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Friday, August 27, 2010

LIMU LEAN - A Family Brand Weight Management System


A summer vacation. A class reunion. A brand-new swimsuit.
An upcoming family portrait.

Whatever your motivation,
LIMU LEAN is your ultimate weight management system!
A complete family of products
that combines the health-enhancing power
of natural Fucoidan with
many of the world's most efficient botanicals.

The LEAN family of products are simple yet complex,
diverse yet focused—they are true nutritional masterpieces
designed with one simple goal:
Helping you reach your physical potential.

Learn more about the core components of the LIMU LEAN system!

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You and
"May the God of Hope fill You with all Joy & Peace as You Trust in Him." ~Romans 15:13

Barbara A Thornton
I am (Lady) LIMU!
931.796.3688 ~ 931.628.4355 cell ~ 888.8MY.LIMU toll free

Thursday, August 26, 2010

BP, Unconscious Thought Theory & Eating Disorders

What an interesting & somewhat enlightening morning I've had here in "the box".

I started my morning with a shot o' LIMU upon wakening. I've been dealing with a bout of depression lately, i guess it started about the beginning of this month after my good news at the Dr. ie: cancer free & 117 pounds. Yay Me.
I didn't really have any "Thoughts" per se as I opened my email, just the 'feeling' of utter avoidance of the box, except I could check email. To my suprize, I saw a mail from a Great Friend who is also traveling the path 2BRecoverED. The subject line read: "Avoidance". How appropriate for a day such as this when I am locked inside my mind, after no contact for about a week. (That's all good btw as we both are busy Women).

This gets me to the interesting part.

Next place I went was MDLinx.

Topic: Borderline personality and weight divergence in adulthood

Being AN since Elementary school, it really Does seem as if there are 2 people living inside My body. There is me and there is AN. Both fighting to control Me - the outside Body.

The somewhat enlightening part is due to the fact that I need to digest this info so it makes sense. 1/2 way enlightened if You will for now the knowlege is gained, just need application.

Divergence is the condition of being Unlike or Dissimilar; condition of being divided; an instance of digressing.

Allright, this starts to make sense now, but still Not enough info for hypothesis. Now i had more questions than at the start.

This line of questioning & thinking brought me to:

Topic: Unconscious Thought Theory

It's pretty heavy & deep with 6 principles.

Convergence Principle:

"The sixth and final principle is the Convergence versus Divergence principle.
Conscious thought is more convergent and unconscious thought is more divergent.
Conscious thought is convergent since it can integrate large amounts of information.
Unconscious thought is described as divergent due to the limited capacity described in the capacity principle.
Unlike conscious thought, unconscious thought does not have the ability to store and incorporate vast amounts of different information.
After a period of conscious engagement, it is necessary to undergo a break or phase of distraction in order to successfully engage in incubation which allows other critical cues to surface and unimportant cues to fade from memory. (Dijksterhuis and Olden, 2005).
It is also believed, based on studies from this principle, that the unconscious is primarily responsible for creativity."

So my understanding based on these new discoveries is that Yes, I Do have 2 "person-alities" inhabiting this one physical body. Good news - I'm Not crazy...just ANorexic.
This explains why I feel completely disconnected at times (especially when depression sets in) from My Body and even My own Mind.
This also explains why the restrictive cycle of AN is so hard for me to break. I was right in thinking that i had forged deep neuropathways in My subconsious to engage in This Behavior at any sign of stress, anxiety, discomfort, fear...

I had sucessfully diverged my 'person'-alities into 2 separate but completely functioning entities a couple of years ago to stop "Hearing" The Voice of AN inside my head.

I had NOT stopped the Voice, I just gave it the power & energy to Do what It wanted in the 1st place - To Separate from me completely so that it could control ALL of the "everyday, non 'thinking'" tasks like Breathing, Blinking, Moving, Eating, Resting and yes, even My very Thinking & Feelings

Now I have to figure out How I did that in the 1st place or at least How to Undo what i did. That is integration or Convergence where the 2 become one again - The Conscious Me & the subconscious me.
Although I do Not the AN! I Do want all my faculties to be Mine.

