being strengthned and renewed Every Day!
Come Join My Family and I in a BETTER Way To LIVE!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Prosperity & Enlightenment!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Do You Limu?
Why not?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Vitamin C Aids Digestion
Posted by
Good Morning Friends and Neighbors!
I hope all is well with You and Yours!
I seem to be doing better at eating over the last couple of days since my last writing. I did successfully have 3 squares and snacks and desserts that day i last wrote. I have been getting hunger back.
I wanted to impart some knowlege or enlightenment whichever you want to call it. I have been reading in The Complete Book of Vitamins by the editors of Prevention Magazine. This book is copywrited 1984. I know the text is old, but it is still very helpful.
So i was just picking pages to read. Would you believe that the book opened to Vitamin C and it's link to the digestive system? Fits right in with my anorexia.
"Deficencies (of Vitamin C) interfere with everything from the production of collagen, the protein "cement" that holds your cells together and helps in the healing of wounds, to your ability to digest food and fight the effects of stress." Also, "Your body can't manufacture it (Vitamin C) or store more than a few grams, so keeping your cells saturated with a rich daily supply of Vitamin C is crucial."
Both these excerpts come from page 244 - ISBN0-87857-495-6
This explains why i had such "miraculous" results within 4 days of drinking my first Original Limu for my anorexia. It really was Not a miracle. Just plain common sense (if you were aware of vitamins before).
Seeings how i had no real idea of how vitamins and minerals work In the body, i passed off Original Limu as a miraculous thing.
There is no secret miracle in a bottle, just real good nutrition. My body knew what to do with nutrients even if i didn't. My body just soaked all that rich nutrition even when i wasn't ready to give up my starvation.
The body knows what it needs without the mind's interference.
Did you know that the Limu Moui plant contains More vitamin C than Florida's best oranges?
So , what i have been doing for about a week now is supplimenting my Original Limu with 500mg of Vitamin C suppliment. If i could, i would just be drinking more Original Limu, but with the rising costs of everything, it is cheaper to suppliment my 2-4oz Limu with the pill.
The way i see it: I have been intentionally and unintentionally sabotaging my body through starvation, which in turn has made my body deficient in ALL nutrients.
Original Limu gave me an abundant supply of nutrients and it is in a very easy to digest form - liquid. I am getting more out of 2oz than i would a 3 course meal. Add to that daily supplimental intake of 500mg Vitamin C and i should have this disease under control in another year or so.
I realize that it took about 30 years to culminate into a crises situation, so i am being realistic in my belief that it will take a couple of years to overcome it.
My advise to Parents and Sufferers alike is to Take You C. Just like mom always had us doing.
There is Real evidence that Vitamin C offers a plethora of healing properties. Most important for me right now is the aid in digestion, as that is my biggest obstacle in recovery right now.
Remember that the digestion process begins in the mouth at the point of entry, then down the throat. In my case i was Not able to swallow the food, let alone chew it.
So, if one cannot chew or swallow, That is a digestion problem.
Parents: If you cannot afford Original Limu, then PLEASE start supplimenting your child's diet with Vitamin C tablets to combat the early stages of Anorexia, so Your children do not end up like me 30 years down the road.
Well, i guess that's all i wanted to say about Vitamin C and the "miracle" of Original Limu.
I hope You All have a Great Day and count Your Blessings to see just how rich You really are.
I pray for Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity for You!
I'm Barb Thornton, I Am LIMU and it's my pleasure to sponsor You!
Do You Limu?
Why Not?
I hope all is well with You and Yours!
I seem to be doing better at eating over the last couple of days since my last writing. I did successfully have 3 squares and snacks and desserts that day i last wrote. I have been getting hunger back.
I wanted to impart some knowlege or enlightenment whichever you want to call it. I have been reading in The Complete Book of Vitamins by the editors of Prevention Magazine. This book is copywrited 1984. I know the text is old, but it is still very helpful.
So i was just picking pages to read. Would you believe that the book opened to Vitamin C and it's link to the digestive system? Fits right in with my anorexia.
"Deficencies (of Vitamin C) interfere with everything from the production of collagen, the protein "cement" that holds your cells together and helps in the healing of wounds, to your ability to digest food and fight the effects of stress." Also, "Your body can't manufacture it (Vitamin C) or store more than a few grams, so keeping your cells saturated with a rich daily supply of Vitamin C is crucial."
