U.S. Senator Bob Corker - Tennessee Warns of Looming Debt Crisis
Says First Step in Tackling Should Be a Cap on Spending
In early August, Senator Corker began crisscrossing the state, visiting 26 counties to talk with Tennesseans about Washington’s unsustainable spending habits that are driving the country into dangerous levels of debt. Corker is working on legislation to cap spending at a sustainable level, force Congress to make tough choices and incentivize economic growth.
"There is absolutely no construct for fiscal discipline at the federal level. If we do not change the path we are on and dramatically reduce our level of spending in relation to our country's gross domestic product, I believe we are in danger of becoming the first generation of Americans to leave our country in worse shape than we found it," Corker said.
"We need to change the conversation, and I think that means focusing on the big picture first. Page one is agreeing on the amount of spending we can sustain as a country."
"I believe in American exceptionalism, and I believe we can solve this problem. Previous generations of Americans made sacrifices for the good of our country, so their children and grandchildren would have an even greater standard of living. It's time for us to do the same. That means living within our means. It means politicians no longer promising things to their constituents without paying for them, and it means constituents telling their elected officials they would rather sacrifice a little now than leave future generations with crippling debt."
A copy of Senator Corker’s presentation is attached below.
Did You know that in 1970 this piece of Our National spending pie was at 31% or $279 Billion?
In 2010 we are spending a whopping 56% or $2.03 Trillion on this Mandatory Spending of Our taxes.
Not looking at any other piece of spending This type IS UNsustainable not only Financially by mortality rates as well, leaving Our Country dependent on foreign entities to bridge the gap, simply because we do Not have the Healthy workers needed to increase the Gross Domestic Products needed to bring Us out of this mess.
Now is the time to Act. Not only by Voting in this upcoming election for Candidates that we feel would Best represent Our convictions on where and how Our Nation will recover from this increasing debt spending with No limit in sight. We must also Act in Our Own homes for Our Families - Not waiting around for the Politicians to Do Something For Us. We Must take charge of Our Own Family's Health Crisis 1st. Only then will we see this piece of pie go back down to Normal, Sustainable Limits.
I'm Barb Thornton and IAmLIMU for this reason. I was getting sick and tired (literally) while waiting on the Gov't to Recognize and Help Eating Disorders. By using the LIMU Brand for my Sole treatment option, I was able to not only survive my life and now thrive but by doing so I left the Gov't and it's spending out of my equation saving tens of thousands of dollars that would have been spent on Me alone.
In 1970 Our Nation's land based food supply still had plenty of Nutrients in it which would account for less Gov't spending on health procedure simply because This Nation as a whole was pretty healthy. Fast forward through the 40 years and we see a monumental increase in fast and frozen foods that supply Calories - Not Nutrients.
My Generation X has been bombarded with technology like no other before and Our Parents welcomed each new and improved device as they strove to give Us more than their Parents could give them. Now we are the Parents and with this conditioning we are more than willing to spend the Family's money on video games, music, movies and other forms of Entertainment so that Our Children will "Like" us - which Must mean that we are "good" Parents.
However what Our Children NEED more than all these gadgets is a Parent Willing to BE a Parent that ensures their Physical and Mental Health through Nutrition. This is the Only way to get this Nation out of it's Health and Fiscal demise.
Did You know that The LIMU Company is based right here in Florida, producing one of the Best Gross Domestic Products available that Can be used by Every age, gender, religious and political views, color, race and creed? These products are Not limited to the wealthy, educated or just the lucky few like say, cars and big screen tv's.
Did You know that TLC actively pumps tens of thousands of dollars into Our economy Every Day by giving Cash bonuses to You, the Consumer of their products as well as funding For Goodness Sake which is their Charitible organization that gives these funds to the most needy in Our nation?
Did You know that every product sold around the World brings this money back to the Unites States as well as into the country it is being sold?
It's time to Wake Up America and Not wait for someone else to do for Your Family what is Your Responsibility. Just by having Gov't run Insurance does NOT = Healthy. Health starts and ends at Home by the Choices We Make. No Gov't mandate will ever change this Fact.
Get Healthy.
Get America back on track and away from runaway Mandatory Spending.
We, the People, CAN do this!
We must Decide to change!
LIMU is clearly the Right Choice for Our Family and Nation's physical and financial health,
We Are AmeriCAN's who Can Do anything we set Our minds to.
My Family is doing it's part to alleviate this unsustainable spending of Our Nation's resources.
What is Your Family doing to help?
I'm Barb Thornton, I Am LIMU MemberID 8536438 and it's my pleasure to sponsor and help You!
Blessings of the Lord's Mercy and Grace to You alway!