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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Nutrient Depleting Drugs

I was looking for a particular article to share with You today when instead I stumbled across this one: http://health:// titled Nutrient Depleting Drugs.

This find is in great interest to me personally, as I continue my work 2BRecoverED from Anorexia, as well understanding just How America has gotten so Unhealthy in just a few decades.

Here's the list of Drugs proven to rob Your Body of the basic Nutrients Your Body needs to function properly.

1) Oral Contraceptives
2) Cholesterol lowering statin drugs
3) Hormone Replacement Therapy
4) Blood pressure & Diuretics
5) Antibiotics
6) Anti Convulsants
7) Oral hypoglycemic drugs for type 2 Diabetes
8) Acid Reflux drugs
9) Chemotherapy drugs
10) Anti-Inflammatory drugs
11) Tricyclic Antidepressant drugs
12) Acetaminophen
13) Beta-Blockers are Blood Pressure drugs used to regulate the heart

You can see the full article and see exactly what Your Body starts to miss out on while the Dr. is Supposed to be getting YOU Healthy from all their Drugs. The longer Your system is poisoned by drugs - of ANY kind - the harder it is to maintain it's Health, Vitality & Vigor that only comes through Nutrition.

Being anorexic since early childhood this list is putting my Recovery efforts in a different light. I am better able to see just How this "Diet" could have gotten so far out of control. You see, I was always a sickly child with low weight to begin with. So I was given Tylenol at an early age for days and weeks on end every year. Not to forget all the antibiotics I was on to fight off all the infections & viruses my poor immune system could not handle.

When I was 15 I went on birth control pills as that was "the thing to do at that age" which continued through at least age 30 with the time off for 2 children. In my mid 20's I started taking antidepressant drugs as it was becoming apparent that Our Family history of mental illness was coming out in Me. Of course, no one ever thought I had an Eating Disorder, including Me.

No wonder this 'disease' was allowed to flourish throughout my entire system - Body & Mind! I had been poisoned by my well intentioned & Loving parents since infancy with pain/fever reducers, then brought to Dr's for Drugs to make me better but they actually were robbing Nutrients which helped further facilitate my Anorexic Mind to believe that it could actually Live without Food or Nutrients; and why Not, it had survived that way for at least 25 yrs before I caught on to ANs trickery.

Take into account Just the oral contraceptives, they deplete the Body of: Vitamins B-1, B-2,
B-3, B-6, B-12, C, Folic Acid, Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc.

Without the proper building blocks of Nutrition the Body & Mind are both on a very shaky foundation. Which in my case only helped to exasperate my already anorexic tendencies.

Do You or someone You Love take Any of these Drugs on a regular basis? If so, You need to be supplimenting Your diet with multivitamins & multiminerals. LIMU is just that. Over 70 Liquid Nutrients delivered straight to Your bloodstream in only 1 ounce! Plus the power of Fucoidan - Nature's own Immune Booster in every serving of every Product LIMU has to offer.

The Health of Our Great Nation has suffered Greatly at the hands of the Professional Doctors, the American Medical Association and even Our Health'Care' system which has taught America that Drugs are the answer to all All Your problems as they are the only things that can "Cure" 'Diseases'. However Most of the diseases we are seeing today stem from a lack of Proper Nutrient intake which is The Leading Cause of Disease - Both Mental and Physical.

LIMU products are Not magical or something that can't be understood. The results we All are experiencing while drinking the juice, shake & energy drink are not mysterious and Every Body Will improve it's overall Health simply by ingesting Nutrients.

Our experiences only seem amazing to You because You have not changed You mind yet and ordered Your 1st case. Feeling IS Believing and what a feeling a Healthy Body & Mind are!

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You & Yours!
Barbara A Thornton
Lady Limu
TLC Consultant
Use my ID 8536438

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