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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Looming Debt Crisis

This is a wonderful resource with pictures and lay man's terms that anyone can understand. This is Not just about TN - it is about the Country as a whole. Here I would like to expand the thinking as far as the Mandatory Spending goes which involves Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

U.S. Senator Bob Corker - Tennessee Warns of Looming Debt Crisis
Says First Step in Tackling Should Be a Cap on Spending

In early August, Senator Corker began crisscrossing the state, visiting 26 counties to talk with Tennesseans about Washington’s unsustainable spending habits that are driving the country into dangerous levels of debt. Corker is working on legislation to cap spending at a sustainable level, force Congress to make tough choices and incentivize economic growth.

  "There is absolutely no construct for fiscal discipline at the federal level. If we do not change the path we are on and dramatically reduce our level of spending in relation to our country's gross domestic product, I believe we are in danger of becoming the first generation of Americans to leave our country in worse shape than we found it," Corker said.
   "We need to change the conversation, and I think that means focusing on the big picture first. Page one is agreeing on the amount of spending we can sustain as a country."

"I believe in American exceptionalism, and I believe we can solve this problem. Previous generations of Americans made sacrifices for the good of our country, so their children and grandchildren would have an even greater standard of living. It's time for us to do the same. That means living within our means. It means politicians no longer promising things to their constituents without paying for them, and it means constituents telling their elected officials they would rather sacrifice a little now than leave future generations with crippling debt."

A copy of Senator Corker’s presentation is attached below.

Did You know that in 1970 this piece of Our National spending pie was at 31% or $279 Billion?
In 2010 we are spending a whopping 56% or $2.03 Trillion on this Mandatory Spending of Our taxes.

Not looking at any other piece of spending This type IS UNsustainable not only Financially by mortality rates as well, leaving Our Country dependent on foreign entities to bridge the gap, simply because we do Not have the Healthy workers needed to increase the Gross Domestic Products needed to bring Us out of this mess.

Now is the time to Act. Not only by Voting in this upcoming election for Candidates that we feel would Best represent Our convictions on where and how Our Nation will recover from this increasing debt spending with No limit in sight. We must also Act in Our Own homes for Our Families - Not waiting around for the Politicians to Do Something For Us. We Must take charge of Our Own Family's Health Crisis 1st. Only then will we see this piece of pie go back down to Normal, Sustainable Limits.

I'm Barb Thornton and IAmLIMU for this reason. I was getting sick and tired (literally) while waiting on the Gov't to Recognize and Help Eating Disorders. By using the LIMU Brand for my Sole treatment option, I was able to not only survive my life and now thrive but by doing so I left the Gov't and it's spending out of my equation saving tens of thousands of dollars that would have been spent on Me alone.

In 1970 Our Nation's land based food supply still had plenty of Nutrients in it which would account for less Gov't spending on health procedure simply because This Nation as a whole was pretty healthy. Fast forward through the 40 years and we see a monumental increase in fast and frozen foods that supply Calories - Not Nutrients.

My Generation X has been bombarded with technology like no other before and Our Parents welcomed each new and improved device as they strove to give Us more than their Parents could give them. Now we are the Parents and with this conditioning we are more than willing to spend the Family's money on video games, music, movies and other forms of Entertainment so that Our Children will "Like" us - which Must mean that we are "good" Parents.

However what Our Children NEED more than all these gadgets is a Parent Willing to BE a Parent that ensures their Physical and Mental Health through Nutrition. This is the Only way to get this Nation out of it's Health and Fiscal demise.

Did You know that The LIMU Company is based right here in Florida, producing one of the Best Gross Domestic Products available that Can be used by Every age, gender, religious and political views, color, race and creed? These products are Not limited to the wealthy, educated or just the lucky few like say, cars and big screen tv's.

Did You know that TLC actively pumps tens of thousands of dollars into Our economy Every Day by giving Cash bonuses to You, the Consumer of their products as well as funding For Goodness Sake which is their Charitible organization that gives these funds to the most needy in Our nation?

Did You know that every product sold around the World brings this money back to the Unites States as well as into the country it is being sold?

It's time to Wake Up America and Not wait for someone else to do for Your Family what is Your Responsibility. Just by having Gov't run Insurance does NOT = Healthy. Health starts and ends at Home by the Choices We Make. No Gov't mandate will ever change this Fact.

Get Healthy.
Get America back on track and away from runaway Mandatory Spending.

We, the People, CAN do this!
We must Decide to change!
LIMU is clearly the Right Choice for Our Family and  Nation's physical and financial health,

We Are AmeriCAN's who Can Do anything we set Our minds to.
My Family is doing it's part to alleviate this unsustainable spending of Our Nation's resources.
What is Your Family doing to help?

