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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

Today is my 3rd day on LIMU LEAN. Monday night I had a double scoop before bed (the easiest time for me to eat) with whole milk. Tuesday I had a single scoop around 10am followed by a treat out to McDonald's & a cheap chicken without bottom bun add lettuce & tomato & 3/4 of medium fry's. Today, I had the last cheap shake around 9am with a single scoop chocolate LIMU LEAN around 11. The last 2 days was mixed with water.

Well! By last night my legs & arms were killing me! It was like i ran a marathon the day before. I did do some physical activity on Monday, but Nothing to warrant the amount of pain I am still experiencing.

The NO PAIN = NO GAIN lesson has really hit home this time.
I am quite surprized to see the LEAN working on my cells & deep muscle tissue so Fast! It would be scary to experience for the 1st time or any for that matter without an understanding of How the Body functions.

To Build muscle the body must 1st exercise ex: weight lifting, running, yoga, karate etc...
During this process, the Body actually Tears the muscle tissues.

The Most Important part to Building Muscle Tone & Strength is what Your Body has available to it to use as fuel in the rebuilding stage that comes next.
There are 2 options for You to choose from at This point, which Will ultimately determine Your Physical outcome on the next step.

Option 1: Negative Thinking
Refuel & rehydrate after activities of any kind with the Western Diet: soda pop, coffee, energy drinks and some sort of fast, easy, high calorie, salt & sugar content foods to satisfy the empty stomach like, chips, donuts, cheeseburgers & pizza. Or worse yet - Nothing.

Option 2: Positive Thinking
Give Your Body the Nutrient boost it Needs by drinking LIMU.

The Results obtained with Option 1 are all Negative & Non Productive for Your Body & consist of Your Body robbing from Peter to pay Paul if You will. Because You used energy to perform the activity, there is little left over to create new cells that will heal the tears, which will ultimately leave Your muscles lacking in strength & durability. Which will cause You to lead a less active life which lessens the likelyhood of Step 1 being reached which is to tear down the old tissue to remake new, stronger, healthier ones. This will be the destructive or Negative Cycle or commonly known as Rut by choosing Option 1.

With Option 2 the whole dynamics of Your body System will be affected as well - in a Positive, Productive way, conducive of creating a strong healthy frame for which Your mind can expand Your Potential.
By drinking 1-4 oz of LIMU juice 2x daily, Your Body gets all the Nutrients it needs to perform it's Normal daily activities. When You add LIMU LEAN to Your daily excercise schedule, You Allow Your Body the Option to use 6 different kinds of Protein (the building blocks of strong muscle) in a form that is liquid which the Body does NOT have to work at digesting.
Those Nutrients go straight to work on the tissues that You just tore, plus all the other cells used for energy & stamina. Your Body takes those small particles of extra vitamins, minerals & proteins and Feeds them Directly to the tissues & cells causing these to repair themselves in a faster more efficient way that does NOT rob or zap Your energy to function the rest of the day.
Once fed proper Nutrients - NOT just Bulk & Calories, Your body will learn that You Can be more active and so is. This will create a Positive Cycle of use, tear down, replenish to refurbish to continue on a more productive life.

With my AN out in full force these past few months, my weight has dipped back down to 107 as of Monday. This (I know) has caused me to lose muscle mass as well as all the Healthy body fat I was able to gain the 1st 2.5 yrs on LIMU juice. I was a healthy 120 just about 8 or 9 months ago now. I continued drinking my juice, which led into me Only drinking my LIMU juice most of the weeks, which turned into my AN rejecting my use of the juice.

So this week started out full force restricting Anorexic. When I introduced the LIMU LEAN And the juice into My Body, my AN could NOT stop it from rebuilding the muscle that she so desperately was trying to tear down again. Back to twice a day on the juice and now Real Protein that My Mind can handle and My Body can digest easily, no wonder why I am in so much pain! It is rebuilding Everything that my "self imposed" starvation was tearing down. Starting with my cells, and quickly going on to the muscle i so desperately need as the ones I'm sporting around are very thin and soft.

Does This pain worry ME? No. I understand what is happening to My Body. It's All Normal. It's just like growing pains i had as a kid. Only this time, i'm old enough to remember them as I'm going through them.
This pain is NOT an indication that LIMU LEAN is doing something Wrong in My Body. It certainly is NO warrant for me to freak out & stop using This product. On the contrary - the pain only makes Me want MORE because I can Feel the results before I can even see them. I can Feel my very muscles getting Healthier every day and it's only been 3 days!

I look forward 2BRecoverED with new Hope & Vigor restored. LIMU the original juice brought Me up out of the pit of death at 96 pounds to reverse the damage of 25+ yrs of restricting Anorexia, to place Me firmly in a Healthy Body for the 1st time in My Life. Now LIMU LEAN will give Me the extra leg up on the battle with myself & my AN.
Physically I'm in a place where once again solid food is hard for me to deal with mentally & physically. With LIMU I get All my daily Nutrients, add LEAN & I get extra Fucoidan, Nutrients and much Needed Protein all in a form that I can ingest with little preparation, effort & best of all - no thinking on My part. I know it is good, wholesome Food, my AN is satisfied that it is liquid, My Body is Finally getting Everything it Needs - all this lessens my anxiety around food & eating in general. Without the anxiety to fuel my AN she is Not triggered to react by restricting my food/drink intake to get rid of the anxiety which we know by now Only Causes more and the Negative Cycle begins anew.

With LIMU LEAN You too can have amazing results!
Your Body will amaze You with what It Can Do when You feed it the Nutrients it Needs, Wants and Deserves!

LIMU LEAN not just for weight loss but for Healthy Weight Management.

Call Me or stop by to get The Blessing and receive the Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity that LIMU has to offer.

Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu ID# 8536438
LIMU Consultant
(931) 796-3688

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