Well, that's deep enough for me.
It's time I left this box in search of something to Eat.

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You and "May the God of Hope fill You with all Joy as You Trust in Him." ~Romans 15:13

I'm Barbara A Thornton and I Am LIMU!
931.796.3688 ~ 931.628.4355 cell ~ 888.8MY.LIMU (toll free)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Katsuhiro Tsuboi Newest 100k LIMU Member

A Huge round of applause is due for

Katsuhiro Tsuboi The LIMU Nation's newest 100k member.

Congratulations Katsuhiro!

Your decision to change Your future health with the LIMU Opportunity has paid off in a Big way!

Not only has You & Your Family/Friends changed the outcome of Your future destiny simply by choosing to walk on a path Not of Your own understanding & making the Commitment to Your Health with LIMU; You have also secured Financial Freedom for all those You have met along Your walk.

Thanks Katsuhiro for sharing 'The Blessing' of LIMU with Your Nation and for showing that the Opportunity works for anyone willing to just keep walking!

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You and May the god of Hope fill You (and Yours) with all Joy & Peace as You Trust in Him. ~Romans 15:13

Wayne & Barbara A Thornton - a.k.a.

Lady Limu ID# 8536438


931.796.3688 ~ 931.628.4355 cell

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Never complain about what you permit!‏

Never complain about what you permit!

Your present circumstances are existing
with your permission.
Your toleration of them breaths life and longevity into them.
Intolerance of your present will create a different future.

Nothing will really change in Your Life until
You cannot tolerate the present any longer.

Most of the food in America today will support life,
but it won't Sustain Health.
Everyone needs vitamin and mineral supplementation . . .
Everyone NEEDS LIMU!

Change Your Future....
Start sharing LIMU with 2 day...every day
Who will You SHARE with today?

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!

I'm Barbara A Thornton a.k.a. Lady Limu
and I Am LIMU!

I'd be happy to help You today get started with
Health Assurance done Right:
The LIMU Brand
Designed with Your Family's
Complete Health & Financial Rewards in mind.

May the God of Hope fill You with all Joy & Peace as You Trust in Him. ~Romans 15:13

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Determination, Commitment‏

I do the very best I
know how -
The very best I can;
And I mean to keep
doing so until the

-- Abraham Lincoln


How strong is Your determination?

How strong is Your commitment?

How strong is Your belief?

Is Your determination strong enough to deliver Your dream?

Consistently SHARING LIMUtM
with TWO people a day, everyday
can make Your dreams come true!

May the God of Hope fill You with all Joy & Peace as You Trust in Him.
~Romans 15:13

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You & Yours!

Wayne & Barbara A Thornton
We Are LIMU!

Consultant: Lady Limu ID# 8536438

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Salmonella Recall in 17 states

Is Yours one? Check here:

It seems every week or so lately there has been one tainted Food or Drug product after another that we as consumers unwittingly are exposed to & thereby willingly ingesting even more contaminants into Our already weakened Immune Systems.

This is why I am a strong supporter of the Preventative Maintanance theory. Instead of waiting for something to break down, why not just take proper care and regular maintanance of what You already own re: change oil in the car, clean out the lint trap, replace the batteries in the smoke detector, and Yes even the very Body that is called Self.

Along with Preventative Maintance, one need the Proper Tools. It is extremely hard to do any job - especially one of maintaining - withOut the Proper equipment. Have You ever tried to loosen a phillips head with a flat or mopped the floor with only a broom?

This is why We Are LIMU - My Family & me.

The LIMU Brand of products are exactly the Right Tool to use to make Our Body machines run the way it was made.
The Human Body is made up of cells. Nutrients make the difference in the Health of those cells. LIMU has all the pure Nutrients that the sea provides to the plant that LIMU is made up of 83% of.

