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Friday, July 23, 2010

No Risk - No Blessing

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." ---T.S. Eliot

It is easy to daydream about possibilities, but it is out on the firing line that the, “Yeah, but what if ---“ comes into play. That is just human nature.
Regardless of that, You need to find a way to convince Yourself to take the risks that are inherent with any new endeavor.

Your logical mind wants to control You and give You all the reasons why something may not work, but it is Your spiritual, imaginative mind that is going to create the life You really want.

It is kind of like the baby osprey in its nest. It is a long way to the ground, but sooner or later it must find the courage to try out its wings. And then the miracle happens and a whole new world of freedom opens up to it.
The same thing will happen to You. Sure, it’s a long ways down, but You’ll never experience the real beauty of the sky if You don’t give it a try. You’ll be really glad You did.

If You never risk falling You'll never enjoy the blessings of soaring like an eagle, seeing & experiencing things that only a few get to experience in life.

                "You Cannot Possess What You Will Not Pursue"

Blessings of Peace & Health, Enlightenment & Prosperity to You!

Barbara A Thornton
LIMU Consultant
Lady Limu ID# 8536438
931.796.3688 - 931.628.4355

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