I'm Barb Thornton, I Am LIMU MemberID 8536438 and it's my pleasure to sponsor and help You!
Blessings of the Lord's Mercy and Grace to You alway!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nutrition: The Eating Disorders Factor

Statistically, 1 in 4 college women suffer from an Eating Disorder in America. That is ONE out of Every FOUR!

This number is Not only astronomical but it is Intolerable and an Unsustainable way to ensure the Future of any Nation.
From the high financial cost of treatment for the various Forms and Stages of EDs on the afflicted up to the Government level and the cost we are creating for their offspring - Our Future Generations is incomprehensible.

How did this happen? Did these women 'suddenly' become Eating Disordered upon entering college?

This disorder starts at the Jr. High level and sometimes as early as grade school. I was lucky to have started my Anorexic path by the 3rd or 4th grade.

What is the Number One factor that ties All EDs together and is the Only way to Prevent, Treat and Rehabilitate these Deadly Diets?

To combat the negative mental aspects of childhood that could manifest themselves in these types of disorders, the child Must be fed properly. This includes regular meal times with plenty of all the food groups. This ensures that their body will continue to grow and function in a productive manner which enables their mind to deal more effectively whith the pressure of growing into a whole new person.

When the child is left without food Nutrients for whatever reason he/she has no protection from the outside world or from Within. Do this long enough and it becomes "habit" which will turn into a 'way of life' that they may or may Not survive.

In turn when reproduction is ready, these women have Not the Nutrient stores to provide for the Complete Health of their fetus, which only adds to the financial devastation and heartbreak that will affect the Generations and this Nation to come.

Eating Disorders come in an array of sizes and shapes, some unseen and some that You could Not mistake. All are Treatable AND Preventable with Nutrition being the #1 Key Factor.

The LIMU Brand products are designed with Your proper Health & Weight in mind.
Premier Fucoidan, Proteins and Carbs, Low Calorie, Tastes Great and I almost forgot to mention the cash You can make is all waiting for You to receive The Blessing of LIMU.

It's time we invest in Our Children's Future. They need Us to provide the Right tools for their Optimal Growth. isn't Their health 20+ years from now More Important than those cell phones, dvd, games & cds You are buying them now?

Think Smart.
Shop Wise.
Provide for Your Family Tree.

It starts with You.
It begins in Your Child.

I'm Barb Thornton and IAmLIMU ID 8536438 ~ here to help You Dare To Be....A Life Recovered with LIMU!

Stop by and shop awhile.
Decide which product fits Your Family.
Choose Autoship for Instant Savings and Free Membership for Cash Reward Rebates.
I'll meet You at the begining of Your journey 2BRecoverED and see You safely to the end, my Friend.

Blessings of Peace and Joy with Mercy and Grace to You!

We are

Wayne and Barbara A Thornton

and We Are Limu!

Member ID # 8536438

Toll Free: 866.478.4221

Direct: 931.628.4355

Fax: 866.479.4240

"Knowledge of the oceans is more than a matter of curiosity... our very survival may hinge on it." ~John F. Kennedy

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fully Recovered

"Congratulation! You have been working very hard to deal with your eating disorder and now you have fully recovered."

This is where I am after completing my latest testing. Whoo-Hoo! Yay Me!

That page has been extremely helpful to the final steps of my journey 2BRecoverED with LIMU. It is one thing to Physically recover from the devastating effects caused by severe malnutrition, ie: Anorexia, however to recover from the mental aspects of Eating Disorders is a whole new frontier.

I've been a member of the Smart-Eating page for some time now, learning through sound teaching, worksheets & homework, etc. how to better manage my Mental state as I invest in my Body's health with the LIMU Brand. I knew my physical Self was "healed" due to the #'s (weight gain, BMI, menses) but had no real way of determining my mental Self. Then I opened my mail today to find a note from Fong with a reminder for my next testing session. I had received the previous mail, but that "something" kept me from entering in to sit & do the test.

The testing itself was Very Easy, all but 1 multiple choice. The 1st time I tested it did take me s bit longer than this because I had to Delve to find the answers from within. This time around, they were right at the surface and I was able to breeze through the different sections with energy, enthusiam & strength. The anxiety & fear were gone from the 1st question answered.
I was pleasantly suprized to see my scores so high since the last testing. Some scoring 100 and every aspect of my physical & mental health had seen improvement.
It was nice to have an actual answer at the end of it. I hate not knowing.

Dare 2BRecoverED with LIMU! can help!

Put these 2 to the test Yourself for the next 6 months to a year.
What have You got to lose?