Thank Goodness that the salmonella outbreak has Not hit TN...yet. However when it does, I know for certain that My Family & others like us in the LIMU Nation will have No worries. Maybe some anxiety, possible some slight sickness; but with Our Immune Systems up & Functioning at Top Speed, we will Not fall victim to Our Nation's Food or Drug supply.

My heart cries out for You & Our fellow Citizens that have Not chosen to fortify the Most Important thing in Your Life - Your Own Body - without That, everything else is meaningless.

May the God of Hope fill You with all Joy & Peace as You Trust in Him. ~Romans 15:13

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You & Yours!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Habit


I am your constant companion

I am your greatest helper or your
heaviest burden.

I will push you onward
or drag you down to failure.

I am completely at your

Half the things you do you might
as well turn over to me,
and I will be able to do them
quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed; you must
merely be firm with me.

Show me exactly how you want
something done,
and after a few lessons
I will do it

I am the servant of all great
And, alas, of all failure as well.

Those who are great I have made
Those who are failures I have
made failures.

I am not a machine,
Though I work with all the
precision of a machine
Plus the intelligence of a human

You may run me for profit or run
me for ruin;
It makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with
And I will put the world at your

Be easy with me, and I will
destroy you.
Who am I?

I am habit!

-- author unknown

SHARE LIMU and the TLC Opportunity for 21 days
with 2 people a day and it will become a habit!
Don't share LIMU for 21 days and that
will become a habit also!

Form good habits and watch your life improve!

May the God of Hope fill You with all Joy and Peace as You Trust In Him.

~Romans 15:13


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3 Kinds of People

There are only 3 Kinds of People in this world!

1. Those who make things happen.

2. Those who watch things happen.

3. Those who wonder what's happening.

What's Your Number?

(All excuses are equal)

Join Our LIMU NATION Today!

Receive The Blessing for Your Family & You!

Your #1 Choice! . . . God's gift from the Sea!

Autoship =
Free Membership.
Instant Savings.
Qualified for Reward Rebates.
Easy, Affordable Health Assurance.

Isn't it about time You become #1?

May the God of Hope fill You with all Joy and Peace as You Trust in Him.
~Rom 15:13

Barbara A Thornton
Limu Consultant
Lady Limu # 8536438

Monday, August 9, 2010

My Sanctuary

Just finishing making a 2 course dinner out of a package of Broccoli Soup mix with 1st being soup of course, then added parmesan cheese, some onion & garlic powders & some Butter Buds to go over linguini pasta.
I feel real good about making the dinner tonight along with the little extra creative effort given to give My Husband a decent meal instead of just plain soup. I’m taking a break while waiting for the pasta to finish cooking as it’s been 15 minutes boiling and still no end in sight.
Then I’ll continue on my break while he eats because after being in front of the stove, food & smells for the last 45 minutes is sending my whole system parts running away to a safe sanctuary where food is no where to be found…in my office.

That reminds me, a good Friend in Australia once suggested that since I am comfortable in here, maybe i should bring My food in here so that the anxiety surrounding the “time” would not be so bad. I shrugged it off and probably dismissed that whole part of the conversation. (Sorry, You know who You are)

So as I sit, taking a break, guess i have time to explore this for a minute.

I do not think that bringing Solid food into my office/sanctuary is such a good idea right now. i am just now getting used to drinking My LEAN shakes in here and that took me almost 9 weeks into the Refeeding Syndrome.

This is My place to get my mind settled before going onto the next task that will take energy, concentration & perseverance to accomplish – my cool down place if You will. Here I get My breathing right and my mind in the proper set to get up & go at ‘em, whatever the “chore” might be.
This sanctuary, away from all food & filled with Peace & Love, is what seems to be keeping Me sane right now with the much needed break from My busy Body and allows me to catch up and fight the Voice to keep it at bay while i gain the strength to pass the next test, whatever it is that up ahead may lay.

