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Monday, September 14, 2009

American's Reform Health Care

Good Day Friends and Neighbors!!

American's Need to Reform the Care of Personal Health

So i was thinking about all this talk on Capitol Hill about the HealthCare Reform. As i'm sure it is on a lot of minds. I have taken a deep look into the responsibility of Us citizens where Our Health is concerned, so i thought i would at this from a different perspective: What exactly IS HealthCare defined as and how is the current system in the U.S.A. standing up to the measure?

Using the Random House College Dictionary and the Webster's Pocket Dictionary, the meaning of the words:

n. soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease or ailment

v. protection, charge or temporary keeping
n. guardianship or custody

v. to reconstruct, makeover, or change something for the better; improve;
to abandon or give up evil ways

So, from this i gather that a Health Care System is Supposed to ensure the soundness of body and mind, to keep these free from disease and sickness while under the Care of a Dr. who is supposed to Protect the body from toxins and have only Temporary Custody of us for Only as long as we are sick.

Healthcare today does not seem to resemble that model. Once upon a time not too distant in the past, our Dr. were adamant about eating an apple a day to keep Them away. They were the ones to inform us of how the body works and the need for proper Nutrients in the daily diet. They did Not want us in their Constant care as that means their job of providing Health to us was inadequate. They wanted us Healthy because there was already enough sickness and disease in the world.
Fast forward to "modern medicine" era. At first was a Blessing as they found Natural cures for ailments like penicilln and aspirin. Which turned out to save millions of lives. Then the experimentation with synthetic drugs which did seem to solve a specific problem. Only after years of "human experimentation" after the FDA hurridly put these drugs on the market did they find them to cause birth defects, toxic poisoning, organ failure all as side effects of these so called miracle Drugs.

Here we are today. Being held hostage by the very Dr.'s sworn to Protect our health and the "system" which has taken it's whole focus off of US getting Healthy and instead put it's energy into making More toxic drugs, so the people on Their payroll - Yes, The Dr.s - will find new ways to use them and the Big Cash Cow just keeps mowing down our Finances and Health.

How can this country ever expect get out of the Health Crisis we are in when the very people (who are "educated" and Sworn to uphold our Health) we trust are poisoning our system with countless pills and the only answer in our future is to take more DRUGS?

The problem with the HealthCare issue is Not the insurance and the skyrocketing cost of medical treatment. This is Only the Reaction of our action to buy into Everything the Government and the Medical Community are feeding us over the last 50 or so years.
Because we have decided of our own free will to just pop handfulls of pills -Drugs- into our system daily instead of Eat properly, we have caused this financial and health crisis on ourselves and our Grandchildren.

So, with the new "idea" being: turn Everything that concerns the Health of America's Citizens over to the Gov't do we really think That is the answer to all our problems?

Our Own Government refuses to even see a connection between the food we eat and our health. They are Not interested in healthy bodies, because if You and I are healthy, we won't need them or the Drugs they push wich means they don't get the money that we would have spent on legal Rx Drugs and degenerative diseases cause by nothing more than a lack of nutrition which is malnutrition when You don't get real nutrients in the food available to purchase.

I was raised "if ain't broke, don't fix it." Sure the "HealthCare System" has some problems, everything does, but it ain't broke. It really does work.

What IS Broke is the American Way of Thinking: Drugs will solve all our problems.
Isn't that what Elvis, Joplin, Hendrix, Belushi and now Jackson all believed? Weren't Elvis and Michael both under the Care of their Dr.? Wasn't That Dr. providing HealthCare to them?
What makes Our bodies any different? Now, look in Your Drug- oh! i mean "medicine" cabinet. How many pills are there? Now how many would be taken away if Your Body were Healthy?

A healthy body needs no drugs.
A health body needs no government, stipulating treatment.
A healthy body is the beginning of a healthy nation.
A healthy nation starts with YOU.

Enjoy a refreshing glass of Original Limu every morning to receive Your Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity from Lady Limu and "ask Not what Your Country can Do for You," (JFK) but answer with a resounding You Will get Healthy for Your Country.

Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
ID: 8536438

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