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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Autism Frustration

I was watching Frontline last night on PBS about Autism and the theory of vaccinations being the cause of it.

We all know by now that yes due to toxins in the bloodstream our children are experiencing a higher rate of this disease. However, I am in agreement with the scientific studies concluding that the vaccines were NOT the cause or effect. Both of my children got all their shots on schedule, and yes there were as many as 6 different at 1 visit. One was 1993, the other '96 and they both are perfectly fine and even exceptional in their mentality & maturity.

It is Very unfortunate that Autism has struck so many families around the world. I can understand the anguish that Parents would feel over this devastating illness that takes their child away and replaces him/her with someone totally different. I can even agree, to Some extent, that for some genetically pre-disposed children the amount of these shots in one day day would overload their already weakened system to the point of toxification.

What I cannot understand is how a Parent would just sit back and allow their child to remain a victim to an illness as they file for class action lawsuits to gain a profit from the HealthCare System that has Proven itself in this arena as actually doing More Good than harm.

As long as the children suffer with the illness, then the Parents stand to gain money from the "apparent" 'harm & neglect' from the medical proffession, drug makers, even Our Gov't who is in charge of the research & manufacture of these shots.

These Parents are spending their time, energy & dollars on smear campaigns that are Unfounded in truth - scientific facts and asking for more of the same to fund further research about how to stop this from happening in the future. The future starts Today!

We all know that Immunity is Genetic. If Your Parents were healthy, chances are Your Immune System will be too. This is the whole basis of vaccines. Small Pox & Polio are an excellent example. How often do You hear of those illnesses anymore? That's because of vaccination.

I am NOT Completely satisfied with the amounts & time frame given of the shots - don't get me wrong. But there is more to this puzzle than apparently seems to be misplaced and I feel the Blame is being put on the Wrong culprit.

The resounding Frustration of Mother's & Father's is that in America we do Not have the choice about Our Children's Health where these shots are concerned. In the interviews, these Parents kept saying that They wanted More Control over Their Childrens Health Care.

Great! It's about time My Gen X understands that Our Children's Health REALLY Is in Our hands. Wait a minute! Isn't this the whole reason for the Gov'ts decision to vaccinate - because Parents were NOT taking care of the Health of Their Children through proper Nutrition, Diet & Excercise?

How is Autism Prevented?
A Properly Functioning Immune System.

How do Our Children get That?
Starts with a Healthy Mother & Father.
Add breast milk for More Proven Immunity boosters.
Feed Proper Nutrients that come from whole foods.
Vaccinate against disease to ensure Herd Immunity.

What if Our child has Autism? What Now?
Build the Immune System.

1) Feed Proper Nutrients from whole foods to let the body feed & to excrete the toxins running rampant in the system. Remember the bloodstrem goes straight to the brain too.

2) Excercise, Sun & Rest

What is the Easiest, scientifically proven way to get proper nutrients into their bodies? The LIMU family of products with Pure Fucoidan Extract from whole Tongan Limu Moui sea plant which Naturally contains over 70 other Vital Nutrients to help the body repair, detox and maintain a healthy functioning Immune System.

Search for Fucoidan and ease Your mind about this 'mysterious' Nutrient and how a single product can do so much.

Yes, I agree Our "HealthCare System" is flawed.
But Do You agree that Our Parenting System is flawed?

Working Together instead of blaming one side or the other for all the problems is The Only Way that OUR Children will Ever regain Their Health back. Care of One's Health begins at conception and At Home. We can no longer afford to ignore this Fact.

Without Healthy Children to grow into healthy Adults, where do YOU think Your Country is headed?

Blessings of Peace & health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You & Yours!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu - Use ID# 8536438

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