So for now i’ll keep things as they are separated by space & time until the anxiety wears off a bit & i can tolerate more than LIMU LEAN invading my special sanctuary reserved for only Me.

Someday, in the Land called RecoverED, i will eat freely, be renewed & strengthened to Be Me.

May the God of Hope fill You with all Joy and Peace as You Trust in Him. ~Rom 15:13

Have a Great Day!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Shine On Smart-Eating Page!

A page from my journal...

Monday, August 02, 2010

Oh, i am just so pleased with MySelf! I just finished my 2nd assessment on the webpage – a site dedicated to helping people overcome their Eating Disorder as well as educating and encouraging Our Family and Friends to give overall Hope and Recovery possible. All free of charge.

My final score showed that I am indeed at the Maintenance Level on my journey down the path 2 B RecoverED -
Great News for Me and the LIMU Brand of wellness product lines.

My overall health is good and I was enlightened once again to some key areas that I need to focus on and be aware of so that I Can reach The Land, that I’m closing in on every day.

Much like a lighthouse, the Smart Eating page offers a light in the storm to give us direction to the home that awaits us in RecoverED the Land.

Traveling this way really is Not hard, I am pleased to say. I just wish I knew about this years ago when that light would have come in Real handy on some of those slippery, rocky slopes.

Never the less, I’m blessed to have made it this far and more so when a good friend told me of this healing Light to shine right through the fog stifled inside My brain.
The tests are easy and relatively quick as the answers given are simply the truth of which there is no time lost on thought to cover a lie.

With Nutrition so easy as LIMU products and now a guiding light shed on the last bit of this path
I decided to take right in the middle of a Life i thought was going perfectly well;
My Hope is once again restored as My Joy of accomplishment brings a quickening to My gait as each days’ strength renewed is My reward as my steps lift from the miry clay and float the rest of the way.
To the end of the new Road just paved called 2BRecoverED where it will end in the most Beautiful Land where many stories there are to behold of a Sisterhood & Brotherhood of other EDs that have made it before Me.

This place, RecoverED is of contemplation, rest and food for the Body, Mind and Soul. As the “new” inner us transform into the beautiful being We have always been hiding inside We are Free to Be, quite simply the, Me – One Whole Inside and Out!


May Blessings be Yours for all the light You bring to the EDs’ darkened shores!

I'm Barbara A Thornton and I Am LIMU
Member ID # 8536438 a.k.a. Lady Limu
Toll Free: 866.478.4221
Direct: 931.628.4355
Fax: 866.479.4240
"Knowledge of the oceans is more than a matter of curiosity... our very survival may hinge on it." ~John F. Kennedy

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Back To The Basics

With summer vacations winding down & preparations for another school year begin,
I am reminded about getting back to the basics.
Every year my Daughter spends the summer away at her Dad's
to return just days before school starts.
So around here the rules of Our Home & Life are
always being brought back to The Basics.
Realizing that every Family Is different just as every Child Is different,
the Basics of Life's lessons remain a constant around here
to make for a less confusing state.

We are getting back to "normal" meal times, sleep & wake schedules,
homework & chore routines.
Summer vacation is over & we Must adhere to the basics
in order to make it through another year,
otherwise chaos & confusion sets in leaving us
barely treading water instead of swim.

So, it was quite by surprize that
Ryan Barson of LIMU posted a message on my website today called:
Let's Back To The Basics to help us focus on the Basics to Succeed in Our LIMU Goals.

Click on the link above to see what he has to say.
Then Decide to make the Choice
to order Your LIMU right then and there.

For added Member Reward Rebate Benefits and instant Savings,
simply order Your 1st case using Autoship.
(You can cancel or suspend shipments at Any time-NO hassels)

This IS the cheapest way to go & You pay what I pay NOT retail prices.

You've got nothing to lose.
Only YOUR Health & quite possibly YOUR Wealth
IS to Gain.

Thank You in advance for allowing me the opportunity to be Your guide
on this amazing LIMU ride!