Both these excerpts come from page 244 - ISBN0-87857-495-6
This explains why i had such "miraculous" results within 4 days of drinking my first Original Limu for my anorexia. It really was Not a miracle. Just plain common sense (if you were aware of vitamins before).
Seeings how i had no real idea of how vitamins and minerals work In the body, i passed off Original Limu as a miraculous thing.
There is no secret miracle in a bottle, just real good nutrition. My body knew what to do with nutrients even if i didn't. My body just soaked all that rich nutrition even when i wasn't ready to give up my starvation.
The body knows what it needs without the mind's interference.
Did you know that the Limu Moui plant contains More vitamin C than Florida's best oranges?
So , what i have been doing for about a week now is supplimenting my Original Limu with 500mg of Vitamin C suppliment. If i could, i would just be drinking more Original Limu, but with the rising costs of everything, it is cheaper to suppliment my 2-4oz Limu with the pill.
The way i see it: I have been intentionally and unintentionally sabotaging my body through starvation, which in turn has made my body deficient in ALL nutrients.
Original Limu gave me an abundant supply of nutrients and it is in a very easy to digest form - liquid. I am getting more out of 2oz than i would a 3 course meal. Add to that daily supplimental intake of 500mg Vitamin C and i should have this disease under control in another year or so.
I realize that it took about 30 years to culminate into a crises situation, so i am being realistic in my belief that it will take a couple of years to overcome it.
My advise to Parents and Sufferers alike is to Take You C. Just like mom always had us doing.
There is Real evidence that Vitamin C offers a plethora of healing properties. Most important for me right now is the aid in digestion, as that is my biggest obstacle in recovery right now.
Remember that the digestion process begins in the mouth at the point of entry, then down the throat. In my case i was Not able to swallow the food, let alone chew it.
So, if one cannot chew or swallow, That is a digestion problem.
Parents: If you cannot afford Original Limu, then PLEASE start supplimenting your child's diet with Vitamin C tablets to combat the early stages of Anorexia, so Your children do not end up like me 30 years down the road.
Well, i guess that's all i wanted to say about Vitamin C and the "miracle" of Original Limu.
I hope You All have a Great Day and count Your Blessings to see just how rich You really are.
I pray for Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity for You!
I'm Barb Thornton, I Am LIMU and it's my pleasure to sponsor You!
Do You Limu?
Why Not?
Friday, August 8, 2008
Attainable Goal
Posted by
Good Afternoon Friends and Neighbors!
I was glad to run into an old school mate this weekend. Boy it Really HAS been a long time!
I was pumping gas yesturday and had to listen to this woman's conversation on her cell. Until she was encouraging her friend that they have been out of school for 7 whole years. Wait, was it 6? No, it was 7...well o.k. 6 and 1/2 years.
Finally i was at my limit and walked inside to pay. Upon leaving the store, she was starting my way. For the 1st time i looked at her. She was young, shorter than i with bleach blonde hair and was still on the phone.
So that got me thinking about my years in high school and since; surprizingly not Feeling old at all.
Well maybe the joints and muscles are a bit rusty, and i do often forget things (my nick name back then at Girl Scouts was 'Space Cadet'), so not much has changed in that department, my body feels absolutely great - healthy,
However, my 11 yr old daughter does NOT want me to go rollerskating with her. She will let an Aunt go, but not me - too Embarrasing, too Old - she says.
Lately i have been having a lot of memories coming back to me in my search for healing my Body, Mind and Soul. Nothing major, quite tame, just memories.
No one ever said this "rehab" thing was going to be easy.
I am pleased that the memories and dreams are starting to flow. This means that i actually have cognitive thoughts. So my brain is starting to work again. Soon (who knows?) i will be at the bottom of all this and start my way back up to the top the Right way this time.
There was so much that i wanted to say to that young lady, to warn her about, to teach her. She IS the next generation.
Wow! i just figured out that her age is 24 roughly. When i was 24, i had a 3yr old son and gave birth to my daughter.
Anyway, I had a bowl of cereal with my daughter before school bus, then i was harvesting in the garden for tonights dinner and munching on Fresh green beans and cherry tomatoes. Then i had a McDonalds double cheeseburger and a can and 1/2 of pepsi. So today is doing better than i have been in about 2 months now i guess. Oh! and a tall glass of apple juice.