The website is Free with real people to help guide you along Your way.

LIMU Membership is Free with instant Savings and Cash Reward Rebates on Autoship.

I'm Barb Thornton and IAmLIMU because it's the Easiest, Cheapest way to get Natural, Liquid, Nutrients into my Family's daily diet.

I'm Member ID ~ Lady Limu 8536438
and I'm here to help You Live A Life Recovered with LIMU Brand products!

Blessings of His Mercy & Grace for Joy & Peace to You alway!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Labyrinth

What a whirlwind this past few weeks traveling to and fro across parts of this great land. I got to catch up with some old friends and meet new ones, our family grew thanks to the Bride & Groom. Now I am back home and after a few days of complete rest I find myself beginning to appear again.
My state is comfortable and the anxiety of the outside is beginning to ebb away. I have kept my weight steady & strong not dipping down below my set 115 so that's a good thing. My body is is on the right track, no need to to ever go back to the emaciated way I choose to stay for all those decades.
Now that I am in a stable place with myself, it is time to reflect and then grow from within. This is not an easy task given the miriad personalities that seem to reside within, each with an agenda for this body of mine to take. Integrate is the word and deed but for all to actually agree is what holds me back from being completely Me.

I am coming to realize & understand that My memories have not dissapeared, neither are they impaired by space & time; they are in the different facets of my mind. Being Anorexic has some degree of Dissociation Personality Disorder in order to continue on in that "other" self. Add this illness on top of physical, verbal & sexual abuse along with neglect since early age and no wonder why I cannot remember. I simply did Not experience those episodes. Someone else inside my Body (or System Parts) did.

This is why tracking down the Voice of AN inside the labyrinth of this mind has been so hard. For years I have somehow made it clear that each one of me is to be Seperate from the Self. Never sharing this body at the same time means also never sharing the mind. The AN has been systematically injecting itself into every person'ality' I have. So that 30 yrs later every one is deluted with the toxic Voice of this deadly reason.

Each time one of my persons gets a leg up on the fight 2BRecoverED, the voice starts attacking another & 'forcing' that personality to overcome the 1st for the position to "run" this body & mind. To fight effectively, I must be introduced to and know each one that resides within my mind.
And I though the Physical Healing of Anorexia was going to be a grueling one. It was, but I survived it and I will Survive this too. Maybe now that all my different system parts are starting to trust Me for nourishment called "food", wether it be LIMU or solids, soon each one will find the strength to open up their world to Mine.

Now that my sandwich has had a bit of time to digest as i came out and wrote some, it it time for a short rest to continue to let my body & mind heal.

Blessings of Peace & Joy with His Mercy & Grace to You alway!

I'm Barb Thornton and IAmLimu
Lady Limu Member ID# 8536438

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The End of The Road

The steps along this path, 2BRecoverED, are mine to take;
Either to move forward or stay knocked down for the AN’s sake.
Once i decided to choose a different way of Life
(Instead of listening to & following The Voice)
I really had no idea that choice of Mine -
Would cause so much strife.

In My body and in my head are feelings & thoughts
Of sheer dread and the anxiety rises into a crescendo.
As both know I will not give in and stop
Drinking My LIMU Brand, for it has all the nutrients I need;
To overcome all that I’ve done wrong since I
Let the AN in all those many years ago.

This path is a treacherous, miry and confusing one -
Just like all the others, I s’pose, that lead to the Land of RecoverED.
Full of deep pits of despair, fits of rage and, quite frankly,
Feelings of not even being here in the same realm
With body & mind complete.

What’s the difference, You might ask, of which path to take
– If they all lead to the same place?
Ah yes, but if You only knew
How much easier this one is with LIMU inside;
To fortify & strengthen the body & mind -
for the fight to bring The Self out.

A daunting & exhaustive task this Refeeding Syndrome with
All its quirky traits, forcing Me to wonder if I should continue.
But each day I start anew with a sip of that golden nectar
As i visualize my AN drowning in that sea of nutrients
And Me without a care.

My steps quickened along with my strength restored,
I soon Shall say good-bye to this old friend of Mine;
Of which I’ve trodden & have become bored.
It’s time to get on with My new living arrangements as I
Take up the Only residence next to my Lord
That Belongs in this vessel that has been given to Me.

May the God of Hope fill You with all Joy & Peace as You Trust in Him. *Romans 15:13

I'm Barbara A Thornton and IAmLIMU ~ Lady Limu
888.8My.LIMU ~ #8536438
(Sunday, August 22, 2010 17:58)

How Much is Your Child Worth?

