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Thursday, November 6, 2008

How Easy Is That...For Goodness Sake!

Good Morning Friends & Neighbors!

I am completely amazed at the fact that i have been able to hold onto my 125 for at least 3 weeks now. A couple of weeks ago, i switched my Remeron back to Wellbutrin. The Remeron was making me way too tird all the time. So since i switched back to Wellbutrin, my energy level has come up and surprizingly my weight has not changed even though the Dr. explained that with Wellbutrin, the appetite is somewhat stifled however, i am eating regular and my weight has not budged. I guess that is called Recovered. Yea me! Now i can get on with the rest of my life without this disease robbing my body and mind of nutrients. I could not have done this without Original Limu and its awesome nutrition that actually taught my body and brain to crave nutrition instead of starvation.

That is another reason why i am so Excited about Blu Frog Energy drink.

With Blu Frog, every can contains the recommended daily dose of 2oz Original Limu juice.
Instead of fooling around with 1 liter glass bottles, measuring the juice, accidental spillage or breakage we will be able to just pop a top and enjoy the best tasting whole super food ever.
How easy is that?

Wether You are thick or thin, the human body Needs these Nutrients. Especially Fucoidan.
Over 750 studies on Fucoidan at tell the tale of the great effects of this Nutrient on living bodies.

The Best Thing about Blu Frog?

That this product is made by The Limu Company (TLC, if You will).

We in the TLC Family are One Team with One Dream:

*Optimum performance out of the Human Body. Helping people enjoy a Healthy, Active Life while still on this Planet.
*Financial Independence for Every Citizen of this Nation and around the globe.

Gary Raser (President and creator of Original Limu and TLC) becomes a category, Catagory Dominator, and a Global Brand is Born.

TLC opens it's doors and introduces Original Limu to the world via network marketing - a network of Independent Distributors.

TLC is privately owned, Debt Free and Profitable.
1st year sales of Original Limu exceed 10 million dollars -
A revenue milestone that 99.5% of the 23 million companies in America have NEVER reached!

TLC welcomes 3 time Olympic Gold Medalist Rowdy Gains to be the Official Spokesperson.
Original Limu is now available in 24 countries.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

TLC supports the efforts of organizations that work to enrich and improve the lives of people in need.

At the August, 2007 International Conference TLC announced that for EACH Bottle of Original Limu sold, they the will contribute of sales to their "For Goodness Sake" campaign.
These funds are donated from profits of the product sales made by distributors.

Organizations benefitting from The Limu Company's For Goodness Sake campaign:

* St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital
* A Child's place Christian Early Learning Center
* Children's Home Society of FL
* The Children's place
* Cincinnati Children's Hospital
* Ronald McDonald Houses
* Meals on Wheels
* Orlando Union Rescue Mission
* The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Just to name a Few.

So You see, not only is drinking this product going to impact Your Health, but the Simple Act of drinking Original Limu and/or Blu Frog Energy drink every day and sharing this information, Your financial burdens are lifted off Your shoulders and in turn Your whole neighborhood and community and Nation are benefitting as well due to the overflowing generosity of Your efforts and the The Limu Company's Compensation plan.

All it takes is a $25 yearly membership fee. (Like Sam's Club or something.)

Then a case of Original Limu shipped to Your Home for only $139.00+tax/shipping
Each Month - very important to qualify for commissions & bonus checks.

How Easy is That?

Come to my websites to get Your membership before the January 2009 debut of Blu Frog Energy drink to be poised at the top of this Tremendous Opportunity to Finally obtain Health and Wealth!

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You and Yours this Holiday Season!

Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu

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