May the God of Hope fill You with all Joy and Peace as You Trust in Him.


My LIMU LEAN Challenge Results

I'm Barbara A Thornton a.k.a. Lady Limu and I also completed the LIMU'Summer in the Sun' 90 day Challenge.
However, my Mission was to Gain a LEAN, Healthy weight as I finish my journey on the path 2BRecoverED from Anorexia (AN).

I started the path 3 years ago when all LIMU had was their ORIGINAL juice - 'The Blessing' I like to call it because i was 96 pounds when the Opportunity was presented to me.

Never could I have imagined another product on the market designed with Optimal Nutrients & Health in mind...until LIMU LEAN Meal ReplacementShakes, although i call them Meal Addition.

The 1st few weeks on the LEAN was grueling. Previously i had sustained my weight at 120lbs but a series of unfortunate life events facilitated the AN triggers & subsequent restriction of all food leaving me totally Dependent on the Original juice as that was all i was "allowing" MySelf to ingest.

I started the Challenge;
Weighing 102;
Wearing a size 12 to 14 GIRLS pants;
My breasts less than an A cup;
My hips, non existant except the protruding bones;
My limbs were little more than straight sticks.

In the beginning I could only tolerate 1 scoop as the AN & me had to gothrough the Refeeding Syndrome - where Solid Food is re-introduced intomy system parts & This is the Make it or Break it stage.
The side effects include confusion, comotose, even death. The bodytakes ALL the energy from every cell and uses it to Digest which leavesNOTHING left over for thinking or even moving.

After a couple of weeks I increased my daily dosage to the full 2 scoops once a day with a 1
scoop in between as well as increasing my "feeding times" and portions.
By week 5 I was up to 108 having gained 6 Solid, Muscle pounds (NOT fatwhich helped to lessen the anxiety about the weight gain - knowing it wasNot fat).

By July 5th, I was at 110 when I went on a 3 week vacation after another"triggering" death. 1.5 weeks later i was dealth another serioustriggering, unfortunate event that left me completely devastated.
I combated the AN the Only way i knew how - LIMU LEAN, Original juice &Blu Frog throughout every day.

When I arrived home I was happily amazed to find my weight was still at110! I had lost Nothing as my solids decreased & liquids LIMU increased.

Back home with the last week of the Challenge, i really set My mind & schedule to reach my goal - 117 to 120 in 90 days. My LEAN increased to twice daily while I continued to push through the AN wall forcing the solid food to go down.

It just so happened I was due for my 1 year cervical cancer check-upright as the Challenge was ending. There's good news x 2 to this story.

Not only am I cancer Free!
My weight is 117.
My pants are size 5 WOMENs;
My breasts are nearly a B cup;
My hips no longer allow me to step into a slip, it now must go over my head.
My limbs were commented on just yesturday by my 13 yr old daughter,"Mom!" she exclaimed as she reached over to grab my bicep & squeeze thethickness. "You have really big muscles! I want mine to look that way."

Melted my heart to hear My Daughter say that she wanted to be Like Me. NOW that I am healthy. I flexed them both and watched the amazed smile float across her face. She was Proud of Me.

I give the Lord the glory for this awesome transformation going on inMy Body & Mind and I give LIMU the praise for walking in His ways to bring real Healing & Health to Me & You!

Anorexia vs 90 day LEAN Challenge =
15 pounds gained.
6 pant sized gained.
1 bra cup gained.
Formation of hips.
Muscled & toned limbs.

There simply is NO easier path to take 2BRecoverED than with LIMU!

May the God of Hope fill You with all Joy & Peace as You trust in Him!

Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu ID# 8536438931.628.4355
1.931.796.9688 ~ 1.931.796.628.4355 cell

Monday, August 2, 2010

My LEAN 90 day Challenge

Good Day All!