I have not weighed since seeing 114. I feel healthy and aren't losing any muscle tone - rather gaining instead.
Now with this kick off, if i can just keep it going for about a week in a row - everyday then maybe it will come back to me just like riding a bike. Urgh... i forgot. i was 12 or 13 before my Dad finally forced me to let him take off my training wheels. That's when i became very adept at sighting the roght wrench or socket for any bolt. I would sneak my bike into the garage and reattach those wheels again.
Well, i better just concentrate on getting through This Day with 3 squares and snacks & desserts. THAT sounds like a more attainable goal.
Alright, i've probably yacked your eyeballs out by now.
There is plenty that i want to say and impart on you, so.......
I'll Be Back!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Limu Member ID# 8536438
I was glad to run into an old school mate this weekend. Boy it Really HAS been a long time!
I was pumping gas yesturday and had to listen to this woman's conversation on her cell. Until she was encouraging her friend that they have been out of school for 7 whole years. Wait, was it 6? No, it was 7...well o.k. 6 and 1/2 years.
Finally i was at my limit and walked inside to pay. Upon leaving the store, she was starting my way. For the 1st time i looked at her. She was young, shorter than i with bleach blonde hair and was still on the phone.
So that got me thinking about my years in high school and since; surprizingly not Feeling old at all.
Well maybe the joints and muscles are a bit rusty, and i do often forget things (my nick name back then at Girl Scouts was 'Space Cadet'), so not much has changed in that department, my body feels absolutely great - healthy,
However, my 11 yr old daughter does NOT want me to go rollerskating with her. She will let an Aunt go, but not me - too Embarrasing, too Old - she says.
Lately i have been having a lot of memories coming back to me in my search for healing my Body, Mind and Soul. Nothing major, quite tame, just memories.
No one ever said this "rehab" thing was going to be easy.
I am pleased that the memories and dreams are starting to flow. This means that i actually have cognitive thoughts. So my brain is starting to work again. Soon (who knows?) i will be at the bottom of all this and start my way back up to the top the Right way this time.
There was so much that i wanted to say to that young lady, to warn her about, to teach her. She IS the next generation.
Wow! i just figured out that her age is 24 roughly. When i was 24, i had a 3yr old son and gave birth to my daughter.
Anyway, I had a bowl of cereal with my daughter before school bus, then i was harvesting in the garden for tonights dinner and munching on Fresh green beans and cherry tomatoes. Then i had a McDonalds double cheeseburger and a can and 1/2 of pepsi. So today is doing better than i have been in about 2 months now i guess. Oh! and a tall glass of apple juice.
I have not weighed since seeing 114. I feel healthy and aren't losing any muscle tone - rather gaining instead.
Now with this kick off, if i can just keep it going for about a week in a row - everyday then maybe it will come back to me just like riding a bike. Urgh... i forgot. i was 12 or 13 before my Dad finally forced me to let him take off my training wheels. That's when i became very adept at sighting the roght wrench or socket for any bolt. I would sneak my bike into the garage and reattach those wheels again.
Well, i better just concentrate on getting through This Day with 3 squares and snacks & desserts. THAT sounds like a more attainable goal.
Alright, i've probably yacked your eyeballs out by now.
There is plenty that i want to say and impart on you, so.......
I'll Be Back!
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
Limu Member ID# 8536438
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Feeling vs. Thought
Posted by
Good Morning Fellow Citizens of Earth!
Well i think my anorexia had peaked in the 2 weeks prior to getting my daughter back from summer vacation. Now i am the way down back to a "normal" state of eating 3 squares. Although they may be smaller squares than average, but i am proud of myself when i accomplish that task throughout the day and into the night.
I say peaked because right after my girl came home, i weighed again for the 1st time since last weigh in and found i lost yet another pound. Now i am 114.
My body still seems the same. I can definately no longer fit into my 11yr old's size 1 jeans anymore. I am up to just about painted on size 2 (my former fat pants) and i really am comfortable in size 5. My breasts and arms are still continuing to gain mass.
This is not in large quantities at a fast rate like, say, weightlifting for bulk.
The mass is being built in a very subtle way. Very feminine. Very soft. Not strained or harsh like the tearing down of muscle tissue in order to build it back up.
Where i was last year is no comparison to what i look like this year. On my wasted and emaciated body, there has been a dramatic change of HEALTH. For lack of a better term.