According to a report just released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it now costs as much as $393,230 to raise a child to age eighteen. That's the standard amount for those in the upper income levels. For middle income earners, the figure drops to $204,060. But that doesn't include college and that is just for One child!
Using the middle income guideline, this equals $11,336.67 per year per child or about 1k a month. Some of these Families will get help with food or housing, and the rest are left to pay all expenses out of pocket. Due to the current economy, a lot of Families are left jobless with no health insurance and the food choices are lessened due to the high cost of Nutritious food choices vs the quick, ready made t.v. dinners & boxed meals.

With all of these factors, is it any wonder that the Next Generation are NOT expected to outlive their parents? How are today's Parents able to provide Financial & Health stability for their Families in these uncertain times? It seems the cards are stacked against us - especially if we lack the education needed to land that high paying j-o-b?

The answer Is LIMU.

We can agree that without a Healthy Body our prospects for making Dreams into Reality are few & far between.
Health IS the foundation for all wealth. If You get sick & cannot go to work, You simply do Not get paid for that day or weeks You are out.

Simply by choosing to Be Healthy with the LIMU Brand 1/2 the battle is already won. With continued daily use of these premier Fucoidan blend products You can say good-bye to the common cols & flu thanks to Your Immune System functioning Properly which keep You on the j-o-b to provide for Your Family.
Not happy with Your current carreer choice? That's great! LIMU provides Reward Rebates of cash when You share Your story of LIMU with others who are looking for Health Assurance and Financial Peace.

Let's carry this 1 step further.

Imagine giving Your Childen the Best Nutrients available on the market today and every day.

Could You stand to go a whole year and longer without their runny noses & coughing?
Could You stand having every night's sleep to be a full one without taking care of Your sick child?
Could You stand Not seeing those red puffy eyes that go along with the fevers?

Would you be willing to give Your child the Healthiest start for Their Future Life?
Would You be willing to invest In Your Child?
Would You be willing to change Your mind and Change Their Life?

Can You imagine Your Child Happy, Healthy and Safe from the germy kids they encounter at school?
Can You imagine irradicating childhood sickness from Your Family Tree?
Can You imagine all the money You Save simply by Choosing Health?

The Future of Our Communities & Country depends on how You invest Your Time & Money in Your Children. Just like Our Parents invested in the Future by ensuring Our Health & Prosperity by the Choices they made with the options they had, of course back then Our food supply still had the Nutrients in it.
Today is no different. Every Body Need Nutrients to survive and Thrive ~ We Can agree on that.
The LIMU Brand of products provide the Nutrient building blocks for a Prosperous Future.

Are You willing to give up that Starbucks coffee or McDonald's lunch every day to provide unsurpassed health to Your Family?
Are You willing to Be The Parent that Your Child needs?

At less than $160 a month (on Autoship) You CAN afford real Health Assurance. You Can have extra Positive cashflow by helping other Families in Your Community receive 'The Blessing' of LIMU.

It's not our pocketbooks but our perspective that makes us truly rich.

The real measure of our wealth is how much we should be worth if we lost our money. ~J. H. Jowett

How much is Your Child worth?

Blessings of Peace & Health with Mercy & Grace to You!

I'm Barbara A Thornton and I Am LIMU ~ Lady Limu #8536438
931.796.3688 ~ 888.8MY.LIMU (toll free)

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Power of Attitude

The nest of young eagles hung on every word as the Master Eagle described his exploits. This was an important day for the eaglets. They were preparing for their first solo flight from the nest. It was the confidence builder many of them needed to fulfill their destiny.

"How far can I travel?" asked one of the eaglets.
"How far can you see?" responded the Master Eagle.
"How high can I fly?" quizzed the young eaglet.
"How far can you stretch your wings?" asked the old eagle.
"How long can I fly?" the eaglet persisted.
"How far is the horizon?" the mentor rebounded.
"How much should I dream?" asked the eaglet.
"How much can you dream?" smiled the older, wiser eagle.
"How much can I achieve?" the young eagle continued.
"How much can you believe?" the old eagle challenged.

Frustrated by the banter, the young eagle demanded, "Why don't you answer my questions?"
"I did."
"Yes. But you answered them with questions."

"I answered them the best I could."
"But you're the Master Eagle. You're supposed to know everything. If you can't answer these questions, who can?"
"You." The old wise eagle reassured.
"Me? How?" the young eagle was confused.
"No one can tell you how high to fly or how much to dream. It's different for each eagle. Only God and you know how far you'll go. No one on this earth knows your potential or what's in your heart. You alone will answer that. The only thing that limits you is the edge of your imagination."

The young eagle puzzled by this asked, "What should I do?"

"Look to the horizon, spread your wings, and fly."