The LIMU LEAN Summer Challenge has ended and soon the winner of the most weight lost will be announced. I can't wait to see everyone's testimony & progress these past 3 months! What an amazing Blessing, this LIMU Brand is - for it honestly Does what is promotes - Gives Any Body the Nutrients & fuel it needs to reach maximum potential. Best part of all? The system is so easy to use, one canNot help but get to a Healthy weight!

My LEAN challenge has ended as well, but that does Not mean i will stop using the lime of products to Maintain my health.

Here are my stats (so far):

Start Weight: 102 pounds
End Weight: 117 lbs

I was able to gain 15 whole pound in 90 days using the LEAN Weight Management System on My path, 2BRecoverED.

I went from a size 12-14 GIRLS to a a full size 5 WOMENS. That in itself is pretty amazing for Me.

The weight gain (I can 'feel') has been mostly all muscle - as well as the Much Needed Visceral Fat that protects my organs & body from injury. Other times when i have gained weight, it looks & Feels like fat. This is different with ALL toned limbs as the Muscles are Finally allowed to grow - instead of my body feeding off them for life support.

The Refeeding Syndrome was a real bear at the beginning. Everything i put in my mouth caused me to completely shut down - comotose (or sleeping as i call it) for upwards of 3 hours after each ingestion. That was really driving Me nuts as the AN had been keeping me physically & mentally busy to avoid the food intake. At this stage i was only able to handle 2 - one scoop shakes daily as the 2 scoops were very heavy on my stomach.
So when I went down flat i did feel like a failure which was a precarious position for me to hold. My hosehold chores as well as my online presense with my writings were stifled during this major change in the 1st part of the LEAN Challenge, causing More feelings of failure.

Of course as time went on, my sleeping times started to turn in the direction of just deep rest with slight sleeping times as My body was relearning how to eat like "normal". By this time i had increased LEAN dosage to the full recommended 2 scoops.

The last 30 days of the challenge was a Great challenge for Me as I went on an almost 3 week vacation with my Parents & Children. Tons of triggering events & explosive conversations coupled with the "new found" fact that My Parents do NOT eat like "normal" ie: breakfast was always a must for them (which is the hardest feeding time for me) but the rest of their day was filled with "grazing" on a piece of cheese and 5 crackers, lunch was skipped most days, with dinner being the only real meal served.

This way of feeding fit right in with my AN. She was overjoyed that it Was Normal to just NOT eat once again. It was at this stage that I was Blessed to add the Blu Frog Energy Drink to my diet on a Daily basis. - Thanks Mom & Dad!

For the last 2 weeks of the trip i was ingesting 2 LEAN shakes, 2 Blu Frogs and 2 shots of LIMU the ORIGINAL premium Fucoidan blend juice with some 'snacking'.
When i got home it was almost back to square one where my refeeding Times were once again honored by Me. I was simply Amazed to see the scale read 110 when I got home.
You see, before I left i weighed in at 110 & knowing that I was Not being responsible to Me about the solid food thing i was very leary about getting on the scale.

4 days ago I had my final exam with the Dr. to see if all the cervical cancer was gone so I could start back on yearly visits. What a Blessing that visit turned out to be! Not only was I cancer Free, but my weight was now up to 117 - without shoes & only a light sundress so I could get an acurate reading on the Dr.'s scale.

I am completely Happy with My progress! Even more extactic about the LIMU Brand transformation of My Body & Mind!

I am forming hips, my breasts are more full and even though i'm Not real happy about my new tummy because it is bigger than ever, I also realize that it is Healthy. I'm Not fat - just thicker around the middle than i am used to. My arms & legs feel & look bigger, meatier, no longer the straight sticks protruding out of My body.

Oh sure, some days are easier than others still. But ALL days are Easier than they have ever been for now My Body IS Healthy & so too my brain as My mind works through this last length of the path 2BRecoverED.

I realize now that i Must Fail at Being AN so that I can Be free to BE ME.

I pray the Lord Jesus will Bless You with His Mercy & Grace as You step out in Faith and trust Him for all Your needs!

Wayne & Barbara A Thornton