I am amazed to discover the body that was there all along but was not allowed to flourish (For whatever each individual person's reason - both known and unknown to the sufferer).
There are plenty of times when i am Freaked Out by what this Healthy process is doing to the only body frame i had ever known. Learning that 'back fat' just comes with having boobs. Being repulsed at the sight of the way my bi-cepts jiggle at the bottom when i outstreatch my hand. Sitting down with a pair of size 2 jeans on and horrified when i look down and see my shirt raised over my 'belly folds'.
All these physical changes i have Never experienced before.
I am beginning to learn how to think Rationally and Realistically when those Feelings come up.
Instead of Feeling Freaked Out, I Think back that feeling with actual thoughts about how healthy i am becoming. I Realize and verbalize (even if only in my head) all the positive attributes that this New Body is giving to me. I am not sickly anymore. I have more energy. I have more clarity of mind.
When i Feel repulsed at the sight of this New and Improved Body, I verbalize that I do have to start excersizing more. With excersize, I will tone and tighten not only my arms, but every muscle on my entire body. However, that is all just muscle waiting to be taught how to be used.
When the Feeling of horror creeps into my being, I verbalize the reality and rational explanation that obviously those pants are too small. Too tight around the waist so it bunches all my guts in, up and out the top. I suppose it would be like i corsette imagine? When i get out of those tight waise pants, my body is "magically" transformed into a normal abdomen. Plus the pain is gone.
So I am getting through each day at a time. Trying to NOT be so hard on myself. Getting outside more and having fun with my Husband and Daughter.
Still "Drinkin' the Juice" :)
Don't forget to get your Juice at: OR
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
TLC ID #: 8536438
Well i think my anorexia had peaked in the 2 weeks prior to getting my daughter back from summer vacation. Now i am the way down back to a "normal" state of eating 3 squares. Although they may be smaller squares than average, but i am proud of myself when i accomplish that task throughout the day and into the night.
I say peaked because right after my girl came home, i weighed again for the 1st time since last weigh in and found i lost yet another pound. Now i am 114.
My body still seems the same. I can definately no longer fit into my 11yr old's size 1 jeans anymore. I am up to just about painted on size 2 (my former fat pants) and i really am comfortable in size 5. My breasts and arms are still continuing to gain mass.
This is not in large quantities at a fast rate like, say, weightlifting for bulk.
The mass is being built in a very subtle way. Very feminine. Very soft. Not strained or harsh like the tearing down of muscle tissue in order to build it back up.
Where i was last year is no comparison to what i look like this year. On my wasted and emaciated body, there has been a dramatic change of HEALTH. For lack of a better term.
I am amazed to discover the body that was there all along but was not allowed to flourish (For whatever each individual person's reason - both known and unknown to the sufferer).
There are plenty of times when i am Freaked Out by what this Healthy process is doing to the only body frame i had ever known. Learning that 'back fat' just comes with having boobs. Being repulsed at the sight of the way my bi-cepts jiggle at the bottom when i outstreatch my hand. Sitting down with a pair of size 2 jeans on and horrified when i look down and see my shirt raised over my 'belly folds'.
All these physical changes i have Never experienced before.
I am beginning to learn how to think Rationally and Realistically when those Feelings come up.
Instead of Feeling Freaked Out, I Think back that feeling with actual thoughts about how healthy i am becoming. I Realize and verbalize (even if only in my head) all the positive attributes that this New Body is giving to me. I am not sickly anymore. I have more energy. I have more clarity of mind.
When i Feel repulsed at the sight of this New and Improved Body, I verbalize that I do have to start excersizing more. With excersize, I will tone and tighten not only my arms, but every muscle on my entire body. However, that is all just muscle waiting to be taught how to be used.
When the Feeling of horror creeps into my being, I verbalize the reality and rational explanation that obviously those pants are too small. Too tight around the waist so it bunches all my guts in, up and out the top. I suppose it would be like i corsette imagine? When i get out of those tight waise pants, my body is "magically" transformed into a normal abdomen. Plus the pain is gone.
So I am getting through each day at a time. Trying to NOT be so hard on myself. Getting outside more and having fun with my Husband and Daughter.
Still "Drinkin' the Juice" :)
Don't forget to get your Juice at: OR
Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!
Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu
TLC ID #: 8536438
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