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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Message for Annie

Good Morning!

Thank You for leaving a comment!

Welcome to the TLC (The Limu Company) Family!!

I am so happy to hear that this Blessing has reached You!

I am very optimistic about Your Health and Future. You have taken THE Most Important step to Your Recovery - stepping out on faith and ordering Your 1st case.
You are already on Your 2nd step - Drink Limu Everyday.

Yes, the recommended daily intake of Original Limu IS: 2 - 4 ounces everyday. Preferably 2oz in the morning and 2oz in the afternoon.

Remember One Thing - Original Limu is a Whole Food. Nothing bad and All Good for the body.
So, if i were to tell you to eat a tomato a day for the lycopene to fight cancer, that would Not mean that You can ONLY eat 1 tomato a day. Eat as many as You want.

Only YOU know Your Body better than anyone. Honest. Not the Dr.s or the pharmecutical companies - but You.

Drink as much Limu as You can Everyday.

My Uncle drank 12oz a day when he was 1st diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer.
He went through the chemo and radiation while "on the juice". When he tested cancer Free 6 months later, his Dr. was upset with him because he threw her whole study off with his recovery Thanks to Original Limu.

Heck, one time in my early stages of recovery from anorexia, i drank a whole bottle of Original Limu with NO Side-Effects all in 1 day. I was probably a month into my recovery with Limu when i drank the whole bottle that day.
I felt great! Very calm, for the 1st time in years. I had a different kind of energy. A good energy, productive - all without the jitters of caffein & sugar. I slept Great that night and was up and at 'em the next morning.

I figured that due to the Extreme severity of my illness, it would not hurt at all to jump start my system with NUTRITION. I knew my Uncle had been on 12oz a day for 6 months (now at 2-4oz daily because he is healthy as a horse) so i thought that i would take it a step further.

Like You, i went out on Faith that this juice could only Improve my health and Not hurt it in any way. I was proven right. Drink as much as You want. NO Side-Effects!

Annie, given the severity of Your particular illness and the fact that your illness is confined Inside your blood and cells, i personally would recomment at the Very Least - 15-20oz a day.
My Uncle's cancer was right where the Original Limu was passing ON TOP of the tumor. Stands to reason that is why his recovery was Very Quick. He was saturating the Inoperable, Invasive 3-4cm tumor with Original Limu's Fucoidan.
So, that is why i recommend more for You because, just like me, You NEED Your inside body saturated with Fucoidan to reverse the effects of the illness.
It took You how long to get Your illness? It took me 30 years to get my body in such a sad condition from my illness. I could not possibly expect to reverse the damage in just a few cases.
The jump start that i gave my body with that 1 bottle of Limu was just what my immune system needed.
Yes, You can drink just 4oz, but it would take the body Longer to recover.

Rest assured, You were not given wrong instructions from Your sponsor. You were not misunderstanding, You just did not have all the information.

This is Your Body and Your Life!
YOU decide what Your Body Needs.
Contine with your treatments.
Increase your dosage - if possible.
Recovery IS within Your reach now. It is just a matter of How Fast You Want to Recover.

Oh! Let me tell you that if funds are tight, suppliment your daily Limu with a Vitamin C tablet. I take 500mg sometimes on top of my juice.

Vitamin C is VERY good at fighting off illnesses of All kinds.
Did You know that Fucoidan has MORE Vitamin C than Florida's oranges?
Something to think about.

Also research for Yourself at Fucoidan. This is Very Helpful information from a scientific view. Look for your illness and Fucoidan. Chances are there is information for You!

I pray for Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You Annie!

Barbara A Thornton - Lady Limu

Come and sign my guestbook at and we can talk more.


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